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Frequency converters have started to gain new market areas in the field of motion control applications. The communication and control properties of frequency converters have reached the properties of traditional servo amplifiers during the past few years. In this thesis a motion control system was examined. This particular system consists of frequency converters, permanent magnet synchronous motors and linear belt drives. The properties and prerequisites for packing are discussed. A test setup was build and measurement sets were done to examine the performance of the system. Speed and accuracy measurements were done in all three dimensions. Based on the measurement results applicability of the system for packing industry was evaluated.
The aim of this work is to design a flywheel generator for a diesel hybrid working machine. In this work we perform detailed design of a generator. Mobile machines are commonly used in industry: road building machines, three harvesting machines, boring machines, trucks and other equipment. These machines work with a hydraulic drive system. This system provides good service property and high technical level. Manufacturers of mobile machines tend to satisfy all requirements of customers and modernized drive system. In this work also a description of the frequency inverter is present. Power electronics system is one of the basic parts for structures perform in the project.
The aim of the work is to study the existing analytical calculation procedures found in literature to calculate the eddy-current losses in surface mounted permanent magnets within PMSM application. The most promising algorithms are implemented with MATLAB software under the dimensional data of LUT prototype machine. In addition finite elements analyze, utilized with help of Flux 2D software from Cedrat Ltd, is applied to calculate the eddy-current losses in permanent magnets. The results obtained from analytical methods are compared with numerical results.
Uusien erikoissähkökoneiden testaus perinteisten standardien mukaan on osittain haasteellista. Erikoissähkökoneille, kuten kestomagneettitahtikoneelle ei ole esitetty suoranaisia standardin vaatimia testejä, joten siihen joudutaan soveltamaan olemassa olevia erillismagnetoiduntahtikoneen standardeja. Testien tavoitteena on olla luotettavia sekä vertailukelpoisia. Mittausten on oltava toistettavissa. Mittaustavasta riippuen voidaan saada erilaisia tuloksia, jotka vaikuttavat lopputulokseen. Standardien mukaisessa testauksessa saadaan mittauksista samanlaisia ja samalla saadaan mittausvirheen mahdollisuus pienemmäksi ja tällä tavoin tulokset keskenään vertailukelpoisemmiksi. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan kahta erilaista erikoissähkokonetta, kestomagneettitahtikonetta ja massiiviroottoriepätahtikonetta. Työssä selvitetään standardin IEC 60034 soveltuvuutta tyyppitesteihin, joita kyseiset konetyypit vaativat. Lisäksi työssä vertaillaan standardin IEC 60034 mukaisen hyötysuhteen määrittämistä. Se antaakin useita vaihtoehtoja hyötysuhteen määrittämiselle.
This study compares different electric propulsion systems. Results of the analysis of all the advantages and disadvantages of the different propulsion systems are given. This thesis estimates possibilities to apply different diesel-electric propulsion concepts for different vessel types. Small and medium size vessel’s power ranges are studied. The optimal delivery system is chosen. This choice is made on the base of detailed study of the concepts, electrical equipment market and comparison of mass, volume and efficiency parameters. In this thesis three marine generators are designed. They are: salient pole synchronous generator and two permanent magnet synchronous generators. Their electrical, dimensional, cost and efficiency parameters are compared. To understand all the benefits diagrams with these parameters are prepared. Possible benefits and money savings are estimated. As the result the advantages, disadvantages and boundary conditions for the permanent magnet synchronous generator application in marine electric-power systems are found out.
Direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous generator is one of the most promising topologies for megawatt-range wind power applications. The rotational speed of the direct-driven generator is very low compared with the traditional electrical machines. The low rotational speed requires high torque to produce megawatt-range power. The special features of the direct-driven generators caused by the low speed and high torque are discussed in this doctoral thesis. Low speed and high torque set high demands on the torque quality. The cogging torque and the load torque ripple must be as low as possible to prevent mechanical failures. In this doctoral thesis, various methods to improve the torque quality are compared with each other. The rotor surface shaping, magnet skew, magnet shaping, and the asymmetrical placement of magnets and stator slots are studied not only by means of torque quality, but also the effects on the electromagnetic performance and manufacturability of the machine are discussed. The heat transfer of the direct-driven generator must be designed to handle the copper losses of the stator winding carrying high current density and to keep the temperature of the magnets low enough. The cooling system of the direct-driven generator applying the doubly radial air cooling with numerous radial cooling ducts was modeled with a lumped-parameter-based thermal network. The performance of the cooling system was discussed during the steady and transient states. The effect of the number and width of radial cooling ducts was explored. The large number of radial cooling ducts drastically increases the impact of the stack end area effects, because the stator stack consists of numerous substacks. The effects of the radial cooling ducts on the effective axial length of the machine were studied by analyzing the crosssection of the machine in the axial direction. The method to compensate the magnet end area leakage was considered. The effect of the cooling ducts and the stack end area effects on the no-load voltages and inductances of the machine were explored by using numerical analysis tools based on the three-dimensional finite element method. The electrical efficiency of the permanent magnet machine with different control methods was estimated analytically over the whole speed and torque range. The electrical efficiencies achieved with the most common control methods were compared with each other. The stator voltage increase caused by the armature reaction was analyzed. The effect of inductance saturation as a function of load current was implemented to the analytical efficiency calculation.
Permanent magnet materials are nowadays widely used in the electrical machine manufacturing industry. Eddy current loss models of permanent magnets used in electrical machines are frequently discussed in research papers. In magnetic steel materials we have, in addition to eddy current losses, hysteresis losses when AC or a rotating flux travels through the material. Should a similar phenomenon also be taken into account in calculating the losses of permanent magnets? Actually, every now and then authors seem to assume that some significant hysteresis losses are present in rotating machine PMs. This paper studies the mechanisms of possible hysteresis losses in PMs and their role in PMs when used in rotating electrical machines.
Traction motor design significantly differs from industrial machine design. The starting point is the load cycle instead of the steady-state rated operation point. The speed of the motor varies from zero to very high speeds. At low speeds, heavy overloading is used for starting, and the field-weakening region also plays an important role. Finding a suitable fieldweakening point is one of the important design targets. At the lowest speeds, a high torque output is desired, and all current reserves of the supplying converter unit are used to achieve the torque. In this paper, a 110-kW 2.5-p.u. starting torque and a maximum 2.5-p.u. speed permanent-magnet traction motor will be studied. The field-weakening point is altered by varying the number of winding turns of machine. One design is selected for prototyping. Theoretical results are verified by measurements.
Here we present the catalytic hydrogenation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to less toxic mixtures of saturated and partial unsaturated polycyclic hydrocarbons under mild reaction conditions using a magnetically recoverable rhodium catalyst and molecular hydrogen as the exclusive H source. The catalyst is easily recovered after each reaction by placing a permanent magnet on the reactor wall and it can be reused in successive runs without any significant loss of catalytic activity. As an example, anthracene was totally converted into the saturated polycyclic hydrocarbon form (ca. 60%) and the partially hydrogenated form, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydroanthracene (ca. 40%). The catalyst operates in a broad range of temperature and H(2) pressure in both organic and aqueous/organic solutions of anthracene and it also exhibits significant activity at low substrate concentrations (20 ppm). This can be an efficient recycling process for hydrogenation of PAHs present in contaminated fluid waste streams. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
After gravistimulation of Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. protonemata in the dark, amyloplast sedimentation was followed by upward curvature in the wild-type (WT) and downward curvature in the wwr mutant (wrong way response). We used ponderomotive forces induced by high-gradient magnetic fields (HGMF) to simulate the effect of gravity and displace the presumptive statoliths. The field was applied by placing protonemata either between two permanent magnets at the edge of the gap, close to the edge of a magnetized ferromagnetic wedge, or close to a small (<1 mm) permanent magnet. Continuous application of an HGMF in all three configurations resulted in plastid displacement and induced curvature in tip cells of WT and wwr protonemata. WT cells curved toward the HGMF, and wwr cells curved away from the HGMF, comparable to gravitropism. Plastids isolated from protonemal cultures had densities ranging from 1.24 to 1.38 g cm−3. Plastid density was similar for both genotypes, but the mutant contained larger plastids than the WT. The size difference might explain the stronger response of the wwr protonemata to the HGMF. Our data support the plastid-based theory of gravitropic sensing and suggest that HGMF-induced ponderomotive forces can substitute for gravity.
Human development requires a broad balance between ecological, social and economic factors in order to ensure its own sustainability. In this sense, the search for new sources of energy generation, with low deployment and operation costs, which cause the least possible impact to the environment, has been the focus of attention of all society segments. To do so, the reduction in exploration of fossil fuels and the encouragement of using renewable energy resources for distributed generation have proved interesting alternatives to the expansion of the energy matrix of various countries in the world. In this sense, the wind energy has acquired an increasingly significant role, presenting increasing rates of power grid penetration and highlighting technological innovations such as the use of permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG). In Brazil, this fact has also been noted and, as a result, the impact of the inclusion of this source in the distribution and sub-transmission power grid has been a major concern of utilities and agents connected to Brazilian electrical sector. Thus, it is relevant the development of appropriate computational tools that allow detailed predictive studies about the dynamic behavior of wind farms, either operating with isolated load, either connected to the main grid, taking also into account the implementation of control strategies for active/reactive power generation and the keeping of adequate levels of voltage and frequency. This work fits in this context since it comprises mathematical and computational developments of a complete wind energy conversion system (WECS) endowed with PMSG using time domain techniques of Alternative Transients Program (ATP), which prides itself a recognized reputation by scientific and academic communities as well as by electricity professionals in Brazil and elsewhere. The modeling procedures performed allowed the elaboration of blocks representing each of the elements of a real WECS, comprising the primary source (the wind), the wind turbine, the PMSG, the frequency converter, the step up transformer, the load composition and the power grid equivalent. Special attention is also given to the implementation of wind turbine control techniques, mainly the pitch control responsible for keeping the generator under the maximum power operation point, and the vector theory that aims at adjusting the active/reactive power flow between the wind turbine and the power grid. Several simulations are performed to investigate the dynamic behavior of the wind farm when subjected to different operating conditions and/or on the occurrence of wind intensity variations. The results have shown the effectiveness of both mathematical and computational modeling developed for the wind turbine and the associated controls.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade Gama, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica, 2015.
Through modelling activity, experimental campaigns, test bench and on-field validation, a complete powertrain for a BEV has been designed, assembled and used in a motorsport competition. The activity can be split in three main subjects, representing the three key components of an BEV vehicle. First of all a model of the entire powertrain has been developed in order to understand how the various design choices will influence the race lap-time. The data obtained was then used to design, build and test a first battery pack. After bench tests and track tests, it was understood that by using all the cell charac-teristics, without breaking the rules limitations, higher energy and power densities could have been achieved. An updated battery pack was then designed, produced and raced with at Motostudent 2018 re-sulting in a third place at debut. The second topic of this PhD was the design of novel inverter topologies. Three inverters have been de-signed, two of them using Gallium Nitride devices, a promising semiconductor technology that can achieve high switching speeds while maintaining low switching losses. High switching frequency is crucial to reduce the DC-Bus capacitor and then increase the power density of 3 phase inverters. The third in-verter uses classic Silicon devices but employs a ZVS (Zero Voltage Switching) topology. Despite the in-creased complexity of both the hardware and the control software, it can offer reduced switching losses by using conventional and established silicon mosfet technology. Finally, the mechanical parts of a three phase permanent magnet motor have been designed with the aim to employ it in UniBo Motorsport’s 2020 Formula Student car.
Multi-phase electrical drives are potential candidates for the employment in innovative electric vehicle powertrains, in response to the request for high efficiency and reliability of this type of application. In addition to the multi-phase technology, in the last decades also, multilevel technology has been developed. These two technologies are somewhat complementary since both allow increasing the power rating of the system without increasing the current and voltage ratings of the single power switches of the inverter. In this thesis, some different topics concerning the inverter, the motor and the fault diagnosis of an electric vehicle powertrain are addressed. In particular, the attention is focused on multi-phase and multilevel technologies and their potential advantages with respect to traditional technologies. First of all, the mathematical models of two multi-phase machines, a five-phase induction machine and an asymmetrical six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machines are developed using the Vector Space Decomposition approach. Then, a new modulation technique for multi-phase multilevel T-type inverters, which solves the voltage balancing problem of the DC-link capacitors, ensuring flexible management of the capacitor voltages, is developed. The technique is based on the proper selection of the zero-sequence component of the modulating signals. Subsequently, a diagnostic technique for detecting the state of health of the rotor magnets in a six-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine is established. The technique is based on analysing the electromotive force induced in the stator windings by the rotor magnets. Furthermore, an innovative algorithm able to extend the linear modulation region for five-phase inverters, taking advantage of the multiple degrees of freedom available in multi-phase systems is presented. Finally, the mathematical model of an eighteen-phase squirrel cage induction motor is defined. This activity aims to develop a motor drive able to change the number of poles of the machine during the machine operation.
Line-start permanent magnet motor (LSPMM) is a very attractive alternative to replace induction motors due to its very high efficiency and constant speed operation with load variations. However, designing this kind of hybrid motor is hard work and requires a good understanding of motor behavior. The calculation of load angle is an important step in motor design and can not be neglected. This paper uses the finite element method to show a simple methodology to calculate the load angle of a three-phase LSPMM combining the dynamic and steady-state simulations. The methodology is used to analyze a three-phase LSPMM.