927 resultados para award
Purpose – This paper aims to analyze the research productivity and impact of the finalists of the AIB best dissertation award, now titled the Buckley and Casson Award, but from 1987 to 2012 the Farmer Award. Specifically, this paper examines whether there is a relationship between winning the best dissertation award and subsequent publication productivity and impact. Relationships between academic institution and institutional geographic location and finalists are also examined. Design/methodology/approach – The paper examines 25 years of citation counts and the number of publications in Google Scholar of Farmer Award winners and finalists of the AIB best dissertation award from inception in 1987 to 2009, with cited publications as a measure of productivity and citations as a measure of impact. Top performers in productivity and impact are identified, and the averages of winners and non-winners are analyzed in aggregate, over time and per year. Data on finalists' institution and geographic location of institution are analyzed to describe the importance of location and institution to the award. Findings – It is found that the overall average citations of the winners of the award is less than that of the non-winners, and that in the large majority of years the non-winners have an average citation count higher than that of the winners. However, taking averages in five year increments shows more mixed results, with non-winners performing better in two periods and winners performing better in two periods, with the remaining period being split as to research productivity and impact. Originality/value – Aggarwal et al. in this journal summarized a variety of data on Farmer Award finalists from the 1990s to gain insights on institutions represented by finalists, the publication record of finalists, and content of dissertations, among other characteristics. This paper updates some of the insights from that paper by examining data on award winners from 1987 to 2013, and adds further insight by examining for the first time cited publications and citation counts winners and non-winners for the same period excluding the last two years.
A student (right) is shown shaking the hand of an administrator and accepting an award at a New York Trade School commencement ceremony. Photograph is black and white.
Stripping Award is being presented to Joseph Mamarela by Philip Zeiger, member of the Joint Apprenticeship Committee. This took place at the May 13, 1995 commencement ceremony of the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph.
Bernard Rosenstadt, an administrator at the New York Trade School, hands an award to a student at the school's 1957 commencement ceremony. Black and white photograph.
Herbert Sussman (left) is shown presenting the John P. Mullen award. Herbert M. Sussman was the College's fifth president. He was inaugurated on June 8, 1972 and the school's commencement ceremony. He served from 1972-1977. By this time, New York City Community College of Applied Arts and Sciences was part of the CUNY system and had merged with the Vorhees Technical Institute.
Este estudo é uma análise do processo de geração de valor ao acionista do Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade (PNQ) e do Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA), feita através do estudo de caso das métricas financeiras utilizadas por oito empresas vencedoras destes prêmios em 2002 e 2003. Objetivo: Identificar consistências e complementaridades entre o PNQ e o MBNQA e objetivos financeiros de geração de valor ao acionista, verificando se as métricas utilizadas pelas oito empresas são consistentes com estes conceitos. Método: Estudo de caso das métricas financeiras utilizadas em 2002 e 2003 por três empresas vencedoras do PNQ e por cinco empresas vencedoras do MBNQA, comparando-as com métricas financeiras recomendados pela bibliografia de finanças na área de geração de valor ao acionista. Resultados: As empresas monitoraram indicadores operacionais importantes (direcionadores de valor), mas a maior parte das métricas financeiras utilizadas está mais ligada a medidas contábeis e de performance passada do que a métricas de geração de valor ao acionista. Conclusão: Verificou-se que as métricas financeiras utilizadas pelas oito empresas não estão consistentes com os conceitos de finanças na área de geração de valor ao acionista e não permitem a correta medição do seu processo de geração de valor. Por outro lado, o fato do PNQ e do MBNQA levarem ao acompanhamento sistemático de indicadores direcionadores de valor, a revisões periódicas destes indicadores e a busca de melhorias e alinhamento com a estratégia da empresa é positivo, podendo gerar bons resultados para as empresas. A utilização conjunta da metodologia do PNQ e do MBNQA com a disciplina de finanças tem grande potencial de gerar valor para os acionistas.
The transcript of John J. Janovy Jr.'s speech upon acceptance of the American Society of Parasitologists' Clark P. Read Mentor Award, 2003.
It's amazing what people, working together, can do. Amazing, inspiring, and uplifting! I know that each member of the Sustainable Families Action Team brings to that team their own particular talents. Today, with the IANR Team Effort Award, we recognize the team members willingness to combine their individual talents, with each team member contributing to a larger whole for the good of Nebraska.
John Holling, a 1912 graduate of the University of Nebraska who died in 1988, established the "Peter and Anna Holling Fund" in 1973 with his sisters, Hattie and Elvena Holling, the only other surviving children at the time. Their siblings, Gustave, Emil, and Rose also had contributed to the estate. The Hollings were a pioneer farm family of German-Danish descent. Peter Holling settled in the Grand lsland area in the 1870s after missing a westbound Union Pacific work-train that he had originally boarded in Iowa.
What a treat it is to be here today to celebrate the outstanding work of members of our IANR community. It seems so much of our administrative time these days is spent dealing with difficult and joyless issues surrounding slashed budgets, lost programs, and the very real pain those engender. Perhaps it is that pain that doubles our joy when we have opportunities such as today to celebrate excellence. This afternoon we celebrate accomplishment in two ways with the IANR Team Award, and with the Exemplary Service Award. We'll begin today with the IANR Team Award, which recognizes the importance of interdisciplinary team efforts in achieving the Institute's goals. Criteria include: 1) problem identification, team strategy, grant success; 2) productivity and impact and the output of the team in relation to inputs; 3) the team effort, and 4) the quality of the nomination.
It is such a pleasure to have this opportunity this afternoon to present four Omtvedt Innovation Awards to Institute colleagues whose outstanding work is a source of tremendous pride and inspiration for us all.
Few Nebraskans are as devoted to the University of Nebraska as Mark Gustafson. Driven by his belief that a strong university is key to a strong Nebraska economy, Mark is an advocate for the university in the local, state, and national arenas. He is a Nebraska delegate to the Council for Agricultural, Research, Extension, and Teaching, a national advocacy organization for higher education. Since 1991, he's been a member of Agriculture Builders of Nebraska, Inc., which supports UNL's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, as well as the entire University, and has served three terms as president. He has served on the advisory councils for the UNL chancellor and the NU president and served on UNL's Future Nebraska Taskforce. He holds baccalaureate and master's degrees from UNL and a Ph.D. from the University of California-Berkeley. When he's not volunteering his time, Mark operates the family farm near Mead. He and his wife, Dianne, are the parents of two children - Christopher, a UNL alumnus, and Anneke, a UNL junior.
It is a real pleasure to present the 2006 Omaha Agri- Business Club Leadership Award this evening during National Agriculture Week. I commend the Omaha Agri-Business Club for establishing this fine award. We always need to celebrate the accomplishments of individuals whose leadership efforts contribute to our agricultural industry which is the backbone of Nebraska and our nation.