925 resultados para brief alcohol intervention
Conventional interventions used to address the complex problems of substance abuse call for multifaceted approaches reflecting the diverse backgrounds of affected populations. In this paper the rural context is highlighted as an asset in contributing to sustainable recovery from alcohol problems. Against the background of comparing two international rural contexts and recognizing shared identities, a case is made for transfer of knowledge east to west. The success elements of a unique approach to intervention with problems associated with excessive drinking in rural areas of South India, based on the experiences of Community-Based Rehabilitation camps is described. Spanning two decades of systematic implementation, the camps utilize existing community resources for planning, execution, and follow-up of treatment while simultaneously creating greater awareness about alcohol abuse through community education. After a critical examination of prevailing treatment options for problem drinking in rural America, inter-country analysis reveals contextual similarities between rural America and rural South India based on community-orientation, cost-containment, and social capital formation with implications for rural social work intervention with alcohol problems in the United States.
Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a brief CBT intervention for anxiety with children diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (AS). A second interest was to evaluate whether more intensive parent involvement would increase the child's ability to manage anxiety outside of the clinic setting. Methods: Seventy-one children aged ten to twelve years were recruited to participate in the anxiety programme. All children were diagnosed with AS and the presence of anxiety symptoms was accepted on parent report via brief interview. Children were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: intervention for child only, intervention for child and parent, wait-list control. Results: The two intervention groups demonstrated significant decreases in parent-reported anxiety symptoms at follow-up and a significant increase in the child's ability to generate positive strategies in an anxiety-provoking situation. There were a number of significant differences between the two interventions to suggest parent involvement as beneficial. Conclusions: The sample of children with AS in this study presented with a profile of anxiety similar to a sample of clinically diagnosed anxious children. The intervention was endorsed by parents as a useful programme for children diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and exhibiting anxiety symptoms, and active parent involvement enhanced the usefulness of the programme. Limitations of the study and future research are discussed.
This thesis explores brief psychotherapy with children on placement at a specialist school setting, as part of an on-site, child psychotherapy outreach provision. The study sought to explore two research questions concerning the themes that could emerge in brief work with children and how these themes could be discussed in relation to the understanding formed by their mainstream school teachers. A qualitative research design was used to investigate these questions. The methods used to collect data were case studies, concerning the brief psychotherapy with 4 boys, aged 7 years, and and semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teachers. Thematic analysis was used to explore the data. The themes that were derived from the analysis were described in detail. The research found that brief work has considerable benefit for children and mainstream schools. Through the brief work intervention, the children all made significant progress in all areas of their lives a school. Contributions that the research makes to related fields, the implications that it has for policy and practice and recommendations for future research were all discussed.
RESUMO - O consumo de tabaco foi responsável por 100 milhões de mortes no século XX. Apesar dos grandes avanços alcançados no controlo deste problema a nível mundial, sob os auspícios da OMS, no contexto da Convenção-Quadro para o Controlo do Tabaco da OMS, se não forem adoptadas medidas consistentes e efectivas de saúde pública, a morbi-mortalidade que lhe está associada continuará a aumentar durante o presente século. A promoção da cessação tabágica constitui a estratégia populacional que permitirá obter ganhos em saúde a mais curto prazo. Embora a larga maioria dos fumadores faça, ao longo da vida, várias tentativas para parar de fumar sem apoio, apenas uma pequena minoria consegue manter-se abstinente a longo prazo. Os médicos de Medicina Geral e Familiar são, de entre todos os profissionais de saúde, os que podem intervir de modo mais consistente e efectivo neste âmbito e que melhores resultados obtêm na cessação tabágica dos pacientes fumadores, dado o vínculo terapêutico e a interacção frequente e continuada que com eles estabelecem ao longo do seu ciclo de vida. O aconselhamento breve, tendo por base a adopção de um estilo de comunicação motivacional centrado no paciente, adaptado aos estádios de mudança comportamental, tem-se revelado efectivo no apoio à mudança de comportamentos relacionados com a saúde e à resolução da ambivalência que caracteriza este processo. A revisão de literatura evidenciou o facto de os médicos nem sempre intervirem nas áreas preventivas e de promoção da saúde, em particular na área da cessação tabágica, com o investimento e a continuidade desejáveis. Por outro lado, muitos pacientes fumadores referem nunca ter sido aconselhados pelo seu médico a deixar de fumar.. Não são conhecidos estudos de âmbito nacional que permitam conhecer esta realidade, bem como os factores associados às melhores práticas de intervenção ou as barreiras sentidas pelos médicos de MGF à actuação nesta área. O presente trabalho teve como objectivos: (i) avaliar a hipótese de que os médicos que disseram adoptar o método clínico centrado no paciente teriam atitudes mais favoráveis relativamente à cessação tabágica e uma maior probabilidade de aconselhar os seus pacientes a parar de fumar; (ii) estudar a relação entre as atitudes, a percepção de auto-eficácia, a expectativa de efectividade e as práticas de aconselhamento sobre cessação tabágica, auto-referidas pelos médicos; (iii) Identificar as variáveis preditivas da adopção de intervenções breves de aconselhamento adaptadas ao estádio de mudança comportamental dos pacientes fumadores; (iv) identificar as barreiras e os incentivos à adopção de boas práticas de aconselhamento nesta área. A população de estudo foi constituída pelo total de médicos de medicina geral e familiar inscritos na Associação Portuguesa de Médicos de Clínica Geral, residentes em Portugal. Para recolha de informação, foi utilizado um questionário de resposta anónima, de autopreenchimento, aplicado por via postal a 2942 médicos, em duas séries de envio. O questionário integrou perguntas fechadas, semifechadas, escalas de tipo Likert e escalas de tipo visual analógico. Para avaliação da adopção do método clínico centrado no paciente, foi usada a Patient Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). O tratamento estatístico dos dados foi efectuado com o Programa PASW Statistics (ex-SPSS), versão 18. Foram utilizados: o índice de α de Cronbach, diversos testes não paramétricos e a análise de regressão logística binária. Foi obtida uma taxa de resposta de 22,4%. Foram analisadas 639 respostas (67,4% de mulheres e 32,6% de homens). Referiram ser fumadores 23% dos homens e 14% das mulheres. Foi identificada uma grande carência formativa em cessação tabágica, tendo apenas 4% dos médicos afirmado não necessitar de formação nesta área. Responderam necessitar de formação em entrevista motivacional 66%, em prevenção da recaída 59%, de treino numa consulta de apoio intensivo 55%, em intervenção breve 54% e em terapêutica farmacológica 55%. Cerca de 92% dos respondentes consideraram que o aconselhamento para a cessação tabágica é uma tarefa que faz parte das suas atribuições, mas apenas 76% concordaram totalmente com a realização de uma abordagem oportunística deste assunto em todos os contactos com os seus pacientes. Como prática mais frequente, perante um paciente em preparação para parar, 85% dos médicos disseram tomar a iniciativa de aconselhar, 79% avaliar a motivação, 67% avaliar o grau de dependência, 60% marcar o “dia D” e 50% propor terapêutica farmacológica. Apenas 21% assumiram realizar com frequência uma intervenção breve com pacientes em preparação (5 Ás); 13% uma intervenção motivacional com pacientes não motivados para mudar (5 Rs) e 20% uma intervenção segundo os princípios da entrevista motivacional, relativamente a pacientes ambivalentes em relação à mudança. A análise multivariada de regressão logística permitiu concluir que as variáveis com maior influência na decisão de aconselhar os pacientes sobre cessação tabágica foram a percepção de auto-eficácia, o nível de atitudes negativas, a adopção habitual do Programa-tipo de cessação tabágica da DGS, a posse de formação específica nesta área e a não identificação de barreiras ao aconselhamento, em particular organizacionais ou ligadas ao processo de comunicação na consulta. Embora se tenha confirmado a existência de associação entre a adopção do método clínico centrado no paciente e as atitudes face à cessação tabágica, não foi possível confirmar plenamente a associação entre a adopção deste método e as práticas autoreferidas de aconselhamento. Os médicos que manifestaram um nível baixo ou moderado de atitudes negativas, uma percepção elevada de auto-eficácia, que nunca fumaram, que referiram adoptar o Programa-tipo de cessação tabágica e que não identificaram barreiras organizacionais apresentaram uma maior probabilidade de realizar uma intervenção breve (“5 Ás”) de aconselhamento de pacientes fumadores em preparação para parar de fumar. Nunca ter fumado apresentou-se associado a uma probabilidade de realizar uma intervenção breve (“5 Ás”) com frequência, superior à verificada entre os médicos que referiram ser fumadores (Odds-ratio ajustado = 2,6; IC a 95%: 1,1; 5,7). Os médicos com o nível de auto-eficácia no aconselhamento mais elevado apresentaram uma probabilidade superior à encontrada entre os médicos com o menor nível de auto-eficácia de realizar com frequência uma intervenção breve de aconselhamento, integrando as cinco vertentes dos “5 Ás” (Odds ratio ajustado = 2,6; IC a 95%: 1,3; 5,3); de realizar uma intervenção motivacional breve com fumadores renitentes a parar de fumar (Odds ratio ajustado = 3,1; IC a 95%: 1,4; 6,5) ou de realizar com frequência uma intervenção motivacional com pacientes em estádio de ambivalência (Odds ratio = 8,8; IC a 95%: 3,8; 19,9). A falta de tempo, a falta de formação específica e a falta de equipa de apoio foram as barreiras ao aconselhamento mais citadas. Como factores facilitadores de um maior investimento nesta área, cerca de 60% dos médicos referiram a realização de um estágio prático de formação; 57% a possibilidade de dispor do apoio de outros profissionais; cerca de metade a melhoria da sua formação teórica. Cerca de 25% dos médicos investiria mais em cessação tabágica se dispusesse de um incentivo financeiro e 20% se os pacientes demonstrassem maior interesse em discutir o assunto ou existisse uma maior valorização desta área por parte dos colegas e dos órgãos de gestão. As limitações de representatividade da amostra, decorrentes da taxa de resposta obtida, impõem reservas à possibilidade de extrapolação destes resultados para a população de estudo, sendo de admitir que os respondentes possam corresponder aos médicos mais interessados por este tema e que optam por não fumar. Outra importante limitação advém do facto de não ter sido estudada a vertente relativa aos pacientes, no que se refere às suas atitudes, percepções e expectativas quanto à actuação do médico neste campo. Pesem embora estas limitações, os resultados obtidos revelaram uma grande perda de oportunidades de prevenção da doença e de promoção da saúde. Parece ter ficado demonstrada a importante influência que as atitudes, em especial as negativas, e as percepções, em particular a percepção de auto-eficácia, podem exercer sobre as práticas de aconselhamento auto-referidas. Todavia, será necessário aprofundar os resultados agora encontrados com estudos de natureza qualitativa, que permitam compreender melhor, por um lado, as percepções, expectativas e necessidades dos pacientes, por outro, as estratégias de comunicação que deverão ser adoptadas pelo médico, atendendo à complexidade do problema e ao tempo disponível na consulta, tendo em vista aumentar a literacia dos pacientes para uma melhor autogestão da sua saúde. Parece ter ficado igualmente patente a grande carência formativa neste domínio. A adopção do modelo biomédico como paradigma da formação médica pré e pós-graduada, proposto, há precisamente cem anos, por Flexner, tem contribuído para a desvalorização das componentes psicoemocionais e sociais dos fenómenos de saúde e de doença, assim como para criar clivagens entre cuidados curativos e preventivos e entre medicina geral e familiar e saúde pública. Porém, o actual padrão de saúde/doença próprio das sociedades desenvolvidas, caracterizado por “pandemias” de doenças crónicas e incapacitantes, determinadas por factores de natureza sociocultural e comportamental, irá obrigar certamente à revisão daquele paradigma e à necessidade de se (re)adoptarem os grandes princípios Hipocráticos de compreensão dos processos de saúde/doença e do papel da medicina.
This study examines how patients' relationship patterns are reenacted with the therapist during the first sessions of psychotherapy. Forty (N = 40) outpatients treated with a Brief Psychodynamic Intervention were included in the study. Their narratives of relationship episodes with significant others (e.g., mother, father, romantic partner, colleagues) were compared with relationship episodes with their therapist using the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme method. The Core Conflictual Relationship Theme focuses on 3 aspects of patients' relationship narratives: what the patient wants from others or from self; how others react to his/her wish; and how the patient consequently reacts. Results showed that 60% of patients display similar relationship patterns with their therapist and with significant others. The patterns that were reenacted with the therapist were not the most pervasive ones but were similar to those found in relationship episodes involving parents or romantic partners. These findings provide some support for the clinical concept of repetition of internalized relational patterns with the therapist very early in psychotherapy. Clinical implications are discussed.
From practice to research in a couple and family therapy consultation - This article presents a study that took place at a Couples and Family outpatient clinic. Multiple levels are involved in couples and family therapy. The definition of relevant variables allowing the evaluation of a systemic therapeutic intervention's efficiency is thus particularly difficult. The aim of our study is to assess the short- and medium-term evolution on four different levels: (1) individual symptomatology; (2) conjugal satisfaction; (3) parental and co-parental relationship quality, and (4) global family functioning for a brief systemic intervention (BSI). BSI consists in a therapeutic treatment of a maximum of six sessions. The different levels are assessed by validated self-reported questionnaires before and after BSI as well as at a three-month follow-up. The therapeutic alliance is also measured by a self-reported questionnaire (WAI) after each session. The results of a pilot sample of N = 10 couples and families showed the efficiency of BSI on most of the variables measured and a greater therapeutic change for women than for men. No therapeutic effect was observed for men's individual symptomatology or for global family functioning. These results suggest that BSI has a different impact on the four levels measured. The importance of the therapeutic alliance on the therapeutic success is also confirmed.
Background and Objectives Low self-esteem (LSE) is associated with psychiatric disorder, and is distressing and debilitating in its own right. Hence, it is frequent target for treatment in cognitive behavioural interventions, yet it has rarely been the primary focus for intervention. This paper reports on a preliminary randomized controlled trial of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for LSE using Fennell’s (1997) cognitive conceptualisation and transdiagnostic treatment approach ( [Fennell, 1997] and [Fennell, 1999]). Methods Twenty-two participants were randomly allocated to either immediate treatment (IT) (n = 11) or to a waitlist condition (WL) (n = 11). Treatment consisted of 10 sessions of individual CBT accompanied by workbooks. Participants allocated to the WL condition received the CBT intervention once the waitlist period was completed and all participants were followed up 11 weeks after completing CBT. Results The IT group showed significantly better functioning than the WL group on measures of LSE, overall functioning and depression and had fewer psychiatric diagnoses at the end of treatment. The WL group showed the same pattern of response to CBT as the group who had received CBT immediately. All treatment gains were maintained at follow-up assessment. Limitations The sample size is small and consists mainly of women with a high level of educational attainment and the follow-up period was relatively short. Conclusions These preliminary findings suggest that a focused, brief CBT intervention can be effective in treating LSE and associated symptoms and diagnoses in a clinically representative group of individuals with a range of different and co-morbid disorders.
This chapter reports on the implementation of a brief psychological intervention for the treatment of fears in childhood.
Abstract Background: Depression is highly prevalent within individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, and is associated with an increased risk of suicide. There are no current evidence based treatments for low mood within this group. The specific targeting of co-morbid conditions within complex mental health problems lends itself to the development of short-term structured interventions which are relatively easy to disseminate within health services. A brief cognitive intervention based on a competitive memory theory of depression, is being evaluated in terms of its effectiveness in reducing depression within this group. Methods/Design: This is a single blind, intention-to-treat, multi-site, randomized controlled trial comparing Positive Memory Training plus Treatment as Usual with Treatment as Usual alone. Participants will be recruited from two NHS Trusts in Southern England. In order to be eligible, participants must have a DSM-V diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizo-affective disorder and exhibit at least a mild level of depression. Following baseline assessment eligible participants will be randomly allocated to either the Positive Memory Training plus Treatment as Usual group or the Treatment as Usual group. Outcome will be assessed at the end of treatment (3-months) and at 6-month and 9-month post randomization by assessors blind to group allocation. The primary outcome will be levels of depression and secondary outcomes will be severity of psychotic symptoms and cost-effectiveness. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with all participants who are allocated to the treatment group so as to explore the acceptability of the intervention. Discussion: Cognitive behaviour therapy is recommended for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. However, the number of sessions and length of training required to deliver this intervention has caused a limit in availability. The current trial will evaluate a short-term structured protocol which targets a co-morbid condition often considered of primary importance by service users. If successful the intervention will be an important addition to current initiatives aimed at increasing access to psychological therapies for people diagnosed with severe mental health problems. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials. ISRCTN99485756. Registered 13 March 2014.
Background: Attempted suicide is a strong risk factor for subsequent suicidal behaviors. Innovative strategies to deal with people who have attempted suicide are needed, particularly in resource-poor settings. Aims: To evaluate a brief educational intervention and periodic follow-up contacts (BIC) for suicide attempters in five culturally different sites (Campinas, Brazil; Chennai, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Karaj, Islamic Republic of Iran; and Yuncheng, People's Republic of China) as part of the WHO Multisite Intervention Study on Suicidal Behaviors (SUPRE-MISS). Methods: Among the 1,867 suicide attempters enrolled in the emergency departments of the participating sites, 922 (49.4%) were randomly assigned to a brief intervention and contact (BIC) group and 945 (50.6%) to a treatment as usual (TAU) group. Repeated suicide attempts over the 18 months following the index attempt - the secondary outcome measure presented in this paper - were identified by follow-up calls or visits. Subsequent completed suicide - the primary outcome measure has been reported in a previous paper. Results: Overall, the proportion of subjects with repeated suicide attempts was similar in the BIC and TAU groups (7.6% vs. 7.5%, chi(2) = 0.013; p = .909), but there were differences in rates across the five sites. Conclusions: This study from five low-and middle-income countries does not confirm the effectiveness of brief educational intervention and follow-up contacts for suicide attempters in reducing subsequent repetition of suicide attempts up to 18 months after discharge from emergency departments.
Children with nonorganic voice disorders (NVDs) are treated mainly using direct voice therapy techniques such as the accent method or glottal attack changes and indirect methods such as vocal hygiene and voice education. However, both approaches tackle only the symptoms and not etiological factors in the family dynamics and therefore often enjoy little success. The aim of the "Bernese Brief Dynamic Intervention" (BBDI) for children with NVD was to extend the effectiveness of pediatric voice therapies with a psychosomatic concept combining short-term play therapy with the child and family dynamic counseling of the parents. This study compares the therapeutic changes in three groups where different procedures were used, before intervention and 1 year afterward: counseling of parents (one to two consultations; n = 24), Brief Dynamic Intervention on the lines of the BBDI (three to five play therapy sessions with the child plus two to four sessions with the parents; n = 20), and traditional voice therapy (n = 22). A Voice Questionnaire for Parents developed by us with 59 questions to be answered on a four-point Likert scale was used to measure the change. According to the parents' assessment, a significant improvement in voice quality was achieved in all three methods. Counseling of parents (A) appears to have led parents to give their child more latitude, for example, they stopped nagging the child or demanding that he/she should behave strictly by the rules. After BBDI (B), the mothers were more responsive to their children's wishes and the children were more relaxed and their speech became livelier. At home, they called out to them less often at a distance, which probably improved parent-child dialog. Traditional voice therapy (C) seems to have had a positive effect on the children's social competence. BBDI seems to have the deepest, widest, and therefore probably the most enduring therapeutic effect on children with NVD.
Oncological patients are submitted to invasive exams in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis; these procedures may cause maladaptative reactions (fear, anxiety and pain). Particularly in breast cancer, the most common diagnose technique is the incisional biopsy. Most of the patients are unaware about the procedure and for that reason they may focus their thoughts on possible events such as pain, bleeding, the anesthesia, or the later surgical wound care. Anxiety and pain may provoke physiological, behavioral and emotional complications, and because of this reason, the Behavioral Medicine trained psychologist takes an active role before and after the biopsy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a cognitive-behavioral program to reduce anxiety in women submitted to incisional biopsy for the first time. There were 10 participants from the Hospital Juárez de México, Oncology service; all of them were treated as external patients. The intervention program focused in psycho-education and passive relaxation training using videos, tape-recorded instructions and pamphlets. Anxiety measures were performed using the IDARE-State inventory, and a visual-analogue scale of anxiety (EEF-A), and the measurement of blood pressure and heart rate). Data were analyzed both intrasubject and intersubject using the Wilcoxon test (p≤0.05). The results show a reduction in anxiety (as in punctuation as in ranges) besides, a reduction in the EEF-A.
Considerando a importância que a educação sobre a asma deve assumir no plano de gestão familiar da doença, e a falta de programas deste tipo em Portugal, construímos uma intervenção psicoeducativa breve para pais de crianças com asma entre os 7 e os 13 anos, visando a aquisição de atitudes mais positivas na gestão da doença. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a aceitação, eficácia e a satisfação relativa ao programa intervenção. Completaram a intervenção 10 mães, tendo participado nas 3 sessões de grupo e nos 3 momentos de avaliação (linha de base, final da intervenção e follow-up a 9 meses). Para além da recolha de informação sociodemográfica e clínica, aplicaram-se dois questionários, um de conhecimentos sobre a asma e outro de qualidade de vida da criança (DISABKIDS-37, versões pais e criança). Utilizou-se também uma entrevista sobre a gestão da asma pela família (FAMSS) na avaliação inicial e no follow-up. Os resultados evidenciaram uma melhoria moderada no conhecimento dos pais e nas práticas de gestão da asma, confirmando a utilidade de incluir a intervenção psicoeducativa nos cuidados às crianças com asma.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of the present review was to evaluate the evidence of the effectiveness of brief interventions aimed at reducing chronic alcohol use and harm related to alcohol consumption, conducted among individuals actively attending primary care but who were not seeking help for alcohol problems. METHODS: Randomised trials reporting at-least one outcome related to alcohol consumption and conducted in outpatients who were actively attending primary care centre or provider were selected using Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, ISI Web of Science, ETOH database, and bibliographies of the retrieved references and previous reviews. Selection and data abstraction were performed independently and in duplicate. We assessed validity of the studies and performed a meta-analysis for studies reporting alcohol consumption at 6 or 12 months follow up. RESULTS: We included 24 reports, reporting results of 19 trials and including 5,639 individuals. Seventeen trials reported a measure of alcohol consumption, eight reporting a significant effect of intervention. The meta-analysis showed a mean pooled difference of -41 (95% CI: −54; −28) g of pure ethanol per week in favour of brief intervention group. Evidences for other outcomes (laboratory values, health related quality of life, morbidity and mortality, health care utilisation) were inconclusive. CONCLUSION: Our systematic review indicated that brief intervention might be effective for both men and women in reducing alcohol consumption compared to a controlled intervention, in a primary health care population. The meta-analysis confirmed the reduction in alcohol consumption at 6 and 12 month. Further research should precise the components of effectiveness of brief intervention and the evidence of effects on morbidity, mortality, and quality of life related outcomes.