977 resultados para asymptomatic


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The aims of this study were to evaluate the immunomodulatory role of TGF-beta(1), 1L-10, and INF-gamma in spleen and liver extracts and supernatant cultures of white spleen cells from male symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs, naturally infected by Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. Thirty dogs from Aracatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, an endemic leishmaniosis area, were selected by positive ELISA serological reaction for Leishmania sp. and divided into two groups: asymptomatic (n=15) and symptomatic (n=15) consisting of animals with at least three characteristic signs (fever, dermatitis, lymphoadenopathy, onychogryphosis, weight loss, cachex a, locomotion problems, conjunctivitis, epistaxis, hepatosplenomegaly, edema, and apathy). After euthanasia, spleen and liver fragments were collected for ex vivo quantification of TGF-beta(1), IL-10, and INF-gamma. Naturally active in vitro produced TGF-beta(1) was also evaluated in spleen cell culture supernatant. Spleen and liver extract of asymptomatic dogs had higher mean TGF-beta(1) levels than symptomatic dogs. High concentrations of IL-10 were found in spleen, and mainly in liver extract of both groups. Higher INF-gamma concentrations were found in spleen extracts of symptomatic dogs, and in liver extracts of asymptomatic dogs. Extract of this cytokire was lower in spleen extract. Although INF-gamma is being produced in canine infection, mean levels of TGF-beta(1) and IL-10 from spleen and liver extracts were quantitatively much higher; suggesting that immune response in both asymptomatic and symptomatic dogs A as predominantly type Th2. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cytauxzoon. spp. DNA was detected for the first time in blood samples from asymptomatic Brazilian wild captive felids. In 2606, 72 EDTA blood samples from seven wild felids species: Puma concolor (pinna), Leopardus pardalis (ocelot), Puma yagouaroundi (jaguarundi), Leopardus wiedii (margay), Leopardus tigrinus (little spotted cat), Oncifelis colocolo (pampas cat) and Panthera. onca. (jaguar) were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction to amplify the 18S rRNA gene segment in order to verify the presence of Cytauxzoon spp. DNA. Nine samples were positive: six ocelots, two pumas, and one jaguar. In Brazil, wild felids may be natural reservoirs for Cytauxzoon spp.


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We have described the existence of asymptomatic carriers of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum infections in native Amazon populations. Most of them had low parasitemias, detected only by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Because they remain symptomless and untreated, we wanted to determine whether they could infect Anopheles darlingi Root, the main Brazilian vector, and act as disease reservoirs. Fifteen adult asymptomatic patients (PCR positive only) were selected, and experimental infections of mosquitoes were performed by direct feeding and by a membrane-feeding system. Seventeen adult symptomatic patients with high parasitemias were used as controls. We found an infection rate in An. darlingi of 1.2% for the asymptomatic carriers and 22% for the symptomatic carriers. Although the asymptomatic group infected mosquitoes at a much lower rate, these patients remain infective longer than treated, symptomatic patients. Also, the prevalence of asymptomatic infections is 4 to 5 times higher than symptomatic infections among natives. These results have implications for the malaria control program in Brazil, which focuses essentially on the treatment of symptomatic patients. © 2005 Entomological Society of America.


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Doppler echocardiography has been used for the diagnosis of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. However, few data are available that include asymptomatic children previously treated with a low cumulative dose of this drug and therefore have a low risk of cardiac dysfunction. The aim of this study was to evaluate after-exercise cardiac function in asymptomatic children previously treated with a low cumulative dose of anthracycline and no clinical or laboratory evidence of cardiotoxicity. Doppler echocardiography was performed before and immediately after physical exercise in 29 children aged 5 to 17 years (anthracycline [ADRIA] group). All had finished cancer treatment with anthracycline derivatives for ≥1 year (cumulative dose 100 mg/m2). Results were compared with those from age- and gender-matched healthy children (control group; n = 26) using the Mann-Whitney rank test. Exercise-induced cardiac function changes within groups were analyzed using Wilcoxon's signed-rank test. Exercise induced significant increases in left ventricular systolic function indexes in both groups. However, the ADRIA group had significantly lower changes in left ventricular ejection fraction (ADRIA group 0.71 ± 0.02 vs 0.80 ± 0.04 and control group 0.71 ± 0.02 vs 0.89 ± 0.05, p = 0.0017) and end-systolic stress-volume index (ADRIA group 4.59 ± 0.69 vs 6.4 ± 2.0 g.cm-2/ml.m-2 and control group 5.49 ± 0.98 vs 11.54 ± 2.86 g.cm-2/ml.m-2; p <0.0001), indicating decreased functional systolic reserve. In conclusion, asymptomatic children previously treated with low cumulative doses of anthracycline had decreased functional systolic reserve evidenced by exercise, suggesting a nonclinically manifested cardiotoxicity. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Occlusion is a predisposing factor for Temporomandibular Dysfunctions (TMD) of the joint, whose first sign and/or symptom is usually joint sound. To verify the effect of occlusion on joint sounds, temporomandibular joints (TMJ) were analyzed in 78 asymptomatic individuals with various dental conditions. Electrosonography was used to determine the intensity of the vibration in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on opening and closing the mouth. Transducers (piezoelectric accelerometer) were placed on the right and left joints. Results were tabled and analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test (a=0.05). It was concluded that TMJ vibration in partly edentulous individuals from Kennedy classes I, II and III is statistically higher than in dentate and fully edentulous subjects.


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Background: The time course of mild cardiotoxicity induced by anthracycline remains unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term evolution of decreased myocardial reserve in children previously treated with a cumulative dose of anthracycline up to 100mg/m 2. Patients and Methods: Twenty-seven asymptomatic cancer survival patients (25 with lymphoblastic leukemia), in continuous remission and off treatment for >12 months with no alterations in conventional echocardiograms were evaluated by exercise echocardiography at 37±15.4 months (T1) and 101±24 months (T2) after finishing treatment (ADRIA group). This group was compared with 25 healthy individuals (control group) similar to the ADRIA group with respect to age and body surface area (BSA). All individuals underwent treadmill exercise testing according to Bruce protocol. Echocardiograms were performed before and immediately after exercise. Results: The groups were similar regarding cardiac structure and left ventricular (LV) systolic function at rest at T1 and T2. The growth of LV posterior wall thickness related to BSA was lower in the ADRIA group at T2. Post exercise, smaller LV ejection indexes and attenuated changes in the afterload in ADRIA group were observed at T1 and T2. Conclusion: The decreased systolic reserve induced by a low dose of anthracycline in asymptomatic children and adolescents remains unaffected over a 5-year period, suggesting that positive outcomes in chronic cardiotoxicity would be expected in patients with mild impairment after anthracycline treatment. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We evaluated the ability of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi to transfer the parasite to the vector and the factors associated with transmission. Thirty-eight infected dogs were confirmed to be infected by direct observation of Leishmania in lymph node smears. Dogs were grouped according to external clinical signs and laboratory data into symptomatic (n= 24) and asymptomatic (n= 14) animals. All dogs were sedated and submitted to xenodiagnosis with F1-laboratory-reared Lutzomyia longipalpis. After blood digestion, sand flies were dissected and examined for the presence of promastigotes. Following canine euthanasia, fragments of skin, lymph nodes, and spleen were collected and processed using immunohistochemistry to evaluate tissue parasitism. Specific antibodies were detected using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Antibody levels were found to be higher in symptomatic dogs compared to asymptomatic dogs (p= 0.0396). Both groups presented amastigotes in lymph nodes, while skin parasitism was observed in only 58.3% of symptomatic and in 35.7% of asymptomatic dogs. Parasites were visualized in the spleens of 66.7% and 71.4% of symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs, respectively. Parasite load varied from mild to intense, and was not significantly different between groups. All asymptomatic dogs except for one (93%) were competent to transmit Leishmania to the vector, including eight (61.5%) without skin parasitism. Sixteen symptomatic animals (67%) infected sand flies; six (37.5%) showed no amastigotes in the skin. Skin parasitism was not crucial for the ability to infect Lutzomyia longipalpis but the presence of Leishmania in lymph nodes was significantly related to a positive xenodiagnosis. Additionally, a higher proportion of infected vectors that fed on asymptomatic dogs was observed (p= 0.0494). Clinical severity was inversely correlated with the infection rate of sand flies (p= 0.027) and was directly correlated with antibody levels (p= 0.0379). Age and gender did not influence the transmissibility. Our data show that asymptomatic dogs are highly infective and competent for establishing sand fly infection, indicating their role in maintaining L. (L.) infantum chagasi cycle as well as their involvement in VL spreading in endemic areas. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) é reconhecida pelas características clínicas da doença e é altamente letal. A infecção, entretanto, pode ser totalmente assintomática em alguns cães soropositivos, o que tem levantado questão polêmica sobre a possibilidade desses animais, serem ou não uma fonte importante da infecção para o flebotomíneo, Lutzomyia longipalpis, o principal vetor da leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA). Neste estudo foram examinados 51 cães com LVC aguda, provenientes de área endêmica de LVA no Estado do Pará, Brasil, e a carga parasitária, formas amastigotas de, na pele, linfonodo poplíteo e vísceras (fígado e baço) foi comparada com a de nove cães assintomáticos soropositivos (IFAT-IgG). Fragmentos de biópsia desses tecidos obtidos post-mortem foram processados para análise através de imunohistoquímica, usando um anticorpo policlonal contra Leishmania sp. Os testes do Qui-quadrado (X2) e Mann Whitney foram usados para avaliar as médias da densidade de macrófagos infectados (p < 0,05). Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença (p > 0,05) na densidade de macrófagos infectados da pele (10,7/mm2 x 15,5/mm2) e do linfonodo (6,3/mm2 x 8,3/mm2) entre cães assintomáticos e sintomáticos. Entretanto, a densidade de macrófagos infectados da víscera de cães sintomáticos (5,3/mm2) foi maior (p < 0,05) que a de cães assintomáticos (1,4/mm2). Estes resultados sugerem, fortemente, que cães naturalmente infectados por L. (L.) i. chagasi, assintomáticos ou sintomáticos, podem servir como fonte de infecção, principalmente, considerando-se que a densidade de macrófagos infectados da pele (10,7/mm2 x 15,5/mm2), local onde o flebotomíneo vetor Lu. longipalpis realiza a hematofagia, foi maior (p < 0,05) que as do linfonodo (6,3/mm2 x 8.3/mm2) e vísceras (1,4/mm2x 5,3/mm2).


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The efficacy of sulfadoxine + trimethoprim in comparison to management measures for the control of Eimeria parasitism was studied in naturally infected sheep that were raised in a feedlot and were clinically asymptomatic for eimeriosis. Weight gain was also evaluated in these animals. The following groups were formed with 15 animals/group: TO!, control animals that received saline solution and maintenance of the same management measures that were performed before the study; T02, animals that received two intramuscular doses of sulfadoxine (20 mg/kg) + trimethoprim (4 mg/kg) with a 14-day interval; T03, sheep that received two intramuscular doses of sulfadoxine (20 mg/kg) + trimethoprim (4 mg/kg) with a 14-day interval plus management measures (wood shaving bedding was changed every Monday, and 30g of ammonium sulfate were applied to the bedding and other facilities were performed every Thursday, 10 mL/20 L of water); and T04, animals that received only the management measures described for the previous group. The highest efficacy rates (arithmetic mean) for the T02 group (sulfadoxine + trimethoprim at days 0 and 14) were 21.04% and 21.98% on the 14th and 28th days after the first treatment (DAFT), respectively. However, the treatment showed efficacy rates below 17% and was totally ineffective from the 70th DAFT to the end of the study. In both the T03 (chemical treatment+ management) and T04 (management only) groups, a significant (P <= 0.05) reduction of oocyst shedding per gram of feces was observed in the animals from the 14th DAFT in comparison to the control group; however, an efficacy rate above 90% was observed from the 28th DAFT. Animals belonging to the T02, T03 and T04 groups presented with alterations in weight gain of 0.57 kg, 4.30 kg and 4.53 kg, respectively, in comparison with the control animals (T01) throughout the 91-day study period. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the two-dose sulfadoxine + trimethoprim treatment, given with a 14-day interval, had little no effect on the oocyst shedding. Moreover, the adopted management measures were enough to cause a significant decrease in the animal parasite loads. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We examined achromatic contrast discrimination in asymptomatic carriers of 11778 Leber`s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON 18 controls) and 18 age-match were also tested. To evaluate magnocellular (MC) and Parvocellular (PC) contrast discrimination, we used a version of Pokorny and Smith`s (1997) Pulsed/steady-pedestal paradigms (PPP/SPP) thought to be detected via PC and MC pathways, respectively. A luminance pedestal (four 1 degrees x 1 degrees squares) was presented on a 12 cd/m(2) surround. The luminance of one of the squares (trial square, TS) was randomly incremented for either 17 or 133 ms. Observers had to detect the TS, in a forced-choice task, at each duration, for three pedestal levels: 7, 12, 19 cd/m(2). In the SPP, the pedestal was fixed, and the TS was modulated. For the PPP, all four pedestal squares pulsed for 17 or 133 ms, and the TS was simultaneously incremented or decremented. We found that contrast discrimination thresholds of LHON carriers were significantly higher than controls` in the condition with the highest luminance of both paradigms, implying impaired contrast processing with no evidence of differential sensitivity losses between the two systems. Carriers` thresholds manifested significantly longer temporal integration than controls in the SPP, consistent with slowed MC responses. The SPP and PPP paradigms can identify contrast and temporal processing deficits in asymptomatic LHON carriers, and thus provide an additional tool for early detection and characterization of the disease.


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Across the Americas and the Caribbean, nearly 561,000 slide-confirmed malaria infections were reported officially in 2008. The nine Amazonian countries accounted for 89% of these infections; Brazil and Peru alone contributed 56% and 7% of them, respectively. Local populations of the relatively neglected parasite Plasmodium vivax, which currently accounts for 77% of the regional malaria burden, are extremely diverse genetically and geographically structured. At a time when malaria elimination is placed on the public health agenda of several endemic countries, it remains unclear why malaria proved so difficult to control in areas of relatively low levels of transmission such as the Amazon Basin. We hypothesize that asymptomatic parasite carriage and massive environmental changes that affect vector abundance and behavior are major contributors to malaria transmission in epidemiologically diverse areas across the Amazon Basin. Here we review available data supporting this hypothesis and discuss their implications for current and future malaria intervention policies in the region. Given that locally generated scientific evidence is urgently required to support malaria control interventions in Amazonia, we briefly describe the aims of our current field-oriented malaria research in rural villages and gold-mining enclaves in Peru and a recently opened agricultural settlement in Brazil. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The retrovirus human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) promotes spastic paraparesis, adult T cell leukaemia and other diseases. Recently, some human microRNAs (miRNAs) have been described as important factors in host-virus interactions. This study compared miRNA expression in control individuals, asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers and HTLV-1 associated myelopathy (HAM)/tropical spastic paraparesis patients. The proviral load and Tax protein expression were measured in order to characterize the patients. hsa-miR-125b expression was significantly higher in patients than in controls (p = 0.0285) or in the HAM group (p = 0.0312). Therefore, our findings suggest that miR-125b expression can be used to elucidate the mechanisms of viral replication and pathogenic processes.


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In this study, we determined whether the treatment of asymptomatic parasites carriers (APCs), which are frequently found in the riverside localities of the Brazilian Amazon that are highly endemic for malaria, would decrease the local malaria incidence by decreasing the overall pool of parasites available to infect mosquitoes. In one village, the treatment of the 19 Plasmodium falciparum-infected APCs identified among the 270 residents led to a clear reduction (Z = -2.39, p = 0.017) in the incidence of clinical cases, suggesting that treatment of APCs is useful for controlling falciparum malaria. For vivax malaria, 120 APCs were identified among the 716 residents living in five villages. Comparing the monthly incidence of vivax malaria in two villages where the APCs were treated with the incidence in two villages where APCs were not treated yielded contradictory results and no clear differences in the incidence were observed (Z = -0.09, p = 0.933). Interestingly, a follow-up study showed that the frequency of clinical relapse in both the treated and untreated APCs was similar to the frequency seen in patients treated for primary clinical infections, thus indicating that vivax clinical immunity in the population is not species specific but only strain specific.


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Reasons for performing study: Alternative methods to evaluate the joint condition in asymptomatic osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) and other joint diseases may be useful. Objectives: To investigate possible changes in synovial fluid composition that may lead to joint conditions in asymptomatic OCD, in mature horses. Methods: Animals aged >2 years, of different breeds, with OCD in the intermediate ridge of distal tibia, symptomatic or not, were studied. Synovial fluid samples (10 healthy; 11 asymptomatic OCD; 25 symptomatic OCD) were collected by arthroscopy from 29 horses. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were analysed by a combination of agarose gel electrophoresis and enzymatic degradation with specific GAG lyases. The viscosity, white blood cell (WBC) count, protein concentration and hyaluronic acid (HA) molecular weight were also determined. Results: The method used here to analyse synovial fluid GAGs is reliable, reproducible and specific. The main synovial fluid GAGs are HA and chondroitin sulphate (CS), 93% and 7% respectively in normal horses. In symptomatic OCD, the concentrations of both increased (expressed as GAG/urea ratios), but CS increased more. The CS increased also in asymptomatic OCD. An inflammatory reaction was suggested by the increased WBC counts in OCD. The molecular weight of the synovial fluid HA was reduced in OCD, explaining the lower viscosity observed. Conclusions: The increased CS in synovial fluid of OCD joints in mature horses suggests that the synovial fluid CS and the WBC count are good markers of the joint conditions, allowing the identification of pathological phase in joint diseases. Potential relevance: The analysis of synovial fluid GAGs shows that cartilage damage occurs even in asymptomatic OCD, implying that arthroscopic removal of osteochondral fragments should be performed even in asymptomatic OCD.