995 resultados para Zero-crossing Rate
This study investigated the reductive degradation of acetamiprid (5 mg L-1) in aqueous medium (at pH 2.0) induced by zero-valent iron (50 mg). The process was monitored using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to determine the degradation rate as a function of reaction time, and direct infusion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DI-ESI-MS) to search for (and potentially characterize) any possible byproducts formed during degradation. The results obtained via HPLC showed that after 60 min, the degradation of the substrate reached nearly 100% in an acidic medium, whereas the mineralization rate (as determined by total organic carbon measurements) was as low as 3%. Data obtained by DI-ESI-MS showed that byproducts were formed mainly by insertions of hydrogen atoms into the nitrile, imine, and pyridine ring moieties, in addition to the observation of chlorine substitution by hydrogen replacement (hydrodechlorination) reactions.
Arterial baroreflex sensitivity estimated by pharmacological impulse stimuli depends on intrinsic signal variability and usually a subjective choice of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) values. We propose a semi-automatic method to estimate cardiovascular reflex sensitivity to bolus infusions of phenylephrine and nitroprusside. Beat-to-beat BP and HR time series for male Wistar rats (N = 13) were obtained from the digitized signal (sample frequency = 2 kHz) and analyzed by the proposed method (PRM) developed in Matlab language. In the PRM, time series were low-pass filtered with zero-phase distortion (3rd order Butterworth used in the forward and reverse direction) and presented graphically, and parameters were selected interactively. Differences between basal mean values and peak BP (deltaBP) and HR (deltaHR) values after drug infusions were used to calculate baroreflex sensitivity indexes, defined as the deltaHR/deltaBP ratio. The PRM was compared to the method traditionally (TDM) employed by seven independent observers using files for reflex bradycardia (N = 43) and tachycardia (N = 61). Agreement was assessed by Bland and Altman plots. Dispersion among users, measured as the standard deviation, was higher for TDM for reflex bradycardia (0.60 ± 0.46 vs 0.21 ± 0.26 bpm/mmHg for PRM, P < 0.001) and tachycardia (0.83 ± 0.62 vs 0.28 ± 0.28 bpm/mmHg for PRM, P < 0.001). The advantage of the present method is related to its objectivity, since the routine automatically calculates the desired parameters according to previous software instructions. This is an objective, robust and easy-to-use tool for cardiovascular reflex studies.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the relationship between fiscal deficits and interest rate in Brazil. An adaptation of Taylors Rule is tested and the data confirmed this relationship. Furthermore, evidence from a loanable funds model shows that a lower deficit can bring interest rate down. However, policy coordination is a key feature in this process.
In an economy where cash can be stored costlessly (in nominal terms), the nominal interest rate is bounded below by zero. This paper derives the implications of this nonnegativity constraint for the term structure and shows that it induces a nonlinear and convex relation between short- and long-term interest rates. As a result, the long-term rate responds asymmetrically to changes in the short-term rate, and by less than predicted by a benchmark linear model. In particular, a decrease in the short-term rate leads to a decrease in the long-term rate that is smaller in magnitude than the increase in the long-term rate associated with an increase in the short-term rate of the same size. Up to the extent that monetary policy acts by affecting long-term rates through the term structure, its power is considerably reduced at low interest rates. The empirical predictions of the model are examined using data from Japan.
This thesis Entitled Colour removal from dye house effluents using zero valent iron and fenton oxidation.Findings reported on kinetic profile during oxidation of dyes with Fenton’s reagent are in good agreement with observations of earlier workers on other organic substrates. This work goes a step further. Critical concentration of the dye at which the reaction mechanism undergoes transition has been identified.The oxidation of Reactive Yellow showed that the initial rates for decolorization increased linearly with an increase in hydrogen peroxide concentration over the range studied. Fenton oxidation of all dyes except Methylene Blue showed that the initial rates increased linearly with an in the ferrous sulphate concentration. This increase was observed only up to an optimum concentration beyond which further increase resulted in a decrease in the initial rates. Variation of initial rates with Ferrous sulphate concentration resulted in a linear plot passing through the origin indicating that the reaction is first order with respect to ferrous sulphate.
Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food sectors in the world. Amongst the various branches of aquaculture, shrimp culture has expanded rapidly across the globe because of its faster growth rate, short culture period, high export value and demand in the International market. Indian shrimp farming has experienced phenomenal development over the decades due to its excellent commercial viability. Farmers have adopted a number of innovative technologies to improve the production and to maximize the returns per unit area. The culture methods adopted can be classified in to extensive, modified extensive and semi intensive based on the management strategies adopted in terms of pond size, stocking density, feeding and environmental control. In all these systems water exchanges through the natural tidal effects, or pump fed either from creek or from estuaries is a common practice. In all the cases, the systems are prone to epizootics due to the pathogen introduction through the incoming water, either brought by vectors, reservoir hosts, infected tissue debris and free pathogens themselves. In this scenario, measures to prevent the introduction of pathogen have become a necessity to protect the crop from the onslaught of diseases as well as to prevent the discharge of waste water in to the culture environment.The present thesis deals with Standardization of bioremediation technology for zero water exchange shrimp culture system
S'estudia la resposta de la capa de barreja oceànica al forçament atmosfèric considerant dades obtingudes durant 12 dies d'abril del 2001 a 42 estacions a través de l'Atlàntic nord seguint aproximadament la latitud de 53ºN. Aquestes dades inclouen, a més de variables atmosfèriques, mesures de CTD, velocitats amb ADCP i dades de microestructura obtingudes amb un perfilador de caiguda lliure. En aquest últim cas, s'han desenvolupat tècniques de processament de les dades que també es presenten aquí. El transsecte estudiat segueix la posició climatològica del rotacional mitjà anual del vent igual a zero i travessa el corrent del Labrador i algunes branques i meandres del Corrent Atlàntic Nord. El forçament atmosfèric es va caracteritzar per vents intensos i fluxos superficials de calor negatius, tot i que, tal com es dedueix de la comparació del gruix de la capa de barreja amb la longitud de Monin-Obukov, la barreja induïda pel vent va dominar sobre la convectiva durant tot el transsecte.
Four field experiments over 2 years investigated whether wheat hybrids had higher nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) than their parents over a range of seed rates and different N regimes. There was little heterosis for total N in the above-ground biomass (NYt), but there was high-parent heterosis for grain N yields (NYg) in two of the hybrids, Hyno Esta and Hyno Rista, associated with greater nitrogen harvest index (NHI). Overall, the hybrids did not significantly increase the total dry matter produced per unit N in the above-ground crop (NUtE(t)), but did increase the grain dry matter per unit N in the above ground crop (NUtE(g)). The improvement in NUtE(g) was at the partial detriment of grain N concentration. Heterosis for grain NYg in Hyno Esta was lower at zero-N, suggesting that it did not achieve higher yields through more efficient capture or utilization of N. The greater NHI in Hyno Esta appeared to be facilitated by both greater N uptake, and remobilization of N from vegetative tissues, after anthesis. The response of N efficiency and uptake to seed rate was dependent on N supply and season. Where N fertilizer was applied, N uptake over time was slower at the lower seed rates, but where N was withheld N capture at the lowest seed rate soon approached the N capture of the higher seed rates. During grain filling, the rate of accumulation of N into the grain increased with seed rate and the duration of N accumulation decreased with seed rate. With N applied, N yields increased to all asymptote with seed rate, when N was withheld there was little response of N yields to seed rate. In 2002, N utilization efficiency (NUtE(t) and NUtE(g)) also increased asymptotically with seed rate, but in 2003 seed rate had little effect on N utilization efficiency. When nitrogen fertilizer had not been applied, NHI consistently decreased with increasing seed rate. The timing of N application made little difference to NUE, NY, or NUtE.
Field experiments were carried out to assess the effects of nitrogen fertilization and seed rate on the Hagberg falling number (HFN) of commercial wheat hybrids and their parents. Applying nitrogen (200 kg N ha(-1)) increased HFN in two successive years. The HFN of the hybrid Hyno Esta was lower than either of its parents (Estica and Audace), particularly when nitrogen was not applied. Treatment effects on HFN were negatively associated with a-amylase activity. Phadebas grain blotting suggested two populations of grains with different types of a-amylase activity: Estica appeared to have a high proportion of grains with low levels of late maturity endosperm a-amylase activity (LMEA); Audace had a few grains showing high levels of germination amylase; and the hybrid, Hyno Esta, combined the sources from both parents to show heterosis for a-amylase activity. Applying nitrogen reduced both apparent LMEA and germination amylase. The effects on LMEA were associated with the size and disruption of the grain cavity, which was greater in Hyno Esta and Estica and in zero-nitrogen treatments. External grain morphology failed to explain much of the variation in LMEA and cavity size, but there was a close negative correlation between cavity size and protein content. Applying nitrogen increased post-harvest dormancy of the grain. Dormancy was greatest in Estica and least in Audace. It is proposed that effects of seed rate, genotype and nitrogen fertilizer on HFN are mediated through factors affecting the size and disruption of the grain cavity and therefore LMEA, and through factors affecting dormancy and therefore germination amylase. (c) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.
Identifying a periodic time-series model from environmental records, without imposing the positivity of the growth rate, does not necessarily respect the time order of the data observations. Consequently, subsequent observations, sampled in the environmental archive, can be inversed on the time axis, resulting in a non-physical signal model. In this paper an optimization technique with linear constraints on the signal model parameters is proposed that prevents time inversions. The activation conditions for this constrained optimization are based upon the physical constraint of the growth rate, namely, that it cannot take values smaller than zero. The actual constraints are defined for polynomials and first-order splines as basis functions for the nonlinear contribution in the distance-time relationship. The method is compared with an existing method that eliminates the time inversions, and its noise sensitivity is tested by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, the usefulness of the method is demonstrated on the measurements of the vessel density, in a mangrove tree, Rhizophora mucronata, and the measurement of Mg/Ca ratios, in a bivalve, Mytilus trossulus.
Using data from the EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter) VHF radar and DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) spacecraft passes, we study the motion of the dayside open-closed field line boundary during two substorm cycles. The satellite data show that the motions of ion and electron temperature boundaries in EISCAT data, as reported by Moen et al. (2004), are not localised around the radar; rather, they reflect motions of the open-closed field line boundary at all MLT throughout the dayside auroral ionosphere. The boundary is shown to erode equatorward when the IMF points southward, consistent with the effect of magnetopause reconnection. During the substorm expansion and recovery phases, the dayside boundary returns poleward, whether the IMF points northward or southward. However, the poleward retreat was much faster during the substorm for which the IMF had returned to northward than for the substorm for which the IMF remained southward – even though the former substorm is much the weaker of the two. These poleward retreats are consistent with the destruction of open flux at the tail current sheet. Application of a new analysis of the peak ion energies at the equatorward edge of the cleft/cusp/mantle dispersion seen by the DMSP satellites identifies the dayside reconnection merging gap to extend in MLT from about 9.5 to 15.5 h for most of the interval. Analysis of the boundary motion, and of the convection velocities seen near the boundary by EISCAT, allows calculation of the reconnection rate (mapped down to the ionosphere) from the flow component normal to the boundary in its own rest frame. This reconnection rate is not, in general, significantly different from zero before 06:45 UT (MLT<9.5 h) – indicating that the X line footprint expands over the EISCAT field-of-view to earlier MLT only occasionally and briefly. Between 06:45 UT and 12:45UT (9.5
The interpretation of structure in cusp ion dispersions is important for helping to understand the temporal and spatial structure of magnetopause reconnection. “Stepped” and “sawtooth” signatures have been shown to be caused by temporal variations in the reconnection rate under the same physical conditions for different satellite trajectories. The present paper shows that even for a single satellite path, a change in the amplitude of any reconnection pulses can alter the observed signature and even turn sawtooth into stepped forms and vice versa. On 20 August 1998, the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) craft F-14 crossed the cusp just to the south of Longyearbyen, returning on the following orbit. The two passes by the DMSP F-14 satellites have very similar trajectories and the open-closed field line boundary (OCB) crossings, as estimated from the SSJ/4 precipitating particle data and Polar UVI images, imply a similarly-shaped polar cap, yet the cusp ion dispersion signatures differ substantially. The cusp crossing at 08:54 UT displays a stepped ion dispersion previously considered to be typical of a meridional pass, whereas the crossing at 10:38 UT is a sawtooth form ion dispersion, previously considered typical of a satellite travelling longitudinally with respect to the OCB. It is shown that this change in dispersed ion signature is likely to be due to a change in the amplitude of the pulses in the reconnection rate, causing the stepped signature. Modelling of the low-energy ion cutoff under different conditions has reproduced the forms of signature observed.
We present predictions of the signatures of magnetosheath particle precipitation (in the regions classified as open low-latitude boundary layer, cusp, mantle and polar cap) for periods when the interplanetary magnetic field has a southward component. These are made using the “pulsating cusp” model of the effects of time-varying magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. Predictions are made for both low-altitude satellites in the topside ionosphere and for midaltitude spacecraft in the magnetosphere. Low-altitude cusp signatures, which show a continuous ion dispersion signature, reveal "quasi-steady reconnection" (one limit of the pulsating cusp model), which persists for a period of at least 10 min. We estimate that “quasi-steady” in this context corresponds to fluctuations in the reconnection rate of a factor of 2 or less. The other limit of the pulsating cusp model explains the instantaneous jumps in the precipitating ion spectrum that have been observed at low altitudes. Such jumps are produced by isolated pulses of reconnection: that is, they are separated by intervals when the reconnection rate is zero. These also generate convecting patches on the magnetopause in which the field lines thread the boundary via a rotational discontinuity separated by more extensive regions of tangential discontinuity. Predictions of the corresponding ion precipitation signatures seen by midaltitude spacecraft are presented. We resolve the apparent contradiction between estimates of the width of the injection region from midaltitude data and the concept of continuous entry of solar wind plasma along open field lines. In addition, we reevaluate the use of pitch angle-energy dispersion to estimate the injection distance.
We have revisited photoassociative ionization (PAI) in a cold sample of Na atmos. A two-color experiment was performed ina magneto-optical trap through the addition of aprobe laser. The observation of a marked change in the PAI rate for a definite frequency range can be attributed to the influence of repuisive levels and a possible avoided crossing between long-range molecular levels. (c) 2009 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WLLEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Este trabalho testa a existência de relações de codependência de ordem zero em spreads formados a partir da estrutura a termo da taxa de juros no Brasil. O objetivo é verificar se existem combinações lineares dos spreads que geram um processo ruído branco contemporâneo. Essas combinações lineares poderiam ser utilizadas para a previsão de taxas de juros futuras dado que desvios destas relações estáveis implicariam em um movimento futuro das taxas de juros no sentido de restabelecer o equilíbrio. O modelo de Nelson e Siegel (1987) serve de base teórica para os testes empíricos. Ao verificar a hipótese de codependência de ordem zero é possível também analisar premissas quanto aos parâmetros do modelo em relação à estrutura a termo da taxa de juros no Brasil. As evidências obtidas a partir dos resultados empíricos apontam na rejeição da hipótese de codependência de ordem zero e, consequentemente, na impossibilidade de definir as combinações lineares mencionadas. Esta constatação pode estar relacionada aos períodos de instabilidade presentes na amostra ou na existência de codependência de ordem superior a zero.