70 resultados para butene aromatization


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Freshwater wetland soils of the Everglades were studied in order to assess present environmental conditions and paleo-environmental changes using organic geochemistry techniques. Organic matter in dominant vegetation, peat and marl soils was characterized by geochemical means. Samples were selected along nutrient and hydrology gradients with the objective to determine the historical sources of organic matter as well as the extent of its preservation. Effective molecular proxies were developed to differentiate the relative input of organic matter from different biological sources to wetland soils. Thus historical vegetation shifts and hydroperiods were reconstructed using those proxies. The data show good correlations with historical water management practices starting at the turn of the century and during the mid 1900's. Overall, significant shortening of hydroperiods during this period was observed. The soil organic matter (SOM) preservation was assessed through elemental analysis and molecular characterizations of bulk 13C stable isotopes, solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) thermochemolysis-GC/MS. The relationship of the environmental conditions and degradation status of the soil organic matter (SOM) among the sites suggested that both high nutrient levels and long hydroperiod favor organic matter degradation in the soils. This is probably the result of an increase in the microbial activity in the soils which have higher nutrient levels, while longer hydroperiods may enhance physical/chemical degradation processes. The most significant transformations of biomass litter in this environment are controlled by very early physical/chemical processes and once the OM is incorporated into surface soils, the diagenetic change, even over extended periods of time is comparatively minimal, and SOM is relatively well preserved regardless of hydroperiod or nutrient levels. SOM accumulated in peat soils is more prone to continued degradation than the SOM in the marl soils. The latter is presumably stabilized early on through direct air exposure (oxidation) and thus, it is more refractory to further diagenetic transformations such as humification and aromatization reactions.


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The importance of pyrazole and isoquinoline-5,8-dione scaffolds in medical chemistry is underlined by the high number of drugs currently on trading that contains these active ingredients. Due to their cytotoxic capability, the interest of medicinal chemists in these heterocyclic rings has grown exponentially especially, for cancer therapy. In this project, the first synthesis of pyrazole-fused isoquinoline-5,8-diones has been developed. 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition followed by oxidative aromatization, established by our research group, has been employed. Screening of reaction conditions and characterization studies about the regioselectivity have been successfully performed. A remote control of regioselectivity, to achieve the two possible regioisomers has been accomplished. Through Molecular Docking studies, Structure-Activity relationship of differently substituted scaffolds containing our central core proved that a family of PI3K inhibitors have been discovered. Finally, in order to verify the promising antitumor activity, a first test of cell viability in vitro on T98G cell line of a solid brain tumor, the Glioblastoma Multiforme, showed cytotoxic inhibition comparable to currently trade anticancer drugs.


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The Kara Sea is an area uniquely suitable for studying processes in the river-sea system. This is a shallow sea, into which two great Siberian rivers, Yenisei and Ob, flow. From 1995 to 2003, the sea was studied by six international expeditions onboard the R/V Akademik Boris Petrov. This publication summarizes the results obtained, within the framework of this project, at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences. Various hydrogeochemical parameters, concentrations and isotopic composition of organic and carbonate carbon of the sediments, plankton, particulate organic matter, hydrocarbons, and dissolved CO2 were examined throughout the whole sea area at more than 200 sites. The d13C varies from -22 and -24 per mil where Atlantic waters enter the Kara Sea and in the north-eastern part of the water area to -27 per mil in the Yenisei and Ob estuaries. The value of d13C of the plankton is only weakly correlated with the d13C of the organic matter from the sediments and is lower by as much as 3-4 per mil. The paper presents the results obtained from a number of meridional river-sea profiles. It was determined from the relations between the isotopic compositions of plankton and particulate matter that the river waters carry material consisting of 70% detrital-humus matter and 30% planktonogenic material in the river part, and the material contained in the offshore waters consists of 30% terrigenous components, with the contribution of bioproducers amounting to 70%. The carbon isotopic composition of the plankton ranges from -29 to -35 per mil in the riverine part, from -28 to -27 per mil in the estuaries, and from -27.0 to -25 per mil in the marine part. The relative lightness of the carbon isotopic composition of plankton in Arctic waters is explained by the temperature effect, elevated CO2 concentrations, and long-distance CO2 supply to the sea with river waters. The data obtained on the isotopic composition of CO2 in the surface waters of the Kara Sea were used to map the distribution of d13C. The complex of hydrocarbon gases extracted from the waters included methane, C2-C5, and unsaturated C2=-C4= hydrocarbons, for which variations in the concentrations in the waters were studied along river-estuary-sea profiles. The geochemistry of hydrocarbon gases in surface fresh waters is characterized by comparable concentrations of methane (0.3-5 µl/l) and heavier hydrocarbons, including unsaturated ones. Microbiological methane with d13C from -105 to -90 per mil first occurs in the sediments at depths of 40-200 cm. The sediments practically everywhere display traces of methane oxidation in the form of a shift of the d13C of methane toward higher values and the occurrence of autogenic carbonate material, including ikaite, enriched in the light isotope. Ikaite (d13C from -25 to -60 per mil) was found and examined in several profiles. The redox conditions in the sediments varied from normal in the southern part of the sea to highly oxidized along the Novaya Zemlya Trough. Vertical sections through the sediments of the latter exemplify the complete suppression of the biochemical activity of microorganisms. Our data provide insight into the biogeochemistry of the Kara Sea and make it possible to specify the background values needed for ecological control during the future exploration operations and extraction of hydrocarbons in the Kara Sea.


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A series of core samples taken during Cruise 79 of Glomar Challenger, drilling offshore Morocco (Mazagan Plateau), is analyzed for their low-molecular-weight hydrocarbon contents. Fifty-four samples from DSDP Holes 544A, 545, 547A, and 547B, deep frozen on board immediately after recovery, are studied by a hydrogen-stripping/thermovaporization technique combined with capillary gas chromatography. Thirty-eight compounds in the C2-C8 molecular range, including saturated, olefinic, and aromatic hydrocarbons, are identified. Because of large differences in organic carbon contents, the total C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations vary from about 20 to 1500 ng/g dry sediment weight in the whole sample series. Organic-carbon normalized values are about 3.2 x 10**4 ng/g Corg for Lithologic Subunits IIIA and IIIB at Site 545 (Cenomanian to Aptian) and 1.0 x 10**5 ng/g Corg for Unit V at Site 547 (Cenomanian to Albian) reflecting the slightly more advanced maturity stage at the latter site. Values exceeding 10**5 ng/g Corg (Site 545) and 2 x 10**5 ng/g Corg (Site 547) are associated with samples that are very lean in organic carbon and are generally rich in carbonate. These samples are enriched by small amounts of gaseous hydrocarbons. A detailed study of individual hydrocarbon concentrations, plotted against depth, reveal additional indications for migration phenomena. At Site 547, for instance, the most mobile hydrocarbons studied (e.g., ethane) appear to migrate by diffusion or a related process from more than 700 m depth toward the surface.


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C2-C8 hydrocarbons (36 compounds identified) from 56 shipboard sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Leg 71, Site 511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic, were analyzed by a combined hydrogen stripping-thermovaporization method. Concentrations, which represent hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed to the mineral surfaces of the sediment, vary from 24 ng/g of dry weight sediment in Lithologic Unit 4 to 17,400 ng/g in Lithologic Unit 6 ("black shale" unit). Likewise, the organic carbon normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations range from 104 to 3.5 x 105 ng/g Corg. The latter value is more than one order of magnitude lower than expected for petroleum source beds in the main phase of oil generation. The low maturity at 600 meters depth is further supported by light hydrocarbon concentration ratios. The change of the kerogen type from Lithologic Unit 5 (Type III) to 6 (Type II) is evidenced by changes in the C6 and C7 hydrocarbon composition. Redistribution phenomena are observed close to the Tertiary-Cretaceous unconformity and at the contact between the "black shale" unit and the overlying Cretaceous chalks and claystones. Otherwise, the low molecular weight hydrocarbons in Hole 511 are formed in situ and remain at their place of formation. The core samples turned out to be contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures onboard Glomar Challenger.


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LOPES, Jose Soares Batista et al. Application of multivariable control using artificial neural networks in a debutanizer distillation column.In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - COBEM, 19, 5-9 nov. 2007, Brasilia. Anais... Brasilia, 2007


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LOPES, Jose Soares Batista et al. Application of multivariable control using artificial neural networks in a debutanizer distillation column.In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - COBEM, 19, 5-9 nov. 2007, Brasilia. Anais... Brasilia, 2007


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For an adequate choice or design of ionic liquids, the knowledge of their interaction with other solutes and solvents is an essential feature for predicting the reactivity and selectivity of systems involving these compounds. In this work, the activity coefficient of water in several imidazolium-based ionic liquids with the common cation 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium was measured at 298.2 K. To contribute to a deeper insight into the interaction between ionic liquids and water, COSMO-RS was used to predict the activity coefficient of water in the studied ionic liquids along with the excess enthalpies. The results showed good agreement between experimental and predicted activity coefficient of water in ionic liquids and that the interaction of water and ionic liquids was strongly influenced by the hydrogen bonding of the anion with water. Accordingly, the intensity of interaction of the anions with water can be ranked as the following: [CF3SO3](-) < [SCN](-) < [TFA](-) < Br(-) < [TOS](-) < Cl(-) < [CH3SO3](-) [DMP](-) < [Ac](-). In addition, fluorination and aromatization of anions are shown to reduce their interaction with water. The effect of temperature on the activity coefficient of water at infinite dilution was measured by inverse gas chromatography and predicted by COSMO-RS. Further analysis based on COSMO-RS provided information on the nature of hydrogen bonding between water and anion as well as the possibility of anion-water complex formation.


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Nickel-containing catalysts are developed to oligomerize light olefins. Two nickel-containing zincosilicates (Ni-CIT-6 and Ni-Zn-MCM-41) and two nickel-containing aluminosilicates (Ni-HiAl-BEA and Ni-USY) are synthesized as catalysts to oligomerize propylene into C3n (C6 and C9) products. All catalysts oligomerize propylene, with the zincosilicates demonstrating higher average selectivities to C3n products, likely due to the reduced acidity of the Zn heteroatom.

To test whether light alkanes can be incorporated into this oligomerization reaction, a supported homogeneous catalyst is combined with Ni-containing zincosilicates. The homogeneous catalyst is included to provide dehydrogenation/hydrogenation functions. When this tandem catalyst system is evaluated using a propylene/n-butane feed, no significant integration of alkanes are observed.

Ni-containing zincosilicates are reacted with 1-butene and an equimolar propylene/1-butene mixture to study other olefinic feeds. Further, other divalent metal cations such as Mn2+, Co2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ are exchanged onto CIT-6 samples to investigate stability and potential use for other reactions. Co-CIT-6 oligomerizes propylene, albeit less effectively than Ni-CIT-6. The other M-CIT-6 samples, while not able to oligomerize light olefins, may be useful for other reactions, such as deNOx.

Molecular sieves are synthesized, characterized, and used to catalyze the methanol-to-olefins (MTO) reaction. The Al concentration in SSZ-13 samples is varied to investigate the effect of Al number on MTO reactivity when compared to a SAPO-34 sample with only isolated Si Brønsted acid sites. These SSZ-13 samples display reduced transient selectivity behavior and extended reaction lifetimes as Si/Al increases; attributable to fewer paired Al sites. MTO reactivity for the higher Si/Al SSZ-13s resembles the SAPO-34 sample, suggesting that both catalysts owe their stable reaction behavior to isolated Brønsted acid sites.

Zeolites CHA and RHO are prepared without the use of organic structure-directing agents (OSDAs), dealuminated by steam treatments (500°C-800°C), and evaluated as catalysts for the MTO reaction. The effects of temperature and steam partial pressure during steaming are investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Ar physisorption show that steaming causes partial structural collapse of the zeolite, with degradation increasing with steaming temperature. 27Al MAS NMR spectra of steamed materials reveal the presence of tetrahedral, pentacoordinate, and hexacoordinate aluminum.

Proton forms of as-synthesized CHA (Si/Al=2.4) and RHO (Si/Al=2.8) rapidly deactivate under MTO testing conditions (400°C, atmospheric pressure). CHA samples steamed at 600°C performed best among samples tested, showing increased olefin selectivities and catalyst lifetime. Acid washing these steamed samples further improved activity. Reaction results for RHO were similar to CHA, with the RHO sample steamed at 800°C producing the highest light olefin selectivities. Catalyst lifetime and C2-C3 olefin selectivities increase with increasing reaction temperature for both CHA-type and RHO-type steamed samples.


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The representation of alkene degradation in version 3 of the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM v3) has been evaluated, using environmental chamber data on the photo-oxidation of ethene, propene, 1-butene and 1-hexene in the presence of NOx, from up to five chambers at the Statewide Air Pollution Research Center (SAPRC) at the University of California. As part of this evaluation, it was necessary to include a representation of the reactions of the alkenes with O(3P), which are significant under chamber conditions but generally insignificant under atmospheric conditions. The simulations for the ethene and propene systems, in particular, were found to be sensitive to the branching ratios assigned to molecular and free radical forming pathways of the O(3P) reactions, with the extent of radical formation required for proper fitting of the model to the chamber data being substantially lower than the reported consensus. With this constraint, the MCM v3 mechanisms for ethene and propene generally performed well. The sensitivity of the simulations to the parameters applied to a series of other radical sources and sink reactions (radical formation from the alkene ozonolysis reactions and product carbonyl photolysis; radical removal from the reaction of OH with NO2 and β-hydroxynitrate formation) were also considered, and the implications of these results are discussed. Evaluation of the MCM v3 1-butene and 1-hexene degradation mechanisms, using a more limited dataset from only one chamber, was found to be inconclusive. The results of sensitivity studies demonstrate that it is impossible to reconcile the simulated and observed formation of ozone in these systems for ranges of parameter values which can currently be justified on the basis of the literature. As a result of this work, gaps and uncertainties in the kinetic, mechanistic and chamber database are identified and discussed, in relation to both tropospheric chemistry and chemistry important under chamber conditions which may compromise the evaluation procedure, and recommendations are made for future experimental studies. Throughout the study, the performance of the MCM v3 chemistry was also simultaneously compared with that of the corresponding chemistry in the SAPRC-99 mechanism, which was developed and optimized in conjunction with the chamber datasets.