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Carotenoids prevent different degenerative diseases and improve human health. Microalgae are commercially exploited for carotenoids, including astaxanthin and β-carotene. Two commercially important microalgae, Dunaliella salina and Tetraselmis suecica, were treated with plant hormones salicylic acid (SA) and methyl jasmonate (MJ), or by UV-C radiation (T. suecica only) and a combination thereof. Significant increases in total carotenoids were found for D. salina and T. suecica after treatment with MJ (10 μmol/L) and SA (70–250 μmol/L), respectively. T. suecica also had significant increases in total carotenoids following UV-C radiation compared to control cultures. Among the carotenoids, lutein was the highest induced carotenoid. A combination of these two treatments also showed a significant increase in total carotenoids and lutein for T. suecica, when compared to controls. Plant hormones and UV-C radiation may be useful tools for increasing carotenoid accumulation in green microalgae although the responses are species- and dose-specific and should be trialed in medium to large scale to explore commercial production.


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This thesis clarifies important molecular pathways that are activated during the cell death observed in Huntington’s disease. Huntington’s disease is one of the most common inherited neurodegenerative diseases, which is primarily inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. HD is caused by an expansion of CAG repeats in the first exon of the IT15 gene. IT15 encodes the production of a Huntington’s disease protein huntingtin. Mutation of the IT15 gene results in a long stretch of polyQ residues close to the amino-terminal region of huntingtin. Huntington’s disease is a fatal autosomal neurodegenerative disorder. Despite the current knowledge of HD, the precise mechanism behind the selective neuronal death, and how the disease propagates, still remains an enigma. The studies mainly focused on the control of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress triggered by the mutant huntingtin proteins. The ER is a delicate organelle having essential roles in protein folding and calcium regulation. Even the slightest perturbations on ER homeostasis are effective enough to trigger ER stress and its adaptation pathways, called unfolded protein response (UPR). UPR is essential for cellular homeostasis and it adapts ER to the changing environment and decreases ER stress. If adaptation processes fail and stress is excessive and prolonged; irreversible cell death pathways are engaged. The results showed that inhibition of ER stress with chemical agents are able to decrease cell death and formation of toxic cell aggregates caused by mutant huntingtin proteins. The study concentrated also to the NF-κB (nuclear factor-kappaB) pathway, which is activated during ER stress. NF-κB pathway is capable to regulate the levels of important cellular antioxidants. Cellular antioxidants provide a first line of defence against excess reactive oxygen species. Excess accumulation of reactive oxygen species and subsequent activation of oxidative stress damages motley of vital cellular processes and induce cell degeneration. Data showed that mutant huntingtin proteins downregulate the expression levels of NF-κB and vital antioxidants, which was followed by increased oxidative stress and cell death. Treatment with antioxidants and inhibition of oxidative stress were able to counteract these adverse effects. In addition, thesis connects ER stress caused by mutant huntingtin to the cytoprotective autophagy. Autophagy sustains cellular balance by degrading potentially toxic cell proteins and components observed in Huntington’s disease. The results revealed that cytoprotective autophagy is active at the early points (24h) of ER stress after expression of mutant huntingtin proteins. GADD34 (growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible gene 34), which is previously connected to the regulation of translation during cell stress, was shown to control the stimulation of autophagy. However, GADD34 and autophagy were downregulated at later time points (48h) during mutant huntingtin proteins induced ER stress, and subsequently cell survival decreased. Overexpression GADD34 enhanced autophagy and decreased cell death, indicating that GADD34 plays a critical role in cell protection. The thesis reveales new interesting data about the neuronal cell death pathways seen in Huntington’s disease, and how cell degeneration is partly counteracted by various therapeutic agents. Expression of mutant huntingtin proteins is shown to alter signaling events that control ER stress, oxidative stress and autophagy. Despite that Huntington’s disease is mainly an untreatable disorder; these findings offer potential targets and neuroprotective strategies in designing novel therapies for Huntington’s disease.


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Global climate change, increasingly erratic weather and a burgeoning global population are significant threats to the sustainability of future crop production. There is an urgent need for the development of robust measures that enable crops to withstand the uncertainty of climate change whilst still producing maximum yields. Resurrection plants possess the unique ability to withstand desiccation for prolonged periods, can be restored upon watering and represent great potential for the development of stress tolerant crops. Here, we describe the remarkable stress characteristics of Tripogon loliiformis, an uncharacterised resurrection grass and close relative of the economically important cereals, rice, sorghum, and maize. We show that T. loliiformis survives extreme environmental stress by implementing autophagy to prevent Programmed Cell Death. Notably, we identified a novel role for trehalose in the regulation of autophagy in T.loliiformis. Transcriptome, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, immunoblotting and confocal microscopy analyses directly linked the accumulation of trehalose with the onset of autophagy in dehydrating and desiccated T. loliiformis shoots. These results were supported in vitro with the observation of autophagosomes in trehalose treated T. loliiformis leaves; autophagosomes were not detected in untreated samples. Presumably, once induced, autophagy promotes desiccation tolerance in T.loliiformis , by removal of cellular toxins to suppress programmed cell death and the recycling of nutrients to delay the onset of senescence. These findings illustrate how resurrection plants manipulate sugar metabolism to promote desiccation tolerance and may provide candidate genes that are potentially useful for the development of stress tolerant crops.


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Microcrystalline γ-Y2Si2O7 was indented at room temperature and the deformation microstructure was investigated by transmission electron microscopy in the vicinity of the indent. The volume directly beneath the indent comprises nanometer-sized grains delimited by an amorphous phase while dislocations dominate in the periphery either as dense slip bands in the border of the indent or, further away, as individual dislocations. The amorphous layers and the slip bands are a few nanometers thick. They lie along well-defined crystallographic planes. The microstructural organization is consistent with a stress-induced amorphization process whereby, under severe mechanical conditions, the crystal to amorphous transformation is mediated by slip bands containing a high density of dislocations. It is suggested that the damage tolerance of γ-Y2Si2O7, which is exceptional for a ceramic material, benefits from this transformation.


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Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (NPHS1, CNF) is an autosomal recessive disease, enriched in the Finnish population. NPHS1 is caused by a mutation in the NPHS1 gene. This gene encodes for nephrin, which is a major structural component of the slit diaphragm connecting podocyte foot processes in the glomerular capillary wall. In NPHS1, the genetic defect in nephrin leads to heavy proteinuria already in the newborn period. Finnish NPHS1 patients are nephrectomized at infancy, and after a short period of dialysis the patients receive a kidney transplant, which is the only curative therapy for the disease. In this thesis, we examined the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to the progression of glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis in NPHS1 kidneys. Progressive mesangial expansion in NPHS1 kidneys is caused by mesangial cell hyperplasia and the accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins. Expansion of the extracellular matrix was caused by the normal mesangial cell component, collagen IV. However, no significant changes in mesangial cell phenotype or extracellular matrix component composition were observed. Endotheliosis was the main ultrastructural lesion observed in the endothelium of NPHS1 glomeruli. The abundant expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its transcription factor hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha were in accordance with the preserved structure of the endothelium in NPHS1 kidneys. Hypoperfusion of peritubular capillaries and tubulointerstitial hypoxia were evident in NPHS1 kidneys, indicating that these may play an important role in the rapid progression of fibrosis in the kidneys of NPHS1 patients. Upregulation of Angiotensin II was obvious, emphasizing its role in the pathophysiology of NPHS1. Excessive oxidative stress was evident in NPHS1 kidneys, manifested as an increase expression of p22phox, superoxide production, lipid oxide peroxidation and reduced antioxidant activity. In conclusion, our data indicate that mesangial cell proliferation and the accumulation of extracellular matrix accumulation are associated with the obliteration of glomerular capillaries, causing the reduction of circulation in peritubular capillaries. The injury and rarefaction of peritubular capillaries result in impairment of oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tubuli and interstitial cells, which correlates with the fibrosis, tubular atrophy and oxidative stress observed in NPHS1 kidneys.


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Hyoscyamine 60-hydroxylase (H6H: EC, a key enzyme at the terminal step of tropane alkaloid biosynthesis, converts hyoscyamine to scopolamine. The accumulation of scopolamine in different organs, in particular the aerial parts for storage, is subject to the expression of hyoscyamine 6-phydroxylase as well as its transport from the site of synthesis. To understand the molecular basis of this regulation, we have analyzed, in parallel, the relative levels of hyoscyamine and scopolamine, and the accumulation of H6H (both protein and transcript) in leaves, stems and roots of D. metel. The root, stem and leaf tissues all contain about 0.51-0.65 mg g(-1) dry weight of scopolamine. Hyoscyamine content was extremely low in leaf and stem tissues and was about 0.28 mg g(-1) dry weight in the root tissue. H6H protein and its transcript were found only in roots but not in the aerial parts viz. stems and leaves. The immunolocalization studies performed on leaf, stem, root as well as hairy root tissues showed that H6H was present only in the pericycle cells of young lateral and hairy roots. These studies suggest that the conversion of hyoscyamine to scopolamine takes place in the root pericycle cells, and the alkaloid biosynthesized in the roots gets translocated to the aerial parts in D. metel. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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INVESTIGATIONS of intestinal transport of amino-acids in the locust1,2 and silkworm3,4 have shown no evidence for active accumulation in a transport from the insect gut of amino-acids. When glycine-2-14C was administered in vivo to fifth instar larvae of the silkworm, 96 per cent of the radioactivity was incorporated into various tissues within 1 h whereas in vitro only 19 per cent of the activity was transported by the mid-gut of silkworm (unpublished work). These results suggested that continued absorption of glycine by the intestine could be aided by a facilitated diffusion mechanism in which amino-acids are rapidly removed from the site of absorption either by accumulation into other tissues or by degradation. Although the insect fat body has been assigned both accumulatory and dissimilatory roles5, the mechanism of accumulation of amino-acids has not been investigated. Our present experiments show that the silkworm fat body possesses an efficient mechanism for accumulating glycine and that both the accumulation and the release of glycine are metabolically controlled.


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"The genetic diversity of Puumala hantavirus (PUUV) was studied in a local population of its natural host, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). The trapping area (2.5x2.5 km) at Konnevesi, Central Finland, included 14 trapping sites, at least 500 m apart; altogether, 147 voles were captured during May and October 2005. Partial sequences of the S, M and L viral genome segments were recovered from 40 animals. Seven, 12 and 17 variants were detected for the S, M and L sequences, respectively; these represent new wild-type PUUV strains that belong to the Finnish genetic lineage. The genetic diversity of PUUV strains from Konnevesi was 0.2-4.9% for the S segment, 0.2-4.8% for the M segment and 0.2-9.7% for the L segment. Most nucleotide substitutions were synonymous and most deduced amino acid substitutions were conservative, probably due to strong stabilizing selection operating at the protein level. Based on both sequence markers and phylogenetic clustering, the S, M and L sequences could be assigned to two groups, 'A' and 'B'. Notably, not all bank voles carried S, M and L sequences belonging to the same group, i.e. SAMALA or SBMBLB.. A substantial proportion (8/40, 20%) of the newly characterized PUUV strains possessed reassortant genomes such as SBMALA, SAMBLB or SBMALB. These results suggest that at least some of the PUUV reassortants are viable and can survive in the presence of their parental strains."


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Yhteenveto: Elohopea Suomen metsäjärvissä ja tekoaltaissa: ihmisen vaikutus kuormitukseen ja pitoisuuksiin kaloissa.


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It is well known that in the time-domain acquisition of NMR data, signal-to-noise (S/N) improves as the square root of the number of transients accumulated. However, the amplitude of the measured signal varies during the time of detection, having a functional form dependent on the coherence detected. Matching the time spent signal averaging to the expected amplitude of the signal observed should also improve the detected signal-to-noise. Following this reasoning, Barna et al. (J Magn. Reson.75, 384, 1987) demonstrated the utility of exponential sampling in one- and two-dimensional NMR, using maximum-entropy methods to analyze the data. It is proposed here that for two-dimensional experiments the exponential sampling be replaced by exponential averaging. The data thus collected can be analyzed by standard fast-Fourier-transform routines. We demonstrate the utility of exponential averaging in 2D NOESY spectra of the protein ubiquitin, in which an enhanced SIN is observed. It is also shown that the method acquires delayed double-quantum-filtered COSY without phase distortion.


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We have previously reported that both Ca2+ and staurosporine-sensitive protein kinase(s) are involved in the cytokinin zeatin induction of cucumber chitinase activity and its protein content (Barwe et al. 2001). To further characterize signal transduction events involved in this cytokinin induction of chitinase gene expression, Northern hybridizations of total RNAs prepared from excised, dark-grown cucumber cotyledons treated with cytokinins and/or various agonists and antagonists of signal transduction components, were carried out using a cucumber acidic chitinase (CACHT) cDNA probe (Metraux et al. 1989). CACHT mRNA increased by approximately 5- to 6-fold in response to exogenous zeatin (Z), zeatin riboside (ZR), and benzyladenine (BA) treatment, but failed to accumulate in response to kinetin (K). Among the cytokinins tested, Z was most effective. The Z-induced accumulation of CACHT mRNA was inhibited by a plasma membrane Ca2+ channel blocker verapamil. Treatment of cotyledons with exogenous CaCl2 and calcium ionophore A23187 in the presence and absence of cytokinin enhanced CACHT mRNA accumulation. These two observations suggest the participation of extracellular calcium in signaling Z-induction. Furthermore, the presence of staurosporine (an inhibitor of protein kinase) in Z treatment reduced CACHT mRNA, suggesting the involvement of phosphorylation of one or more cellular proteins. In addition, we provide evidence that the Z-induction of CACHT mRNA is blocked by protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide treatment. Taken together, these results suggest that Ca2+ influx from extracellular space, protein phosphorylation, and concurrent protein synthesis events participate in cytokinin signaling during Z-induced CACHT transcript accumulation.


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The problem of on-line recognition and retrieval of relatively weak industrial signals such as partial discharges (PD), buried in excessive noise, has been addressed in this paper. The major bottleneck being the recognition and suppression of stochastic pulsive interference (PI) due to the overlapping broad band frequency spectrum of PI and PD pulses. Therefore, on-line, onsite, PD measurement is hardly possible in conventional frequency based DSP techniques. The observed PD signal is modeled as a linear combination of systematic and random components employing probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA) and the pdf of the underlying stochastic process is obtained. The PD/PI pulses are assumed as the mean of the process and modeled instituting non-parametric methods, based on smooth FIR filters, and a maximum aposteriori probability (MAP) procedure employed therein, to estimate the filter coefficients. The classification of the pulses is undertaken using a simple PCA classifier. The methods proposed by the authors were found to be effective in automatic retrieval of PD pulses completely rejecting PI.


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In this paper, a simple but accurate semi analytical charge sheet model is presented for threshold voltage of accumulation mode polycrystalline silicon on insulator (PSOI) MOSFETs. In this model, we define the threshold voltage (V-T) of the polysilicon accumulation mode MOSFET as the gate voltage required to raise the surface potential (phi(s)) to a value phi(sT) necessary to overcome the charge trapping in the grain boundary and to create channel accumulation charge that is equal to the channel accumulation charge available in the case of single crystal silicon accumulation mode MOSFET at that phi(sT). The correctness of the model is demonstrated by comparing the theoretically estimated values of threshold voltage with the experimentally measured threshold voltages on the accumulation mode PSOI MOSFETs fabricated in the laboratory using LPCVD polysilicon layers doped with boron to achieve dopant densities in the range 3.3 x 10(-15)-5 x 10(17)/cm(3). Further, it is shown that the threshold voltage values of accumulation mode PSOI MOSFETs predicted by the present model match very closely with the experimental results, better than those obtained with the models previously reported in the literature. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Increasing nitrate concentrations in ground water is deleterious to human health as ingestion of such water can cause methemoglobinemia in infants and even cancer in adults (desirable limit for nitrate as NO3 - 45 mg/L, IS code 10500-1991). Excess nitrate concentrations in ground water is contributed by reason being disposal of sewage and excessive use of fertilizers. Though numerous technologies such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange, electro-dialysis, permeable reactive barriers using zerovalent iron etc exists, nitrate removal continues to be one of challenging issue as nitrate ion is highly mobile within the soil strata. The tapping the denitrification potential of soil denitrifiers which are inherently available in the soil matrix is the most sustainable approach to mitigate accumulation of nitrate in ground water. The insitu denitrification of sand and bentonite enhanced sand (bentonite content = 5%) in presence of easily assimilable organic carbon such as ethanol was studied. Batch studies showed that nitrate reduction by sand follows first order kinetics with a rate constant 5.3x10(-2) hr(-1) and rate constant 4.3 x 10(-2) hr(-1) was obtained for bentonite-enhanced sand (BS) at 25 degrees C. Filter columns (height = 5 cm and diameter = 8.2 cm) were constructed using sand and bentonite-enhanced sand as filter media. The filtration rate through both the filter columns was maintained at average value of 2.60 cm/h. The nitrate removal rates through both the filter media was assessed for solution containing 22.6 mg NO3-N/L concentrations while keeping C/N mass ratio as 3. For sand filter column, the nitrate removal efficiency reached the average value of 97.6% after passing 50 pore volumes of the nitrate solution. For bentonite-enhanced sand filter column, the average nitrate removal efficiency was 83.5%. The time required for effective operation for sand filter bed was 100 hours, while bentonite-enhanced sand filter bed did not require any maturation period as that of sand filter bed for effective performance because the presence of micropores in bentonite increases the hydraulic retention time of the solution inside the filter bed.