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We report on the utilization of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of Ag nanoparticles to tailor the optical properties Of VO2 thin film. Interaction of nano-Ag with incident light yields a salient absorption band in the visible-near IR region and modifies the spectrum Of VO2 locally. The wavelength of modification occurs in a limited spectral region rather than affects the full spectrum. The wavelength of modification shows a strong dependence on the metal nanoparticle size and shifts toward the red as the particle size or the mass thickness of nano-Ag increases. Also, we found that the wavelength can be shifted into the IR further by introducing a thin layer of TiO2 onto the nano-Ag. Interestingly, with the help of LSPR effects the VO2 film exhibits an anomalous thermochromic behavior in the modification wavelength region, which may be useful in optical switching applications.


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Thermal tuning of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of Ag nanoparticles on a thermochromic thin film of VO2 was studied experimentally. The tuning is strongly temperature dependent and thermally reversible. The LSPR wavelength lambda(SPR) shifts to the blue with increasing temperature from 30 to 80 degrees C, and shifts back to the red as temperature decreases. A smart tuning is achievable on condition that the temperature is controlled in a stepwise manner. The tunable wavelength range depends on the particle size or the mass thickness of the metal nanoparticle film. Further, the tunability was found to be enhanced significantly when a layer of TiO2 was introduced to overcoat the Ag nanoparticles, yielding a marked sensitivity factor Delta lambda(SPR)/Delta n, of as large as 480 nm per refractive index unit (n) at the semiconductor phase of VO2.


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Molecular tunnel junctions involve studying the behaviour of a single molecule sandwiched between metal leads. When a molecule makes contact with electrodes, it becomes open to the environment which can heavily influence its properties, such as electronegativity and electron transport. While the most common computational approaches remain to be single particle approximations, in this thesis it is shown that a more explicit treatment of electron interactions can be required. By studying an open atomic chain junction, it is found that including electron correlations corrects the strong lead-molecule interaction seen by the ΔSCF approximation, and has an impact on junction I − V properties. The need for an accurate description of electronegativity is highlighted by studying a correlated model of hexatriene-di-thiol with a systematically varied correlation parameter and comparing the results to various electronic structure treatments. The results indicating an overestimation of the band gap and underestimation of charge transfer in the Hartree-Fock regime is equivalent to not treating electron-electron correlations. While in the opposite limit, over-compensating for electron-electron interaction leads to underestimated band gap and too high an electron current as seen in DFT/LDA treatment. It is emphasised in this thesis that correcting electronegativity is equivalent to maximising the overlap of the approximate density matrix to the exact reduced density matrix found at the exact many-body solution. In this work, the complex absorbing potential (CAP) formalism which allows for the inclusion metal electrodes into explicit wavefunction many-body formalisms is further developed. The CAP methodology is applied to study the electron state lifetimes and shifts as the junction is made open.


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Analyses of the widths and shifts of optically thin emission lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of the active dwarf e Eri (K2 V) are presented. The spectra were obtained using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope and the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. The linewidths are used to find the non-thermal energy density and its variation with temperature from the chromosphere to the upper transition region. The energy fluxes that could be carried by Alfvén and acoustic waves are investigated, to test their possible roles in coronal heating. Acoustic waves do not appear to be a viable means of coronal heating. There is, in principle, ample flux in Alfvén waves, but detailed calculations of wave propagation are required before definite conclusions can be drawn concerning their viability. The high sensitivity and spectral resolution of the above instruments have allowed two-component Gaussian fits to be made to the profiles of the stronger transition region lines. The broad and narrow components that result share some similarities with those observed in the Sun, but in e Eri the broad component is redshifted relative to the narrow component and contributes more to the total line flux. The possible origins of the two components and the energy fluxes implied are discussed. On balance our results support the conclusion of Wood, Linsky & Ayres, that the narrow component is related to Alfvén waves reaching to the corona, but the origin of the broad component is not clear.


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The impact of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on soil microbial biomass in the presence and absence of fresh plant residues (roots) was investigated by assaying total vital bacterial counts, vital fungel hyphal length, total culturable bacterial counts, and culturable fluorescent pseudomonads. Diversity of the fluorescent pseudomonads was investigated using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) characterization in conjunction with metabolic profiling of the sampled culturable community (Biolog). Mineralization of [14C]1,2- dichlorobenzene was also assayed. Addition of fresh roots stimulated 1,2- dichlorobenzene mineralization by over 100%, with nearly 20% of the label mineralized in root-amended treatments by the termination of the experiment. Presence of roots also buffered any impacts of 1,2-dichlorobenzene on microbial numbers. In the absence of roots, 1,2-dichlorobenzene greatly stimulated total culturable bacteria and culturable pseudomonads in a concentration-dependent manner. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, up to concentrations of 50 μg/g soil dry weight had little or no deleterious effects on microbial counts. The phenotypic diversity of the fluorescent pseudomonad population was unaffected by the treatments, even though fluorescent pseudomonad numbers were greatly stimulated by both roots and 1,2-dichlorobenzene. The presence of roots had no detectable impact on the bacterial community composition. No phenotypic shifts in the natural population were required to benefit from the presence of roots and 1,2-dichlorobenzene. The metabolic capacity of the culturable bacterial community was altered in the presence of roots but not in the presence of 1,2-dichlorobenzene. It is argued that the increased microbial biomass and shifts in metabolic capacity of the microbial biomass are responsible for enhanced degradation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene in the presence of decaying plant roots.


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O principal objectivo deste estudo foi o desenvolvimento de vitrocerâmicos à base de dissilicato de lítio no sistema Li2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 contendo uma razão molar SiO2/Li2O muito afastada da do dissilicato de lítio (Li2Si2O5) usando composições simples e a técnica tradicional de fusão-vazamento de vidro de forma a obter materiais com propriedades mecânicas, térmicas, químicas e eléctricas superiores que permitam a utilização destes materiais em diversas aplicações funcionais. Investigou-se o fenómeno de separação de fases, a cristalização e as relações estrutura-propriedades de vidros nos sistemas Li2O-SiO2, Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 e Li2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2. Os vidros nos sistemas Li2O-SiO2 e Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 apresentaram fraca densificação e resultaram em materiais frágeis, contrastando com a boa sinterização dos vidros no sistema Li2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2. Pequenas adições de Al2O3 e K2O ao sistema Li2O-SiO2 permitiram controlar a separação de fases devido à formação de espécies de Al(IV) que confirmaram o papel de Al2O3 como formador de rede. Os compactos de pó de vidro das composições contendo Al2O3 e K2O tratados termicamente resultaram em vitrocerâmicos bem densificados, apresentando dissilicato de lítio como a principal fase cristalina, e valores de resistência mecânica à flexão, resistência química e condutividade eléctrica (173-224 MPa, 25-50 mg/cm2 e ~2´10-18 S/cm, respectivamente) que possibilitam a utilização destes materiais em diversas aplicações funcionais. A adição de P2O5, TiO2 e ZrO2 ao sistema Li2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 como agentes nucleantes revelou que os vidros contendo apresentaram cristalização em volume, com a formação de metassilicato de lítio a temperaturas mais baixas e dissilicato de lítio para as temperaturas mais elevadas, enquanto a adição de zircónia reduz o grau de segregação, aumenta a polimerização da matriz vítrea e desloca o valor de Tg para temperaturas superiores, inibindo a cristalização.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (Ecologia Marinha)


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RESUMO - Enquadramento: As mudanças demográficas e na estrutura social das famílias precipitaram reformas das políticas dos cuidados de longa duração da população idosa no continente Europeu. Após um período em que as mulheres assumiam o papel de principais cuidadoras dos membros mais idosos, o aumento da sua inclusão no mercado de trabalho, assim como o envelhecimento geral da população introduziu mudanças no enquadramento dos cuidados a idosos. Estas mudanças têm particular impacte nos países da Europa do Sul, visto que tradicionalmente o cuidado a idosos é prestado maioritariamente pelo sector informal. Finalidade/objectivos: O presente estudo tem como finalidade conhecer as características dos cuidadores informais e dos idosos dependentes em Portugal. Definiram-se três objectivos principais. O primeiro é compreender a realidade demográfica, de saúde e dependência funcional dos idosos alvo de cuidados informais em Portugal. Em segundo pretende-se conhecer a situação actual dos prestadores informais de cuidados de longa duração em Portugal. Em terceiro, discutem-se os aspectos que mais influenciam a acessibilidade a cuidados informais entre os idosos dependentes em Portugal. Metodologia: Para concretizar estes objectivos, para além de se proceder a uma sistematização bibliográfica da literatura mais relevante nesta área, recorre-se à análise descritiva e regressão logística binária. Utilizando os dados do inquérito Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe descreve-se a realidade nacional dos idosos dependentes e seus cuidadores informais e estimam-se modelos de acessibilidade aos cuidados informais em Portugal. Resultados/conclusões: Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento de três aspectos fundamentais sobre os cuidados informais em Portugal: o primeiro prende-se com a quantificação da realidade nacional dos idosos dependentes em Portugal; o segundo relaciona-se com a quantificação da situação portuguesa dos cuidadores informais; e, por último, estima-se modelos explicativos sobre a acessibilidade a cuidados informais. Para além da quantificação da realidade nacional, o principal contributo deste trabalho reside na demonstração de que o actual modelo de prestação de cuidados (baseado nos cuidados informais prestados por membros da família) deixa de fora uma parte significativa dos idosos dependentes. Na verdade, este estudo demonstra que uma parte significativa dos idosos não tem acesso a cuidados e que, embora sejam os elementos da família que maioritariamente prestam os cuidados informais, esse facto, por si só, não explica o acesso aos cuidados.


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RESUMO - O problema do erro de medicação tem vindo a adquirir uma importância e um interesse crescentes nos últimos anos. As consequências directas no doente que condicionam frequentemente o prolongamento do internamento, a necessidade de utilização adicional de recursos e a diminuição de satisfação por parte dos doentes, são alguns dos aspectos que importa analisar no sentido de se aumentar a segurança do doente. No circuito do medicamento em meio hospitalar estão envolvidos diversos profissionais, estando o enfermeiro no final da cadeia quando administra a medicação ao doente. Na bibliografia internacional, são referidas incidências elevadas de eventos adversos relacionados com o medicamento. Em Portugal, não existem estudos disponíveis que nos permitam conhecer, nem o tipo de incidentes, nem a dimensão do problema do erro de medicação. Efectuamos um estudo descritivo, prospectivo, exploratório, utilizando a técnica de observação não participante, da administração de medicamentos. Os objectivos são, por um lado, determinar a frequência de incidentes na administração de medicação num Serviço de Medicina Interna e, por outro, caracterizar o tipo de incidentes na administração da medicação e identificar as suas possíveis causas. A população em estudo foi constituída pelos enfermeiros que administraram medicamentos aos doentes internados no Serviço de Medicina Interna seleccionado, durante os meses de junho a agosto de 2012, sendo observadas 1521 administrações. Foi utilizada uma grelha de observação, que incluiu os seguintes elementos: doente certo; medicamento certo; dose certa; hora certa; via certa; técnica de administração correcta (assépsia); tempo de infusão; monitorização correcta. Constatou-se que em 43% das doses administradas apresentavam pelo menos um erro, num total de 764 erros. Não foi observado nenhum erro de doente, de medicamento, de dose extra, de via, de forma farmacêutica, nem a administração de medicamento não prescrito. Detectaram-se 0,19% de erros na preparação, 0,72% de erros de dose, 1,7% erros de omissão, 1,97% de erros de administração, 13,52% de erros de monitorização, 28,73% de erros de v horário. O tempo de infusão da terapêutica parentérica não foi cumprida em 27,69% das oportunidades, tendo sido sempre administrado em tempo inferior ao preconizado. Não encontramos relação entre as interrupções durante a administração de terapêutica e os erros. Pelo contrário constatou-se haver relação entre o número de doses com erro e o turno em que ocorreram, sendo mais frequentes no turno da noite. Constatamos também que aos fins de semana os erros eram mais frequentes e o risco da ocorrência de um erro na administração de medicação aumenta 1,5 vezes quando o número de enfermeiros é insuficiente.


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This paper explores the sensitivity of Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) simulations to changes in the meridional distribution of sea surface temperature (SST). The simulations are for an aqua-planet, a water covered Earth with no land, orography or sea-ice and with specified zonally symmetric SST. Simulations from 14 AGCMs developed for Numerical Weather Prediction and climate applications are compared. Four experiments are performed to study the sensitivity to the meridional SST profile. These profiles range from one in which the SST gradient continues to the equator to one which is flat approaching the equator, all with the same maximum SST at the equator. The zonal mean circulation of all models shows strong sensitivity to latitudinal distribution of SST. The Hadley circulation weakens and shifts poleward as the SST profile flattens in the tropics. One question of interest is the formation of a double versus a single ITCZ. There is a large variation between models of the strength of the ITCZ and where in the SST experiment sequence they transition from a single to double ITCZ. The SST profiles are defined such that as the equatorial SST gradient flattens, the maximum gradient increases and moves poleward. This leads to a weakening of the mid-latitude jet accompanied by a poleward shift of the jet core. Also considered are tropical wave activity and tropical precipitation frequency distributions. The details of each vary greatly between models, both with a given SST and in the response to the change in SST. One additional experiment is included to examine the sensitivity to an off-equatorial SST maximum. The upward branch of the Hadley circulation follows the SST maximum off the equator. The models that form a single precipitation maximum when the maximum SST is on the equator shift the precipitation maximum off equator and keep it centered over the SST maximum. Those that form a double with minimum on the equatorial maximum SST shift the double structure off the equator, keeping the minimum over the maximum SST. In both situations only modest changes appear in the shifted profile of zonal average precipitation. When the upward branch of the Hadley circulation moves into the hemisphere with SST maximum, the zonal average zonal, meridional and vertical winds all indicate that the Hadley cell in the other hemisphere dominates.


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Widely distributed proxy records indicate that the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA; *900–1350 AD) was characterized by coherent shifts in large-scale Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation patterns. Although cooler sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific can explain some aspects of medieval circulation changes, they are not sufficient to account for other notable features, including widespread aridity through the Eurasian sub-tropics, stronger winter westerlies across the North Atlantic and Western Europe, and shifts in monsoon rainfall patterns across Africa and South Asia. We present results from a full-physics coupled climate model showing that a slight warming of the tropical Indian and western Pacific Oceans relative to the other tropical ocean basins can induce a broad range of the medieval circulation and climate changes indicated by proxy data, including many of those not explained by a cooler tropical Pacific alone. Important aspects of the results resemble those from previous simulations examining the climatic response to the rapid Indian Ocean warming during the late twentieth century, and to results from climate warming simulations—especially in indicating an expansion of the Northern Hemisphere Hadley circulation. Notably, the pattern of tropical Indo-Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) change responsible for producing the proxy-model similarity in our results agrees well with MCA-LIA SST differences obtained in a recent proxy-based climate field reconstruction. Though much remains unclear, our results indicate that the MCA was characterized by an enhanced zonal Indo-Pacific SST gradient with resulting changes in Northern Hemisphere tropical and extra-tropical circulation patterns and hydroclimate regimes, linkages that may explain the coherent regional climate shifts indicated by proxy records from across the planet. The findings provide new perspectives on the nature and possible causes of the MCA—a remarkable, yet incompletely understood episode of Late Holocene climatic change.


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This article provides time series data on the medieval market in freehold land, including the changing social composition of freeholders, level of market activity, size and complexity of landholdings, and shifts in the market value of land. These are subjects hitherto largely ignored due, in part, to the disparate nature of the evidence. It argues that feet of fines, despite archival limitations, if employed with care and an understanding of the underlying changes in the common law of real property, are capable of providing quantifiable evidence spanning hundreds of years and comparable across large areas of England.


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Interannual anomalies in vertical profiles of stratospheric ozone, in both equatorial and extratropical regions, have been shown to exhibit a strong seasonal persistence, namely, extended temporal autocorrelations during certain times of the calendar year. Here we investigate the relationship between this seasonal persistence of equatorial and extratropical ozone anomalies using the SAGE‐corrected SBUV data set, which provides a long‐term ozone profile time series. For the regions of the stratosphere where ozone is under purely dynamical or purely photochemical control, the seasonal persistence of equatorial and extratropical ozone anomalies arises from distinct mechanisms but preserves an anticorrelation between tropical and extratropical anomalies established during the winter period. In the 16–10 hPa layer, where ozone is controlled by both dynamical and photochemical processes, equatorial ozone anomalies exhibit a completely different behavior compared to ozone anomalies above and below in terms of variability, seasonal persistence, and especially the relationship between equatorial and extratropical ozone. Cross‐latitude‐time correlations show that for the 16–10 hPa layer, Northern Hemisphere (NH) extratropical ozone anomalies show the same variability as equatorial ozone anomalies but lagged by 3–6 months. High correlation coefficients are observed during the time frame of seasonal persistence of ozone anomalies, which is June– December for equatorial ozone and shifts by approximately 3–6 months when going from the equatorial region to NH extratropics. Thus in the transition zone between dynamical and photochemical control, equatorial ozone anomalies established in boreal summer/autumn are mirrored by NH extratropical ozone anomalies with a time lag similar to transport time scales. Equatorial ozone anomalies established in boreal winter/spring are likewise correlated with ozone anomalies in the Southern Hemisphere extratropics with a time lag comparable to transport time scales, similar to what is seen in the NH. However, the correlations between equatorial and SH extratropical ozone in the 10–16 hPa layer are weak.


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This study aims at highlighting the ideological implications of school development as a discursive practice. More comprehensively the aim is also contributing to rearrangements and shifts in perspective when school development is the matter. One of today´s most widespread and dominant discourses are said to be the one which concerns development, and according to many interpreters, development is one of the most prominent commandments in the modern as well as the post-modern narratives. School development as a concept has for the last 15 years established itself firmly in both Swedish school policy and in Swedish school research. It may sound obvious and commendable but also such axioms may be questioned.The design of the study lies in the field of discourse research and more specifically within critical discursive psychology, which draws on both a post-structural and a postmodern conception of discourse. The study is based on the idea that the ideological potential of arguments occurs, develops and changes in discursive practices and not anywhere else or at any abstract level. The starting point is a perception that certain issues and topics within e.g. conversation, depending on time and context will be seen as controversial, while others will be taken for granted.One part of the basis of the study consists of texts with a direct bearing on a specific school research and development project which took place between 2003 and 2008. Participating partners in the collaboration were the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement, Karlstad University, Dalarna University and 13 municipalities in Sweden. Another part of the basis of the study consists of texts in which ‘school development’ is considered and negotiated in more general terms, usually without reference to the project. All texts derive from the period 2003 – 2006.The analysis shows that school development as discursive practice often rely on a set of stereotypical expressions and ways of arguing. Stereotypes, which among other things, tend to divide people into suitable and non-suitable, capable and non-capable, which may be regarded as a somewhat unexpected implication of school development. The material has been dramatized by an intrigue inspired by the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman´s texts. He has written extensively on the modern in relation to the postmodern and about the ambivalence which resides in between and school development as discursive practice can be understood in much the similar way.


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We present a simple model for the doped compound Nd2-yCevCuO4, in order to explain some recent experimental results on the latter. Within a Hartree-Fock context, we start from an impurity Anderson-like model and consider the magnetic splitting of the Nd-4f ground state Kramers doublet due to exchange interactions with the ordered Cu moments. Our results are in very good agreement with the experimental data, yielding a Schottky anomaly peak for the specific heat that reduces its amplitude, broadens and shifts to lower temperatures, upon Ce doping. For overdoped compounds at low temperatures, the specific heat behaves linearly and the magnetic susceptibility is constant. A smooth transition from this Fermi liquid-like behavior occurs as temperature is increased and, at high temperatures, the susceptibility exhibits a Curie-like behavior. Finally, we discuss some improvements our model is amenable to incorporate, (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.