945 resultados para brand building
Detail of precast concrete sunshading panels to freeway (West) elevation.
As seen from Queens Wharf Road.
View to entrance.
View to circulation stair from exterior.
View to entrance.
Detailed view of venting in brick work. Bricks used were commons, with prevalent dark blue iron staining.
View to side entrance opening and window detail with sliding timber shutters above, from exterior.
View to north and east facing wings, along circulation path to the roof feature connection between wings.
View to elevation with timber sliding shutters, aluminium double hung sash windows and brick venting.
View across car park to north-west elevation.
View to circulation stair, with venting detail, from exterior.
Phonemic codes are accorded a privileged role in most current models of immediate serial recall, although their effects are apparent in short-term proactive interference (PI) effects as well. The present research looks at how assumptions concerning distributed representation and distributed storage involving both semantic and phonemic codes might be operationalized to produce PI in a short-term cued recall task. The four experiments reported here attempted to generate the phonemic characteristics of a nonrhyming, interfering foil from unrelated filler items in the same list. PI was observed when a rhyme of the foil was studied or when the three phonemes of the foil were distributed across three studied filler items. The results suggest that items in short-term memory are stored in terms of feature bundles and that all items are simultaneously available at retrieval.
Wildlife-habitat models are an important tool in wildlife management toda?, and by far the majority of these predict aspects of species distribution (abundance or presence) as a proxy measure of habitat quality. Unfortunately, few are tested on independent data, and of those that are, few show useful predictive st;ill. We demonstrate that six critical assumptions underlie distribution based wildlife-habitat models, all of which must be valid for the model to predict habitat quality. We outline these assumptions in a mete-model, and discuss methods for their validation. Even where all sis assumptions show a high level of validity, there is still a strong likelihood that the model will not predict habitat quality. However, the meta-model does suggest habitat quality can be predicted more accurately if distributional data are ignored, and variables more indicative of habitat quality are modelled instead.