1000 resultados para arqueologia do baixo Rio Negro
The objective of the present study was to describe, for the first time in Brazil, the use by a non-ophthalmologist of a community-based marginal rotation procedure by a posterior approach in the indigenous population from the Upper Rio Negro basin. Seventy-three upper eyelids of 46 Indians (11 males and 35 females) with cicatricial upper eyelid entropion and trichiasis were operated in the Indian communities using a marginal rotational procedure by a posterior approach by a non-ophthalmologist physician who had general surgery experience but only an extremely short period (one week) of ophthalmic training. Subjects were reevaluated 6 months after surgery. Results were classified according to the presence and location of residual trichiasis and symptoms were assessed according to a three-level subjective scale (better, worse or no change). Fifty-six eyelids (76.7%) were free from trichiasis, whereas residual trichiasis was observed in 17 eyelids (23.3%) of 10 subjects. In these cases, trichiasis was either lateral or medial to the central portion of the lid. Of these 10 patients, only 4 reported that the surgery did not improve the irritative symptoms. We conclude that marginal rotation by a posterior approach is an effective and simple procedure with few complications, even when performed by non-specialists. Due to its simplicity the posterior approach is an excellent option for community-based upper eyelid entropion surgery.
Karyotypes of Leposoma show a clear differentiation between species of the scincoides group from Brazilian Atlantic Forest (2n = 52, without distinctive size groups of chromosomes) and those of the parietale group from the Amazon (2n = 44, with 20M + 24m). In a previous study, we found that in the parietale group the parthenoform Leposoma percarinatum from the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, exhibited a triploid karyotype (3n = 66) with 30 macrochromosomes and 36 microchromosomes. It was suggested that this karyotype arose after hybridization between a bisexual species with N = 22 (10M + 12m) and a hypothetical unisexual cryptic diploid form of the L. percarinatum complex. Herein, we describe the karyotypes for two species of the parietale group occurring sympatrically in the Arquipelago das Anavilhanas, lower Rio Negro, in Amazonian Brazil. The first represents a distinctive diploid parthenogenetic clone of the L. percarinatum complex, and the other is the recently described Leposoma ferreirai. Both species have 44 biarmed chromosomes clearly represented by 20 macrochromosomes and 24 microchromosomes and present Ag-NORs in one pair of the smallest sized microchromosomes; heteromorphism of size for these regions was detected in L. percarinatum. C-banding revealed blocks of constitutive heterochromatin on the telomeric and pericentromeric regions of macrochromosomes and some microchromosomes. The description of a diploid karyotype (2n = 44, 20M + 24m) for the L. percarinatum complex and its sympatric congener L. ferreirai provides new insight for a better understanding of the origin of parthenogenesis in the L. percarinatum complex.
Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso que analisa a experiência realizada pela Federação das Organizações Indígenas do Rio Negro – FOIRN, em convênio com a Fundação Nacional de Saúde – FUNASA, na gestão do sistema de serviços de saúde para a população indígena do alto rio Negro – Amazonas, no período de 2002 a 2006. Foram realizadas entrevistas com atores-chave por meio de roteiro semi-estruturado e analise de documentos. Os resultados indicam uma falta de articulação entre as conveniadas. Verificou-se que não houve transparência de decisões entre as partes, ou preocupação com a qualificação para tratar de uma questão tão complexa quanto a saúde dos indígenas do rio negro. Ainda, os recursos eram transferidos de maneira irregular e em volume insuficiente, causando descontinuidade e problemas de gestão da política. Conclui-se que ainda exista um caminho a ser percorrido pelas organizações que se submeteram a executar a gestão da saúde indígena dos povos rio-negrinos para a obtenção de um serviço de qualidade em razão de suas especificidades e a da complexidade da gestão.
This paper characterizes humic substances (HS) extracted from soil samples collected in the Rio Negro basin in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, particularly investigating their reduction capabilities towards Hg(II) in order to elucidate potential mercury cycling/volatilization in this environment. For this reason, a multimethod approach was used, consisting of both instrumental methods (elemental analysis, EPR, solid-state NMR, FIA combined with cold-vapor AAS of Hg(0)) and statistical methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) and a central composite factorial planning method. The HS under study were divided into groups, complexing and reducing ones, owing to different distribution of their functionalities. The main functionalities (cor)related with reduction of Hg(II) were phenolic, carboxylic and amide groups, while the groups related with complexation of Hg(II) were ethers, hydroxyls, aldehydes and ketones. The HS extracted from floodable regions of the Rio Negro basin presented a greater capacity to retain (to complex, to adsorb physically and/or chemically) Hg(II), while nonfloodable regions showed a greater capacity to reduce Hg(II), indicating that HS extracted from different types of regions contribute in different ways to the biogeochemical mercury cycle in the basin of the mid-Rio Negro, AM, Brazil. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O estudo tem por objetivo documentar o uso de animais na medicina caseira entre ribeirinhos do rio Negro, Amazonas, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio de 92 entrevistas e de observações sobre o conhecimento e as práticas cotidianas de uso de animais medicinais. Cerca de 60 espécies animais são conhecidas com propósitos medicinais. O conhecimento é bem distribuído entre os sexos (homens e mulheres) e entre localidades (urbano e rural). O uso de animais medicinais está imerso em conceitos etiológicos e envolve uma complexa visão cosmológica do processo de cura. O êxodo rural e o acesso facilitado à medicina ocidental podem promover a perda dos conhecimentos tradicionais, o que pode ser mitigado através da valorização e da transmissão desses saberes às futuras gerações.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
No presente artigo, analiso os aspectos relacionados às escolhas e aversões alimentares entre as populações ribeirinhas assentadas no Rio Negro (Amazonas, Brasil). Foram entrevistadas 104 pessoas (57 homens e 47 mulheres) e observadas as práticas cotidianas quanto às preferências e restrições alimentares em 47 unidades domésticas. As escolhas alimentares são influenciadas por preferências individuais, fatores ecológicos, econômicos, sociais e culturais. Com relação ao sistema de tabus alimentares, os animais com caracteres híbridos ou difíceis de serem categorizados, como os peixes lisos e os animais de dieta generalista, são sujeitos a tabus. A sobreposição entre as diferentes correntes teóricas é utilizada para interpretar as variações estabelecidas entre as preferências e os tabus alimentares no Rio Negro.
The influence of structural features of tropical river humic substances (HS) on their capability to reduce mercury(II) in aqueous solutions was studied. The HS investigated were conventionally isolated from Rio Negro water-Amazonas State/Brazil by means of the collector XAD 8. In addition, the isolated HS were on-line fractionated by tangential-flow multistage ultrafiltration (nominal molecular-weight cut-offs: 100, 50, 30, 10, 5 kDa) and characterized by potentiometry and UV/VIS spectroscopy. The reduction of Hg(II) ions to elemental Hg by size-fractions of Rio Negro HS was assessed by cold-vapor AAS (CVAAS). UV/VIS spectrometry revealed that the fractions of high molecular-size (F-1 > 100 kDa and F-2: 50-100 kDa) have a higher aromaticity compared to the fractions of small molecular-size (F-5: 5-10 kDa, F-6: < 5 kDa). In contrast, the potentiometric study showed different concentration of functional groups in the studied HS fractions. The reduction of Hg(II) by aquatic HS fractions at pH 5 proceeded in two steps (I, II) of slow first order kinetics (t(1/2) of I: 160 min, t(1/2) of II: 300 min) weakly influenced by the molecular-size, in contrast to the differing degree of Hg(II) reduction (F-5 > F-2 > > F-1 > F-3 > F-4 > > F-6). Accordingly, Hg(II) ions were preferably reduced by HS molecules having a relatively high ratio of phenolic/carboxylic groups and a small concentration of sulfur. From these results a complex 'competition' between reduction and complexation of mercury(II) by aquatic HS occurring in tropical rivers such as the Rio Negro can be suggested. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The evolution of elemental Hg from its environmental compounds has already been supposed to be an important process within the global mercury cycle. The present study characterizes the abiotic reduction of Hg(II) ions by typical river humic substances (HS) conventionally pre-isolated by the adsorbent XAD 8 from the Rio Negro near Manaus, Brazil. For the investigation of this reduction process a special reaction and Hg(0) trapping unit combined with cold-vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) was developed. Preconcentration of traces of mercury(II), if required, was obtained by a home-made FIA system using microcolumns filled with the Hg(II)-selective collector CheliteS(R) (Serva Company). The effect of environmentally relevant parameters such as the pH value, the Hg(II)/HS ratio and the HS concentration on the I-IE;(II) reduction process was studied as a function of the time. The Hg(0) production was highest at pH 8.0 and in the case of decreasing HS amounts (0.5 mg) when about 65% of initially 1.0 mug Hg(H) was reduced within 50 h. Moreover, the reduction efficiency of HS towards HE;(II) strongly depended on the HS concentration but hardly on the Hg(II)/HS ratio. The reduction kinetics followed a relatively slow two-step first-order mechanism with formal rate constants of about 0.1 and 0.02 h(-1), respectively. Based on these findings the possible relevance of the abiotic evolution of mercury in humic-rich aquatic environments is considered. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.