148 resultados para ape
Comprendre l'évolution de la bipédie est un élément essentiel à la recherche en paléoanthropologie, car ce comportement est le trait le plus important utilisé pour identifier les fossiles comme appartenant à la lignée des hominines. La topographie de la surface infradiaphysaire du fémur et du tibia pourrait donner un aperçu du comportement locomoteur des espèces fossiles, mais n'a pas été étudiée de façon approfondie. Ce trait reflète directement les différences dans la locomotion, puisque la surface change de topographie pour mieux résister aux charges encourues par les mouvements réguliers. Le plan infradiaphysaire du fémur chez les humain est relativement plat, tandis que la surface est plus irrégulière chez les grands singes. Dans ce projet, les métaphyses du genou ont été étudiées d’une manière quantifiée afin de percevoir les différences entre espèces et mieux comprendre le développement ontogénique de ces traits. Les angles formés par les protrusions et les creux de ces surfaces ont été mesurés à partir de points de repère enregistrés en trois-dimensions sur les métaphyses du genou chez les humains, chimpanzés, gorilles, et orangs-outans, et chez trois fossiles Australopithecus afarensis, afin d’observer de l’effet de facteurs tel le stade de croissance et l’appartenance à une espèce sur la topographie des plaques de croissance du genou. Les angles d’obliquité du fémur et du tibia ont aussi été mesurés et analysés. Les résultats ont révélé que le stade développemental et l’appartenance à une espèce et, par association, le mode de locomotion, ont un effet significatif sur les métaphyses du genou. Il a également été constaté que les mesures d'Australopithecus afarensis chevauchent les valeurs trouvées chez les humains et chez les grands singes, ce qui suggère que cette espèce avait possiblement conservé une composante arboricole dans son comportement locomoteur habituel.
Crustaceans comprising numerous edible species of prawns, lobsters and crabs inhabiting different ecosystem form significant portion of the aquatic food resources of the world. Among the crustaceans, prawns are the most commercially exploited group and hold premier rank by virtue of their importance as an esteemed food of gourmet and on account of their high export value. Met-ape-naeus manoceras (Fabricius, 1798) which is known IS,Speckled shrimp’ (FAD name) and ‘Brown shrimp’ ( common nameused in the industry) is one of the commercially important marine penaeid prawns of India. During 1995, M. monaceros catch constituted 7.5 Z of the all India marine penaeid prawn landings. M. monoceros attains a maximum length of about 200 mm and has high export potential.Thus realising the growing importance of M. monoceros in the capture fisheries, it was felt, that it would be ideal to carry out detailed study on this species for rational exploitation and management of its fishery. Hence, the present work entitled, “Biology, population characteristics and fishery of the speckled shrimp Hetapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) along Kerala coast“ was undertaken by the author. The thesis is laid out in seven chapters comprising TAXONOMY, FOOD AND FEEDING HABITS, AGE AND GROWTH, REPRODUCTION,LENGTH-WEIGHT RELATIONSHIP, FISHERY and POPULATION DYNAMICS
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De recentes directives ministerielles francaises (BO n° 25, 2008) ont impose aux enseignants de l'ecole primaire de consacrer deux heures par semaine de leur temps de travail a une Aide Personnalisee aux Eleves (APE). Au-dela des enjeux politiques et des tensions legitimes, s'est pose la question du contenu et de la pertinence de ces temps d'APE alors qu'aucun temps de formation supplementaire n'a ete prevu par le ministere. A l'ecole maternelle, l'objectif prioritaire etant la maitrise de la langue des eleves de trois a six ans, les APE peuvent theoriquement etre l'occasion pour les enseignants de mettre en place des situations d'interactions langagieres individualisees, ce qui est difficilement realisable avec le groupe classe. Neanmoins, reste la question de la conception et du contenu de ces temps d’echanges qui impliquent necessairement une reflexion sur les processus d’apprentissage du langage oral
El siguiente proyecto se realizará, con el fin de determinar las mejores opciones de exportación que tiene la empresa Inbima SA. Inicialmente se trabajará una matriz para la selección del producto más adecuado para la exportación, a partir de la calificación de las características que tienen los productos que ofrece la empresa. Seguido de una investigación 6 países que se consideran compradores potenciales del producto que dará como resultado la pre-investigación de mercados; se procederá a indagar a fondo en los 3 principales países que se obtendrán como resultado de esta investigación. Después de la obtención de los resultados de los tres países, se hará la implementación de una nueva herramienta de costeo y mejoramiento de producto para seguir con la última fase en la cual se hallará el Análisis del Perfil Estratégico (APE) de la compañía, en donde se tendrá en cuenta el potencial del mercado bajo condiciones actuales, los principales competidores y las fortalezas y debilidades que presenta la empresa. Todo el desarrollo de este documento fue producto del arduo trabajo realizado por el Centro de Innovación y Desarrollo Empresarial de Universidad del Rosario, orientado principalmente por la directora del Área internacional Luz Sofía Méndez Álvarez.
El trabajo de grado se desarrollará a partir del análisis del liderazgo y el poder como característica de éste, desde una visión ecológica, lo cual constituye un aspecto de gran importancia en los estudios de administración. Primero, se abordará el significado de liderazgo y la importancia que este representa dentro de las organizaciones, a través de la generación de procesos que llevan a la organización a su evolución y desarrollo. Posteriormente se abordará el tema de poder en relación con la comprensión del efecto que este puede tener sobre las interacciones que se dan entre las personas de la organización. Finalmente, se estudiará también desde la ecología, como el poder ejercido por los líderes puede influir en la forma en que estos agentes, es decir personas, procesos e interacciones, interactúan para movilizar a la organización. De esta forma, se asume el poder como un aspecto importante dentro del estudio del liderazgo, en cuanto éste puede afectar la forma en que las personas son lideradas al interior de la organización.
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In this paper, the available potential energy (APE) framework of Winters et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 289, 1995, p. 115) is extended to the fully compressible Navier– Stokes equations, with the aims of clarifying (i) the nature of the energy conversions taking place in turbulent thermally stratified fluids; and (ii) the role of surface buoyancy fluxes in the Munk & Wunsch (Deep-Sea Res., vol. 45, 1998, p. 1977) constraint on the mechanical energy sources of stirring required to maintain diapycnal mixing in the oceans. The new framework reveals that the observed turbulent rate of increase in the background gravitational potential energy GPEr , commonly thought to occur at the expense of the diffusively dissipated APE, actually occurs at the expense of internal energy, as in the laminar case. The APE dissipated by molecular diffusion, on the other hand, is found to be converted into internal energy (IE), similar to the viscously dissipated kinetic energy KE. Turbulent stirring, therefore, does not introduce a new APE/GPEr mechanical-to-mechanical energy conversion, but simply enhances the existing IE/GPEr conversion rate, in addition to enhancing the viscous dissipation and the entropy production rates. This, in turn, implies that molecular diffusion contributes to the dissipation of the available mechanical energy ME =APE +KE, along with viscous dissipation. This result has important implications for the interpretation of the concepts of mixing efficiency γmixing and flux Richardson number Rf , for which new physically based definitions are proposed and contrasted with previous definitions. The new framework allows for a more rigorous and general re-derivation from the first principles of Munk & Wunsch (1998, hereafter MW98)’s constraint, also valid for a non-Boussinesq ocean: G(KE) ≈ 1 − ξ Rf ξ Rf Wr, forcing = 1 + (1 − ξ )γmixing ξ γmixing Wr, forcing , where G(KE) is the work rate done by the mechanical forcing, Wr, forcing is the rate of loss of GPEr due to high-latitude cooling and ξ is a nonlinearity parameter such that ξ =1 for a linear equation of state (as considered by MW98), but ξ <1 otherwise. The most important result is that G(APE), the work rate done by the surface buoyancy fluxes, must be numerically as large as Wr, forcing and, therefore, as important as the mechanical forcing in stirring and driving the oceans. As a consequence, the overall mixing efficiency of the oceans is likely to be larger than the value γmixing =0.2 presently used, thereby possibly eliminating the apparent shortfall in mechanical stirring energy that results from using γmixing =0.2 in the above formula.
There exist two central measures of turbulent mixing in turbulent stratified fluids that are both caused by molecular diffusion: 1) the dissipation rate D(APE) of available potential energy APE; 2) the turbulent rate of change Wr, turbulent of background gravitational potential energy GPEr. So far, these two quantities have often been regarded as the same energy conversion, namely the irreversible conversion of APE into GPEr, owing to the well known exact equality D(APE)=Wr, turbulent for a Boussinesq fluid with a linear equation of state. Recently, however, Tailleux (2009) pointed out that the above equality no longer holds for a thermally-stratified compressible, with the ratio ξ=Wr, turbulent/D(APE) being generally lower than unity and sometimes even negative for water or seawater, and argued that D(APE) and Wr, turbulent actually represent two distinct types of energy conversion, respectively the dissipation of APE into one particular subcomponent of internal energy called the "dead" internal energy IE0, and the conversion between GPEr and a different subcomponent of internal energy called "exergy" IEexergy. In this paper, the behaviour of the ratio ξ is examined for different stratifications having all the same buoyancy frequency N vertical profile, but different vertical profiles of the parameter Υ=α P/(ρCp), where α is the thermal expansion coefficient, P the hydrostatic pressure, ρ the density, and Cp the specific heat capacity at constant pressure, the equation of state being that for seawater for different particular constant values of salinity. It is found that ξ and Wr, turbulent depend critically on the sign and magnitude of dΥ/dz, in contrast with D(APE), which appears largely unaffected by the latter. These results have important consequences for how the mixing efficiency should be defined and measured in practice, which are discussed.
An important experimental result, as yet poorly understood, is that mechanical stirring can significantly enhance the strength of horizontal convection. A contentious issue is whether this necessarily implies that the mechanical stirring replaces the buoyancy forcing as the main source of energy driving the observed overturning circulation, as has been suggested for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). In this paper, rigorous energetics considerations and idealized numerical experiments reveal that the rate at which the surface buoyancy forcing supplies energy to the fluid, as measured by the production rate of available potential energy G(APE), does not solely depend upon the buoyancy forcing, as is often implicitly assumed, but also upon the vertical stratification, such that the deeper the thermocline depth, the larger G(APE). This suggests that mechanical stirring enhances horizontal convection because it causes more energy to be extracted from the buoyancy forcing. It does so by enhancing turbulent mixing, which allows surface heating to reach greater depths, which increases the thermocline depth and hence G(APE). This paper therefore proposes a new hypothesis, namely that mechanically stirred horizontal convection and the AMOC are best described as mechanically controlled heat engines.
Accurate replication of the processes associated with the energetics of the tropical ocean is necessary if coupled GCMs are to simulate the physics of ENSO correctly, including the transfer of energy from the winds to the ocean thermocline and energy dissipation during the ENSO cycle. Here, we analyze ocean energetics in coupled GCMs in terms of two integral parameters describing net energy loss in the system using the approach recently proposed by Brown and Fedorov (J Clim 23:1563–1580, 2010a) and Fedorov (J Clim 20:1108–1117, 2007). These parameters are (1) the efficiency c of the conversion of wind power into the buoyancy power that controls the rate of change of the available potential energy (APE) in the ocean and (2) the e-folding rate a that characterizes the damping of APE by turbulent diffusion and other processes. Estimating these two parameters for coupled models reveals potential deficiencies (and large differences) in how state-of-the-art coupled GCMs reproduce the ocean energetics as compared to ocean-only models and data assimilating models. The majority of the coupled models we analyzed show a lower efficiency (values of c in the range of 10–50% versus 50–60% for ocean-only simulations or reanalysis) and a relatively strong energy damping (values of a-1 in the range 0.4–1 years versus 0.9–1.2 years). These differences in the model energetics appear to reflect differences in the simulated thermal structure of the tropical ocean, the structure of ocean equatorial currents, and deficiencies in the way coupled models simulate ENSO.
A key idea in the study of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is that its strength is proportional to the meridional density gradient, or more precisely, to the strength of the meridional pressure gradient. A physical basis that would tell us how to estimate the relevant meridional pressure gradient locally from the density distribution in numerical ocean models to test such an idea, has been lacking however. Recently, studies of ocean energetics have suggested that the AMOC is driven by the release of available potential energy (APE) into kinetic energy (KE), and that such a conversion takes place primarily in the deep western boundary currents. In this paper, we develop an analytical description linking the western boundary current circulation below the interface separating the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) to the shape of this interface. The simple analytical model also shows how available potential energy is converted into kinetic energy at each location, and that the strength of the transport within the western boundary current is proportional to the local meridional pressure gradient at low latitudes. The present results suggest, therefore, that the conversion rate of potential energy may provide the necessary physical basis for linking the strength of the AMOC to the meridional pressure gradient, and that this could be achieved by a detailed study of the APE to KE conversion in the western boundary current.
The Aqua-Planet Experiment (APE) was first proposed by Neale and Hoskins (2000a) as a benchmark for atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) on an idealised water-covered Earth. The experiment and its aims are summarised, and its context within a modelling hierarchy used to evaluate complex models and to provide a link between realistic simulation and conceptual models of atmospheric phenomena is discussed. The simplified aqua-planet configuration bridges a gap in the existing hierarchy. It is designed to expose differences between models and to focus attention on particular phenomena and their response to changes in the underlying distribution of sea surface temperature.
Lorenz’s theory of available p otential energy (APE) remains the main framework for studying the atmospheric and oceanic energy cycles. Because the APE generation rate is the volume integral of a thermodynamic efficiency times the local diabatic heating/cooling rate, APE theory is often regarded as an extension of the theory of heat engines. Available energetics in classical thermodynamics, however, usually relies on the concept of exergy, and is usually measured relative to a reference state maximising entropy at constant energy, whereas APE’s reference state minimises p otential energy at constant entropy. This review seeks to shed light on the two concepts; it covers local formulations of available energetics, alternative views of the dynamics/thermodynamics coupling, APE theory and the second law, APE production/dissipation, extensions to binary fluids, mean/eddy decomp ositions, APE in incompressible fluids, APE and irreversible turbulent mixing, and the role of mechanical forcing on APE production.
A theory of available potential energy (APE) for symmetric circulations, which includes momentum constraints, is presented. The theory is a generalization of the classical theory of APE, which includes only thermal constraints on the circulation. Physically, centrifugal potential energy is included along with gravitational potential energy. The generalization relies on the Hamiltonian structure of the conservative dynamics, although (as with classical APE) it still defines the energetics in a nonconservative framework. It follows that the theory is exact at finite amplitude, has a local form, and can be applied to a variety of fluid models. It is applied here to the f -plane Boussinesq equations. It is shown that, by including momentum constraints, the APE of a symmetrically stable flow is zero, while the energetics of a mechanically driven symmetric circulation properly reflect its causality.