929 resultados para abdominal wall musculature
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
OBJECTIVES: Newborns who undergo surgery for gastroschisis correction may present with oliguria, anasarca, prolonged postoperative ileus, and infection. New postoperative therapeutic procedures were tested with the objective of improving postoperative outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred thirty-six newborns participated in one of two phases. Newborns in the first phase received infusions of large volumes of crystalloid solution and integral enteral formula, and newborns in the second phase received crystalloid solutions in smaller volumes, with albumin solution infusion when necessary and the late introduction of a semi-elemental diet. The studied variables were serum sodium and albumin levels, the need for albumin solution expansion, the occurrence of anasarca, the length of time on parenteral nutrition, the length of time before initiating an enteral diet and reaching a full enteral diet, orotracheal intubation time, length of hospitalization, and survival rates. RESULTS: Serum sodium levels were higher in newborns in the second phase. There was a correlation between low serum sodium levels and orotracheal intubation time; additionally, low serum albumin levels correlated with the length of time before the initiation of an oral diet and the time until a full enteral diet was reached. However, the discharge weights of newborns in the second phase were higher than in the first phase. The other studied variables, including survival rates (83.4% and 92.0%, respectively), were similar for both phases. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of an albumin solution to newborns in the early postoperative period following gastroschisis repair increased their low serum sodium levels but did not improve the final outcome. The introduction of a semi-elemental diet promoted an increase in body weight at the time of discharge.
INTRODUÇÃO: Tradicionalmente os procedimentos abdominais eletivos em pacientes cirróticos têm sido amplamente desencorajados graças à elevada morbi-mortalidade consequente às complicações da cirrose, descritas por diversos autores. Outros serviços, em contrapartida, obtiveram resultados distintos, advogando a favor de cirurgia eletiva. MÉTODOS: Uma revisão de artigos utilizando-se a palavras "abdominal wall hernia" e "cirrhotic patients" foi realizada na base de dados PubMed. Dos resultados obtidos, 28 artigos foram considerados para elaboração desta revisão. RESULTADOS: Pôde-se observar que a incidência de hérnias em parede abdominal é relativamente elevada em pacientes cirróticos, sendo que muitas delas têm evolução desfavorável e requerem tratamento cirúrgico específico. Com o advento do sistema de alocação de órgãos baseados no escore de MELD, muitos centros estão repensando suas condutas em situações como esta, dado que muitos dos pacientes em questão encontram-se em lista de espera para transplante hepático. Dessa forma a cirurgia eletiva tem conquistado maior papel no manejo desta condição com intuito de diminuir morbi-mortalidade nesses pacientes. Além disso, a qualidade de vida mostrou-se um importante fator a ser considerado, estando muito prejudicada nesta condição. CONCLUSÃO: Poucos estudos com grandes amostragens foram conduzidos até o momento e não há consenso sobre qual conduta é a mais indicada levando em consideração taxas de morbi-mortalidade.
OBJETIVO: Estudar a viabilidade de aponeurose heteróloga para fechar parede abdominal de coelhos, com ênfase no processo de rejeição. MÉTODOS: Este projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Cuidados Animais da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo e realizado na Unidade Técnica e Cirurgia Experimental. Quatro coelhas vermelhas trocaram aponeurose da parede abdominal com outros quatro animais machos brancos. Em dois coelhos, foi retirada e substituída a aponeurose como controle do processo cicatricial. Eles foram avaliados 1 vez por dia e sacrificados após 7 dias. Foi realizada a imunoistoquímica com CD20 e CD79. RESULTADOS: Os animais não tiveram celulite, abscesso, hematoma, deiscência da ferida ou hérnia. O local do enxerto mostrou hiperemia intensa. A análise histológica mostrou um processo inflamatório, com a presença de miofibroblastos em amadurecimento e colágeno, que variou de incipiente a moderado. O número de vasos estava reduzido e as células inflamatórias foram, em sua maioria, células plasmáticas e macrófagos. Não havia sinais morfológicos da rejeição aguda com a agressão do endotélio vascular. O músculo adjacente mostrou sinais de degeneração, com reação inflamatória dos núcleos e condensação do citoplasma. A análise imunoistoquímica (CD20 e CD79) mostrou que o processo inflamatório não foi mediado por linfócitos. O teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney mostrou que não se pode rejeitar a hipótese de igualdade (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Não houve complicações pós-operatórias (fístulas, deiscência etc.) e a análise histológica revelou processo inflamatório inespecífico. A análise imunoistoquímica mostrou que o processo inflamatório não foi em razão de uma possível rejeição.
Pentalogy of Cantrell (PC) is a rare congenital syndrome involving the abdominal wall, sternum, diaphragm, pericardium, and heart. The embryonic period in which PC develops coincides with that of umbilical cord (UC) formation. The aim of the following study was to address the question of whether PC is associated with UC pathologies. Four cases, prenatally identified between 2002 and 2008, were enrolled in this study. Umbilical cord pathologies defined as single umbilical artery, short cord, or UC with atypical coiling pattern were retrospectively assessed on stored ultrasound images and from autopsy reports. The literature regarding PC and UC pathologies was reviewed. Three singleton pregnancies and 1 monoamniotic twin pregnancy with twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence were reviewed. All had a normal karyotype. Three showed the classical PC stigmata, with ectopia cordis. One fetus had no ectopia cordis; this case had a normal UC, whereas all others fetuses showed a short UC with atypical coiling pattern. Of 26 publications dealing with PC, the UC was described in only 8 cases, 7 of which were abnormal. There seems to be a strong correlation between the PC and UC abnormalities, in particular in cases with ectopia cordis. We speculate that the insult leading to the classical malformations of PC and UC abnormalities is the same or the sequence of malformations itself may alter the early fetoplacental blood flow and therefore the normal development of the UC angioarchitecture.
OBJECTIVE: To describe clinical respiratory parameters in cats and dogs with respiratory distress and identify associations between respiratory signs at presentation and localization of the disease with particular evaluation between the synchrony of abdominal and chest wall movements as a clinical indicators for pleural space disease. Design - Prospective observational clinical study. SETTING: Emergency service in a university veterinary teaching hospital. ANIMALS: Cats and dogs with respiratory distress presented to the emergency service between April 2008 and July 2009. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The following parameters were systematically determined at time of admission: respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature, type of breathing, movement of the thoracic and abdominal wall during inspiration, presence of stridor, presence and type of dyspnea, and results of thoracic auscultation. Abdominal and chest wall movement was categorized as synchronous, asynchronous, or inverse. Diagnostic test results, diagnosis, and outcome were subsequently recorded. Based on the final diagnoses, animals were assigned to 1 or more of the following groups regarding the anatomical localization of the respiratory distress: upper airways, lower airways, lung parenchyma, pleural space, thoracic wall, nonrespiratory causes, and normal animals. One hundred and seventy-six animals (103 cats and 73 dogs) were evaluated. Inspiratory dyspnea was associated with upper airway disease in dogs and expiratory dyspnea with lower airway disease in cats. Respiratory noises were significantly associated and highly sensitive and specific for upper airway disease. An asynchronous or inverse breathing pattern and decreased lung auscultation results were significantly associated with pleural space disease in both dogs and cats (P<0.001). The combination is highly sensitive (99%) but not very specific (45%). Fast and shallow breathing was not associated with pleural space disease. Increased or moist pulmonary auscultation findings were associated with parenchymal lung disease. CONCLUSIONS: Cats and dogs with pleural space disease can be identified by an asynchronous or inverse breathing pattern in combination with decreased lung sounds on auscultation.
In the United States, rumenocentesis has been recommended especially for early diagnosis of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA). The objective of the current study was to evaluate health risks due to the technique ofrumenocentesis and to measure pH in ruminal juice using a commercial indicator paper (Pehanon) and a pH electrode (reference method). After 11 dairy cows underwent rumenocentesis, the clinical status of those animals was evaluated daily, and cows were slaughtered as well as pathologically--anatomically examined on day 7. During the observation period, the following pathological clinical signs were evident: forced inspiration (3 cows), transient episode of hyperthermia (2 cows), increased tension of the abdominal wall (8 cows) and positive foreign body tests (3 cows). One cow had to be culled on day 7 because of severe generalised septic peritonitis spreading from the site of rumenocentesis. At slaughter, hematoma formation in the area of the puncture site was found in 9 out of 10 cows. It was concluded that the severe complications encountered with this technique do not legitimate rumenocentesis as a routine procedure for collection of rumen juice samples in cows under Swiss conditions. The correlation between the pH reference method and the commercial indicator paper was the high (r = 0.926).
10.1 In the severely injured infant and child the following age-specific facts should be kept in mind: ■ Larger head to body weight ratio (head often exposed to injury, neck injury) ■ Larger body surface area to body volume ratio (hypothermia) ■ More elastic thoracic wall (internal injury possible without external signs) ■ Thinner abdominal wall where abdominal organs are below the rib cage (liver, spleen injury) ■ Smaller total blood volume ■ Narrow airways ■ Long compensation of blood loss by tachycardia followed by rapid decompensation of circulatory status if left untreated 10.2 Child abuse is frequent: about 3%–7% of children under 18 years suffer from child abuse in some manner. The incidence and prevalence depend on the development of a country’s social service agencies and on the level of health professionals’ awareness of the problem. The estimated number of unreported cases is high. Child abuse affects children of all socioeconomic, ethnic, and religious boundaries. There is no gender preponderance. It occurs at any age, but infants and toddler have a higher risk than older children.
Objective: Pentalogy of Cantrell (PC) is a rare congenital defect associated with five midline anomalies. The type of cardiac malformation and the size of the abdominal wall defect is often responsible for the high mortality. Of interest, the embryonic period in which PC develops is similar to that of the umbilical cord’s (UC) formation. The aim of the following study was to investigate the relationship between UC anomalies and PC. Methods: Charts of four cases with PC from 2002–08 were retrospectively reviewed for associated UC anomalies. UC anomalies were defined as single umbilical artery (SUA), short cord (during 1st trimester less than CRL or less than 30cm at term) or atypical UC coiling pattern. Results: We identified four cases: 3 singletons and one monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy with TRAP sequence. All cases showed a normal karyotype. All but one demonstrated the classical pulsatile omphalocele with ectopia cordis and all others anomalies of PC. One case was characterized by a major cranial omphalocele without ectopia cordis and no UC anomaly. This fetus was delivered by Cesarean at term and successfully operated on d1. In all other cases the parents requested ToP. Among the three cases with ectopia cordis, two had a short UC with SUA and one a short three-vessel cord; all these three UC were markedly uncoiled. Conclusions: Our data suggest a strong association between Cantrell and the development of the UC, in particular in cases with ectopia cordis. One might speculate that hemodynamic alterations of the feto-placental blood flow because of the cardiac malformation or structural changes at the umbilical ring (omphalocele) influence the development of the UC. More observations are needed to decide if Cantrell is a ‘‘hexalogy’’ instead of pentalogy.
BACKGROUND: Patients with peritonitis undergoing emergency laparotomy are at increased risk for postoperative open abdomen and incisional hernia. This study aimed to evaluate the outcome of prophylactic intraperitoneal mesh implantation compared with conventional abdominal wall closure in patients with peritonitis undergoing emergency laparotomy. METHOD: A matched case-control study was performed. To analyze a high-risk population for incisional hernia formation, only patients with at least two of the following risk factors were included: male sex, body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m(2), malignant tumor, or previous abdominal incision. In 63 patients with peritonitis, a prophylactic nonabsorbable mesh was implanted intraperitoneally between 2005 and 2010. These patients were compared with 70 patients with the same risk factors and peritonitis undergoing emergency laparotomy over a 1-year period (2008) who underwent conventional abdominal closure without mesh implantation. RESULTS: Demographic parameters, including sex, age, BMI, grade of intraabdominal infection, and operating time were comparable in the two groups. Incidence of surgical site infections (SSIs) was not different between groups (61.9 vs. 60.3 %; p = 0.603). Enterocutaneous fistula occurred in three patients in the mesh group (4.8 %) and in two patients in the control group (2.9 %; p = 0.667). The incidence of incisional hernia was significantly lower in the mesh group (2/63 patients) than in the control group (20/70 patients) (3.2 vs. 28.6 %; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic intraperitoneal mesh can be safely implanted in patients with peritonitis. It significantly reduces the incidence of incisional hernia. The incidences of SSI and enterocutaneous fistula formation were similar to those seen with conventional abdominal closure.
The immunosuppressive drugs cyclosporine A (CsA) and tacrolimus (FK506), also called calcineurin inhibitors, have truly revolutionized allograft transplantation. The introduction of CsA in 1976 was the first major advance in transplantation since the introduction of prednisone and azathioprine made allograft transplantation possible in the early 1950s and 1960s. FK506 was approved in 1994 and led to dramatic improvements in solid organ transplantation, allowing highly antigenic lymph node bearing allografts, such as the small bowel, to be transplanted. Recently, FK506 monotherapy has successfully allowed combined small bowel and partial abdominal wall transplantation in humans. The success of FK506 and CsA has made them key drugs in the modern era of transplantation. The purine synthesis inhibitor mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) was approved in 1995, and the drug Sirolimus (rapamycin) was introduced in 1999. Combining these drugs with calcineurin inhibitors has significantly reduced the incidence of acute rejection and improved solid organ allograft survival, with a reduction in adverse effects.
Computed ultrasound tomography in echo-mode (CUTE) allows imaging the speed of sound inside tissue using hand-held pulse-echo ultrasound. This technique is based on measuring the changing local phase of beamformed echoes when changing the transmit beam steering angle. Phantom results have shown a spatial resolution and contrast that could qualify CUTE as a promising novel diagnostic modality in combination with B-mode ultrasound. Unfortunately, the large intensity range of several tens of dB that is encountered in clinical images poses difficulties to echo phase tracking and results in severe artefacts. In this paper we propose a modification to the original technique by which more robust echo tracking can be achieved, and we demonstrate in phantom experiments that dynamic range artefacts are largely eliminated. Dynamic range artefact reduction also allowed for the first time a clinical implementation of CUTE with sufficient contrast to reproducibly distinguish the different speed of sound in different tissue layers of the abdominal wall and the neck.
An 8-yr-old male leopard (Panthera pardus) was presented with a 4-day history of lethargy, vomiting, and anorexia. Thoracic and abdominal radiographs revealed a soft-tissue mass cranial to the diaphragm and atypical appearance of the gastric fundus. Esophagoscopy revealed gastric mucosa in the lumen of the esophagus, which confirmed gastroesophageal intussusception. An exploratory celiotomy with manual reduction of the intussusception was performed. Reduction was verified by intraoperative esophagoscopy and gastroscopy. An incisional fundic gastropexy to the left abdominal wall was performed to reduce the chance of a recurrence of the intussusception. No postoperative complications related to the surgery were observed, and the animal resumed eating within 48 hr of surgery. A subsequent recurrence of clinical signs was not noted by the owner.