950 resultados para brown howler monkey
The most abundant natural enemies found in Cambodian rice field are spiders, mostly Araneus inustus and Pardosa pseudoannulata. These two hunting and wolf spider, respectively, are believed to actively contribute to brown planthopper (BPH) population control. However, how much each species attacks prey in Cambodian field condition is unknown. We conducted field experiments in Cambodia during the wet season at two locations, a famner's fields at Takeo and at CARDI, using both field cages and natural conditions. Cages were sprayed with insecticide to remove all pre-existing insects in the cages and then washed after 10 days to reduce insecticide residue. Results confirmed BPH inside the cage were killed by the insecticide. A known BPH population was reared inside the cages starting with 3 pairs of adults. Temporary cages were removed after counting second instar BPH and permanent cages were left in place. Spiders were released into the cages for 15 days. In permanent cages either two individual A. inustus or P. pseudoannulata were allowed to feed on BPH prey. Both spider species have the same killing ability in dense prey populations, but predation is higher for Pardosa at low prey density. In uncaged field environments (where more than just BPH prey are available) with a spider/BPH ratio 1:3 to 1:11 BPH mortality was 78–91%. Within 15 days in permanent cages spiders caused 100% BPH mortality at an average predator/prey ratio of 1:5 to 1:14. At a ratio of 1:18 or higher there was some BPH survival in cages.
I examined age effects on reproduction in the Brown Thornbill Acanthiza pusilla in Canberra, Australia. I found that the reproductive performance of both males and females improved with age, although only age-related improvement in male performance had a significant effect on annual reproductive success. Reproductive success improved with male age as a result of improved performance during two stages of the breeding cycle: first-year males were less likely to fledge young than those aged two or more, while both first and second-year males were less successful at raising fledglings to independence than males of three or more. Male performance appears to improve over three years as they gain experience at provisioning nestlings and caring for fledglings without attracting predators, rather than as a direct result of improved foraging skills. In contrast, reproductive success only improved slightly with female age, although females of two or more years initiated their first clutch earlier in the season than one-year-old females, and tended to be mure likely to re-nest if a breeding attempt failed. The poor performance of young females appears unlikely to be related to their foraging ability but may be associated with costs imposed by dispersing to a breeding vacancy earlier in the year. Although the reproductive performance of Brown Thornbills improves considerably with age 1 found no evidence that performance improved as a result of repeated breeding attempts with the same partner.
1. We describe patterns of post-fledging care, dispersal and recruitment in four cohorts of brown thornbills Acanthiza pusilla. We examine what factors influence post-fledging survival and determine how post-hedging care and the timing of dispersal influence the probability of recruitment in this small, pair breeding, Australian passerine. 2. Fledgling thornbills were dependent on their parents for approximately 6 weeks. Male fledglings were more likely than female fledglings to survive until independence. For both sexes, the probability of reaching independence increased as nestling weight increased and was higher for nestlings that fledged later in the season. 3. The timing of dispersal by juvenile thornbills was bimodal. Juveniles either dispersed by the end of the breeding season or remained on their natal territory into the autumn and winter. Juveniles that delayed dispersal were four times more likely to recruit into the local breeding population than juveniles that dispersed early. 4. Delayed dispersal was advantageous because individuals that remained on their natal territory suffered little mortality and tended to disperse only when a local vacancy was available. Consequently, the risk of mortality associated with obtaining a breeding vacancy using this dispersal strategy was low. 5. Males, the more philopatric sex, were far more likely than females to delay dispersal. Despite the apparent advantages of prolonged natal philopatry, however, only 54% of pairs that raised male fledglings to independence had sons that postponed dispersal, and most of these philopatric sons gained vacancies before their parents bred again. Consequently, few sons have the opportunity to help their parents. Constraints on delayed dispersal therefore appear to play a major role in the evolution of pair-breeding in the brown thornbill.
We used multilocus DNA fingerprinting to assess parentage in the brown thornbill, Acanthiza pusilla, a socially monogamous Australian passerine. Extra-pair paternity was uncommon (6.2% of 178 offspring; 11.9% of 67 broods) and there was no evidence of intra-specific brood parasitism. Extra-pair paternity was limited because pairs spent more time together when females were fertile and males were able to evict intruding males before they could approach the female. Males were responsible for the close proximity of partners during the fertile period. Mate guarding therefore appears to be a male tactic aimed at preventing female infidelity rather than a cooperative behaviour of the pair aimed at preventing extra-pair copulations and/or female harassment. Females did not attempt to escape male guarding and were rarely observed to solicit copulations from intruding males. Nevertheless, females paired to smaller and younger males were more likely to cuckold their mates than females paired to larger and older males. This suggests that females may be more likely to seek or accept extra-pair matings when paired to small, young males or that old, large males are better at preventing their mates from engaging in extra-pair copulations. We found that male age but not male size influences mate-guarding behaviour. Older males tended to respond more aggressively to intruders. We therefore speculate that the relationship between male size/age and extra-pair paternity in brown thornbills may arise because female thornbills prefer large males as mates but are unable to express this preference as easily when paired to older males.
We conducted a literature review to address the potential for using a native, vertebrate predator of brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) as a biological control method on Guam. Both actual and potential predators were included in our review. We located two actual predators (red-bellied black snakes (Pseudechis porphyriacus) and cane toads (Bufo marinus)) and 55 potential predators of brown tree snakes. However, none of the native predators of brown tree snakes appear likely candidates as a biological control method on Guam due to their lack of selectivity in their feeding habits and unknown aspects of their natural history. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We described the effects of haemogregarine-like parasites on the blood chemistry and health of brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) and slatey-grey snakes (Stegonotus cucullatus) to evaluate the potential for these parasites to be used as a form of biological wildlife control for introduced brown tree snakes on Guam. We quantified the level of parasitic infection and found no significant correlation between parasitic infection and blood chemistry (P-values ranged from 0.94 to 0.13) or snake condition (P = 0.65 and 0.40 in brown tree snakes and slatey-grey snakes, respectively). These findings indicate that haemogregarines may not be a good candidate to control brown tree snakes. However, parasitic infection in our specimens was low ( < 10%) and higher infection rates may yield significant effect on the health of these snakes. Further research should be conducted on the effects of haemogregarines to host species, the life histories of these parasites, and the potential negative effects to other fauna before blood parasites are employed as a viable biological control technique. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Recent studies have revealed striking differences in pyramidal cell structure among cortical regions involved in the processing of different functional modalities. For example, cells involved in visual processing show systematic variation, increasing in morphological complexity with rostral progression from V1 through extrastriate areas. Differences have also been identified between pyramidal cells in somatosensory, motor and prefrontal cortex, but the extent to which the pyramidal cell phenotype may vary between these functionally related cortical regions remains unknown. In the present study we investigated the structure of layer III pyramidal cells in somatosensory and motor areas 3b, 4, 5, 6 and 7b of the macaque monkey. Cells were intracellularly injected in fixed, flat-mounted cortical slices and analysed for morphometric parameters. The size of the basal dendritic arbours, the number of their branches and their spine density were found to vary systematically between areas. Namely, we found a trend for increasing complexity in dendritic arbour structure through areas 3b, 5 and 7b. A similar trend occurred through areas 4 and 6. The differences in arbour structure may determine the number of inputs received by neurons and may thus be an important factor in determining function at the cellular and systems level.
Intraerythrocytic bodies identified as haemogregarine gamonts were found in 29% of 97 brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) examined during a haematological survey of reptiles in Australasia during 1994-1998. The morphological characteristics of the parasites were consistent with those of Haemogregarina boigae Mackerras, 1961, although the gamonts were slightly larger and lacked red caps but contained distinctive polar grey capsules. Gamonts did not distend host cells but laterally displaced their nuclei. They were contained within parasitophorous vacuoles and possessed typical apicomplexan organelles, including a conoid, polar rings, rhoptries and micronemes. Schizonts producing up to 30 merozoites were detected in endothelial cells of the lungs of 11 snakes. The absence of erythrocytic schizogony suggests the parasites belong to the genus Hepatozoon. Electron microscopy also revealed the presence of curious encapsulated organisms in degenerating erythrocytes. These stages did not possess apical complex organelles and were surrounded by thick walls containing circumferential junctions and interposed strips reminiscent of oocyst sutures.
Recent studies have revealed regional variation in the density and distribution of inhibitory neurons in different cortical areas, which are thought to reflect area-specific specializations in cortical circuitry. However, there are as yet few standardized quantitative data regarding how the inhibitory circuitry in prefrontal cortex (PFC), which is thought to be involved in executive functions such as cognition, emotion and decision making, compares to that in other cortical areas. Here we used immunohistochemical techniques to determine the density and distribution of parvalbumin (PV)-, calbindin (CB)-, and calretinin (CR)-immunoreactive (ir) neurons and axon terminals in the dorsolateral and orbital PFC of the owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus), and compared them directly with data obtained using the same techniques in 11 different visual, somatosensory and motor areas. We found marked differences in the density of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir interneurons in several cortical areas. One hundred and twenty eight of all 234 possible between-area pairwise comparisons were significantly different. The density of specific subpopulations of these cells also varied among cortical areas, as did the density of axon terminals. Comparison of PFC with other cortical areas revealed that 40 of all 66 possible statistical comparisons of the density of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir cells were significantly different. We also found evidence for heterogeneity in the pattern of labeling of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir cells and axon terminals between the dorsolateral and orbital subdivisions of PFC. These data are likely to reflect basic differences in interneuron circuitry, which are likely to influence inhibitory function in the cortex. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Recent studies have revealed marked variation in pyramidal cell structure in the visual cortex of macaque and marmoset monkeys. In particular, there is a systematic increase in the size of, and number of spines in, the arbours of pyramidal cells with progression through occipitotemporal (OT) visual areas. In the present study we extend the basis for comparison by investigating pyramidal cell structure in visual areas of the nocturnal owl monkey. As in the diurnal macaque and marmoset monkeys, pyramidal cells became progressively larger and more spinous with anterior progression through OT visual areas. These data suggest that: 1. the trend for more complex pyramidal cells with anterior progression through OT visual areas is a fundamental organizational principle in primate cortex; 2. areal specialization of the pyramidal cell phenotype provides an anatomical substrate for the reconstruction of the visual scene in OT areas; 3. evolutionary specialization of different aspects of visual processing may determine the extent of interareal variation in the pyramidal cell phenotype in different species; and 4. pyramidal cell structure is not necessarily related to brain size. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of IBRO. All rights reserved.
Recent studies have revealed marked regional variation in pyramidal cell morphology in primate cortex. In particular, pyramidal cells in human and macaque prefrontal cortex (PFC) are considerably more spinous than those in other cortical regions. PFC pyramidal cells in the New World marmoset monkey, however, are less spinous than those in man and macaques. Taken together, these data suggest that the pyramidal cell has become more branched and more spinous during the evolution of PFC in only some primate lineages. This specialization may be of fundamental importance in determining the cognitive styles of the different species. However, these data are preliminary, with only one New World and two Old World species having been studied. Moreover, the marmoset data were obtained from different cases. In the present study we investigated PFC pyramidal cells in another New World monkey, the owl monkey, to extend the basis for comparison. As in the New World marmoset monkey, prefrontal pyramidal cells in owl monkeys have relatively few spines. These species differences appear to reflect variation in the extent to which PFC circuitry has become specialized during evolution. Highly complex pyramidal cells in PFC appear not to have been a feature of a common prosimian ancestor, but have evolved with the dramatic expansion of PFC in some anthropoid lineages.
The branching structure of neurones is thought to influence patterns of connectivity and how inputs are integrated within the arbor. Recent studies have revealed a remarkable degree of variation in the branching structure of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex of diurnal primates, suggesting regional specialization in neuronal function. Such specialization in pyramidal cell structure may be important for various aspects of visual function, such as object recognition and color processing. To better understand the functional role of regional variation in the pyramidal cell phenotype in visual processing, we determined the complexity of the dendritic branching pattern of pyramidal cells in visual cortex of the nocturnal New World owl monkey. We used the fractal dilation method to quantify the branching structure of pyramidal cells in the primary visual area (V1), the second visual area (V2) and the caudal and rostral subdivisions of inferotemporal cortex (ITc and ITr, respectively), which are often associated with color processing. We found that, as in diurnal monkeys, there was a trend for cells of increasing fractal dimension with progression through these cortical areas. The increasing complexity paralleled a trend for increasing symmetry. That we found a similar trend in both diurnal and nocturnal monkeys suggests that it was a feature of a common anthropoid ancestor.
ABSTRACT Pathogenic fungi cause skin darkening and peach quality depreciation in post harvest. Therefore, alternative techniques to chemical treatment are necessary in order to reduce risks to human health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the application of Trichoderma harzianum in association with different fungicides applied before harvest to 'Eldorado' peaches for brown rot control and other quality parameters during storage. The treatments consisted of five preharvest fungicide applications (control, captan, iprodione, iminoctadine and tebuconazole) associated with postharvest application of T. harzianum, after cold storage (with and without application), in three evaluation times (zero, two and four days at 20 °C), resulting in a 5x2x3 factorial design. The application of T. harzianum only brought benefits to the control of brown rot when combined with the fungicide captan, at zero day shelf life. After two days, there was a greater skin darkening in peaches treated with T. harzianum compared with peaches without the treatment, except for peaches treated with the fungicide iprodione and T. harzianum The application of T. harzianum during postharvest showed no benefits for the control of brown rot, however, the association with fungicides reduced the incidence of Rhizopus stolonifer during the shelf life.