998 resultados para alveolar bony ridge


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Objectives: In alveolar distraction, in cases of severe atrophy in particular, it is often difficult to perform osteotomies in order to make a transport segment in optimal size and shape. Moreover care must be taken, not to damage the closely locating anato- mical structures such as the maxillary sinus, the inferior alveolar nerve, and the roots of the neighboring teeth. For setting ideal osteotomy lines exactly, we have developed a CT-based preoperative planning tool. Methods: 3-dimensional visual reconstruction of the jaw is created from the preoperative CT scans (1.0-mm slice thick- ness). Using the image-processing software Mimics (Materialise, Yokohama, Japan), various procedures of virtual cutting are simulated first to determine optimal osteotomy lines and to design an ideal transport segment. After the computer planning, data from the virtual solid model are transferred to a rapid prototype model, and a guiding splint is made to transfer the planned surgical simulation to the actual surgery. Results: The method was used in a case of severe atrophy of the anterior maxilla. The patient had a large maxillary sinus requir- ing a precise osteotomy in this critical area. Using the splint allowing a 3-dimensional guidance, alveolar osteotomies were easily done to achieve a transport segment in sufficient dimen- sion as planned, and any perforation of the maxillary sinus could be avoided. Finally the alveolar distraction of 10mm has suc- cessfully been performed. Conclusion: The preoperative planning method and the guiding splint described here are useful in problematic cases requiring an extremely precise osteotomy due to lack of bony space.


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The objective of this study was to assess implant therapy after a staged guided bone regeneration procedure in the anterior maxilla by lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve and vessel bundle. Neurosensory function following augmentative procedures and implant placement, assessed using a standardized questionnaire and clinical examination, were the primary outcome variables measured. This retrospective study included patients with a bone defect in the anterior maxilla in need of horizontal and/or vertical ridge augmentation prior to dental implant placement. The surgical sites were allowed to heal for at least 6 months before placement of dental implants. All patients received fixed implant-supported restorations and entered into a tightly scheduled maintenance program. In addition to the maintenance program, patients were recalled for a clinical examination and to fill out a questionnaire to assess any changes in the neurosensory function of the nasopalatine nerve at least 6 months after function. Twenty patients were included in the study from February 2001 to December 2010. They received a total of 51 implants after augmentation of the alveolar crest and lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve. The follow-up examination for questionnaire and neurosensory assessment was scheduled after a mean period of 4.18 years of function. None of the patients examined reported any pain, they did not have less or an altered sensation, and they did not experience a "foreign body" feeling in the area of surgery. Overall, 6 patients out of 20 (30%) showed palatal sensibility alterations of the soft tissues in the region of the maxillary canines and incisors resulting in a risk for a neurosensory change of 0.45 mucosal teeth regions per patient after ridge augmentation with lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve. Regeneration of bone defects in the anterior maxilla by horizontal and/or vertical ridge augmentation and lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve prior to dental implant placement is a predictable surgical technique. Whether or not there were clinically measurable impairments of neurosensory function, the patients did not report them or were not bothered by them.


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The anterior superior alveolar nerve (ASAN) is a branch of the infraorbital nerve. Only few studies have morphometrically evaluated the course of the ASAN. Midfacial segments of ten hemisectioned fresh adult cadaver heads were dissected to uncover the anterior wall of the maxilla. Specimens were subsequently decalcified and the bone overlying the ASAN was removed under a microscope to expose the ASAN. Its branching pattern from the infraorbital nerve was recorded, and the course of the ASAN within the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus was morphometrically assessed measuring distances to predefined landmarks using a digital caliper. A distinct ASAN was observed in all specimens. It arose lateral (six cases) or inferior (four cases) from the infraorbital nerve. The point of origin was located at a mean distance of 12.2 ± 5.79 mm posterior to the infraorbital foramen. The ASAN was located on average 2.8 ± 5.13 mm lateral to the infraorbital foramen. After coursing medially, the ASAN ran inferior to the foramen at a mean distance of 5.5 ± 3.07 mm. When approaching the nasal aperture, the loop of the ASAN was on average 13.6 ± 3.07 mm above the nasal floor. The horizontal mean distance from the ASAN to the nasal aperture was 4.3 ± 2.74 mm halfway down from the loop, and 3.3 ± 2.60 mm at the floor of the nose, respectively. In conclusion, the present study evaluated the course of the ASAN relative to the infraorbital foramen and nasal aperture. This information is helpful to avoid damage to this anatomical structure during interventions in the infraobrital region of the maxilla. Further, knowledge of the course of the ASAN and of its bony correlate (canalis sinuosus) may be valuable in interpreting anesthetic or radiologic findings in the anterior maxilla.


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Visto que indicadores de prognóstico são uma ferramenta importante para a seleção de pacientes a serem tratados com prótese total, este estudo investigou a influência da forma e da resiliência do rebordo alveolar mandibular sobre a retenção e estabilidade de próteses totais convencionais. Noventa e três pacientes desdentados portadores de próteses totais superior e inferior compuseram a amostra. Os dados foram coletados quanto a forma e resiliência do rebordo mandibular. As próteses foram avaliadas para a retenção e estabilidade utilizando-se uma ferramenta objetiva e reproduzível. As associações entre as características clínicas do rebordo alveolar mandibular e retenção e estabilidade das próteses foram analisados por meio dos testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher (α = 0.05). Observou-se associação significativa entre a forma do rebordo e a estabilidade da prótese (p <0,05), enquanto que a resiliência foi associada significativamente com a retenção (p <0,001). Baseando-se nos resultados, a resiliência e forma do rebordo mandibular influenciaram, respectivamente, a retenção e estabilidade de próteses totais convencionais.


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Introdução: Uma adequada planificação é condição sine qua non para o êxito do tratamento com implantes. No entanto, nem sempre a colocação dos implantes na posição tridimensional ideal é, logo à partida, viável. Neste contexto, a correção dos colapsos da crista óssea com tecidos duros assume especial importância. Objetivos: O objetivo desta revisão narrativa é avaliar a eficácia dos diversos procedimentos existentes para aumento do rebordo com tecidos duros, de forma a facilitar a escolha do tratamento ideal. Materiais e Métodos: Pesquisou-se nas bases de dados MEDLINE, B-on e Google Académico. As palavras-chave utilizadas foram: “guided bone regeneration”, “ridge augmentation”, “seibert classification”, “alveolar bone splitting”, “horizontal bone augmentation” e “vertical bone augmentation”. Deu-se especial ênfase a revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises. A pesquisa foi limitada a artigos publicados em inglês, espanhol e em português até abril de 2016. Foram ainda consultados os livros “Tratado de Periodontia Clínica e Implantologia Oral” de Lindhe et al. (2005), “Implantes Dentais Contemporâneos” de Misch et al. (2009) e “Reabilitação com implantes endo-ósseos” de Alcoforado et al. (2008). Resultados: De um modo geral, todos os procedimentos analisados obtiveram altas taxas de sobrevivência aquando da reabilitação com implantes. No entanto, não houve diferenças significativas entre as diversas técnicas que possam levar a uma conclusão relevante sobre qual a melhor técnica a utilizar para este tipo de procedimento. Conclusão: Há evidências insuficientes para sugerir qual a técnica que deve ser preferida para o aumento de rebordo com tecidos duros, pelo que mais estudos são necessários.


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Introdução: O processo alveolar é o conjunto de osso que se encontra em redor da raiz do dente. Este osso é sensível a uma variedade de fatores ambientais e fisiológicos que influenciam a sua integridade e o seu funcionamento. Como tal, a sua formação assim como a sua preservação é dependente da presença contínua do dente. A reabsorção do processo alveolar após extração dentária é uma consequência natural e fisiológica indesejável, que pode dificultar a colocação de um implante dentário na posição desejada. Com o aumento cada vez mais das demandas estéticas em medicina dentária, torna-se, portanto, necessário prevenir que a reabsorção óssea provoque este defeito na arcada dentária. Objetivos: Realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as várias técnicas e materiais para preservação do rebordo alveolar, a fim de prevenir ou minimizar a reabsorção alveolar após extração dentária. Material e Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, B-on e Scielo, não foi aplicado nenhum limite temporal, e os critérios de inclusão foram artigos em língua inglesa e portuguesa. Num total de 164 artigos, selecionaram-se 82 estritamente relacionados com o tema. Os artigos excluídos desviavam-se do objetivo do trabalho ou eram inconclusivos. Selecionaram-se, também, capítulos do livro Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry Volume 1 e 2, dos autores Niklaus P.Lang e Jan Lindhe. Desenvolvimento: De modo a compreender como o processo alveolar reabsorve, deve-se ter em conta as várias técnicas que se podem realizar para permitir uma boa quantidade de osso remanescente na arcada adequada a cada caso para uma possível reabilitação. As técnicas de preservação do osso alveolar após extração passam pela realização de técnicas cirúrgicas minimamente invasivas, estabilização do coágulo pelo princípio da cicatrização por primeira intenção usando membranas ou retalhos, preenchimento do alvéolo dentário com materiais de enxerto ou substitutos ósseos, terapias combinadas com a colocação de implantes imediatos e o recurso a células e fatores de crescimento. Conclusão: A preservação alveolar tem grande importância para uma posterior reabilitação oral com implantes com maior quantidade de osso disponível do que quando não é feita qualquer tipo de preservação. A extração das peças dentárias deve ser feita com cuidado para preservar ao máximo ou não danificar as superfícies ósseas remanescentes. É aconselhado que o encerramento da ferida seja por primeira intenção e que proporcione estabilidade ao coágulo, podendo ser usado retalhos ou mesmo membranas. O uso de enxertos ósseos tem uma importante função de proporcionar uma matriz para o coágulo se formar e promover o processo de cicatrização. O método de implante imediato, para além de ser bastante usado, tem como finalidade o conforto para o paciente de não ser submetido a uma posterior cirurgia para colocação do mesmo e, simultaneamente, mantem a estabilidade dos tecidos moles. Ainda uma técnica menos usada é com células e fatores de crescimento que proporciona uma cicatrização mais rápida e um aumento do potencial regenerativo dos tecidos.


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The effects of medical grade polycaprolactone–tricalcium phosphate (mPCL–TCP) (80:20) scaffolds on primary human alveolar osteoblasts (AOs) were compared with standard tissue-culture plates. Of the seeded AOs, 70% adhered to and proliferated on the scaffold surface and within open and interconnected pores; they formed multi-layered sheets and collagen fibers with uniform distribution within 28 days. Elevation of alkaline phosphatase activity occurred in scaffold–cell constructs independent of osteogenic induction. AO proliferation rate increased and significant decrease in calcium concentration of the medium for both scaffolds and plates under induction conditions were seen. mPCL–TCP scaffolds significantly influenced the AO expression pattern of osterix and osteocalcin (OCN). Osteogenic induction down-regulated OCN at both RNA and protein level on scaffolds (3D) by day 7, and up-regulated OCN in cell-culture plates (2D) by day 14, but OCN levels on scaffolds were higher than on cell-culture plates. Immunocytochemical signals for type I collagen, osteopontin and osteocalcin were detected at the outer parts of scaffold–cell constructs. More mineral nodules were found in induced than in non-induced constructs. Only induced 2D cultures showed nodule formation. mPCL–TCP scaffolds appear to stimulate osteogenesis in vitro by activating a cellular response in AO's to form mineralized tissue. There is a fundamental difference between culturing AOs on 2D and 3D environments that should be considered when studying osteogenesis in vitro.


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This study describes the design of a biphasic scaffold composed of a Fused Deposition Modeling scaffold (bone compartment) and an electrospun membrane (periodontal compartment) for periodontal regeneration. In order to achieve simultaneous alveolar bone and periodontal ligament regeneration a cell-based strategy was carried out by combining osteoblast culture in the bone compartment and placement of multiple periodontal ligament (PDL) cell sheets on the electrospun membrane. In vitro data showed that the osteoblasts formed mineralized matrix in the bone compartment after 21 days in culture and that the PDL cell sheet harvesting did not induce significant cell death. The cell-seeded biphasic scaffolds were placed onto a dentin block and implanted for 8 weeks in an athymic rat subcutaneous model. The scaffolds were analyzed by μCT, immunohistochemistry and histology. In the bone compartment, a more intense ALP staining was obtained following seeding with osteoblasts, confirming the μCT results which showed higher mineralization density for these scaffolds. A thin mineralized cementum-like tissue was deposited on the dentin surface for the scaffolds incorporating the multiple PDL cell sheets, as observed by H&E and Azan staining. These scaffolds also demonstrated better attachment onto the dentin surface compared to no attachment when no cell sheets were used. In addition, immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of CEMP1 protein at the interface with the dentine. These results demonstrated that the combination of multiple PDL cell sheets and a biphasic scaffold allows the simultaneous delivery of the cells necessary for in vivo regeneration of alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and cementum. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Exposure to ultrafine particles (diameter less than 100 nm) is an important topic in epidemiological and toxicological studies. This study used the average particle number size distribution data obtained from our measurement survey in major micro-environments, together with the people activity pattern data obtained from the Italian Human Activity Pattern Survey to estimate the tracheobronchial and alveolar dose of submicrometer particles for different population age groups in Italy. We developed a numerical methodology based on Monte Carlo method, in order to estimate the best combination from a probabilistic point of view. More than 106 different cases were analyzed according to a purpose built sub-routine and our results showed that the daily alveolar particle number and surface area deposited for all of the age groups considered was equal to 1.5 x 1011 particles and 2.5 x 1015 m2, respectively, varying slightly for males and females living in Northern or Southern Italy. In terms of tracheobronchial deposition, the corresponding values for daily particle number and surface area for all age groups was equal to 6.5 x 1010 particles and 9.9 x 1014 m2, respectively. Overall, the highest contributions were found to come from indoor cooking (female), working time (male) and transportation (i.e. traffic derived particles) (children).


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Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that exposure to particulate air pollution is associated with several adverse health effects. Recently, interest has focused on ultrafine particles (UFPs, diameter ≤ 100 nm), due to the adverse health effects caused by their ability to induce inflammation and deposit in secondary organs [1]. These effects are much more pronounced in children because they inhale a higher dose of UFPs relative to both lung size (when compared with adults) [2] and increased breathing rates, since they are generally more physically active than adults ...