809 resultados para breeding season


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Terns and skimmers nesting on saltmarsh islands often suffer large nest losses due to tidal and storm flooding. Nests located near the center of an island and on wrack (mats of dead vegetation, mostly eelgrass Zostera) are less susceptible to flooding than those near the edge of an island and those on bare soil or in saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora). In the 1980’s Burger and Gochfeld constructed artificial eelgrass mats on saltmarsh islands in Ocean County, New Jersey. These mats were used as nesting substrate by common terns (Sterna hirundo) and black skimmers (Rynchops niger). Every year since 2002 I have transported eelgrass to one of their original sites to make artificial mats. This site, Pettit Island, typically supports between 125 and 200 pairs of common terns. There has often been very little natural wrack present on the island at the start of the breeding season, and in most years natural wrack has been most common along the edges of the island. The terns readily used the artificial mats for nesting substrate. Because I placed artificial mats in the center of the island, the terns have often avoided the large nest losses incurred by terns nesting in peripheral locations. However, during particularly severe flooding events even centrally located nests on mats are vulnerable. Construction of eelgrass mats represents an easy habitat manipulation that can improve the nesting success of marsh-nesting seabirds.


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To understand harbor seal social and mating strategies, I examined site fidelity, seasonal abundance and distribution, herd integrity, and underwater behavior of individual harbor seals in southern Monterey Bay. Individual harbor seals (n = 444) were identified by natural markings and represented greater than 80% of an estimated 520 seals within this community. Year to year fidelity of individual harbor seals to southern Monterey Bay coastline was 84% (n = 388), and long-term associations (>2 yrs) among individuals were common (>40%). Consistent with these long-term associations, harbor seals were highly social underwater throughout the year. Underwater social behavior included three primary types: (1) visual and acoustic displays, such as vocalizing, surface splashing, and bubble-blowing; (2) playful or agonistic social behavior such as rolling, mounting, attending, and biting; and (3) signal gestures such as head-thrusting, fore-flipper scratch~ng, and growling. Frequency of these types of behavior was related to seal age, gender, season, and resource availability. Underwater behavior had a variety of functions, including promotion of learning and social development, reduction of aggression and preservation of social bonds by maintaining social hierarchy, and facilitation of mate selection during breeding season. Social behavior among adult males was significantly correlated with vocalization characteristics (r = 0.99, X2 = 37.7, p = 0.00087), indicating that seals may assess their competition based on underwater vocalization displays and adopt individual strategies for attracting females during breeding season based on social status. Individual mating strategies may include defending underwater territories, using scramble tactics, and developing social alliances. (PDF contains 105 pages)


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Changes in the seasonal development of the gonads of female Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, in Ebrié lagoon (Côte d'Ivoire) are described over an annual reproductive cycle. Seven macroscopic stages of gonad maturity were identified. There is a major spawning period from July to November. The mature fish spawn only once during the breeding season. There was a slightly higher correlation between fecundity and fish length than between fecundity and fish weight or gonad weight. Fecundity estimates ranged from 5438 to 36257 eggs and from 4878 to 87724 eggs, respectively for the fish in captivity and those in the natural environment.


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We described the diet of the eastern stock of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) from 1416 scat samples collected from five sites in Oregon and northern California from 1986 through 2007. A total of 47 prey types from 30 families were identified. The most common prey was Pacific hake (Merluccius productus), followed by salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.), skates (Rajidae), Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata), herrings (Clupeidae), rockfish (Sebastes spp.), and northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax). Steller sea lion diet composition varied seasonally, annually, and spatially. Hake and salmonids were the most commonly identified prey in scats collected during the summer (breeding season), whereas hake and skate were most common in the nonbreeding season. Continued research on Steller sea lion diet and foraging behavior in the southern extent of their range is necessary to address issues such as climate change, interaction with competing California sea lions, and predation impacts on valuable or sensitive fish stocks.


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We analyzed published and archived records for the past 250 years to assess changes in distribution and abundance of Steller sea lions, Eumetopias jubatus, along the Asian coast from the Bering Strait to the Korean Peninsula. We found that the northern extent of Steller sea lion distribution has not changed but that the southern limit has moved north by some 500–900 km (~300–500 n.mi.) over the past 50 years. Additionally, the number of animals and their distribution has changed on the Commander Islands, Kuril Islands, and Kamchatka Peninsula. We found no changes in the number of rookeries in the northern Sea of Okhotsk, but a new rookery was established at Tuleny Island on the eastern coast of Sakhalin Island. We estimate that the total abundance of Steller sea lions along the Asian coast in the late 19th century was about 115,000 animals; during the 1960’s, the total estimate was about 27,000 (including pups), most of which were in the Kuril Islands. The fewest number of Steller sea lions occurred in the northwestern Pacific in the late 1980’s–early 1990’s when only about 13,000 individuals (including pups) were estimated in the entire region. During the 1990’s, and especially in early 2000, an increasing trend in abundance occurred in most areas. Present estimated abundance of Steller sea lions in Asia is about 16,000 individuals (including about 5,000 pups), about half of which occur in the Kuril Islands. Changes in abundance occurred during all time periods but varied by site and period. Specifically, over the past 150 years Steller sea lion abundance at most sites has changed. There were no rookeries on the Commander Islands between 1850 and 1960 and abundance was low, but by 1977, abundance increased to 4,800 individuals and a rookery was established in the mid 1980’s; abundance there has declined since the early 1980’s and in 2004 only 895 individuals (including 221 pups) were counted during the breeding season. Between 1940 and 2004, abundance along the eastern coast of Kamchatka declined from ~7,000 to ~600 individuals, an overall reduction of 90%. Steller sea lion abundance on the Kuril Islands declined by >90% from the 1800’s to 2005; the most severe decline there occurred during 1969–1981. Steller sea lion numbers in the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk declined during 1930–2002 from 7,200 to 3,100 individuals. Numbers at Tuleny Island have increased since establishment of a rookery there during 1983–2005 and by immigration from other sites.


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A distribuição espacial dos indivíduos é decorrente da presença e ausência de microhábitats adequados, sendo aqueles que se estabelecem nas melhores manchas favorecidos pela seleção natural. A aquisição de um território permite a manutenção do indivíduo e o sucesso reprodutivo. A reprodução é considerada de alto custo energético, pois há deslocamento dos recursos para a manutenção de uma prole em vez de serem incorporados no crescimento individual. Investir em uma prole não significa alcançar o sucesso reprodutivo. O sucesso reprodutivo pode ser afetado, por exemplo, por eventos de predação, disponibilidade de alimento e cuidado parental. Este último pode ser realizado por ambos os membros do par reprodutor ou por apenas um deles. A deserção do cuidado parental por um dos sexos pode ser uma resposta à cópulas extra-par. Formicivora littoralis tem distribuição muito restrita. É a única espécie de ave considerada endêmica de restinga e se encontra ameaçada de extinção, embora seja localmente abundante. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: 1) estimar os tamanhos de territórios e compara-los entre estação reprodutiva e não reprodutiva; 2) testar a influência do tamanho dos indivíduos e quantidade de vizinhos no tamanho do território; 3) descrever ninhos, ovos, filhotes e determinar o sucesso reprodutivo; 4) quantificar o cuidado parental; 5) desenvolver marcadores moleculares de microssatélites para determinar paternidade. Para os indivíduos capturados e marcados individualmente, foram obtidas amostras de sangue e medidas morfométricas (tarso, asa, cauda, comprimento total), além do peso. Os tamanhos dos territórios foram estimados pelo método do mínimo polígono convexo (unindo pontos onde machos foram registrados vocalizando). A densidade foi estimada com base no tamanho dos territórios. Aspectos da reprodução foram acessados por meio de busca mensal por ninhos e acompanhamento destes por dois dias consecutivos. Foram obtidas as taxas de predação e a quantificação do cuidado parental. Para a paternidade foram utilizados sete marcadores de microssatélites, desenvolvidos para este fim. Formicivora littoralis possui território pequeno (0,008 a 0,32ha), que varia de acordo com a estação (menor na estação reprodutiva). O tamanho do território não foi relacionado com o tamanho do indivíduo, mas apresentou resultado significativo quando comparado com a quantidade de territórios vizinhos, mostrando ser menor quanto maior o número de vizinhos. A espécie apresentou elevada densidade (0,53 a 1,15 indivíduos/km2). Com relação à reprodução, ninhos tem o formato de cesto aberto onde foram postos no máximo dois ovos. Os filhotes nasceram sem penas. A razão sexual no ninho foi igual em ambos os sexos. A taxa de predação foi elevada na fase de incubação quando comparada à fase no ninho após a eclosão. O cuidado parental (durante a incubação e com os filhotes) foi realizado pelos dois sexos, sem diferenças na proporção do investimento realizado. Dos nove ninhos analisados, todos contiveram pelo menos um ninhego proveniente de fertilização extra-par. Um total de 81,2% dos ninhegos (13 em 16) não foram prole biológica do macho do par reprodutor que realizava o cuidado parental e que se encontrava pareado socialmente com a fêmea. Essa taxa foi a mais elevada entre os estudos já realizados nos neotrópicos


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The harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) is a large-bodied and abundant predator in the Salish Sea ecosystem, and its population has recovered since the 1970s after passage of the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the cessation of bounties. Little is known about how this large predator population may affect the recovery of fish stocks in the Salish Sea, where candidate marine protected areas are being proposed. We used a bioenergetics model to calculate baseline consumption rates in the San Juan Islands, Washington. Salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) and herring (Clupeidae) were the 2 most energetically important prey groups for biomass consumed by harbor seals. Estimated consumption of salmonids was 783 (±380 standard deviation [SD]) metric tons (t) in the breeding season and 675 (±388 SD t in the nonbreeding season. Estimated consumption of herring was 646 (±303 SD) t in the breeding season and 2151 (±706 SD) t in the nonbreeding season. Rockfish, a depressed fish stock currently in need of population recovery, composed one of the minor prey groups consumed by harbor seals (84 [±26 SD] t in the nonbreeding season). The variables of seal body mass and proportion of prey in seal diet explained >80% of the total variation in model outputs. Prey groups, such as rockfish, that are targeted for recovery may still be affected by even low levels of predation. This study highlights the importance of salmonids and herring for the seal population and provides a framework for refining consumption estimates and their confidence intervals with future data.


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The effects of seasonal and regional differences in diet composition on the food requirements of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) were estimated by using a bioenergetic model. The model considered differences in the energy density of the prey, and differences in digestive efficiency and the heat increment of feeding of different diets. The model predicted that Steller sea lions in southeast Alaska required 45–60% more food per day in early spring (March) than after the breeding season in late summer (August) because of seasonal changes in the energy density of the diets (along with seasonal changes in energy requirements). The southeast Alaska population, at 23,000 (±1660 SD) animals (all ages), consumed an estimated 140,000 (±27,800) t of prey in 1998. In contrast, we estimated that the 51,000 (±3680) animals making up the western Alaska population in the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands consumed just over twice this amount (303,000 [±57,500] t). In terms of biomass removed in 1998 from Alaskan waters, we estimated that Steller sea lions accounted for about 5% of the natural mortality of gadids (pollock and cod) and up to 75% of the natural mortality of hexagrammids (adult Atka mackerel). These two groups of species were consumed in higher amounts than any other. The predicted average daily food requirement per individual ranged from 16 (±2.8) to 20 (±3.6) kg (all ages combined). Per capita food requirements differed by as much as 24% between regions of Alaska depending on the relative amounts of low–energy-density prey (e.g. gadids) versus high–energy-density prey (e.g. forage fish and salmon) consumed. Estimated requirements were highest in regions where Steller sea lions consumed higher proportions of low–energy-density prey and experienced the highest rates of population decline


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The reproductive biology of the whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) inhabiting the estuarine waters of the Río de la Plata (Argentina-Uruguay) was studied by using histological analysis of the ovaries. Samples were collected during the spawning peak and the end of two breeding seasons (November 1995–Feb-ruary 1996 and November 1997–March 1998). Micropogonias furnieri is a multiple spawner with indeterminate annual fecundity. Spawning frequency, determined by using the percentage of females with postovulatory follicles, was about 31% in November 1995 and 25% in February 1996. At these frequencies, a female on average spawned a new batch of eggs every 3–4 days during the spawning season. Batch fecundity was fitted to a power function of length and a linear function of ovary-free female weight. The number of hydrated oocytes decreased at the end of the breeding season, coinciding with an increase of atresia. Annual egg production for a 40-cm-TL female was estimated to be between 3,300,000 and 7,300,000 eggs. In addition to the seasonal decrease in fecundity and spawning activity, a decline in egg size and weight toward the end of the breeding season was also observed.


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We examined seasonal and annual variation in numbers of Steller (northern) sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) at the South Farallon Islands from counts conducted weekly from 1974 to 1996. Numbers of adult and subadult males peaked during the breeding season (May–July), whereas numbers of adult females and immature individuals peaked during the breeding season and from late fall through early winter (September–December). The seasonal pattern varied significantly among years for all sexes and age classes. From 1977 to 1996, numbers present during the breeding season decreased by 5.9% per year for adult females and increased by 1.9% per year for subadult males. No trend in numbers of adult males was detected. Numbers of immature individuals also declined by 4.5% per year during the breeding season but increased by 5.0% per year from late fall through early winter. Maximum number of pups counted declined significantly through time, although few pups were produced at the South Farallon Islands. The ratio of adult females to adult males averaged 5.2:1 and declined significantly with each year, whereas no trend in the ratio of pups to adult females was discernible. Further studies are needed to determine if reduced numbers of adult females in recent years have resulted from reduced survival of juvenile or adult females or from changes in the geographic distribution of females.


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Seasonal viariations in the incidence on fresh surfaces, breeding season, rate of growth and mortality of Balanus amphitrite communis was studied for a period of twelve months in the Cochin harbour waters, situated 76̊ 14'E and 90̊ 57'N, and subjected to annual seasonal changes in salinity.


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A thorough comparative study on the urinogenital papilla and sexual dimorphism has been made for the first time in both the sexes of twelve Indian gobiids: Glassogobius giuris (Hamilton); Acentrogobius cyanomos (Bleeker); Eleotriodes muralis (Valenciennes); Parapocryptes serperaster (Richardson); Apocryptes bato (Hamilton); Scartclaos viridis (Hamilton); Boleophthalmus boddarti (Pallas), Periophthalmus schlosseri (Pallas); P. koelreuteri (Pallas); Taenioides anguillaris (Linnaeus); T. buchanani (Day); Odontamblyopus rubicundus (Hamilton). The urinogenital papilla, originating as a free muscular organ from the ventral surface of the body-wall and shortly behind anus, is present in both the sexes. It is an important organ of primary sex recognition in all species. In case of male the papilla is conical, broad at the base and in female it is either flattened, distally truncated or bluntly rounded. The presence of permanent colour mark over the specific region of the body surface is another secondary sexual character in a few species. Besides, colouration may also be a nuptial secondary sex character developed in some during peak breeding season. The enlargement and colouration of the organ is subject to seasonal variations parallel to the seasonal gonadal cycle. The histological architecture of the papilla shows a high degree of cellular specialization and an interrelationship to the urinary and genital ducts. The functional efficacy and significance of the papilla in the breeding biology of these fishes has been discussed.


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BACKGROUND: Effects of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone on rhesus monkey oocyte maturation in vitro were evaluated by embryo development subsequent to IVF. METHODS AND RESULTS: In experiment 1, immature cumulus-oocyte complexes collected from unstimulated adult females during the non-breeding season were matured in modified medium CMRL-1066 containing various combinations of gonadotrophins (FSH + LH), estradiol and/or progesterone. Formation of morulae and blastocysts was greatest in oocytes matured in medium containing estradiol and/or progesterone, with or without gonadotrophins (morula 38-46%, blastocyst 14-20%) than in control oocytes matured without estradiol or progesterone (morula 14%, blastocyst 0%). In experiment 2, cumulus-oocyte complexes from unstimulated prepubertal female monkeys were matured in medium with gonadotrophins, estradiol or progesterone. The best development to the morula stage was obtained with oocytes matured with gonadotrophins and estradiol or gonadotrophins and progesterone (43 and 25 morulae, respectively), while control oocytes matured with gonadotrophins but without steroid hormones gave the poorest morula developmental response (12%). However, there was no difference in blastocyst development across all groups (0-3%). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that during rhesus monkey oocyte maturation in vitro: (i) estradiol or progesterone can improve oocyte developmental competence; (ii) immature oocytes from prepubertal versus adult females have differential responses to challenge with estradiol or progesterone.


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The seasonal and sex related haematological vanatlons in the freshwater spiny eel Mastacembelus armatuswere studied during summer from April to June 2001 and winter from November 2001 to January 2002. In total 60 fish (30 males and 30 females) ranging from 30- 55.6 cm in total length and from 55-95.5 g in weight were collected from the culture stock maintained in the cemented cisterns. It was observed that the values of the total erythrocyte count (TEC), haemoglobin concentration (Hb ), haematocrit values, packed cell volume (PCV) and neutrophil count were significantly higher (P< 0.05) in males than the females during summer (April to June- on-set of breeding season). Females were observed to have remarkably higher values (P< 0.01) of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), total leucocyte count (TLC) and thrombocyte count during summer. On the other hand, insignificant variations in the various haematological parameters were noticed during winter (November to January) between the two sexes of M. armatus.


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Morphometric and meristic study of Harpodon nehereus (Hamilton, 1822) from Mumbai waters indicated that the specimens belonged to a homogenous population. Based on the meristic study, the fin formula can be written as B sub(23-269), D sub(12-139), P sub(11-139), V sub(9), A sub(13-15), C sub(19), L sub(40). Length-weight study revealed an allometric relationship, presented as Log W= -3.1362 + 3.6059 Log L. The analysis of food and feeding habits revealed the species to be voracious, carnivorous and cannibalistic, feeding mainly on Acetes spp., juveniles of H. nehereus itself, prawns and Coilia dussumieri. The feeding intensity was found to be the maximum during September and November, and also in mature specimens which may be the preparation for the ensuing spawning activity. Reproductive biology indicated two peak spawning seasons in November and March. However, the species as a whole has prolonged breeding season and spawning occurs throughout the year. Average fecundity was estimated as 314 ova/g body weight of fish and the length at which 50% of female specimens mature (Lc sub (50)) was calculated as 255 mm.