937 resultados para biomass accumulation
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Warm-season grasses are economically important for cattle production in tropical regions and tools to aid in management and research on these forages would be highly beneficial both in research and the industry. This research was conducted to adapt the CROPGRO-Perennial Forage model to simulate growth of the tropical species guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. 'Tanzania') and to describe model adaptation for this species. To develop the CROPGRO parameters for this species, we began with values and relationships reported in the literature. Some parameters and relationships were calibrated by comparison with observed growth, development, dry matter accumulation, and partitioning during a 17-mo experiment with Tanzania guineagrass in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Compared with starting parameters for palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. 'Xaraes'], dormancy effects of the perennial forage model had to be minimized, partitioning to storage tissue or root decreased, and partitioning to leaf and stem increased to provide for more leaf and stem growth and less root. Parameters affecting specific leaf area and senescence of plant tissues were improved. After these changes were made to the model, biomass accumulation was better simulated, mean predicted herbage yield was 6576 kg ha(-1), averaged across 11 regrowth cycles of 35 (summer) or 63 d (winter), with a RMSE of 494 kg ha(-1) (Willmott's index of agreement d = 0.985, simulated/observed ratio = 1.014). The model also gave good predictions against an independent data set, with similar RMSE, ratio, and d. The results of the adaptation suggest that the CROPGRO model is an efficient tool to integrate physiological aspects of guineagrass and can be used to simulate growth.
Forest fires play a key role in the global carbon cycle and thus, can affect regional and global climate. Although fires in extended areas of Russian boreal forests have a considerable influence on atmospheric greenhouse gas and soot concentrations, estimates of their impact on climate are hampered by a lack of data on the history of forest fires. Especially regions with strong continental climate are of high importance due to an intensified development of wildfires. In this study we reconstruct the fire history of Southern Siberia during the past 750 years using ice-core based nitrate, potassium, and charcoal concentration records from Belukha glacier in the continental Siberian Altai. A period of exceptionally high forest-fire activity was observed between AD 1600 and 1680, following an extremely dry period AD 1540-1600. Ice-core pollen data suggest distinct forest diebacks and the expansion of steppe in response to dry climatic conditions. Coherence with a paleoenvironmental record from the 200 km distant Siberian lake Teletskoye shows that the vegetational shift AD 1540-1680, the increase in fire activity AD 1600-1680, and the subsequent recovery of forests AD 1700 were of regional significance. Dead biomass accumulation in response to drought and high temperatures around AD 1600 probably triggered maximum forest-fire activity AD 1600-1680. The extreme dry period in the 16th century was also observed at other sites in Central Asia and is possibly associated with a persistent positive mode of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). No significant increase in biomass burning occurred in the Altai region during the last 300 years, despite strongly increasing temperatures and human activities. Our results imply that precipitation changes controlled fire-regime and vegetation shifts in the Altai region during the past 750 years. We conclude that high sensitivity of ecosystems to occasional decadal-scale drought events may trigger unprecedented environmental reorganizations under global-warming conditions.
Using a three-dimensional physical-biogeochemical model, we have investigated the modeled responses of diatom productivity and biogenic silica export to iron enrichment in the equatorial Pacific, and compared the model simulation with in situ (IronEx II) iron fertilization results. In the eastern equatorial Pacific, an area of 540,000 km(2) was enhanced with iron by changing the photosynthetic efficiency and silicate and nitrogen uptake kinetics of phytoplankton in the model for a period of 20 days. The vertically integrated Chl a and primary production increased by about threefold 5 days after the start of the experiment, similar to that observed in the IronEx II experiment. Diatoms contribute to the initial increase of the total phytoplankton biomass, but decrease sharply after 10 days because of mesozooplankton grazing. The modeled surface nutrients (silicate and nitrate) and TCO(2) anomaly fields, obtained from the difference between the "iron addition'' and "ambient'' (without iron) concentrations, also agreed well with the IronEx II observations. The enriched patch is tracked with an inert tracer similar to the SF6 used in the IronEx II. The modeled depth-time distribution of sinking biogenic silica (BSi) indicates that it would take more than 30 days after iron injection to detect any significant BSi export out of the euphotic zone. Sensitivity studies were performed to establish the importance of fertilized patch size, duration of fertilization, and the role of mesozooplankton grazing. A larger size of the iron patch tends to produce a broader extent and longer-lasting phytoplankton blooms. Longer duration prolongs phytoplankton growth, but higher zooplankton grazing pressure prevents significant phytoplankton biomass accumulation. With the same treatment of iron fertilization in the model, lowering mesozooplankton grazing rate generates much stronger diatom bloom, but it is terminated by Si(OH)(4) limitation after the initial rapid increase. Increasing mesozooplankton grazing rate, the diatom increase due to iron addition stays at minimum level, but small phytoplankton tend to increase. The numerical model experiments demonstrate the value of ecosystem modeling for evaluating the detailed interaction between biogeochemical cycle and iron fertilization in the equatorial Pacific.
Although plastic root-foraging responses are thought to be adaptive, as they may optimize nutrient capture of plants, this has rarely been tested. We investigated whether nutrient-foraging responses are adaptive, and whether they pre-adapt alien species to become natural-area invaders. We grew 12 pairs of congeneric species (i.e., 24 species) native to Europe in heterogeneous and homogeneous nutrient environments, and compared their foraging responses and performance. One species in each pair is a USA natural-area invader, and the other one is not. Within species, individuals with strong foraging responses, measured as plasticity in root diameter and specific root length, had a higher biomass. Among species, the ones with strong foraging responses, measured as plasticity in root length and root biomass, had a higher biomass. Our results therefore suggest that root foraging is an adaptive trait. Invasive species showed significantly stronger root-foraging responses than non-invasive species when measured as root diameter. Biomass accumulation was decreased in the heterogeneous vs. the homogeneous environment. In aboveground, but not belowground and total biomass, this decrease was smaller in invasive than in non-invasive species. Our results show that strong plastic root-foraging responses are adaptive, and suggest that it might aid in pre-adapting species to becoming natural-area invaders.
The Ross Sea polynya is among the most productive regions in the Southern Ocean and may constitute a significant oceanic CO2 sink. Based on results from several field studies, this region has been considered seasonally iron limited, whereby a "winter reserve" of dissolved iron (dFe) is progressively depleted during the growing season to low concentrations (~0.1 nM) that limit phytoplankton growth in the austral summer (December-February). Here we report new iron data for the Ross Sea polynya during austral summer 2005-2006 (27 December-22 January) and the following austral spring 2006 (16 November-3 December). The summer 2005-2006 data show generally low dFe concentrations in polynya surface waters (0.10 ± 0.05 nM in upper 40 m, n = 175), consistent with previous observations. Surprisingly, our spring 2006 data reveal similar low surface dFe concentrations in the polynya (0.06 ± 0.04 nM in upper 40 m, n = 69), in association with relatively high rates of primary production (~170-260 mmol C/m**2/d). These results indicate that the winter reserve dFe may be consumed relatively early in the growing season, such that polynya surface waters can become "iron limited" as early as November; i.e., the seasonal depletion of dFe is not necessarily gradual. Satellite observations reveal significant biomass accumulation in the polynya during summer 2006-2007, implying significant sources of "new" dFe to surface waters during this period. Possible sources of this new dFe include episodic vertical exchange, lateral advection, aerosol input, and reductive dissolution of particulate iron.
La caracterización de los cultivos cubierta (cover crops) puede permitir comparar la idoneidad de diferentes especies para proporcionar servicios ecológicos como el control de la erosión, el reciclado de nutrientes o la producción de forrajes. En este trabajo se estudiaron bajo condiciones de campo diferentes técnicas para caracterizar el dosel vegetal con objeto de establecer una metodología para medir y comparar las arquitecturas de los cultivos cubierta más comunes. Se estableció un ensayo de campo en Madrid (España central) para determinar la relación entre el índice de área foliar (LAI) y la cobertura del suelo (GC) para un cultivo de gramínea, uno de leguminosa y uno de crucífera. Para ello se sembraron doce parcelas con cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.), veza (Vicia sativa L.), y colza (Brassica napus L.). En 10 fechas de muestreo se midieron el LAI (con estimaciones directas y del LAI-2000), la fracción interceptada de la radiación fotosintéticamente activa (FIPAR) y la GC. Un experimento de campo de dos años (Octubre-Abril) se estableció en la misma localización para evaluar diferentes especies (Hordeum vulgare L., Secale cereale L., x Triticosecale Whim, Sinapis alba L., Vicia sativa L.) y cultivares (20) en relación con su idoneidad para ser usadas como cultivos cubierta. La GC se monitorizó mediante análisis de imágenes digitales con 21 y 22 muestreos, y la biomasa se midió 8 y 10 veces, respectivamente para cada año. Un modelo de Gompertz caracterizó la cobertura del suelo hasta el decaimiento observado tras las heladas, mientras que la biomasa se ajustó a ecuaciones de Gompertz, logísticas y lineales-exponenciales. Al final del experimento se determinaron el C, el N y el contenido en fibra (neutrodetergente, ácidodetergente y lignina), así como el N fijado por las leguminosas. Se aplicó el análisis de decisión multicriterio (MCDA) con objeto de obtener un ranking de especies y cultivares de acuerdo con su idoneidad para actuar como cultivos cubierta en cuatro modalidades diferentes: cultivo de cobertura, cultivo captura, abono verde y forraje. Las asociaciones de cultivos leguminosas con no leguminosas pueden afectar al crecimiento radicular y a la absorción de N de ambos componentes de la mezcla. El conocimiento de cómo los sistemas radiculares específicos afectan al crecimiento individual de las especies es útil para entender las interacciones en las asociaciones, así como para planificar estrategias de cultivos cubierta. En un tercer ensayo se combinaron estudios en rhizotrones con extracción de raíces e identificación de especies por microscopía, así como con estudios de crecimiento, absorción de N y 15N en capas profundas del suelo. Las interacciones entre raíces en su crecimiento y en el aprovisionamiento de N se estudiaron para dos de los cultivares mejor valorados en el estudio previo: uno de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Hispanic) y otro de veza (Vicia sativa L. cv. Aitana). Se añadió N en dosis de 0 (N0), 50 (N1) y 150 (N2) kg N ha-1. Como resultados del primer estudio, se ajustaron correctamente modelos lineales y cuadráticos a la relación entre la GC y el LAI para todos los cultivos, pero en la gramínea alcanzaron una meseta para un LAI>4. Antes de alcanzar la cobertura total, la pendiente de la relación lineal entre ambas variables se situó en un rango entre 0.025 y 0.030. Las lecturas del LAI-2000 estuvieron correlacionadas linealmente con el LAI, aunque con tendencia a la sobreestimación. Las correcciones basadas en el efecto de aglutinación redujeron el error cuadrático medio del LAI estimado por el LAI-2000 desde 1.2 hasta 0.5 para la crucífera y la leguminosa, no siendo efectivas para la cebada. Esto determinó que para los siguientes estudios se midieran únicamente la GC y la biomasa. En el segundo experimento, las gramíneas alcanzaron la mayor cobertura del suelo (83-99%) y la mayor biomasa (1226-1928 g m-2) al final del mismo. Con la mayor relación C/N (27-39) y contenido en fibra digestible (53-60%) y la menor calidad de residuo (~68%). La mostaza presentó elevadas GC, biomasa y absorción de N en el año más templado en similitud con las gramíneas, aunque escasa calidad como forraje en ambos años. La veza presentó la menor absorción de N (2.4-0.7 g N m-2) debido a la fijación de N (9.8-1.6 g N m-2) y escasa acumulación de N. El tiempo térmico hasta alcanzar el 30% de GC constituyó un buen indicador de especies de rápida cubrición. La cuantificación de las variables permitió hallar variabilidad entre las especies y proporcionó información para posteriores decisiones sobre la selección y manejo de los cultivos cubierta. La agregación de dichas variables a través de funciones de utilidad permitió confeccionar rankings de especies y cultivares para cada uso. Las gramíneas fueron las más indicadas para los usos de cultivo de cobertura, cultivo captura y forraje, mientras que las vezas fueron las mejor como abono verde. La mostaza alcanzó altos valores como cultivo de cobertura y captura en el primer año, pero el segundo decayó debido a su pobre actuación en los inviernos fríos. Hispanic fue el mejor cultivar de cebada como cultivo de cobertura y captura, mientras que Albacete como forraje. El triticale Titania alcanzó la posición más alta como cultiva de cobertura, captura y forraje. Las vezas Aitana y BGE014897 mostraron buenas aptitudes como abono verde y cultivo captura. El MCDA permitió la comparación entre especies y cultivares proporcionando información relevante para la selección y manejo de cultivos cubierta. En el estudio en rhizotrones tanto la mezcla de especies como la cebada alcanzaron mayor intensidad de raíces (RI) y profundidad (RD) que la veza, con valores alrededor de 150 cruces m-1 y 1.4 m respectivamente, comparados con 50 cruces m-1 y 0.9 m para la veza. En las capas más profundas del suelo, la asociación de cultivos mostró valores de RI ligeramente mayores que la cebada en monocultivo. La cebada y la asociación obtuvieron mayores valores de densidad de raíces (RLD) (200-600 m m-3) que la veza (25-130) entre 0.8 y 1.2 m de profundidad. Los niveles de N no mostraron efectos claros en RI, RD ó RLD, sin embargo, el incremento de N favoreció la proliferación de raíces de veza en la asociación en capas profundas del suelo, con un ratio cebada/veza situado entre 25 a N0 y 5 a N2. La absorción de N de la cebada se incrementó en la asociación a expensas de la veza (de ~100 a 200 mg planta-1). Las raíces de cebada en la asociación absorbieron también más nitrógeno marcado de las capas profundas del suelo (0.6 mg 15N planta-1) que en el monocultivo (0.3 mg 15N planta-1). ABSTRACT Cover crop characterization may allow comparing the suitability of different species to provide ecological services such as erosion control, nutrient recycling or fodder production. Different techniques to characterize plant canopy were studied under field conditions in order to establish a methodology for measuring and comparing cover crops canopies. A field trial was established in Madrid (central Spain) to determine the relationship between leaf area index (LAI) and ground cover (GC) in a grass, a legume and a crucifer crop. Twelve plots were sown with either barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), vetch (Vicia sativa L.), or rape (Brassica napus L.). On 10 sampling dates the LAI (both direct and LAI-2000 estimations), fraction intercepted of photosynthetically active radiation (FIPAR) and GC were measured. A two-year field experiment (October-April) was established in the same location to evaluate different species (Hordeum vulgare L., Secale cereale L., x Triticosecale Whim, Sinapis alba L., Vicia sativa L.) and cultivars (20) according to their suitability to be used as cover crops. GC was monitored through digital image analysis with 21 and 22 samples, and biomass measured 8 and 10 times, respectively for each season. A Gompertz model characterized ground cover until the decay observed after frosts, while biomass was fitted to Gompertz, logistic and linear-exponential equations. At the end of the experiment C, N, and fiber (neutral detergent, acid and lignin) contents, and the N fixed by the legumes were determined. Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) was applied in order to rank the species and cultivars according to their suitability to perform as cover crops in four different modalities: cover crop, catch crop, green manure and fodder. Intercropping legumes and non-legumes may affect the root growth and N uptake of both components in the mixture. The knowledge of how specific root systems affect the growth of the individual species is useful for understanding the interactions in intercrops as well as for planning cover cropping strategies. In a third trial rhizotron studies were combined with root extraction and species identification by microscopy and with studies of growth, N uptake and 15N uptake from deeper soil layers. The root interactions of root growth and N foraging were studied for two of the best ranked cultivars in the previous study: a barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Hispanic) and a vetch (Vicia sativa L. cv. Aitana). N was added at 0 (N0), 50 (N1) and 150 (N2) kg N ha-1. As a result, linear and quadratic models fitted to the relationship between the GC and LAI for all of the crops, but they reached a plateau in the grass when the LAI > 4. Before reaching full cover, the slope of the linear relationship between both variables was within the range of 0.025 to 0.030. The LAI-2000 readings were linearly correlated with the LAI but they tended to overestimation. Corrections based on the clumping effect reduced the root mean square error of the estimated LAI from the LAI-2000 readings from 1.2 to less than 0.50 for the crucifer and the legume, but were not effective for barley. This determined that in the following studies only the GC and biomass were measured. In the second experiment, the grasses reached the highest ground cover (83- 99%) and biomass (1226-1928 g/m2) at the end of the experiment. The grasses had the highest C/N ratio (27-39) and dietary fiber (53-60%) and the lowest residue quality (~68%). The mustard presented high GC, biomass and N uptake in the warmer year with similarity to grasses, but low fodder capability in both years. The vetch presented the lowest N uptake (2.4-0.7 g N/m2) due to N fixation (9.8-1.6 g N/m2) and low biomass accumulation. The thermal time until reaching 30% ground cover was a good indicator of early coverage species. Variable quantification allowed finding variability among the species and provided information for further decisions involving cover crops selection and management. Aggregation of these variables through utility functions allowed ranking species and cultivars for each usage. Grasses were the most suitable for the cover crop, catch crop and fodder uses, while the vetches were the best as green manures. The mustard attained high ranks as cover and catch crop the first season, but the second decayed due to low performance in cold winters. Hispanic was the most suitable barley cultivar as cover and catch crop, and Albacete as fodder. The triticale Titania attained the highest rank as cover and catch crop and fodder. Vetches Aitana and BGE014897 showed good aptitudes as green manures and catch crops. MCDA allowed comparison among species and cultivars and might provide relevant information for cover crops selection and management. In the rhizotron study the intercrop and the barley attained slightly higher root intensity (RI) and root depth (RD) than the vetch, with values around 150 crosses m-1 and 1.4 m respectively, compared to 50 crosses m-1 and 0.9 m for the vetch. At deep soil layers, intercropping showed slightly larger RI values compared to the sole cropped barley. The barley and the intercropping had larger root length density (RLD) values (200-600 m m-3) than the vetch (25-130) at 0.8-1.2 m depth. The topsoil N supply did not show a clear effect on the RI, RD or RLD; however increasing topsoil N favored the proliferation of vetch roots in the intercropping at deep soil layers, with the barley/vetch root ratio ranging from 25 at N0 to 5 at N2. The N uptake of the barley was enhanced in the intercropping at the expense of the vetch (from ~100 mg plant-1 to 200). The intercropped barley roots took up more labeled nitrogen (0.6 mg 15N plant-1) than the sole-cropped barley roots (0.3 mg 15N plant-1) from deep layers.
The introduction of cover crops in the intercrop period may provide a broad range of ecosystem services derived from the multiple functions they can perform, such as erosion control, recycling of nutrients or forage source. However, the achievement of these services in a particular agrosystem is not always required at the same time or to the same degree. Thus, species selection and definition of targeted objectives is critical when growing cover crops. The goal of the current work was to describe the traits that determine the suitability of five species (barley, rye, triticale, mustard and vetch) for cover cropping. A field trial was established during two seasons (October to April) in Madrid (central Spain). Ground cover and biomass were monitored at regular intervals during each growing season. A Gompertz model characterized ground cover until the decay observed after frosts, while biomass was fitted to Gompertz, logistic and linear-exponential equations. At the end of the experiment, carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and fibre (neutral detergent, acid and lignin) contents, and the N fixed by the legume were determined. The grasses reached the highest ground cover (83–99%) and biomass (1226–1928 g/m2) at the end of the experiment. With the highest C:N ratio (27–39) and dietary fibre (527–600 mg/g) and the lowest residue quality (~680 mg/g), grasses were suitable for erosion control, catch crop and fodder. The vetch presented the lowest N uptake (2·4 and 0·7 g N/m2) due to N fixation (9·8 and 1·6 g N/m2) and low biomass accumulation. The mustard presented high N uptake in the warm year and could act as a catch crop, but low fodder capability in both years. The thermal time before reaching 30% ground cover was a good indicator of early coverage species. Variable quantification allowed finding variability among the species and provided information for further decisions involving cover crop selection and management.
Transformed (cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter [35S]) tobacco (Nicotiana plumbaginifolia L.) plants constitutively expressing nitrate reductase (NR) and untransformed controls were subjected to drought for 5 d. Drought-induced changes in biomass accumulation and photosynthesis were comparable in both lines of plants. After 4 d of water deprivation, a large increase in the ratio of shoot dry weight to fresh weight was observed, together with a decrease in the rate of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation. Foliar sucrose increased in both lines during water stress, but hexoses increased only in leaves from untransformed controls. Foliar NO3− decreased rapidly in both lines and was halved within 2 d of the onset of water deprivation. Total foliar amino acids decreased in leaves of both lines following water deprivation. After 4 d of water deprivation no NR activity could be detected in leaves of untransformed plants, whereas about 50% of the original activity remained in the leaves of the 35S-NR transformants. NR mRNA was much more stable than NR activity. NR mRNA abundance increased in the leaves of the 35S-NR plants and remained constant in controls for the first 3 d of drought. On the 4th d, however, NR mRNA suddenly decreased in both lines. Rehydration at d 3 caused rapid recovery (within 24 h) of 35S-NR transcripts, but no recovery was observed in the controls. The phosphorylation state of the protein was unchanged by long-term drought. There was a strong correlation between maximal extractable NR activity and ambient photosynthesis in both lines. We conclude that drought first causes increased NR protein turnover and then accelerates NR mRNA turnover. Constitutive NR expression temporarily delayed drought-induced losses in NR activity. 35S-NR expression may therefore allow more rapid recovery of N assimilation following short-term water deficit.
A irrigação quando bem manejada, pode minimizar os riscos econômicos da atividade sucroalcooleira, particularmente em safras com presença de instabilidade climática onde a restrição hídrica, promovida pela diminuição no volume de chuvas, pode reduzir a produtividade dos canaviais. Dentre as ferramentas disponíveis para a gestão eficiente da água na agricultura irrigada, a técnica de irrigação sob déficit pode se tornar uma escolha acertada para a cana-de-açúcar, desde que sejam identificadas as fases fenológicas e épocas de cultivo onde a limitação da oferta de água não implique em reduções antieconômicas no rendimento da cultura. Diante disso, a hipótese que norteia essa pesquisa, é a de que existe uma estratégia de irrigação sob déficit, que associada a uma variedade com características específicas, possibilite a expressão de indicadores de produtividade tão satisfatórios quanto os obtidos em condições de irrigação plena. Nessa linha, os objetivos da pesquisa envolveram o estudo da dinâmica foliar, acúmulo e particionamento de biomassa e ainda, índices de produtividade da água para biomassa, açúcar e etanol de 1ª e 2ª geração de oito variedade de cana-de-açúcar, submetidas a diferentes condições de disponibilidade hídrica no solo em dois ciclos de cultivo (cana-planta e cana-soca). A pesquisa foi realizada na Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", em Piracicaba/SP, onde foram estudados os dois primeiros ciclos de cultivo da cana-de-açúcar, sendo estes abordados nesta tese como Experimento 1 (cana-planta) e Experimento 2 (cana-soca). O delineamento experimental adotado para ambos os ciclos foi o de blocos casualizados, com três blocos completos. Os tratamentos foram compostos por três fatores em esquema de parcelas sub-subdivididas. Estas parcelas foram formadas por duas plantas (touceiras) alocadas em um vaso com aproximadamente 330 litros de solo. No Experimento 1, foram estudados três fatores, sendo o primeiro e segundo com quatro níveis e o terceiro com oito (4x4x8), totalizando assim 128 tratamentos, sendo eles: quatro níveis de irrigação ao longo do ciclo (125, 100, 75 e 50% da ETc); oito variedades comerciais de cana-de-açúcar e quatro procedimentos de maturação, impostos por meio de variações na intensidade do déficit hídrico aplicado. Para o Experimento 2, substitui-se o fator Maturação por Épocas de Corte, o qual consistiu em colheitas de um quarto do experimento a cada 90 dias. Os resultados encontrados apontaram que a área foliar responde positivamente a maior disponibilidade hídrica no solo, tendo sido verificado uma relação proporcional entre estes. Quanto ao acúmulo de biomassa, verificou-se que para as oito variedades estudadas houve incremento de biomassa a medida em que se aumentou o volume de água disponibilizado às variedades. No tocante ao particionamento, as folhas foram os drenos principais de fotoassimilados da planta até os 100 dias de cultivo, sendo que após este período, os colmos ocuparam o lugar de dreno preferencial. Os indicadores de produtividade da água apresentaram diferenças significativas para o fator lâmina, o que indica a existência de cultivares de cana-de-açúcar mais eficientes no uso da água. Por fim, observou-se que a produtividade da água para etanol total apresentou valores expressivos, com média para essa variável igual a 1,81 L m-3, o que denota o potencial de rendimento de etanol (1G + 2G) a partir da cana-de-açúcar quando é adotado o aproveitamento integral das plantas.
O presente estudo foi dividido em três capitulos, todos realizados na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais de Anhembi/SP, entre os anos de 2014 e 2015. O primeiro estudo intitulado de \"Variação mensal da fitomassa da forragem em função do grau de cobertura do dossel em sistemas silvipastoris\", foi realizado em 3 monoculturas de 13 anos de idade, com área útil de 50 m x 30 m para coleta de pasto as mesmas efectuadas mensalmente. Os resultados apresentaram que não há relação significativa entre a cobertura do dossel e fitomassa da forragem pelo caso de que o sub-bosque estava muito sombreado. Entretanto, houve uma relação indireta entre área basal e fitomassa. Evidenciando-se que o talhão de Eucalipto urograndis apresentou as melhores condições de crescimento e disponibilidade de materia seca mensal para Bachiaria decumbens além de obter a maior porcentagem de folha entre todos os tratamentos. Ao contrario, no talhão de Pinus tecunumanii, foi encontrada a menor disponibilidade de materia seca mensal e por consequência, menor porcentagem de folha. O segundo estudo foi chamado de: \"Disponibilidade de fitomassa de B. decumbens, em um sistema silvipastoril com eucalipto: o papel da radiação\" onde o componente florestal foi o eucalyptus (COP-1377) de 2 anos de idade plantado em uma área útil de 10 ha, dividido em 3 tratamentos (onda longa-OL (39 m), onda curta-OC (21 m), e testemunha-T) e instalado em 4 blocos distintos. Foram realizadas duas coletas dutante o período de verão e de inverno, onde foi possível verificar que o tratamento OL mostrou maior disponibilidade de fitomassa a 65% de irradiância além de obter maior porcentagem da fração folha. Este foi favorecido pelo maior espaçamento entre as aléias. Contudo, houve ataque de cigarinha na pastagem, mantendo a queda da disponibilidade no período de inverno. O terceiro estudo intitulado de: \"Variaçoes arquiteturais de uma monocultura de E. urograndis em função de sua posição espacial\", foi também realizado na monocultura do primeiro estudo, numa área de 7 ha. Para este estudo, realizou-se um inventario florestal, logo após, dividiu-se as árvores por sua classe diamétrica e selecionou-se aleatoriamente 60 árvores para cubagem, e destas, escolheu-se 15 para determinação da fitomassa e respectiva densidade da madeira. Para a obtenção da fitomassa dividiu-se as árvores em três frações de análise: tronco, galhos e folha. Além disso, as 15 árvores foram divididas em: bordadura, intermediária e centro da parcela, de acordo com a sua localização. Verificou-se que a bordadura apresentou os maiores crescimentos em DAP, altura, largura de copa e, que por consequência, obteve maior volume e fitomassa em todas suas frações. Também foi possível observar que tanto a bordadura quanto o centro apresentaram maior densidade básica em função da maior copa e altura das árvores incentivando a geração de mais fitomassa foliar. Finalmente conforme os três estudos realizados neste trabalho de pesquisa, concluiu-se que a radiação solar é fator chave na produtividade da cultura forrageira, demonstrando a necessidade de mais pesquisas sobre os sistemas agroforestais e silvipastoris para o sucesso de futuros emprendimentos.
Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) by the dominant macrophyte and plant community composition are related to the changing hydrologic environment and to salinity in the southern Everglades, FL, USA. We present a new non-destructive ANPP technique that is applicable to any continuously growing herbaceous system. Data from 16 sites, collected from 1998 to 2004, were used to investigate how hydrology and salinity controlled sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense Crantz.) ANPP. Sawgrass live biomass showed little seasonal variation and annual means ranged from 89 to 639 gdw m)2. Mortality rates were 20–35% of live biomass per 2 month sampling interval, for biomass turnover rates of 1.3–2.5 per year. Production by C. jamaicense was manifest primarily as biomass turnover, not as biomass accumulation. Rates typically ranged from 300 to 750 gdw m)2 year)1, but exceeded 1000 gdw m)2 year)1 at one site and were as high as 750 gdw m)2 year)1 at estuarine ecotone sites. Production was negatively related to mean annual water depth, hydroperiod, and to a variable combining the two (depth-days). As water depths and hydroperiods increased in our southern Everglades study area, sawgrass ANPP declined. Because a primary restoration goal is to increase water depths and hydroperiods for some regions of the Everglades, we investigated how the plant community responded to this decline in sawgrass ANPP. Spikerush (Eleocharis sp.) was the next most prominent component of this community at our sites, and 39% of the variability in sawgrass ANPP was explained by a negative relationship with mean annual water depth, hydroperiod, and Eleocharis sp. density the following year. Sawgrass ANPP at estuarine ecotone sites responded negatively to salinity, and rates of production were slow to recover after high salinity years. Our results suggest that ecologists, managers, and the public should not necessarily interpret a decline in sawgrass that may result from hydrologic restoration as a negative phenomenon.
Freshwater use is a major concern in the mass production of algae for biofuels. This project examined the use of canal water obtained from the Everglades Agricultural Area as a base medium for the mass production of algae. This water is not suitable for human consumption, and it is currently used for crop irrigation. A variety of canals were found to be suitable for water collection. Comparison of two methods for algal production showed no significant difference in biomass accumulation. It was discovered that synthetic reticulated foam can be used for algal biomass collection and harvest, and there is potential for its application in large-scale operations. Finally, it was determined that high alkaline conditions may help limit contaminants and competing organisms in growing algae cultures.
La croissance du phytoplancton est limitée par les faibles concentrations de fer (Fe) dans près de 40% de l’océan mondial. Le Pacifique subarctique Nord-Est représente une de ces zones limitées en fer et désignées High Nutrient - Low Chlorophyll (HNLC). Cet écosystème, dominé par des cellules de petite taille telles les prymnésiophytes, est caractérisé par de très faibles concentrations estivales de chlorophylle a et de fortes concentrations de macronutriments. Il a été maintes fois démontré que les ajouts de fer, sous différentes formes chimiques (habituellement FeSO4), dans les zones HNLC, stimulent la croissance et modifient la structure des communautés planctoniques en favorisant la croissance des cellules de grande taille, notamment les diatomées. Ces effets sur la communauté planctonique ont le potentiel d’influencer les grands mécanismes régulateurs du climat, tels la pompe biologique de carbone et la production de diméthylsulfure (DMS). Les poussières provenant des déserts du nord de la Chine sont reconnues depuis longtemps comme une source sporadique importante de fer pour le Pacifique Nord-Est. Malgré leur importance potentielle, l’influence directe exercée par ces poussières sur l’écosystème planctonique de cette zone HNLC n’a jamais été étudiée. Il s’agit d’une lacune importante puisque le fer associé aux poussières est peu soluble dans l’eau de mer, que la proportion biodisponible n’est pas connue et que les poussières peuvent avoir un effet inhibiteur chez le phytoplancton. Cette thèse propose donc, dans un premier temps, de mesurer pour la première fois l’effet de la fertilisation de la communauté planctonique du Pacifique Nord-Est par un gradient de concentrations de poussières désertiques naturelles. Cette première expérimentation a démontré que le fer contenu dans les poussières asiatiques est biodisponible et qu’une déposition équivalente à celles prenant place au printemps dans le Pacifique Nord-Est peut résulter en une stimulation significative de la prise de nutriments et de la croissance du phytoplancton. Mes travaux ont également montré que l’ajout de 0,5 mg L-1 de poussières peut résulter en la production d’autant de biomasse algale que l’ajout de FeSO4, l’espèce chimique utilisée lors des expériences d’enrichissement en fer à grande échelle. Cependant, les ajouts de FeSO4 favorisent davantage les cellules de petite taille que les ajouts de poussières, observation démontrant que le FeSO4 n’est pas un proxy parfait des poussières asiatiques. Dans un deuxième temps, je me suis intéressée à une source alternative de fer atmosphérique, les cendres volcaniques. Mon intérêt pour cette source de fer a été attisé par les observations d’une floraison spectaculaire dans le Pacifique Nord-Est, ma région d’étude, associée à l’éruption de 2008 du volcan Kasatochi dans les îles Aléoutiennes. Forte de mon expérience sur les poussières, j’ai quantifié l’effet direct de ces cendres volcaniques sur la communauté planctonique du Pacifique Nord-Est. Mes résultats ont montré que le fer contenu dans les cendres volcaniques est également biodisponible pour le phytoplancton. Ils ont également montré que cette source de fer peut être aussi importante que les poussières désertiques dans la régulation de la croissance du phytoplancton dans cette partie de l’océan global à l’échelle millénaire. Dans un troisième temps, j’ai estimé comment l’acidification des océans modulera les réponses des communautés planctoniques aux dépositions naturelles de fer mises en évidence lors de mes expériences précédentes. Pour ce faire, j’ai effectué des enrichissements de poussière dans de l’eau de mer au pH actuel de 8.0 et dans l’eau de mer acidifiée à un pH de 7.8. Mes résultats ont montré une diminution du taux de croissance du phytoplancton dans le milieu acidifié mais pas de changement notable dans la structure de la communauté. Les ajouts de poussières et de cendres, de même que les variations de pH, n’ont pas eu d’effet significatif sur la production de DMS et de son précurseur le diméthylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), probablement en raison de la courte durée (4 jours) des expériences. L’ensemble des résultats de cette thèse montre que le fer contenu dans diverses sources atmosphériques naturelles est biodisponible pour le phytoplancton du Pacifique Nord-Est et que des taux de déposition réalistes peuvent stimuler la croissance de manière notable dans les premiers jours suivant une tempête désertique ou une éruption volcanique. Finalement, les résultats de mes expériences à stresseurs multiples Fer/acidification suggèrent une certaine résistance des communautés phytoplanctoniques à la diminution du pH prédite d’ici la fin du siècle pour les eaux de surface des océans.
Two field experiments were carried out in Taveuni, Fiji to study the effects of mucuna (Mucuna pruriens) and grass fallow systems at 6 and 12 month durations on changes in soil properties (Experiment 1) and taro yields (Experiment 2). Biomass accumulation of mucuna fallow crop was significantly higher (P<0.05) than grass fallow crop at both 6 and 12 month durations. The longer fallow duration resulted in higher (P<0.05) total soil organic carbon, total soil nitrogen and earthworm numbers regardless of fallow type. Weed suppression in taro grown under mucuna was significantly greater (P<0.05) than under natural grass fallow. Taro grown under mucuna fallow significantly outyielded taro grown under grass fallow (11.8 vs. 8.8 t ha-1). Also, the gross margin of taro grown under mucuna fallow was 52% higher than that of taro grown under grass fallow. © ISHS.