977 resultados para bimodal distribution


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Central é um depósito aurífero do campo mineralizado do Cuiú-Cuiú, Província Aurífera do Tapajós, Cráton Amazônico. A zona mineralizada está hospedada em falha e compreende 800m de comprimento na direção NW-SE, seguindo o trend regional da província Tapajós, com largura entre 50 e 70m e profundidade vertical de pelo menos 450m. A mineralização está hospedada em monzogranito datado em 1984±3 Ma e atribuído à Suíte Intrusiva Parauari. Os recursos auríferos preliminarmente definidos são de 18,6t de ouro. A alteração hidrotermal é predominantemente fissural. Sericitização, cloritização, silicificação, carbonatação e sulfetação foram os tipos de alteração identificados. Pirita é o sulfeto principal e os demais sulfetos (calcopirita, esfalerita e galena) estão em fraturas ou nas bordas da pirita. O ouro preenche fraturas da pirita e análises semi-quantitativas detectaram Ag associada ao ouro. Foram identificados três tipos de inclusões fluidas hospedados em veios e vênulas de quartzo. O tipo 1 é o menos abundante e consiste em inclusões fluidas compostas por uma (CO2vapor) ou duas fases (CO2liq-CO2vapor), o tipo 2 tem abundância intermediária e é formado por inclusões fluidas compostas por duas (H2Oliq-CO2liq) ou três fases (H2Oliq-CO2liq-CO2vapor) e o tipo 3 é o mais abundante e consiste em inclusões fluidas compostas por duas fases (H2Oliq- H2Ovapor). O CO2 representa o volátil nas inclusões com CO2 e essas (tipo 1 e 2) foram geradas pelo processo de separação de fases oriundo de um fluido aquo-carbônico. A densidade global (0,33 - 0,80 g/cm³) e a salinidade (11,15 - 2,42 % em peso equivalente de NaCl) desse fluido são baixas a moderadas e a temperatura de homogeneização mostra um máximo em 340ºC. Quanto ao tipo 3, o NaCl é o principal sal, a densidade global está no intervalo de 0,65 a 1,11 g/cm³, a salinidade compreendida entre 1,16 e 13,3 % em peso equivalente de NaCl e a temperatura de homogeneização é bimodal, com picos em 120-140ºC e 180ºC. A composição isotópica das inclusões fluidas presentes no quartzo e do quartzo, calcita e clorita mostram valores de δ18O e δD de +7,8 a +13,6 ‰ e -15 a -35 ‰, respectivamente. Os valores de δ34S na pirita são de +0,5 a +4,0 ‰ e δ13C na calcita e CO2 de inclusões fluidas de -18 a -3,7 ‰. Os valores de δ18OH2O e de δDH2O no quartzo e inclusões fluidas, respectivamente, plotam no campo das águas metamórficas, com um desvio em direção à linha da água meteórica. Considerando a inexistência de evento metamórfico na região do Tapajós à época da mineralização, o sistema hidrotermal responsável pela mineralização no Central, inicialmente, deu-se a partir de fluidos aquo-carbônicos magmático-hidrotermais, exsolvidos por magma félsico relacionado com a fase mais tardia de evolução da Suíte Intrusiva Parauari. As inclusões aquo-carbônicas e carbônicas formaram-se nessa etapa, predominantemente em torno de 340°C. A contínua exsolução de fluido pelo magma levou ao empobrecimento em CO2 nas fases mais tardias e, com o resfriamento do fluido, as inclusões aquosas passaram a predominar. A partir daí o sistema pode ter interagido com água meteórica, responsável pelo aprisionamento da maior parte das inclusões aquosas de mais baixa temperatura. É possível que parte das inclusões aquosas (as de maior temperatura) represente a mistura local dos fluidos de origens distintas. Essas observações e interpretações permitem classificar Central como um depósito de ouro magmático-hidrotermal relacionado à fase final da formação da Suíte Intrusiva Parauari.


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A Faixa Brasília na região de Tapira, no SW do estado de Minas Gerais, exibe quatro domínios litotectônicos diferentes, imbricados através de falhas de empurrão, com vergência para o Cráton do São Francisco. Foram conduzidos estudos isotópicos através do método Sm/Nd, que revelam diferentes idades modelo e de metamorfismo para estas escamas. As rochas da escama inferior apresentam idade de metamorfismo de 543 Ma, enquanto a escama que a superpõem, apresentam idade de metamorfismo de 581 Ma. As idades modelo (TDM) são similares para as duas escamas, variando entre 1,7 e 2,2 Ga. Em função das características litológicas essas escamas são interpretadas como derivadas de rochas depositadas em plataforma continental distal, que tiveram como fonte principal rochas de idades paleoproterozóicas do Cráton do São Francisco. As rochas da escama superior apresentam idade de metamorfismo de 612 Ma e uma distribuição bimodal das idades modelo (TDM), 1,3 e 1,9 - 2,0 Ga. Em função das características litológicas e isotópicas as rochas dessas escamas são interpretadas como depositadas em ambiente de talude continental ou assoalho oceânico, tendo os sedimentos fonte mista, de idades paleo- e mesoproterozóicas do Cráton do São Francisco. Embora, com as limitações impostas tanto pelo pequeno número de amostras analisadas, quanto pelas incertezas do método Sm/Nd, interpreta-se que o metamorfismo não foi síncrono nas diferentes escamas. Isto é esperado em um sistema de cavalgamento, no qual as escamas mais metamórficas justapõem-se às escamas menos metamórficas.


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Este trabalho apresenta dados geocronológicos 207Pb/206Pb de grãos detríticos de zircão obtidos pelo método de evaporação de chumbo e idades-modelo Sm-Nd (TDM) de rochas metassedimentares do Cinturão Araguaia, e discute as possíveis áreas-fonte dessas rochas, buscando investigar a história evolutiva deste cinturão no contexto da amalgamação do Gondwana. As datações em grãos detríticos de zircão de quartzitos da Formação Morro do Campo apontaram idades arqueanas (3,0-2,65 Ga) para o domínio norte (região de Xambioá) e, para o domínio sul (região de Paraíso do Tocantins), revelaram idades meso-neoproterozoicas (1,25-0,85 Ga) e, secundariamente, paleoproterozoicas (1,85-1,70 Ga), sugerindo a existência de áreas fontes distintas para os dois domínios. As idades-modelo Sm-Nd (TDM) obtidas em metapelitos (ardósias, filitos, micaxistos) dos grupos Estrondo e Tocantins apresentaram distribuição bimodal com maior frequência de idades entre 2,1 e 1,4 Ga, com moda entre 1,7 e 1,6 Ga, e outras menos frequentes entre 2,7 e 2,4 Ga, sugerindo mistura de fontes de idade Paleoproterozoica (ou até Arqueana) com fontes mais jovens, provavelmente do Meso-Neoproterozoico. Os principais candidatos a fonte para as rochas do Cinturão Araguaia seriam os segmentos crustais situados a sudeste (Cráton São Francisco, Maciço de Goiás e Arco Magmático de Goiás). Toda a sucessão de rochas sedimentares da bacia oceânica Araguaia e rochas magmáticas associadas a estes segmentos foram transportados, posteriormente, em direção à margem oriental do Cráton Amazônico, durante a tectônica principal de estruturação do Cinturão Araguaia, resultante da amalgamação do supercontinente Gondwana.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Serracutisoma proximum is a harvestman with alternative male morphs. Large males use sexually dimorphic second legs in fights for the possession of territories on the vegetation, where females oviposit. Small males have short second legs and do not fight but rather sneak into the territories and copulate with egg-guarding females. We investigated the presence of male dimorphism across 10 populations of S. proximum, compared gonadal investment between male morphs, and assessed if the distribution of the sneakers is influenced by harem size. In all populations, there was male dimorphism, indicated by the bimodal distribution of the leg II length/body length. Gonadal investment did not differ between morphs and was not affected by male size, second leg length, and morph relative frequency in the populations. We found 361 territories, 90.0% containing 1 male, 9.7% containing 2 males (dyads), and 0.3% containing 3 males. The probability of encountering dyads increased with the number of females present in the territories. Moreover, the proportion of sneakers in territories containing dyads was higher than would be expected by chance. One possible reason for the ubiquity of alternative morphs in S. proximum could be the high mating opportunities experienced by sneakers in spatially structured populations with a resource defense polygyny system. Additionally, the high frequency of successful invasions by sneakers and hence the high sperm competition risk for both morphs may explain the similarity in gonadal investment between male morphs.


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A complete understanding of the glass transition isstill a challenging problem. Some researchers attributeit to the (hypothetical) occurrence of a static phasetransition, others emphasize the dynamical transitionof mode coupling-theory from an ergodic to a non ergodicstate. A class of disordered spin models has been foundwhich unifies both scenarios. One of these models isthe p-state infinite range Potts glass with p>4, whichexhibits in the thermodynamic limit both a dynamicalphase transition at a temperature T_D, and a static oneat T_0 < T_D. In this model every spins interacts withall the others, irrespective of distance. Interactionsare taken from a Gaussian distribution.In order to understand better its behavior forfinite number N of spins and the approach to thethermodynamic limit, we have performed extensive MonteCarlo simulations of the p=10 Potts glass up to N=2560.The time-dependent spin-autocorrelation function C(t)shows strong finite size effects and it does not showa plateau even for temperatures around the dynamicalcritical temperature T_D. We show that the N-andT-dependence of the relaxation time for T > T_D can beunderstood by means of a dynamical finite size scalingAnsatz.The behavior in the spin glass phase down to atemperature T=0.7 (about 60% of the transitiontemperature) is studied. Well equilibratedconfigurations are obtained with the paralleltempering method, which is also useful for properlyestablishing static properties, such as the orderparameter distribution function P(q). Evidence is givenfor the compatibility with a one step replica symmetrybreaking scenario. The study of the cumulants of theorder parameter does not permit a reliable estimation ofthe static transition temperature. The autocorrelationfunction at low T exhibits a two-step decay, and ascaling behavior typical of supercooled liquids, thetime-temperature superposition principle, is observed. Inthis region the dynamics is governed by Arrheniusrelaxations, with barriers growing like N^{1/2}.We analyzed the single spin dynamics down to temperaturesmuch lower than the dynamical transition temperature. We found strong dynamical heterogeneities, which explainthe non-exponential character of the spin autocorrelationfunction. The spins seem to relax according to dynamicalclusters. The model in three dimensions tends to acquireferromagnetic order for equal concentration of ferro-and antiferromagnetic bonds. The ordering has differentcharacteristics from the pure ferromagnet. The spinglass susceptibility behaves like chi_{SG} proportionalto 1/T in the region where a spin glass is predicted toexist in mean-field. Also the analysis of the cumulantsis consistent with the absence of spin glass orderingat finite temperature. The dynamics shows multi-scalerelaxations if a bimodal distribution of bonds isused. We propose to understand it with a model based onthe local spin configuration. This is consistent with theabsence of plateaus if Gaussian interactions are used.


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OBJECTIVE: To characterize PubMed usage over a typical day and compare it to previous studies of user behavior on Web search engines. DESIGN: We performed a lexical and semantic analysis of 2,689,166 queries issued on PubMed over 24 consecutive hours on a typical day. MEASUREMENTS: We measured the number of queries, number of distinct users, queries per user, terms per query, common terms, Boolean operator use, common phrases, result set size, MeSH categories, used semantic measurements to group queries into sessions, and studied the addition and removal of terms from consecutive queries to gauge search strategies. RESULTS: The size of the result sets from a sample of queries showed a bimodal distribution, with peaks at approximately 3 and 100 results, suggesting that a large group of queries was tightly focused and another was broad. Like Web search engine sessions, most PubMed sessions consisted of a single query. However, PubMed queries contained more terms. CONCLUSION: PubMed's usage profile should be considered when educating users, building user interfaces, and developing future biomedical information retrieval systems.


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cAMP-response element binding (CREB) proteins are involved in transcriptional regulation in a number of cellular processes (e.g., neural plasticity and circadian rhythms). The CREB family contains activators and repressors that may interact through positive and negative feedback loops. These loops can be generated by auto- and cross-regulation of expression of CREB proteins, via CRE elements in or near their genes. Experiments suggest that such feedback loops may operate in several systems (e.g., Aplysia and rat). To understand the functional implications of such feedback loops, which are interlocked via cross-regulation of transcription, a minimal model with a positive and negative loop was developed and investigated using bifurcation analysis. Bifurcation analysis revealed diverse nonlinear dynamics (e.g., bistability and oscillations). The stability of steady states or oscillations could be changed by time delays in the synthesis of the activator (CREB1) or the repressor (CREB2). Investigation of stochastic fluctuations due to small numbers of molecules of CREB1 and CREB2 revealed a bimodal distribution of CREB molecules in the bistability region. The robustness of the stable HIGH and LOW states of CREB expression to stochastic noise differs, and a critical number of molecules was required to sustain the HIGH state for days or longer. Increasing positive feedback or decreasing negative feedback also increased the lifetime of the HIGH state, and persistence of this state may correlate with long-term memory formation. A critical number of molecules was also required to sustain robust oscillations of CREB expression. If a steady state was near a deterministic Hopf bifurcation point, stochastic resonance could induce oscillations. This comparative analysis of deterministic and stochastic dynamics not only provides insights into the possible dynamics of CREB regulatory motifs, but also demonstrates a framework for understanding other regulatory processes with similar network architecture.


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cAMP-response element binding (CREB) proteins are involved in transcriptional regulation in a number of cellular processes (e.g., neural plasticity and circadian rhythms). The CREB family contains activators and repressors that may interact through positive and negative feedback loops. These loops can be generated by auto- and cross-regulation of expression of CREB proteins, via CRE elements in or near their genes. Experiments suggest that such feedback loops may operate in several systems (e.g., Aplysia and rat). To understand the functional implications of such feedback loops, which are interlocked via cross-regulation of transcription, a minimal model with a positive and negative loop was developed and investigated using bifurcation analysis. Bifurcation analysis revealed diverse nonlinear dynamics (e.g., bistability and oscillations). The stability of steady states or oscillations could be changed by time delays in the synthesis of the activator (CREB1) or the repressor (CREB2). Investigation of stochastic fluctuations due to small numbers of molecules of CREB1 and CREB2 revealed a bimodal distribution of CREB molecules in the bistability region. The robustness of the stable HIGH and LOW states of CREB expression to stochastic noise differs, and a critical number of molecules was required to sustain the HIGH state for days or longer. Increasing positive feedback or decreasing negative feedback also increased the lifetime of the HIGH state, and persistence of this state may correlate with long-term memory formation. A critical number of molecules was also required to sustain robust oscillations of CREB expression. If a steady state was near a deterministic Hopf bifurcation point, stochastic resonance could induce oscillations. This comparative analysis of deterministic and stochastic dynamics not only provides insights into the possible dynamics of CREB regulatory motifs, but also demonstrates a framework for understanding other regulatory processes with similar network architecture.


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This review assesses the circumpolar occurrence of emerged marine macrofossils and sediments from Antarctic coastal areas in relation to Late Quaternary climate changes. Radiocarbon ages of the macrofossils, which are interpreted in view of the complexities of the Antarctic marine radiocarbon reservoir and resolution of this dating technique, show a bimodal distribution. The data indicate that marine species inhabited coastal environments from at least 35000 to 20000 yr sp, during Marine Isotope Stage 3 when extensive iceberg calving created a 'meltwater lid' over the Southern Ocean. The general absence of these marine species from 20000 to 8500 yr sp coincides with the subsequent advance of the Antarctic ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum. Synchronous re-appearance of the Antarctic marine fossils in emerged beaches around the continent, all of wh ich have Holocene marine-limit elevations an order of magnitude lower than those in the Arctic, reflect minimal isostatic rebound as relative sea-level rise decelerated. Antarctic coastal marine habitat changes around the continent also coincided with increasing sea-ice extent and outlet glacial advances during the mid-Holocene. in view of the diverse environmental changes that occurred around the Earth during this period, it is suggested that Antarctic coastal areas were responding to a mid-Holocene climatic shift associated with the hydrological cycle. This synthesis of Late Quaternary emerged marine deposits demonstrates the application of evaluating circum-Antarctic phenomena from the glacial-terrestrial-marine transition zone.


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BACKGROUND Estimates of the size of the undiagnosed HIV-infected population are important to understand the HIV epidemic and to plan interventions, including "test-and-treat" strategies. METHODS We developed a multi-state back-calculation model to estimate HIV incidence, time between infection and diagnosis, and the undiagnosed population by CD4 count strata, using surveillance data on new HIV and AIDS diagnoses. The HIV incidence curve was modelled using cubic splines. The model was tested on simulated data and applied to surveillance data on men who have sex with men in The Netherlands. RESULTS The number of HIV infections could be estimated accurately using simulated data, with most values within the 95% confidence intervals of model predictions. When applying the model to Dutch surveillance data, 15,400 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 15,000, 16,000) men who have sex with men were estimated to have been infected between 1980 and 2011. HIV incidence showed a bimodal distribution, with peaks around 1985 and 2005 and a decline in recent years. Mean time to diagnosis was 6.1 (95% CI = 5.8, 6.4) years between 1984 and 1995 and decreased to 2.6 (2.3, 3.0) years in 2011. By the end of 2011, 11,500 (11,000, 12,000) men who have sex with men in The Netherlands were estimated to be living with HIV, of whom 1,750 (1,450, 2,200) were still undiagnosed. Of the undiagnosed men who have sex with men, 29% (22, 37) were infected for less than 1 year, and 16% (13, 20) for more than 5 years. CONCLUSIONS This multi-state back-calculation model will be useful to estimate HIV incidence, time to diagnosis, and the undiagnosed HIV epidemic based on routine surveillance data.


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Rapid speciation can occur on ecological time scales and interfere with ecological processes, resulting in species distribution patterns that are difficult to reconcile with ecological theory. The haplochromine cichlids in East African lakes are an extreme example of rapid speciation. We analyse the causes of their high speciation rates. Various studies have identified disruptive sexual selection acting on colour polymorphisms that might cause sympatric speciation. Using data on geographical distribution, colouration and relatedness from 41 species endemic to Lake Victoria, we test predictions from this hypothesis. Plotting numbers of pairs of closely related species against the amount of distributional overlap between the species reveals a bimodal distribution with modes on allopatric and sympatric. The proportion of sister species pairs that are heteromorphic for the traits under disruptive selection is higher in sympatry than in allopatry. These data support the hypothesis that disruptive sexual selection on colour polymorphisms has caused sympatric speciation and help to explain the rapid radiation of haplochromine species flocks.


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In equatorial regions, where tree rings are less distinct or even absent, the response of forests to high-frequency climate variability is poorly understood. We measured stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in anatomically distinct, annual growth rings of four Pericopsis elata trees from a plantation in the Congo Basin, to assess their sensitivity to recorded changes in precipitation over the last 50 y. Our results suggest that oxygen isotopes have high common signal strength (EPS = 0.74), and respond to multi-annual precipitation variability at the regional scale, with low δ18O values (28–29‰) during wetter conditions (1960–1970). Conversely, δ13C are mostly related to growth variation, which in a light-demanding species are driven by competition for light. Differences in δ13C values between fast- and slow-growing trees (c. 2‰), result in low common signal strength (EPS = 0.37) and are driven by micro-site conditions rather than by climate. This study highlights the potential for understanding the causes of growth variation in P. elata as well as past hydroclimatic changes, in a climatically complex region characterized by a bimodal distribution in precipitation.


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The biomass, abundance and species composition of phytoplankton in the Kennebec estuary, Maine, USA, were investigated in relation to hydrography and Light regime during 7 seasonal survey cruises. The salinity distribution ranged from 32 at the mouth to between 0 and 5 at the head, depending on the magnitude of freshwater discharge at the time of each survey. Maximum Vertical salinity and temperature gradients were observed at the mouth. while local tidal mixing, combined with the freshwater flow, produced a well-mixed water column at the head of the estuary. The middle portion of the estuary was stratified on flooding and ebbing tides, but was vertically well mixed at high and low tides. Phytoplankton biomass was lowest in winter (chlorophyll a approximate to 1 mu g l(-1)) and highest in summer (up to 10 mu g l(-1)) The phytoplankton species assemblages at the seaward and the riverine ends of the estuary were made up of taxa with corresponding salinity preferences. Both cell numbers and biomass (chlorophyll a) exhibited a bimodal distribution along the length of the estuary in the warmer months, with the middle portions of the estuary having depressed phytoplankton standing stocks compared with the seaward and landward ends. This bimodal distribution was related to Light limitation and nutrient regeneration in the middle portion of the estuary and to the production of and advective contributions of phytoplankton from both the freshwater and seaward ends.


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The discovery of expanded simple repeated sequences causing or associated with human disease has lead to a new area of research involved in the elucidation of how the expanded repeat causes disease and how the repeat becomes unstable. ^ To study the genetic basis of the (CTG)n repeat instability in the DMPK gene in myotonic dystrophy (DM1) patients, somatic cell hybrids were constructed between the lymphocytes of DM1 patients and a variety of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell DNA repair gene deficient mutants. By using small pool PCR (SP-PCR), the instability of the (CTG)n can be quantitated for both the frequency and sizes of length change mutations. ^ Additional SP-PCR analysis on 2/11 subclones generated from this original hybrid showed a marked increase in large repeat deletions, ∼50%. A bimodal distribution of repeats was seen around the progenitor allele and at a large deleted product (within the normal range) with no intermediate products present. ^ To determine if the repair capacity of the CHO cell led to a mutator phenotype in the hamster and hybrid clones, SP-PCR was also done on 3 hamster microsatellites in a variety of hamster cell backgrounds. No variant alleles were seen in over 2500 genome equivalents screened. ^ Human-hamster hybrids have long been shown to be chromosomally unstable, yet information about the stability of repeated sequences was not known. To test if repeat instability was associated with either intact or non-intact human chromosomes, more than 300 microsatellite repeats on 13 human chromosomes (intact and non-intact) were analyzed in eight hybrid cells. No variants were seen between the hybrid and patient alleles in the hybrids. ^ To identify whether DM1 patients have a previously undetected level of genome wide instability or if the instability is truly locus specific, SP-PCR was done on 6 human microsatellites within the patient used to make the hybrid cells. No variants were seen in over 1000 genomes screened. ^ These studies show that the somatic cell hybrid approach is a genetically stable system that allows for the determination of factors that could lead to changes in microsatellite instability. It also shows that there is something inherent about the DM1 expanded (CTG)n repeat that it is solely targeted by, as of yet, and unknown mechanism that causes the repeat to be unstable. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^