977 resultados para business game


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The growth of voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting reflects society's expectations for business to set higher ethical standards and to undertake business in a way that meets the profit imperative (the bottom line). Additionally, the community expects socially and environmentally responsible behaviour practices; the so-called triple bottom line approach. The paper briefly reviews the development of corporate social responsibility reporting from the perspective of two large Australian banks and attempts to understand their motivation for voluntary disclosure. Stakeholder theory and game theory provide a means to analyse why banks undertake CSR reporting. The paper compares Westpac and National Australia Bank's CSR reporting over the period 2004-2005 utilising external rating agencies and CSR reports to determine the extent of disclosure in relation to employees, environment, community and customers. The paper concludes with a discussion of the pros and cons of CSR, the role of regulation and recommendations for future policy direction.


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Promoting safety management is always the top priority in construction business. Fostering safety culture will be one of the most effective ways. This paper is a case study, based upon the “Geller’s 10 principles for achieving a total safety culture”, to review how a construction companyin Hong Kong effectively promoting safety culture and enjoying pleasant safety records. Zero harmis not a “zero sum game”, but it requires positive “top down” and “bottom up” actions from both employers and employees.


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This paper highlights the radical and rapid changes occurring at all levels of education that are having a profound impact on educational leadership, governance, business and administration. These far-reaching transformations include: competition from a rapidly expanding unregulated private sector; the international impact of de-regulation; the demise of union power secure education jobs, time-honoured hours and working conditions; constant, rapid education policy change and the proliferation of open access technologies which are rendering physical education campuses less relevant or obsolete. The paper suggests that at this stage in history we are witnessing game-changing forces that are fundamentally altering educational provision, the nature of education work, the education workforce, educational outcomes, educational leadership, governance and business. Most importantly, it argues that educational leaders and education business managers need to be ready for them and more instrumental in policy debates arising in their wake. The paper concludes with ideas for responsive action from education business leaders.


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Conformity affects the choice and design of organizations; conformists replicate successful strategies, play along with the rules of the game and display inert behavior. Conformity leads to the dominance of one mode. The combined impact of conformity and inertia, and the existence of employment costs, switching costs and network externalities, may exclude equally or superior efficient modes from replacing the incumbent mode (the first mover). Unable to overcome these barriers to entry, efficient maverick organizations are forced into niches. This is illustrated with respect to niches formed by labor-managed firms and ethnic businesses.


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Libraries are a central hub of information resources supporting college and university curricula. Several library strategies, cross-campus collaborations, and philosophical considerations of electronic and print offerings led to successful accreditations in business and engineering programs.


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This study explores educational technology and management education by analyzing fidelity in game-based management education interventions. A sample of 31 MBA students was selected to help answer the research question: To what extent do MBA students tend to recognize specific game-based academic experiences, in terms of fidelity, as relevant to their managerial performance? Two distinct game-based interventions (BG1 and BG2) with key differences in fidelity levels were explored: BG1 presented higher physical and functional fidelity levels and lower psychological fidelity levels. Hypotheses were tested with data from the participants, collected shortly after their experiences, related to the overall perceived quality of game-based interventions. The findings reveal a higher overall perception of quality towards BG1: (a) better for testing strategies, (b) offering better business and market models, (c) based on a pace that better stimulates learning, and (d) presenting a fidelity level that better supports real world performance. This study fosters the conclusion that MBA students tend to recognize, to a large extent, that specific game-based academic experiences are relevant and meaningful to their managerial development, mostly with heightened fidelity levels of adopted artifacts. Agents must be ready and motivated to explore the new, to try and err, and to learn collaboratively in order to perform.


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Due nuove mode che si stanno propagando sempre più tra gli innumerevoli tentativi di realizzare nuovi formati di pubblicità on-line sono la pubblicità che diventa videogame gratuito, giocabile on-line o scaricabile, chiamata advergame, e la collocazione di pubblicità, oramai nella stragrande maggioranza dinamiche, nei videogames sopratutto di grandi software house, chiamata in-game advertising. Infatti nella società odierna i pubblicitari devono camuffare i consigli per gli acquisti per fare in modo che non vengano rifiutati. L'advergame in passato è stato lodato per il suo metodo innovativo di fare pubblicità. La sua caratteristica è la capacità di divertire e intrattenere l'utente ottenendo una connotazione non intrusiva e un effetto fidelizzante, peculiarità che fa di questo mezzo uno strumento potenzialmente molto valido. Si tratta, in parole povere, di videogames spesso multiplayer, nei quali gli scenari, gli oggetti e i personaggi evocano determinati brand o prodotti. Per quello che invece riguarda l'in-game advertising, si tratta di una forma particolarmente efficace di pubblicità che permette di ottenere dei tassi di ricordo rilevanti e che consente un elevato coinvolgimento emotivo. E' a livello della creazione degli spazi pubblicitari che si scatena la fantasia degli sviluppatori: se nei giochi sportivi basta trasporre in 3D gli spazi pubblicitari presenti solitamente nella realtà, in altre tipologie di gioco è necessario sfruttare parti dell'ambientazione o creare degli intermezzi atti allo scopo. Esempio tipico è quello di manifesti pubblicitari inseriti in spazi di gioco come le locande, soprattutto nei giochi di ruolo e nelle avventure grafiche. Gli investimenti in queste particolari forme di comunicazione, crescono a tassi elevatissimi e il business è molto allettante, non a caso le principali agenzie specializzate in materia sono state acquisite da grandi colossi: AdScape Media da Google e Massive Inc. da Microsoft. L'advergame e l'in-game advertising possono essere usati per lanciare un nuovo prodotto sul mercato, per rafforzare l'immagine del brand e per ottenere un database di utenti disposti ad essere sollecitati per ottenere in modo facile e non dispendioso riscontri su future attività di marketing. Perciò mi sono proposto di analizzare la situazione odierna del marketing, in particolare la parte che riguarda la pubblicità, i vantaggi ottenuti da questa scienza dallo sviluppo tecnologico, fattore che ha determinato la nascita dei due formati pubblicitari in esame e analizzati in seguito. Inoltre effettuerò l'analisi del fenomeno che vede i grandi colossi dell'IT tentare l'inserimento come agenzie intermediarie fra le software house da una parte e le grandi multinazionali dall'altra, queste ultime alla ricerca di nuovi canali più profittevoli dove sponsorizzare le proprie attività. Cercherò infine di capire le scelte di tutti gli attori che girano attorno a questi formati pubblicitari e i benefici che ne traggono per ipotizzare quale sarà il contesto che si andrà a delineare.


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The use of digital games and gamification has demonstrable potential to improve many aspects of how businesses provide training to staff, operate, and communicate with consumers. However, a need still exists for the benefits and potential of adopting games and gamification be effectively communicated to decision-makers across sectors. This article provides a structured review of existing literature on the use of games in the business sector, seeking to consolidate findings to address research questions regarding their perception, proven efficacy, and identify key areas for future work. The findings consolidate evidence showing serious games can have a positive and valuable impact in multiple areas of a business, including training, decision-support, and consumer outreach. They also highlight the challenges and pitfalls of applying serious games and gamification principles within a business context, and discuss the implications of development and evaluation methodologies on the success of a game-based solution.


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Servitization concerns the process of manufacturers shifting from a focus on producing and selling tangible goods to service-based business models. Factors that drive adoption of servitization are financial, strategic (competitive advantage) and marketing. However, uptake is slow and active efforts are being made to transfer knowledge about servitization to the manufacturing sector. This paper presents early results from the first test of a serious computer game which has the goal of educating managers about what advanced services are and how they fit in supply chains. Results suggest the role-play scenario tested is appropriate for an audience of largely non-expert gamers, and that the approach has the potential to instruct users about the role of services in the supply chain.


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Purpose: Development and evaluation of a prototype dialogue game for servitization is reported. Design/methodology/approach: This paper reports the design of the iServe game, from user centered design, through implementation using the Unity games engine to evaluation, a process which took 270 researcher hours. Findings: No relationship was found between either age or gaming experience and usability. Participants who identified themselves as non-experts in servitization recognized the potential of the game to teach servitization concepts to other novice learners. Originality/value: The potential of business games for education and executive development has been recognized but factors, including high development cost, inhibit their uptake. Games engines offer a potential solution.