917 resultados para allergic inflammation
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors are largely used to evaluate the NO contribution to pulmonary allergy, but contrasting data have been reported. In this study, pharmacological, biochemical and pharmacokinetic assays were performed to compare the effects of acute and long-term treatment of BALB/C mice with the non-selective NOS inhibitor L-NAME in ovalbumin (OVA)-challenged mice. Acute L-NAME treatment (50 mg/kg, gavage) significantly reduced the eosinophil number in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). The inducible NOS (iNOS) inhibitor aminoguanidine (20 mg/kg/day in the drinking water) also significantly reduced the eosinophil number in BALF In contrast, 3-week L-NAME treatment (50 and 150 mg/kg/day in the drinking water) significantly increased the pulmonary eosinophil influx. The constitutive NOS (cNOS) activity in brain and lungs was reduced by both acute and 3-week L-NAME treatments. The pulmonary iNOS activity was reduced by acute L-NAME (or aminoguanidine), but unaffected by 3-week L-NAME treatment. Acute L-NAME (or aminoguanidine) treatment was more efficient to reduce the NO(x) levels compared with 3-week L-NAME treatment. The pharmacokinetic study revealed that L-NAME is not bioavailable when given orally. After acute L-NAME intake, serum concentrations of the metabolite N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine decreased from 30 min to 24 h. In the 3-week L-NAME treatment, the N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine concentration was close to the detection limit. In conclusion, 3-week treatment with L-NAME yields low serum N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine concentrations, causing preferential inhibition of cNOS activity. Therefore, eosinophil influx potentiation by 3-week L-NAME treatment may reflect removal of protective cNOS-derived NO, with no interference on the ongoing inflammation due to iNOS-derived NO. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background Previous studies have established that mycobacterial infections ameliorate allergic inflammation. However, a non-infectious approach that controls allergic responses might represent a safer and more promising strategy. The 60-65 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp) family is endowed with anti-inflammatory properties, but it is still unclear whether and how single mycobacterial Hsp control allergic disorders. Objective Therefore, in this study we determined whether the administration of Mycobacterial leprae Hsp65 expressed by recombinant a DNA plasmid could attenuate a previously established allergic response. Methods We used an experimental model of airway allergic inflammation to test the effects of immunotherapy with DNA encoding Hsp65. Allergic mice, previously sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin, were treated with tree intramuscular doses of recombinant DNA encoding Hsp65. After treatment, mice received a second allergen challenge and the allergic response was measured. Results We found that immunotherapy attenuated eosinophilia, pulmonary inflammation, Th2 cytokine and mucus production. Moreover, we showed that the inhibition of allergic response is dependent on IL-10 production. Both Hsp65 and allergen-specific IL-10-producing cells contributed to this effect. Cells transferred from DNA-immunized mice to allergic mice migrated to allergic sites and down-modulated the Th2 response. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance Our findings clearly show that immunotherapy with DNA encoding Hsp65 can attenuate an established Th2 allergic inflammation through an IL-10-dependent mechanism; moreover, the migration of allergen-and Hsp65-specific cells to the allergic sites exerts a fundamental role. This work represents a novel contribution to the understanding of immune regulation by Hsp65 in allergic diseases.
Airway smooth muscle constriction induced by cholinergic agonists such as methacholine (MCh), which is typically increased in asthmatic patients, is regulated mainly by muscle muscarinic M3 receptors and negatively by vagal muscarinic M2 receptors. Here we evaluated basal (intrinsic) and allergen-induced (extrinsic) airway responses to MCh. We used two mouse lines selected to respond maximally (AIRmax) or minimally (AIRmin) to innate inflammatory stimuli. We found that in basal condition AIRmin mice responded more vigorously to MCh than AIRmax. Treatment with a specific M2 antagonist increased airway response of AIRmax but not of AIRmin mice. The expression of M2 receptors in the lung was significantly lower in AIRmin compared to AIRmax animals. AIRmax mice developed a more intense allergic inflammation than AIRmin, and both allergic mouse lines increased airway responses to MCh. However, gallamine treatment of allergic groups did not affect the responses to MCh. Our results confirm that low or dysfunctional M2 receptor activity is associated with increased airway responsiveness to MCh and that this trait was inherited during the selective breeding of AIRmin mice and was acquired by AIRmax mice during allergic lung inflammation
Aus der zunehmenden Prävalenz allergischer Erkrankungen vor allem in den Industrienationen ergibt sich ein erhöhter Bedarf an Grundlagenforschung im Bereich von Allergie und Asthma sowie der Entwicklung innovativer Therapiestrategien. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden die immundefizienten Mausstämme NOD-Scid und NOD-Scid gc als vielversprechender translationaler Schritt zwischen dem reinen Tiermodell und der Erprobung neuer Therapieansätze an Probanden in klinischen Studien beleuchtet. Im experimentellen Verlauf der Arbeit wurde ein humanisiertes Mausmodell der allergischen Atemwegsentzündung zunächst in immundefizienten NOD-Scid und darauffolgend in NOD-Scid gc Mäusen etabliert. Diese Mausstämme zeichnen sich durch das Nichtvorhandensein von B- und T-Zellen aus. Im NOD-Scid gc Stamm resultiert aus einer zusätzlichen Mutation des Gens für die gamma-Kette des IL-2 Rezeptors der Verlust von natürlichen Killerzellen (NK-Zellen), was die Immunität in diesem Stamm weiter herabsetzt und eine Humanisierung erleichtert. Die Humanisierung der Mäuse erfolgte durch die intraperitoneale Injektion von mononukleären Zellen des peripheren Blutes (PBMCs), die unter Anwendung der Ficoll-Dichtezentrifugation aus dem Blut von Probanden isoliert wurden. Für die Gewinnung der PBMCs wurden zum einen Asthma-Patienten mit einer hochgradigen Sensibilisierung gegen Birkenpollen herangezogen. Zum anderen wurden in Kontrollexperimenten PBMCs nicht-allergischer Probanden verwendet. Während sich für den NOD-Scid Stamm 80 Millionen PBMCs als angemessene Transferzahl erwiesen, reichten für die Rekonstitution des NOD-Scid gc Stammes 5 Millionen PBMCs aus. Eine Analyse der Tiere erfolgte 24 Tage nach Injektion der humanen Zellen. Der Transfer der PBMCs allergischer Asthmatiker führte besonders nach additiver Applikation des Birkenallergens sowie des humanen rekombinanten Zytokins IL-4 und darauffolgender nasaler allergener Provokation zu einer starken pulmonalen Entzündung in den Mäusen. Die nasale Allergenprovokation an den Tagen 20-22 nach PBMC-Transfer erwies sich für das Aufkommen der Inflammation als unbedingt erforderlich. Die nasale Provokation mit Phosphat-gepufferter Salzlösung (PBS) mündete in einer herabgesetzten Inflammation ohne Ausprägung einer Atemwegsüberempfindlichkeit (AHR), reduzierten Zellzahlen in der bronchoalveolären Lavage (BAL) sowie verminderten Frequenzen humaner Zellen in den Lungen von Versuchstieren, die mit atopischen PBMCs supplementiert mit Birkenallergen und IL-4 rekonstituiert wurden. Die Allergenabhängigkeit des etablierten Modells wurde anhand von Experimenten untermauert, die verdeutlichten, dass ein Transfer von PBMCs nicht-allergischer Probanden trotz Zugabe des Allergens und humanem IL-4 keine Atemwegsinflammation auslöste. Bei den humanen Zellen, die an Tag 24 nach Rekonstitution in den Mäusen detektiert werden konnten, handelte es sich hauptsächlich um T-Zellen. Innerhalb dieser CD3+ T-Zellen konnten CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen differenziert werden. Depletionsexperimente, in denen nach Gewinnung der PBMCs aus dem Blut der Probanden verschiedene T-Zellsubpopulationen (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+) eliminiert wurden, führten zu dem Befund, dass die allergische Atemwegsentzündung in dem System von humanen CD4+ T-Zellen abhängig war. Nach der Etablierung des humanisierten Mausmodells der allergischen Atemwegsentzündung wurde das System zur Analyse des suppressionsfördernden Potentials des HIV-1 - Hüllproteins gp120 genutzt. Die Applikation von gp120 führte zu einer Reduktion der Atemwegsinflammation. Dies äußerte sich in einer Aufhebung der AHR, verminderten Zellzahlen in der BAL sowie dem reduzierten Einstrom humaner T-Zellen in die Lungen der rekonstituierten Tiere. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die anti-inflammatorische Wirkung des gp120 strikt von der Anwesenheit regulatorischer T-Zellen (Tregs) innerhalb der für die Humanisierung genutzten PBMCs abhängig war. Eine Depletion der Tregs vor Transfer in die Mäuse führte zum Verlust der anti-inflammatorischen Effekte des gp120. Diese Ergebnisse sprechen für die Modulation regulatorischer T-Zellen als hoffnungsvolle Maßnahme in der Behandlung allergischer Erkrankungen. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse eröffnen innovative Ansätze zur Analyse neuer Therapiestrategien in einem Testsystem, dass die Erforschung humaner Zellinteraktionen sowie die Wirkung potentieller Arzneistoffe auf humane Zellen unter in vivo Bedingungen erlaubt.
Klinische Studien haben gezeigt, dass die allergenspezifische Immuntherapie (SIT) eine effektive Therapieoption für allergische Erkrankungen ist. Obwohl dieses Therapieverfahren seit über 100 Jahren existiert, sind die zugrunde liegenden Suppressionsmechanismen jedoch nicht vollständig verstanden. Bisher wird angenommen, dass der Behandlungserfolg der SIT auf einer Blockade durch allergenspezifische Antikörper, einer Verschiebung des Th1-Th2-Gleichgewichtes und/oder auf einer Suppression durch regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) basiert. Um die Effekte der SIT in einer chronischen Erkrankung in vivo untersuchen zu können, wurde in dieser Doktorarbeit ein Mausmodell für chronisches Asthma entwickelt, das die Situation im Menschen nach einer SIT nachahmt. rnDurch eine SIT war es möglich, allergeninduzierte Asthmasymptome wie Atemwegshyperreagibilität (AHR), Eosinophilie in der Lunge, IgE-Produktion und Atemwegsentzündung im Modell zu unterdrücken. Bemerkenswert ist, dass durch OVA-spezifische Immuntherapie (OVA-IT) ebenfalls eine Verringerung der strukturellen Veränderungen im Lungengewebe im chronischen Krankheitsverlauf erreicht wurde.rnDes Weiteren wurde in diesem Modell nach den Prozessen gesucht, die für die toleranzinduzierende Wirkung der SIT verantwortlich sein können. Dabei wurde im Vergleich zur Placebo-behandelten Gruppe eine erhöhte Antwort spezifischer IgG1-Antikörper, eine verstärkte Th1-Antwort, sowie eine erhöhte Frequenz von FoxP3+ Tregs und von IL-10-produzierenden T-Zellen (Tr1-Zellen) nach OVA-IT festge-stellt. Zur weiteren Untersuchung der von SIT-induzierten T-Zellantworten wurden Mausmodelle des allergischen Asthmas mit einem akuten Verlauf gewählt.rnDie Bedeutung der Th1-Zellen für die SIT wurde in T-bet-/- Mäusen untersucht, welche aufgrund des Fehlens des Transkriptionsfaktors T-bet keine stabile Th1-Antwort induzieren können. Durch SIT war es möglich, allergeninduzierte Asthmasymptome wie AHR, eosinophile Granulozyten in der Lunge, IgE-Produktion und Atemwegsentzündung in den T-bet-/- Tieren im gleichen Maße wie in den Wildtyptieren zu unterdrücken. Diese Untersuchung zeigte, dass die SIT auch ohne funktionelle Th1-Zellen die allergische Entzündung unterdrücken kann. rnDie Rolle der Tregs für die SIT wurde in DO11.10 Mäusen und DO11.10 RAG-/- Mäusen untersucht. In beiden Stämmen konnte nach SIT eine Induktion OVA-spezifischer Tregs nachgewiesen werden. In DO11.10 RAG-/- Mäusen können durch den Knockout im rag2-Gen keine natürlichen, d.h. im Thymus gereiften, Tregs entstehen. Im Blut von DO11.10 RAG-/- Mäusen war direkt nach Durchführung der OVA-IT eine FoxP3+ Treg-Population detektierbar. Demnach wird durch die OVA-IT eine de-novo-Induktion von FoxP3+ Tregs in Gang gesetzt. In Abwesenheit der natürlichen Tregs zeigte sich weiterhin, dass diese Zellen zur Produktion von IL-10 in T-Zellen und somit zum Erfolg der SIT beitragen.rnDie Rolle der FoxP3+ Tregs bei der SIT wurde in DEREG Mäusen untersucht. Eine Depletion der FoxP3+ Tregs in DEREG Mäusen während der Durchführung der OVA-IT hob die protektiven Effekte der Therapie jedoch nur teilweise auf. rnUm die Rolle des regulatorischen Zytokins IL-10 bei der SIT zu untersuchen, wurde ein blockierender Antikörper gegen den IL-10-Rezeptor (anti-IL-10R) im chronischen Modell des allergischen Asthmas mit SIT angewendet. Anti-IL-10R hob die protektive Wirkung der SIT auf die AHR, die Atemwegsentzündung und die strukturellen Veränderungen im Lungengewebe auf. Somit ist die protektive Wirkung der SIT abhängig vom IL-10-Signalweg.rnZusammenfassend stellt diese Arbeit die Bedeutung der SIT für allergische Erkrankungen heraus. SIT kann durch die positive Beeinflussung der allergiebedingten, strukturellen Veränderungen in der Lunge auch für Asthmapatienten große Vorteile bringen. Die aus Studien bekannten Mechanismen konnten im Modell bestätigt werden und wurden im weiteren Verlauf untersucht. Die Arbeit stellt im Besonderen die Bedeutung der IL-10-produzierenden und FoxP3+ Tregs für die Effektivität der SIT in den Vordergrund. Zudem ist durch die Etablierung eines neuen Mausmodells der SIT für chronisches allergisches Asthma ein Mittel zur weiteren Erforschung der zugrunde liegenden Prozesse dieser erfolgreichen Therapie geschaffen worden. rn
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is a novel cytokine that plays a central role in T helper 2 (Th2) cell differentiation and allergic inflammation. It is predominantly expressed by epithelial cells, and its expression is increased in patients with atopic dermatitis and asthma. Mice overexpressing TSLP in the skin develop allergic dermatitis and mice overexpressing TSLP in lungs develop asthma-like disease. However, it is not known whether TSLP plays an important role in equine allergies. Therefore, we cloned and sequenced the complete translated region of equine TSLP gene and measured its expression in various tissues. The equine TSLP gene is organized in 4 exons and encodes a protein of 143 amino acids, which has 62% amino acid identity with human TSLP.
In mice, interleukin-18 (IL-18) regulates Th1- or Th2-type immune responses depending on the cytokine environment and effector cells involved, and the ST2-ligand, IL-33, primarily promotes an allergic phenotype. Human basophils, major players in allergic inflammation, constitutively express IL-18 receptors, while ST2 surface expression is inducible by IL-3. Unexpectedly, freshly isolated basophils are strongly activated by IL-33, but, in contrast to mouse basophils, do not respond to IL-18. IL-33 promotes IL-4, IL-13 and IL-8 secretion in synergy with IL-3 and/or FcepsilonRI-activation, and enhances FcepsilonRI-induced mediator release. These effects are similar to that of IL-3, but the signaling pathways engaged are distinct because IL-33 strongly activates NF-kappaB and shows a preference for p38 MAP-kinase, while IL-3 acts through Jak/Stat and preferentially activates ERK. Eosinophils are the only other leukocyte-type directly activated by IL-33, as evidenced by screening of p38-activation in peripheral blood cells. Only upon CD3/CD28-ligation, IL-33 weakly enhances Th2 cytokine expression by in vivo polarized Th2 cells. This study on primary human cells demonstrates that basophils and eosinophils are the only direct target leukocytes for IL-33, suggesting that IL-33 promotes allergic inflammation and Th2 polarization mainly by the selective activation of these specialized cells of the innate immune system.
The vitamin A metabolite retinoic acid (RA) plays a fundamental role in cellular functions by activating nuclear receptors. Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-II (RALDH2) creates localized RA gradients needed for proper embryonic development, but very little is known regarding its regulated expression in adults. Using a human ex vivo model of allergic inflammation by coincubating IgE receptor-activated mast cells (MCs) with blood basophils, we observed prominent induction of a protein that was identified as RALDH2 by mass spectroscopy. RALDH2 was selectively induced in basophils by MC-derived interleukin-3 (IL-3) involving PI3-kinase and NF-kappaB pathways. Importantly, neither constitutive nor inducible RALDH2 expression was detectable in any other human myeloid or lymphoid leukocyte, including dendritic cells. RA generated by RALDH2 in basophils modulates IL-3-induced gene expression in an autocrine manner, providing positive (CD25) as well as negative (granzyme B) regulation. It also acts in a paracrine fashion on T-helper cells promoting the expression of CD38 and alpha4/beta7 integrins. Furthermore, RA derived from IL-3-activated basophils provides a novel mechanism of Th2 polarization. Thus, RA must be viewed as a tightly controlled basophil-derived mediator with a high potential for regulating diverse functions of immune and resident cells in allergic diseases and other Th2-type immune responses.
BACKGROUND In humans, thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) plays a central role in the development of allergic inflammation, such as atopic dermatitis (AD), but it is unknown whether it is involved in the pathogenesis of canine AD (CAD). HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES Our aim was to characterize canine TSLP and to assess its expression in CAD. METHODS Canine TSLP was identified based on sequence homology with human TSLP and the complementary DNA (cDNA) cloned by RT-PCR. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR was established to assess the expression of canine TSLP in cultured canine keratinocytes and in skin biopsy specimens from lesional and nonlesional skin of 12 dogs with CAD and eight healthy control dogs. RESULTS Partial canine TSLP cDNA was cloned and characterized. It contained four exons that shared 70 and 73% nucleotide identity with human and equine TSLP, respectively, encoding the signal peptide and full-length secreted protein. We found significantly increased TSLP expression in lesional and nonlesional skin of dogs with CAD compared with healthy control dogs (P < 0.05), whereas no difference was measured between lesional and nonlesional samples. In cultured primary canine keratinocytes, we found increased TSLP expression after stimulation with house dust mite allergen extract or Toll-like receptor ligands lipopolysaccharide and poly I:C. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Increased TSLP expression in the skin of dogs with CAD supports an involvement of TSLP in the pathogenesis of CAD similar to that in humans. Further studies should elucidate the function and therapeutic potential of TSLP in CAD.
Development of transcriptional pulsing approaches using the c-fos and Tet-off promoter systems greatly facilitated studies of mRNA turnover in mammalian cells. However, optimal protocols for these approaches vary for different cell types and/or physiological conditions, limiting their widespread application. In this study, we have further optimized transcriptional pulsing systems for different cell lines and developed new protocols to facilitate investigation of various aspects of mRNA turnover. We apply the Tet-off transcriptional pulsing strategy to investigate ARE-mediated mRNA decay in human erythroleukemic K562 cells arrested at various phases of the cell cycle by pharmacological inhibitors. This application facilitates studies of the role of mRNA stability in control of cell-cycle dependent gene expression. To advance the investigation of factors involved in mRNA turnover and its regulation, we have also incorporated recently developed transfection and siRNA reagents into the transcriptional pulsing approach. Using these protocols, siRNA and DNA plasmids can be effectively cotransfected into mouse NIH3T3 cells to obtain high knockdown efficiency. Moreover, we have established a tTA-harboring stable line using human bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells and applied the transcriptional pulsing approach to monitor mRNA deadenylation and decay kinetics in this cell system. This broadens the application of the transcriptional pulsing system to investigate the regulation of mRNA turnover related to allergic inflammation. Critical factors that need to be considered when employing these approaches are characterized and discussed.
T helper type 9 (TH9) cells can mediate tumor immunity and participate in autoimmune and allergic inflammation in mice, but little is known about the TH9 cells that develop in vivo in humans. We isolated T cells from human blood and tissues and found that most memory TH9 cells were skin-tropic or skin-resident. Human TH9 cells coexpressed tumor necrosis factor-α and granzyme B and lacked coproduction of TH1/TH2/TH17 cytokines, and many were specific for Candida albicans. Interleukin-9 (IL-9) production was transient and preceded the up-regulation of other inflammatory cytokines. Blocking studies demonstrated that IL-9 was required for maximal production of interferon-γ, IL-9, IL-13, and IL-17 by skin-tropic T cells. IL-9-producing T cells were increased in the skin lesions of psoriasis, suggesting that these cells may contribute to human inflammatory skin disease. Our results indicate that human TH9 cells are a discrete T cell subset, many are tropic for the skin, and although they may function normally to protect against extracellular pathogens, aberrant activation of these cells may contribute to inflammatory diseases of the skin.
BACKGROUND Receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL) is expressed as either surface (hRANKL1, hRANKL2) or soluble (hRANKL3) form. RANKL is involved in multifaceted processes of immunoregulation and bone resorption such as they occur in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Interestingly, activated basophils, which are effector cells in allergic inflammation, contribute to the progress of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), a mouse model for RA. Here, we investigate under which conditions human basophils express RANKL. METHODS Among other stimuli, basophils were cultured with IL-3 alone. Alternatively, as a secondary stimulus, IgER-dependent or IgER-independent agents were added simultaneously either with IL-3 or after prolonged IL-3 culturing. Expression of RANKL protein and mRNA was analyzed by flow cytometry, ELISA, and real-time PCR. A coculture system was applied to investigate biological activity of basophil-derived RANKL. RESULTS We show that in human basophils, IL-3 but no other stimulus induces de novo expression of soluble and surface RANKL, of which the latter enhances survival of MoDC. Upon simultaneous stimulation, IgER cross-linking reduces surface RANKL expression, while IgER-independent stimuli have no effect. This is in contrast to consecutive stimulation, as triggering with both IgER-dependent and IgER-independent stimuli enhances RANKL expression, particularly in its soluble form. Real-time PCR analysis shows that RANKL expression is mainly regulated at the mRNA level. CONCLUSION This study identifies IL-3 as a potent inducer of RANKL expression in human basophils, suggesting them to interact with bone physiology and activation of immune cells. IgER-dependent and IgER-independent stimuli modulate the IL-3-mediated RANKL expression in a time- and stimulus-dependent fashion.
IL-18 is a proinflammatory cytokine that plays an important role in natural killer cell activation and T helper 1 (Th1) cell responses. Mast cells and basophils are major inducers and effectors of allergic inflammation. Here we show that basophils and mast cells derived by culture of bone marrow cells with IL-3 for 10 days express IL-18Rα chain and that basophils produce large amounts of IL-4 and IL-13 in response to stimulation with IL-3 and IL-18. Injection of IL-12 and IL-18 inhibits IgE production in helminth-infected wild-type mice and abolishes the capacity of their basophils to produce IL-4 and IL-13 in response to stimulation either with IL-3 and IL-18 or with FcɛR cross-linkage. By contrast, this combination of cytokines actually increases IgE levels in helminth-infected IFN-γ−/− mice and enhances IL-4 and IL-13 production by their basophils. Furthermore, injection of IL-18 alone enhances basophil production of IL-4 and histamine both in wild-type and IFN-γ−/− mice. Thus, IL-18 has the potential to stimulate basophils but, when given with IL-12, exhibits an antiallergic action in vivo.
Objetivo: Foi investigada a hipótese da hiperprolactinemia modular a resposta inflamatória alérgica pulmonar em ratos machos e em fêmas lactantes sem tratamento de domperidona. Métodos: Em ratos machos, a hiperprolactinemia foi de curta duração (5 dias) induzida pela domperidona (5,1 mg.kg-1 por dia, i.p). A resposta alérgica foi gerada por sensibilização e desafios inalatórios com ovoalbumina. Foi feita contagem de leucócitos totais e diferenciados do lavado bronco alveolar (BAL), lavado medular femoral (BFL) e sangue; a percentagem de produção de muco e colageno no pulmão, níveis de corticosterona e prolactina e citocinas TNF-α, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, em explantes de pulmão e IFNg no BAL, foram medidos. Pela citometria foram avaliadaos os receptores de prolactina; Resultados: Hiperprolactinemia de curta duração feita antes do desafio inalatório disminuiu a resposta alérgica pulmonar na contagem de leucócitos no lavado broncoalveolar. Esse tratamento reduziu a celularidade no BFL e a percentagem de muco e aumentou a expressão de citocinas IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNFα e da expressão do IFNg. Níveis altos de prolactina diminuiram o número de eosinófilos ao pulmão no BAL. Pela citometria revelou-se que além de ter menor número de granulócitos migrados ao pulmão, estes apresentaram maior expressão do número de receptores por granulócito para prolactina no grupo tratado com domperidona. Alterações similares foram reveladas em fêmeas lactantes como foi a diminuição nos leucócitos do BAL, e no número de células do BFL. O tratamento profilático diminuiu a resposta alérgica tanto no grupo hiperprolactinêmico como no grupo veículo. O tratamento feito após o desafio inalatório não evidenciou alterações relevantes nas variáveis medidas. Conclusões: A hiperprolactinemia de curta duração, feita após a sensibilização e antes da inalação diminui a resposta inflamatória no pulmão em ratos. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que a hiperprolactinemia induzida antes do desafio antigênico diminue a inflamação alérgica pulmonar. Assim, é provável que a prolactina endógena tenha um papel relevante como um imunomodulador da asma. Este estudo aponta a possibilidade futura do uso da domperidona para pacientes asmáticos. Durante a primavera muitas espécies de mamíferos têm seus filhotes e ocorre abundância de fatores alergenos no ar. Logo, um fator endógeno que favoreça a proteção de fêmeas durante a lactação, tal como a hiperprolactinemia, tem elevado valor adaptativo
Protease-activated receptor-2 peptides activate neurokinin-1 receptors in the mouse isolated trachea
Protective roles for protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) in the airways including activation of epithelial chloride (Cl-) secretion are based on the use of presumably PAR(2)-selective peptide agonists. To determine whether PAR(2) peptide-activated Cl- secretion from mouse tracheal epithelium is dependent on PAR(2), changes in ion conductance across the epithelium [short-circuit current (I-SC)] to PAR(2) peptides were measured in Ussing chambers under voltage clamp. In addition, epithelium and endothelium-dependent relaxations to these peptides were measured in two established PAR(2) bioassays, isolated ring segments of mouse trachea and rat thoracic aorta, respectively. Apical application of the PAR(2) peptide SLIGRL caused increases in I-SC, which were inhibited by three structurally different neurokinin receptor-1 (NK1R) antagonists and inhibitors of Cl- channels but not by capsaicin, the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonist CGRP(8-37), or the nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. Only high concentrations of trypsin caused an increase in I-SC but did not affect the responses to SLIGRL. Relaxations to SLIGRL in the trachea and aorta were unaffected by the NK1R antagonist nolpitantium (SR 140333) but were abolished by trypsin desensitization. The rank order of potency for a range of peptides in the trachea I-SC assay was 2-furoyl-LIGRL > SLCGRL > SLIGRL > SLIGRT > LSIGRL compared with 2-furoyl-LIGRL > SLIGRL > SLIGRT > SLCGRL (LSIGRL inactive) in the aorta relaxation assay. In the mouse trachea, PAR(2) peptides activate both epithelial NK1R coupled to Cl- secretion and PAR(2) coupled to prostaglandin E-2-mediated smooth muscle relaxation. Such a potential lack of specificity of these commonly used peptides needs to be considered when roles for PAR(2) in airway function in health and disease are determined.