827 resultados para advertising - weight loss products


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Orlistat is an effective weight-loss medicine, which will soon be available for purchase in pharmacies. We used a factorial experiment and found that informing people about the availability for purchase of this medicinal product previously only available on prescription resulted in higher ratings of perceived value and effectiveness compared to a natural health supplement even though we used the same statement about effectiveness. This positive perception of orlistat was not impaired by the provision of side-effect information. Orlistat will soon be available in pharmacies. Health professionals must act to prevent its misuse by those not overweight.


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To determine whether changes in dietary intakes predict weight loss, we studied 80 overweight adults who attended a nutritional counseling program during 6 months of follow-up at a primary health care center in Brazil. Habitual diet was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire at baseline and after 6 months. The mean age (+/-SD) of the participants was 46.5 +/- 9.5 years, and their mean body mass index was 29 +/- 3 kg/m(2) at baseline. After 6 months, the differences in body weight and fruit/vegetable intake were -1.4 +/- 3 kg and 109 +/- 320 g daily, respectively. Using multiple linear regression models adjusted for age, sex, changes in walking time, and total energy intake, the increased intake of dietary fiber from fruits/vegetables was associated with a greater weight loss (beta 1 [95% confidence interval (CI)] = -0.180 [-0.269, -0.0911) after 6 months of follow-up. Similar results were observed for increased intake of vegetables (beta 1 [95% CI] = -0.00497 [-0.008, -0.0021) and fruits (beta 1 [95% CI] = -0.00290 [-0.005, -0.001]) as predictors of weight loss. The increase of 100 g/d of vegetables and fruits represented a body weight loss of 500 and 300 g after 6 months, respectively (P <.05). Our findings support the relevance of increased intakes of fruits and vegetables that may help avoid weight gain in overweight adults. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This thesis aims to evaluate whether humorous television commercials (TVCs) work for non-prescription drugs, known as “over-the-counter” (OTC). The construct humor in advertising is controversial since it involves complex and broad typology, and depends on the audience characteristics. Several studies within different product categories indicated that some consumer goods are better suited for humorous TVCs, while others, such as OTC drugs, may not take advantage from it. Paradoxically, drug announcers spend billions of dollars worldwide in humorous OTC ads. An experiment with real consumers was designed as between-and-within-subjects, to test three hypotheses. Sixty women were exposed to pairs of humorous and non-humorous TVCs, for each of the three drug categories (analgesics, vitamins, and laxatives). We used fictional brand names and real ads, and measured four dependant variables: attitude toward the advertising (AAD), attitude toward the brand (ABR), purchase intention (PI), and brand choice (BC), after subjects being exposed to manipulations of two independent variables: humorous vs. non-humorous TV commercials, for the drug categories. Conditional logit model confirmed that humor does not help to persuade respondents, whose choices, attitudes, and purchase intention were less favorable with humorous TVCs, in comparison to non-humorous executions. Future research is presented regarding marketing for pharmaceutical products.


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Chronic weight loss in marmosets is often associated with wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS), an important disease that occurs in callitrichid colonies around the world. Even though its etiology is very difficult to determine, particular variables, such as weight loss, diarrhea and alopecia, associated or not with infestation in the pancreatic ducts with Trichospirura leptossoma (Nematoda: Thelazioidea), seem to be linked with the syndrome. This study investigated the histopathology of the lungs, duodenum, liver, gallbladder, extrahepatic bile ducts and pancreatic ducts of six common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) suffering from severe non-diarrheic weight loss. Three individuals died naturally and the other three were euthanized. Microscopic findings showed the presence of adult flukes (Platynosomum) in the liver. These flukes, which provoke common infection in cats, were also observed inside the gallbladder as well as in the intra and extrahepatic bile ducts in common marmosets. Portal fibrosis was observed in two animals, which developed chronic fibrosing hepatopathy (biliary pattern, grade 3). The disease progresses without diarrhea and without pancreatic lesions or infestation. With the rogression, the animals presented with ascending cholangitis, cholestasis and portal fibrosis, sometimes culminating in secondary biliary cirrhosis. Therefore, this nfirmity, associated with chronic weight loss in common marmosets, could be another tiological factor linked with WMS


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O sucesso de um programa de perda de peso para animais de estimação depende da colaboração do proprietário. A adesão deste é fundamental para a correta instituição do manejo alimentar do paciente. Este trabalho teve por objetivo comparar a efetividade de um programa de perda de peso em dois grupos de cães, um mantido sob condições experimentais e outro com seus proprietários. Empregou-se a mesma ração hipocalórica para todos os animais. A quantidade fornecida foi restrita a 60% da necessidade energética de manutenção estimada para o peso corporal meta, definido como o peso autal reduzido em 15%. Os animais foram acompanhados durante 90 dias. Por meio de um questionário padronizado, estudou-se a percepção dos proprietários quanto à obesidade e seu tratamento. Verificou-se que o protocolo e a dieta empregados foram eficazes. Os animais controle apresentaram uma perda de peso média de 1,39% por semana. Os cães de proprietário perderam, em média, 0,75% do peso vivo por semana, resultado estatisticamente menor (P<0,05), o que sugere uma indisponibilidade dos mesmos em cumprir rigorosamente o tratamento. Mesmo com esta perda de peso modesta, foi perceptível a satisfação dos proprietários com os resultados obtidos. O uso de questionários demonstrou ser uma ferramenta importante na investigação das causas e no acompanhamento do tratamento da obesidade canina.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A obesidade é uma das doenças nutricionais mais frequentemente observada em cães e pode provocar sérios problemas de saúde, como os distúrbios cardiovasculares. Realizou-se este estudo visando avaliar algumas das possíveis alterações estruturais e funcionais cardíacas decorrentes da correção da obesidade canina. Para isso foram utilizados 18 cães obesos divididos pelo peso corporal em Grupo I (até 15kg), Grupo II (entre 15,1 e 30 kg) e Grupo III (acima de 30 kg). Os animais foram submetidos à restrição calórica de forma a perderem 15% do peso vivo. Foram realizados os exames ecocardiográfico em modo-M, eletrocardiográfico e mensuração da pressão arterial dos animais antes do início do tratamento da obesidade e após atingirem o peso meta. Os resultados revelaram que após a redução de peso ocorreram diminuições significativas da espessura da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo durante a sístole e diástole no Grupo III, diminuição da pressão arterial sistólica no Grupo III e também da pressão arterial média no Grupo II. Assim, concluiu-se que a perda de peso pode reverter as alterações estruturais cardíacas, como a hipertrofia excêntrica do ventrículo esquerdo em cães obesos acima de 30 kg, como também reduzir a pressão arterial sistêmica em cães obesos submetidos à restrição calórica mediante administração de dieta hipocalórica.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effects of two hypocaloric diets were evaluated, one with 29% and the other with 42% crude protein, on the body composition, nitrogen balance (NB), and some biochemical parameters of obese cats. A total of 16 castrated adult cats were used and divided into two groups of eight animals each. Body composition, determined by dual-energy x-ray absortiometry scanning, and biochemical examinations, were performed at the onset of the experiment (M0), at 10% of weight loss (M10), and at 20% of weight loss (M20) for each cat. The weekly weight loss (0.98 ± 0.37% for group 1; 0.94 ± 0.31% for group 2) and the ingestion of metabolizable energy (33.7 ±3.3 kcal/kg/day for group 1; 35.1 ±3.20 kcal/kg/day for group 2) did not differ between the groups. The NB was different at M0 (-70 ±110 mg/kg/day for group 1 ; 340 ±110 mg/kg/day for group 2) but roughly similar at M20 (140 ±170 mg/kg/day for group 1; 330 ± 410 mg/kg/day for group 2). The lean body mass (LM) loss was significant for group 1 (P < .05) in that it decreased from 2.789 ±198 g at M0 to 2.563 ±188 g at M20; for group 2, the changes in LM were not significant (P > .05). Reduction in body fat was significant between M0 and M20 for both diets (P < .05), without differences between treatments. The ingestion of digestible protein was greater (P < .05) for group 2 (3.20 ±0.29 g/kg/day) than for group 1 (2.21 ± 0.22 g/kg/day). There was a significant correlation between NB and ingestion of digestible protein at M0 (P < .05; r = 0.65), but this correlation was not observed at M20 (P > .05; r = 0.31). A significant reduction in plasma urea was observed for group 1 and in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol for group 2, but the other biochemical parameters did not change. The diet with higher protein content prevented LM loss. However, the lower-protein diet seems to maintain animal health and improve the cats' NB after weight loss.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of 2 postpolymerization treatments on toothbrushing wear (weight loss) and surface roughness of 3 autopolymerized reline resins-Duraliner II (D) (Reliance Dental), Kooliner (K) (Coe Laboratories), and Tokuso Rebase Fast (T) (Tokuyama Dental)-and 1 heat-polymerized resin, Lucitone 550 (L) (Dentsply International). Materials and Methods: Specimens (40 x 10 x 2mm) of each material (n = 24) were prepared and divided into 3 groups: control (no postpolymerization treatment); water bath (immersion in water at 55°C); and microwave (microwave irradiation). Specimens were dried until constant weight was achieved and the surface roughness (Ra) was measured. Tests were performed in a toothbrush machine using 20,000 strokes of brushing at a weight of 200 g, with the specimens immersed in 1:1 dentifrice/water slurry. Specimens were reconditioned to constant weight and the weight loss (mg) and surface roughness were evaluated. Data were analyzed by 2-way analysis of variance and followed by Tukey test (α = .05). Results: In the control group, the weight loss of materials D and T was lower (P < .05) than that of L. No differences among materials were found after postpolymerization treatments (P > .05). The weight loss of material T (control = 0.5 mg) was significantly increased (P < .05) after postpolymerization treatments (water bath = 1.9 mg; microwave = 1.8 mg). For materials K and T, the toothbrushed surface roughness was higher (P < .05) after microwave and waterbath postpolymerization treatments. Material L showed increased surface roughness after microwave postpolymerization treatment. Conclusion: The toothbrushing wear resistance of L was not superior to the reline resins. The postpolymerization treatments did not improve the toothbrushing wear resistance of the materials and produced an increased surface roughness for materials L, K, and T.