178 resultados para accelerometers
Hardness is a property largely used in material specifications, mechanical and metallurgical research and quality control of several materials. Specifically for timber, Janka hardness is a simple, quick and easy test, with good correlations with the compression parallel to grain strength, a strong reference in structural classification for this material. More recently, international studies have reported the use of Brinell hardness for timber assessment which resumes the advantages previously mentioned for Janka hardness and make it easier to be performed in the field, especially because of the lower magnitude of the involved loads. A first generation of an equipment for field evaluation of hardness in wood - Portable Hardness tester for wood - based on Brinell hardness has already been developed by the Research Group on Forest Products from FCA/UNESP, Brazil, with very good correlations between the evaluated hardness and several other mechanical properties of the material when performing tests with different species of native and reforested wood (traditionally used as ties - sleepers - in railways). This paper presents results obtained in the experimental program with the first generation of this equipment and preliminary tests with its second generation, which uses accelerometers to substitute the indentation measurements in wood. For the first generation of the equipment functional and calibration tests were carried out using 16 native and reforestation timber lots, among there E. citriodora, E. tereticornis, E. saligna, E. urophylla, E. grandis, Goupia glabra and Bagassa guianenses, with different origins and ages. The results obtained confirm its potential in the classification of specimens, with inclusion errors varying from 4.5% to 16.6%.
Feedback control systems have been used to move the muscles and joints of the limbs of paraplegic patients. The feedback signal, related to the knee joint angle, can be obtained by using an electrogoniometer. However, the use of accelerometers can help the measurements due the facility of adhering these devices to the skin. Accelerometers are also very suitable for these applications due their small dimensions and weight. In this paper a new method for designing a control system that can vary the knee joint angle using Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is presented, as well as a simulation with parameters values available in the literature. The nonlinear control system was represented by a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model and the feedback signals were obtained by using accelerometers. The design method considered all plant nonlinearities and was efficient and reliable to control the leg position of a paraplegic patient with the angle of the knee ranging from 0° to 30°, considering electric stimulation at the quadriceps muscle. The proposed method is viable and offers a new alternative for designing control systems of the knee joint angle using more comfortable sensors for the patients.
The implementation of vibration analysis techniques based on virtual instrumentation has spread increasingly in the academic and industrial branch, since the use of any software for this type of analysis brings good results at low cost. Among the existing software for programming and creation of virtual instruments, the LabVIEW was chosen for this project. This software has good interface with the method of graphical programming. In this project, it was developed a system of rotating machine condition monitoring. This monitoring system is applied in a test stand, simulating large scale applications, such as in hydroelectric, nuclear and oil exploration companies. It was initially used a test stand, where an instrumentation for data acquisition was inserted, composed of accelerometers and inductive proximity sensors. The data collection system was structured on the basis of an NI 6008 A/D converter of National Instruments. An electronic circuit command was developed through the A/D converter for a remote firing of the test stand. The equipment monitoring is performed through the data collected from the sensors. The vibration signals collected by accelerometers are processed in the time domain and frequency. Also, proximity probes were used for the axis orbit evaluation and an inductive sensor for the rotation and trigger measurement. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O interesse no comportamento dinâmico de estruturas metálicas vem crescendo nas últimas décadas no Brasil, em decorrência de acidentes com colapso total de algumas estruturas devido às vibrações ambientes em diversas regiões do país. Na região amazônica, por exemplo, onde esse tipo de estrutura deve vencer obstáculos como florestas e rios de grande largura, casos de colapso total de estruturas metálicas também são relatados. O foco principal dessa dissertação é o estudo do comportamento modal de estruturas metálicas submetidas às vibrações ambientes cuja magnitude das forças de excitação é desconhecida. Dois estudos de caso são apresentados: no primeiro deles, o comportamento modal de uma torre de linha de transmissão de energia elétrica é investigado; e no segundo caso, tanto o comportamento modal como os níveis de desconforto de uma ponte são estudados. Os estudos realizados neste último caso visam avaliar os níveis de desconforto da ponte quando submetida às excitações ambientes como rajadas de vento e o tráfego de veículo de acordo a norma brasileira NBR 8800 (1986). Em ambos os estudos de caso foram realizadas análises experimentais e computacionais. Na etapa experimental, ambas as estruturas foram monitoradas com emprego de um conjunto de acelerômetros de baixa freqüência e também de um sistema de aquisição apropriados para ensaios de vibração de estruturas civis. Como é muito difícil medir a magnitude das forças de excitação ambientes, foram utilizados os métodos de identificação estocásticos SSI-DATA e SSI-COV para extração de parâmetros modais de estruturas civis a partir somente dos dados de resposta coletados nos ensaios de vibração. Entre as atividades desenvolvidas nessa etapa, destaca-se a criação de um programa computacional com recursos do Graphical User Interface (GUI) da plataforma Matlab®, destinado à identificação modal de estruturas civis com o emprego dos referidos métodos estocásticos. Esse programa é constituído de três módulos: o primeiro é destinado ao processamento e tratamento dos sinais coletados nos ensaios de vibração; o segundo é utilizado para adicionar as informações do posicionamento dos acelerômetros utilizados nos arquivos dos sinais de resposta; e o terceiro e último módulo é destinado à identificação a partir dos arquivos de dados de resposta processados nos dois primeiros módulos. Na etapa das análises teóricas, foram criados modelos numéricos utilizando o método dos elementos finitos para simular o comportamento dinâmico das estruturas analisadas. Comparando os resultados obtidos em ambas as etapas de análise, verifica-se que resultados experimentais e teóricos apresentaram parâmetros bastante próximos entre si nos primeiros modos de vibração. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que ambos os métodos estocásticos foram muito eficientes na identificação das estruturas ensaiadas.
Acoustic techniques have been used for many years to find and locate leaks in buried water distribution systems. Hydrophones and accelerometers are typically used as sensors. Although geophones could be used as well, they are not generally used for leak detection. A simple acoustic model of the pipe and the sensors has been proposed previously by some of the authors of this paper, and their model was used to explain some of the features observed in measurements. However, simultaneous measurements of a leak using all three sensor-types in controlled conditions for plastic pipes has not been reported to-date and hence they have not yet been compared directly. This paper fills that gap in knowledge. A set of measurements was made on a bespoke buried plastic water distribution pipe test rig to validate the previously reported analytical model. There is qualitative agreement between the experimental results and the model predictions in terms of the differing filtering properties of the pipe-sensor systems. A quality measure for the data is also presented, which is the ratio of the bandwidth over which the analysis is carried out divided by the centre frequency of this bandwidth. Based on this metric, the accelerometer was found to be the best sensor to use for the test rig described in this paper. However, for a system in which the distance between the sensors is large or the attenuation factor of the system is high, then it would be advantageous to use hydrophones, even though they are invasive sensors.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS