938 resultados para Zero-lower bound
We consider the problem of representing a univariate polynomial f(x) as a sum of powers of low degree polynomials. We prove a lower bound of Omega(root d/t) for writing an explicit univariate degree-d polynomial f(x) as a sum of powers of degree-t polynomials.
While some of the deepest results in nature are those that give explicit bounds between important physical quantities, some of the most intriguing and celebrated of such bounds come from fields where there is still a great deal of disagreement and confusion regarding even the most fundamental aspects of the theories. For example, in quantum mechanics, there is still no complete consensus as to whether the limitations associated with Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle derive from an inherent randomness in physics, or rather from limitations in the measurement process itself, resulting from phenomena like back action. Likewise, the second law of thermodynamics makes a statement regarding the increase in entropy of closed systems, yet the theory itself has neither a universally-accepted definition of equilibrium, nor an adequate explanation of how a system with underlying microscopically Hamiltonian dynamics (reversible) settles into a fixed distribution.
Motivated by these physical theories, and perhaps their inconsistencies, in this thesis we use dynamical systems theory to investigate how the very simplest of systems, even with no physical constraints, are characterized by bounds that give limits to the ability to make measurements on them. Using an existing interpretation, we start by examining how dissipative systems can be viewed as high-dimensional lossless systems, and how taking this view necessarily implies the existence of a noise process that results from the uncertainty in the initial system state. This fluctuation-dissipation result plays a central role in a measurement model that we examine, in particular describing how noise is inevitably injected into a system during a measurement, noise that can be viewed as originating either from the randomness of the many degrees of freedom of the measurement device, or of the environment. This noise constitutes one component of measurement back action, and ultimately imposes limits on measurement uncertainty. Depending on the assumptions we make about active devices, and their limitations, this back action can be offset to varying degrees via control. It turns out that using active devices to reduce measurement back action leads to estimation problems that have non-zero uncertainty lower bounds, the most interesting of which arise when the observed system is lossless. One such lower bound, a main contribution of this work, can be viewed as a classical version of a Heisenberg uncertainty relation between the system's position and momentum. We finally also revisit the murky question of how macroscopic dissipation appears from lossless dynamics, and propose alternative approaches for framing the question using existing systematic methods of model reduction.
This study relates tidal channel cross-sectional area (A) to peak spring discharge (Q) via a physical mechanism, namely the stability shear stress ( tau sub(S)) just necessary to maintain a zero gradient in net along-channel sediment transport. It is assumed that if bed shear stress ( tau ) is greater than tau sub(S), net erosion will occur, increasing A, and reducing tau similar to (Q/A) super(2) back toward tau sub(S). If tau < tau sub(S) there will be net deposition, reducing A and increasing tau toward tau sub(S). A survey of the literature allows estimates of Q and A at 242 sections in 26 separate sheltered tidal systems. Assuming a single value of tau sub(S) characterizes the entire length of a given tidal channel, it is predicted that along-channel geometry will follow the relation Ah sub(R) super(1) super(/) super(6) similar to Q. Along-channel regressions of the form Ah sub(R) super(1) super(/) super(6) similar to Q super( beta ) give a mean observed value for beta of 1.00 plus or minus 0.06, which is consistent with this concept. Results indicate that a lower bound on tau sub(S) (and an upper bound on A) for stable channels is provided by the critical shear stress ( tau sub(C)) just capable of initiating sediment motion. Observed tau sub(S) is found to vary among all systems as a function of spring tidal range (R sub(sp)) according to the relation tau sub(S) approximately 2.3 R sub(sp) super(0.79) tau sub(C). Observed deviations from uniform tau sub(S) along individual channels are associated with along-channel variation in the direction of maximum discharge (i.e., flood-versus ebb-dominance).
The upper and lower bounds on the actual solution of any microwave structure is of general interest. The purpose of this letter is to compare some calculations using the mode-matching and finite-element methods, with some measurements on a 180 degrees ridge waveguide insert between standard WR62 rectangular waveguides. The work suggests that the MMM produces an upper bound, while the FEM places a lower bound on the measurement. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
In this paper, we study the achievable ergodic sum-rate of multiuser multiple-input multiple-output downlink systems in Rician fading channels. We first derive a lower bound on the average signal-to-leakage-and-noise ratio by using the Mullen’s inequality, and then use it to analyze the effect of channel mean information on the achievable ergodic sum-rate. A novel statistical-eigenmode space-division multiple-access (SESDMA) downlink transmission scheme is then proposed. For this scheme, we derive an exact analytical closed-form expression for the achievable ergodic rate and present tractable tight upper and lower bounds. Based on our analysis, we gain valuable insights into the system parameters, such as the number of transmit antennas, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and Rician K-factor on the system sum-rate. Results show that the sum-rate converges to a saturation value in the high SNR regime and tends to a lower limit for the low Rician K-factor case. In addition, we compare the achievable ergodic sum-rate between SE-SDMA and zeroforcing beamforming with perfect channel state information at the base station. Our results reveal that the rate gap tends to zero in the high Rician K-factor regime. Finally, numerical results are presented to validate our analysis.
This letter investigates the uplink spectral efficiency (SE) of a two-tier cellular network, where massive multiple-input multiple-output macro base stations are overlaid with dense small cells. Macro user equipments (MUEs) and small cells with single user equipment uniformly scattered are modeled as two independent homogeneous Poisson point processes. By applying stochastic geometry, we analyze the SE of the multiuser uplink at a macro base station that employs a zero-forcing detector and we obtain a novel lower bound as well as its approximation. According to the simple and near-exact analytical expression, we observe that the ideal way to improve the SE is by increasing the MUE density and the base station antennas synchronously rather than increasing them individually. Furthermore, a large value of path loss exponent has a positive effect on the SE due to the reduced aggregated interference.
O tema principal desta tese é o problema de cancelamento de interferência para sistemas multi-utilizador, com antenas distribuídas. Como tal, ao iniciar, uma visão geral das principais propriedades de um sistema de antenas distribuídas é apresentada. Esta descrição inclui o estudo analítico do impacto da ligação, dos utilizadores do sistema, a mais antenas distribuídas. Durante essa análise é demonstrado que a propriedade mais importante do sistema para obtenção do ganho máximo, através da ligação de mais antenas de transmissão, é a simetria espacial e que os utilizadores nas fronteiras das células são os mais bene ciados. Tais resultados são comprovados através de simulação. O problema de cancelamento de interferência multi-utilizador é considerado tanto para o caso unidimensional (i.e. sem codi cação) como para o multidimensional (i.e. com codi cação). Para o caso unidimensional um algoritmo de pré-codi cação não-linear é proposto e avaliado, tendo como objectivo a minimização da taxa de erro de bit. Tanto o caso de portadora única como o de multipla-portadora são abordados, bem como o cenário de antenas colocadas e distribuidas. É demonstrado que o esquema proposto pode ser visto como uma extensão do bem conhecido esquema de zeros forçados, cuja desempenho é provado ser um limite inferior para o esquema generalizado. O algoritmo é avaliado, para diferentes cenários, através de simulação, a qual indica desempenho perto do óptimo, com baixa complexidade. Para o caso multi-dimensional um esquema para efectuar "dirty paper coding" binário, tendo como base códigos de dupla camada é proposto. No desenvolvimento deste esquema, a compressão com perdas de informação, é considerada como um subproblema. Resultados de simulação indicam transmissão dedigna proxima do limite de Shannon.
Il y a des problemes qui semblent impossible a resoudre sans l'utilisation d'un tiers parti honnete. Comment est-ce que deux millionnaires peuvent savoir qui est le plus riche sans dire a l'autre la valeur de ses biens ? Que peut-on faire pour prevenir les collisions de satellites quand les trajectoires sont secretes ? Comment est-ce que les chercheurs peuvent apprendre les liens entre des medicaments et des maladies sans compromettre les droits prives du patient ? Comment est-ce qu'une organisation peut ecmpecher le gouvernement d'abuser de l'information dont il dispose en sachant que l'organisation doit n'avoir aucun acces a cette information ? Le Calcul multiparti, une branche de la cryptographie, etudie comment creer des protocoles pour realiser de telles taches sans l'utilisation d'un tiers parti honnete. Les protocoles doivent etre prives, corrects, efficaces et robustes. Un protocole est prive si un adversaire n'apprend rien de plus que ce que lui donnerait un tiers parti honnete. Un protocole est correct si un joueur honnete recoit ce que lui donnerait un tiers parti honnete. Un protocole devrait bien sur etre efficace. Etre robuste correspond au fait qu'un protocole marche meme si un petit ensemble des joueurs triche. On demontre que sous l'hypothese d'un canal de diusion simultane on peut echanger la robustesse pour la validite et le fait d'etre prive contre certains ensembles d'adversaires. Le calcul multiparti a quatre outils de base : le transfert inconscient, la mise en gage, le partage de secret et le brouillage de circuit. Les protocoles du calcul multiparti peuvent etre construits avec uniquements ces outils. On peut aussi construire les protocoles a partir d'hypoth eses calculatoires. Les protocoles construits a partir de ces outils sont souples et peuvent resister aux changements technologiques et a des ameliorations algorithmiques. Nous nous demandons si l'efficacite necessite des hypotheses de calcul. Nous demontrons que ce n'est pas le cas en construisant des protocoles efficaces a partir de ces outils de base. Cette these est constitue de quatre articles rediges en collaboration avec d'autres chercheurs. Ceci constitue la partie mature de ma recherche et sont mes contributions principales au cours de cette periode de temps. Dans le premier ouvrage presente dans cette these, nous etudions la capacite de mise en gage des canaux bruites. Nous demontrons tout d'abord une limite inferieure stricte qui implique que contrairement au transfert inconscient, il n'existe aucun protocole de taux constant pour les mises en gage de bit. Nous demontrons ensuite que, en limitant la facon dont les engagements peuvent etre ouverts, nous pouvons faire mieux et meme un taux constant dans certains cas. Ceci est fait en exploitant la notion de cover-free families . Dans le second article, nous demontrons que pour certains problemes, il existe un echange entre robustesse, la validite et le prive. Il s'effectue en utilisant le partage de secret veriable, une preuve a divulgation nulle, le concept de fantomes et une technique que nous appelons les balles et les bacs. Dans notre troisieme contribution, nous demontrons qu'un grand nombre de protocoles dans la litterature basee sur des hypotheses de calcul peuvent etre instancies a partir d'une primitive appelee Transfert Inconscient Veriable, via le concept de Transfert Inconscient Generalise. Le protocole utilise le partage de secret comme outils de base. Dans la derniere publication, nous counstruisons un protocole efficace avec un nombre constant de rondes pour le calcul a deux parties. L'efficacite du protocole derive du fait qu'on remplace le coeur d'un protocole standard par une primitive qui fonctionne plus ou moins bien mais qui est tres peu couteux. On protege le protocole contre les defauts en utilisant le concept de privacy amplication .
La théorie de l'information quantique s'est développée à une vitesse fulgurante au cours des vingt dernières années, avec des analogues et extensions des théorèmes de codage de source et de codage sur canal bruité pour la communication unidirectionnelle. Pour la communication interactive, un analogue quantique de la complexité de la communication a été développé, pour lequel les protocoles quantiques peuvent performer exponentiellement mieux que les meilleurs protocoles classiques pour certaines tâches classiques. Cependant, l'information quantique est beaucoup plus sensible au bruit que l'information classique. Il est donc impératif d'utiliser les ressources quantiques à leur plein potentiel. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les protocoles quantiques interactifs du point de vue de la théorie de l'information et étudions les analogues du codage de source et du codage sur canal bruité. Le cadre considéré est celui de la complexité de la communication: Alice et Bob veulent faire un calcul quantique biparti tout en minimisant la quantité de communication échangée, sans égard au coût des calculs locaux. Nos résultats sont séparés en trois chapitres distincts, qui sont organisés de sorte à ce que chacun puisse être lu indépendamment. Étant donné le rôle central qu'elle occupe dans le contexte de la compression interactive, un chapitre est dédié à l'étude de la tâche de la redistribution d'état quantique. Nous prouvons des bornes inférieures sur les coûts de communication nécessaires dans un contexte interactif. Nous prouvons également des bornes atteignables avec un seul message, dans un contexte d'usage unique. Dans un chapitre subséquent, nous définissons une nouvelle notion de complexité de l'information quantique. Celle-ci caractérise la quantité d'information, plutôt que de communication, qu'Alice et Bob doivent échanger pour calculer une tâche bipartie. Nous prouvons beaucoup de propriétés structurelles pour cette quantité, et nous lui donnons une interprétation opérationnelle en tant que complexité de la communication quantique amortie. Dans le cas particulier d'entrées classiques, nous donnons une autre caractérisation permettant de quantifier le coût encouru par un protocole quantique qui oublie de l'information classique. Deux applications sont présentées: le premier résultat général de somme directe pour la complexité de la communication quantique à plus d'une ronde, ainsi qu'une borne optimale, à un terme polylogarithmique près, pour la complexité de la communication quantique avec un nombre de rondes limité pour la fonction « ensembles disjoints ». Dans un chapitre final, nous initions l'étude de la capacité interactive quantique pour les canaux bruités. Étant donné que les techniques pour distribuer de l'intrication sont bien étudiées, nous nous concentrons sur un modèle avec intrication préalable parfaite et communication classique bruitée. Nous démontrons que dans le cadre plus ardu des erreurs adversarielles, nous pouvons tolérer un taux d'erreur maximal de une demie moins epsilon, avec epsilon plus grand que zéro arbitrairement petit, et ce avec un taux de communication positif. Il s'ensuit que les canaux avec bruit aléatoire ayant une capacité positive pour la transmission unidirectionnelle ont une capacité positive pour la communication interactive quantique. Nous concluons avec une discussion de nos résultats et des directions futures pour ce programme de recherche sur une théorie de l'information quantique interactive.
The nonforgetting restarting automaton is a generalization of the restarting automaton that, when executing a restart operation, changes its internal state based on the current state and the actual contents of its read/write window instead of resetting it to the initial state. Another generalization of the restarting automaton is the cooperating distributed system (CD-system) of restarting automata. Here a finite system of restarting automata works together in analyzing a given sentence, where they interact based on a given mode of operation. As it turned out, CD-systems of restarting automata of some type X working in mode =1 are just as expressive as nonforgetting restarting automata of the same type X. Further, various types of determinism have been introduced for CD-systems of restarting automata called strict determinism, global determinism, and local determinism, and it has been shown that globally deterministic CD-systems working in mode =1 correspond to deterministic nonforgetting restarting automata. Here we derive some lower bound results for some types of nonforgetting restarting automata and for some types of CD-systems of restarting automata. In this way we establish separations between the corresponding language classes, thus providing detailed technical proofs for some of the separation results announced in the literature.
In this paper, we discuss the consensus problem for synchronous distributed systems with orderly crash failures. For a synchronous distributed system of n processes with up to t crash failures and f failures actually occur, first, we present a bivalency argument proof to solve the open problem of proving the lower bound, min (t + 1, f + 2) rounds, for early-stopping synchronous consensus with orderly crash failures, where t < n - 1. Then, we extend the system model with orderly crash failures to a new model in which a process is allowed to send multiple messages to the same destination process in a round and the failing processes still respect the order specified by the protocol in sending messages. For this new model, we present a uniform consensus protocol, in which all non-faulty processes always decide and stop immediately by the end of f + 1 rounds. We prove that the lower bound of early stopping protocols for both consensus and uniform consensus are f + 1 rounds under the new model, and our proposed protocol is optimal.
Existing numerical characterizations of the optimal income tax have been based on a limited number of model specifications. As a result, they do not reveal which properties are general. We determine the optimal tax in the quasi-linear model under weaker assumptions than have previously been used; in particular, we remove the assumption of a lower bound on the utility of zero consumption and the need to permit negative labor incomes. A Monte Carlo analysis is then conducted in which economies are selected at random and the optimal tax function constructed. The results show that in a significant proportion of economies the marginal tax rate rises at low skills and falls at high. The average tax rate is equally likely to rise or fall with skill at low skill levels, rises in the majority of cases in the centre of the skill range, and falls at high skills. These results are consistent across all the specifications we test. We then extend the analysis to show that these results also hold for Cobb-Douglas utility.
Universal properties of the Coulomb interaction energy apply to all many-electron systems. Bounds on the exchange-correlation energy, in particular, are important for the construction of improved density functionals. Here we investigate one such universal property-the Lieb-Oxford lower bound-for ionic and molecular systems. In recent work [J Chem Phys 127, 054106 (2007)], we observed that for atoms and electron liquids this bound may be substantially tightened. Calculations for a few ions and molecules suggested the same tendency, but were not conclusive due to the small number of systems considered. Here we extend that analysis to many different families of ions and molecules, and find that for these, too, the bound can be empirically tightened by a similar margin as for atoms and electron liquids. Tightening the Lieb-Oxford bound will have consequences for the performance of various approximate exchange-correlation functionals. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals Inc.
The multiprocessor task graph scheduling problem has been extensively studied asacademic optimization problem which occurs in optimizing the execution time of parallelalgorithm with parallel computer. The problem is already being known as one of the NPhardproblems. There are many good approaches made with many optimizing algorithmto find out the optimum solution for this problem with less computational time. One ofthem is branch and bound algorithm.In this paper, we propose a branch and bound algorithm for the multiprocessor schedulingproblem. We investigate the algorithm by comparing two different lower bounds withtheir computational costs and the size of the pruned tree.Several experiments are made with small set of problems and results are compared indifferent sections.
Quadratic assignment problems (QAPs) are commonly solved by heuristic methods, where the optimum is sought iteratively. Heuristics are known to provide good solutions but the quality of the solutions, i.e., the confidence interval of the solution is unknown. This paper uses statistical optimum estimation techniques (SOETs) to assess the quality of Genetic algorithm solutions for QAPs. We examine the functioning of different SOETs regarding biasness, coverage rate and length of interval, and then we compare the SOET lower bound with deterministic ones. The commonly used deterministic bounds are confined to only a few algorithms. We show that, the Jackknife estimators have better performance than Weibull estimators, and when the number of heuristic solutions is as large as 100, higher order JK-estimators perform better than lower order ones. Compared with the deterministic bounds, the SOET lower bound performs significantly better than most deterministic lower bounds and is comparable with the best deterministic ones.