920 resultados para abrasive grain
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 36(10) 1605–16
Dans cet article, nous présenterons une étude comparative de quelques techniques de manipulation du signal comme la Transformée de Fourier à Court Terme, la Synthèse Granulaire Asynchrone et PSOLA, notamment dans le cadre de leur utilisation en temps réel. Nous présenterons succinctement le fonctionnement de ces trois méthodes dans l’environnement Max / MSP avec l’utilisation de la librairie GABOR. La manipulation des paramètres propres à chaque méthode a des conséquences sur les variables musicales, et l’utilisation de ces méthodes implique des corrélations entre les paramètres techniques du traitement du signal et des attributs musicaux spécifiques. Ainsi, nous essayerons d’explorer les espaces des paramètres et de la perception musicales entre le temps, la période et le spectre (les rythmes, les fréquences et les timbres) en comparant les différentes méthodes en vue de leur croisement dans un système de traitement commun.
XII DBMC – 12th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Vol.2, Porto, 2011, p.737-744
Este proyecto desarrolla estudios multidisciplinarios para contribuir con información avalada por métodos científicos, a propuestas de desarrollos regionales agronómicos y de tecnología de alimentos en la provincia de Córdoba. Se propone realizar evaluaciones de factibilidad de cultivo de variedades de lupinos y quínoas en parcelas experimentales y huertas, verificar las características químico-nutricionales de los granos y establecer mecanismos tecnológicos, para poder presentar productos alimenticios viables de comercialización. Estos granos, poco conocidos en los hábitos nutricionales actuales, fueron considerados desde la antigüedad por distintas civilizaciones, como importantes fuentes de alimento vegetal. En la actualidad la necesidad de contar con nuevas fuentes de alimentos provenientes de sistemas auto-sustentables y manufacturación artesanal, ha llevado investigar alternativas de nuevos cultivos y a revalorizar aquellos que han sucumbido a las tecnologías modernas. Tanto los granos de quínoa como la de los lupinos han cobrado interés a nivel internacional por su alto valor nutricional, farmacológico y por sus cualidades de plantas rústicas a los manejos de cultivo. Es por esas razones, que se propone desarrollar un proyecto de investigación con transferencia de tecnología, para contar con experiencias que permitan establecer los lineamientos agronómicos y de tecnología de alimentos necesarios para promover los granos de lupinos y quínoas dentro de los planes nutricionales de nuestra sociedad. La importancia de este proyecto se fundamenta en la necesidad de buscar nuevas alternativas de cultivos que se adapten a los recursos de clima y suelo en áreas rurales de las sierras de Córdoba y promover nuevos emprendimientos relacionados con los sectores agrícolas y de la alimentación. Para su mejor desarrollo el proyecto está diagramado en tres módulos que cubren las siguientes áreas: Módulo 1, ensayos de cultivo en parcelas experimentales y huertas comunales; Módulo 2, análisis químicos-nutricionales; Módulo 3, diseño y adaptación de equipamiento para la manufacturación de alimentos. La metodología de investigación está ampliamente respaldada por la experiencia que cuenta el equipo de trabajo en los módulos propuestos y que puede ser verificada en la producción científica plasmada en trabajos publicados en revistas con referato nacionales e internacionales, presentaciones a congresos y direcciones de tesis.
La introducción de nuevos recursos genéticos es esencial en la evolución de la agricultura destinada a la producción de materia prima de alta calidad. La evaluación de nuevo germoplasma, con el objetivo de su difusión comercial o incorporación a programas de mejoramiento, se realiza a través de ensayos comparativos de rendimiento en diferentes ambientes. Las forrajeras anuales de invierno son casi insustituibles para mantener la cadena forrajera en la región pampeana subhúmeda seca y semiárida. En la actualidad tanto triticales como tricepiros son alternativas muy promisorias para su utilización como doble propósito, así como para explorar la posibilidad de producir harinas diferenciadas para uso en la industria de la alimentación humana. En el país, los triticales se han difundido para pastoreo y se requiere de nuevos cultivares. Los tricepiros se trabajan exclusivamente en la Argentina y es necesario desarrollar germoplasma. Se planea identificar germoplasma superior mediante selección en introducciones y cruzamientos propios, ensayos comparativos de pasto y grano, estudiar la estabilidad citológica mediante análisis cromosómicos y genómicos y caracterizar líneas avanzadas por descriptores morfológicos.The introduction of new genetic resources is essential in the agriculture evolution, especially when high quality production is the main objective. New germoplasm must be tested several years in order to be part of breeding programs or to be commercialized due to environmental differences among years. In dry subhumid and semiarid pampeana region, annual winter feed crops are necessary in order to have forage production during winter. Nowadays Triticales and Tricepiros are promising alternatives to be used as double purpose for animal feed and fodder, as well as to obtain differenced flour to human food. In Argentina, Triticale has spread for forage uses and new cultivars are required. Tricepiros are sown only in this country; therefore there is a need to develop Tricepiro germoplasm. The outline includes: identify superior germoplasm in introductions and own crosses through selection; establish comparative forage and grain trials; cytological estability study using chromosomal and genomic analysis and characterize advanced lines through morphological features.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2014
Aus: Soft matter, Vol. 10.2014, H. 28, S. 5157 - 5167
The present work deal t wi th an experiment under field conditions and a laboratory test of soil incubation the objectives were as follows: a. to study effects on soybean grain product ion and leaf composition of increasing doses of potassium chloride applied into the soil through two methods of distribution; b. to observe chemical modifications in the soils incubated with increasing doses of potassium chloride; and, c. to correlate field effects with chemical alterations observed in the incubation test, The field experiment was carried out in a Red Latosol (Haplustox) with soybean cultivar UFV - 1. Potassium chloride was distributed through two methods: banded (5 cm below and 5 cm aside of the seed line) and broadcasted and plowed-down. Doses used were: 0; 50; 100 and 200 kg/ha of K2O. Foliar samples were taken at flowering stage. Incubation test were made in plastic bags with 2 kg of air dried fine soil, taken from the arable layer of the field experiment, with the following doses of KC1 p,a. : 0; 50; 100; 200; 400; 800; 1,600; 3.200; 6,400 and 12,800 kg/ha of K(2)0. In the conditions observed during the present work, results allowed the following conclusions: A response by soybean grain production for doses of potassium chloride, applied in both ways, banded or broadcasted, was not observed. Leaf analysis did not show treatment influence over the leaf contents for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and CI, Potassium chloride salinity effects in both methods of distribution for all the tested closes were not observed.
The comparative response of three sorghum (E-57, TEY 101 and C- 102) and of three corn cultivars (HMD-7974, Centralmex and Piranão) to N, P and K applications was studied in a soil from Anhembi, SP, classifield as Distrophic quartz sand (AQd) was studied. Leaf analyses were made to assess the nutritional status of the two crops. Main conclusions were the following. 1. Sorghum yieldel more than corn; 2. Both sorghum and corn varieties showed different capacities to absorb N, P and K from the soil and to fertilizer application; 3. There was no response to K2O fertilization; 4. Only Piranão increased yield when suplemented with a mixture of micronutrientes; 5. Direct relationships between rates of N and P2O5 and yield and leaf content were found; 6. Direct relationships between rates of N and P2O5 and yield and leaf content were found; 7. The following leaf levels were considered to be adequate, respectively for sorghum and corn: N - 2,00 - 2,25%, 3,25 - 3,50%; P - 0,30 - 0,40, 0,45 - 0,50; K -2,00 - 2,50, 2,20 - 2,40%; Ca - 0,20 - 0,40, 0,44- 0,72% Mg - 0,25 - 0,40, 0,34 - 0,60%; S - 0,50 - 0,70, 0,72 -0,80; Cu - 7 - 10, 11 - 15%; Fe - 84 - 170, 98 - 125%; Mn - 58 - 72, 66 - 85%; Zn - 10 - 14, 18 - 22; critical levels, however, do very depending upon cultivar.
The study was performed in the installations of OCAS, a Steel Research Centre of ArcelorMittal. Taking M32 steel (3.25%Si+0.9%Al) as the basis chemical composition and three different thicknesses (0.35, 0.5 and 0.65mm), different annealing conditions (temperature and time) have been applied in the laboratory simulator at St. Chély, France. The aim was to link annealing parameters, grain size and energy loss. It was determined the optimum annealing parameters to reach the lowest power losses for three different grades of non-oriented fully processed electrical steel. In addition, M250-50 samples having different magnetic behaviour (high and low losses) but the same grain size and texture, have been analyzed in terms of TEM observations of their precipitates, in the University of Marseille. The results reveal that a high amount of medium and big precipitates (&10 nm) worsen the magnetic properties of the material. The small precipitates (&10nm) do not have a strong influence on the magnetic properties. The presence of precipitates can have a great influence on the power losses and further work is clearly necessary.
Recently, Revil & Florsch proposed a novel mechanistic model based on the polarization of the Stern layer relating the permeability of granular media to their spectral induced polarization (SIP) characteristics based on the formation of polarized cells around individual grains. To explore the practical validity of this model, we compare it to pertinent laboratory measurements on samples of quartz sands with a wide range of granulometric characteristics. In particular, we measure the hydraulic and SIP characteristics of all samples both in their loose, non-compacted and compacted states, which might allow for the detection of polarization processes that are independent of the grain size. We first verify the underlying grain size/permeability relationship upon which the model of Revil & Florsch is based and then proceed to compare the observed and predicted permeability values for our samples by substituting the grain size characteristics by corresponding SIP parameters, notably the so-called Cole-Cole time constant. In doing so, we also asses the quantitative impact of an observed shift in the Cole-Cole time constant related to textural variations in the samples and observe that changes related to the compaction of the samples are not relevant for the corresponding permeability predictions. We find that the proposed model does indeed provide an adequate prediction of the overall trend of the observed permeability values, but underestimates their actual values by approximately one order-of-magnitude. This discrepancy in turn points to the potential importance of phenomena, which are currently not accounted for in the model and which tend to reduce the characteristic size of the prevailing polarization cells compared to the considered model, such as, for example, membrane polarization, contacts of double-layers of neighbouring grains, and incorrect estimation of the size of the polarized cells because of the irregularity of natural sand grains.
Predictive species distribution modelling (SDM) has become an essential tool in biodiversity conservation and management. The choice of grain size (resolution) of environmental layers used in modelling is one important factor that may affect predictions. We applied 10 distinct modelling techniques to presence-only data for 50 species in five different regions, to test whether: (1) a 10-fold coarsening of resolution affects predictive performance of SDMs, and (2) any observed effects are dependent on the type of region, modelling technique, or species considered. Results show that a 10 times change in grain size does not severely affect predictions from species distribution models. The overall trend is towards degradation of model performance, but improvement can also be observed. Changing grain size does not equally affect models across regions, techniques, and species types. The strongest effect is on regions and species types, with tree species in the data sets (regions) with highest locational accuracy being most affected. Changing grain size had little influence on the ranking of techniques: boosted regression trees remain best at both resolutions. The number of occurrences used for model training had an important effect, with larger sample sizes resulting in better models, which tended to be more sensitive to grain. Effect of grain change was only noticeable for models reaching sufficient performance and/or with initial data that have an intrinsic error smaller than the coarser grain size.
The preceding two editions of CoDaWork included talks on the possible considerationof densities as infinite compositions: Egozcue and D´ıaz-Barrero (2003) extended theEuclidean structure of the simplex to a Hilbert space structure of the set of densitieswithin a bounded interval, and van den Boogaart (2005) generalized this to the setof densities bounded by an arbitrary reference density. From the many variations ofthe Hilbert structures available, we work with three cases. For bounded variables, abasis derived from Legendre polynomials is used. For variables with a lower bound, westandardize them with respect to an exponential distribution and express their densitiesas coordinates in a basis derived from Laguerre polynomials. Finally, for unboundedvariables, a normal distribution is used as reference, and coordinates are obtained withrespect to a Hermite-polynomials-based basis.To get the coordinates, several approaches can be considered. A numerical accuracyproblem occurs if one estimates the coordinates directly by using discretized scalarproducts. Thus we propose to use a weighted linear regression approach, where all k-order polynomials are used as predictand variables and weights are proportional to thereference density. Finally, for the case of 2-order Hermite polinomials (normal reference)and 1-order Laguerre polinomials (exponential), one can also derive the coordinatesfrom their relationships to the classical mean and variance.Apart of these theoretical issues, this contribution focuses on the application of thistheory to two main problems in sedimentary geology: the comparison of several grainsize distributions, and the comparison among different rocks of the empirical distribution of a property measured on a batch of individual grains from the same rock orsediment, like their composition