287 resultados para Zebra danio
Estrogens are known to play a role in both reproductive and non-reproductive functions in mammals. Estrogens and their receptors are involved in the development of the central nervous system (brain development, neuronal survival and differentiation) as well as in the development of the peripheral nervous system (sensory-motor behaviors). In order to decipher possible functions of estrogens in early development of the zebrafish sensory system, we investigated the role of estrogen receptor beta(2) (ERbeta(2)) by using a morpholino (MO) approach blocking erbeta(2) RNA translation. We further investigated the development of lateral line organs by cell-specific labeling, which revealed a disrupted development of neuromasts in morphants. The supporting cells developed and migrated normally. Sensory hair cells, however, were absent in morphants' neuromasts. Microarray analysis and subsequent in situ hybridizations indicated an aberrant activation of the Notch signaling pathway in ERbeta(2) morphants. We conclude that signaling via ERbeta(2) is essential for hair cell development and may involve an interaction with the Notch signaling pathway during cell fate decision in the neuromast maturation process.
Endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) are widespread in the aquatic environment and can cause alterations in development, physiological homeostasis and health of vertebrates. Zebrafish, Danio rerio, has been suggested as a model species to identify targets as well as modes of EDC action. In fact, zebrafish has been found useful in EDC screening, in EDC effects assessment and in studying targets and mechanisms of EDC action. Since many of the environmental EDCs interfere with the sex steroid system of vertebrates, most EDC studies with zebrafish addressed disruption of sexual differentiation and reproduction. However, other targets of EDCs action must not be overlooked. For using a species as a toxicological model, a good knowledge of the biological traits of this species is a pre-requisite for the rational design of test protocols and endpoints as well as for the interpretation and extrapolation of the toxicological findings. Due to the genomic resources available for zebrafish and the long experience with zebrafish in toxicity testing, it is easily possible to establish molecular endpoints for EDC effects assessment. Additionally, the zebrafish model offers a number of technical advantages including ease and cost of maintenance, rapid development, high fecundity, optical transparency of embryos supporting phenotypic screening, existence of many mutant strains, or amenability for both forward and reverse genetics. To date, the zebrafish has been mainly used to identify molecular targets of EDC action and to determine effect thresholds, while the potential of this model species to study immediate and delayed physiological consequences of molecular interactions has been instrumentalized only partly. One factor that may limit the exploitation of this potential is the still rather fragmentary knowledge of basic biological and endocrine traits of zebrafish. Information on species-specific features in endocrine processes and biological properties, however, need to be considered in establishing EDC test protocols using zebrafish, in extrapolating findings from zebrafish to other vertebrate species, and in understanding how EDC-induced gene expression changes translate into disease.
Aquatic toxicology is facing the challenge to assess the impact of complex mixtures of compounds on diverse biological endpoints. So far, ecotoxicology focuses mainly on apical endpoints such as growth, lethality and reproduction, but does not consider sublethal toxic effects that may indirectly cause ecological effects. One such sublethal effect is toxicant-induced impairment of neurosensory functions which will affect important behavioural traits of exposed organisms. Here, we critically review the mechanosensory lateral line (LL) system of zebrafish as a model to screen for chemical effects on neurosensory function of fish in particular and vertebrates in general. The LL system consists of so-called neuromasts, composed of centrally located sensory hair cells, and surrounding supporting cells. The function of neuromasts is the detection of water movements that is essential for the fish's ability to detect prey, to escape predator, to socially interact or to show rheotactic behaviour. Recent advances in the study of these organs provided researchers with a broad area of molecular tools for easy and rapid detection of neuromasts dysfunction and/or disturbed development. Further, genes involved in neuromasts differentiation have been identified using auditory/mechanosensory mutants and morphants. A number of environmental toxicants including metals and pharmaceuticals have been shown to affect neuromasts development and/or function. The use of the LL organ for toxicological studies offers the advantage to integrate the available profound knowledge on developmental biology of the neuromasts with the study of chemical toxicity. This combination may provide a powerful tool in environmental risk assessment.
Adult zebrafish Danio rerio originating from one stock used as control animals in a toxicological study were examined histopathologically for the occurrence of spontaneous lesions in the gonads. While no histopathological changes were seen in the testes, the ovaries showed lesions consisting mainly of acute granulomatous inflammation with increased atresia and the presence of egg debris in the ovarian parenchyma and in the oviduct. Since infectious agents could not be detected and the fish were not exposed to toxicants, we consider these lesions as spontaneous alterations of the ovaries.
This study examined the developmental toxicity of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) 11H-benzo(b)fluorene (BBF) and 4-azapyrene (AP) in comparison to the known teratogen retene. Developmental toxicity assays were performed in zebrafish embryos exposed for 120 h. BBF and retene induced a similar dioxin-like phenotype, whereas AP showed distinct effects, particularly craniofacial malformations. Microarray analysis revealed that for BBF and retene, drug metabolism pathways were induced, which were confirmed by subsequent studies of cyp1a gene expression. For AP, microarray analysis revealed the regulation of genes involved in retinoid metabolism and hematological functions. Studies with a panel of CALUX((R)) bioassays to screen for endocrine disrupting activity of the compounds also revealed novel antagonistic effects of BBF and retene on androgen and progesterone receptors. Classification analysis revealed distinct gene expression profiles for both individual and combined PAH exposure. This study highlights the potential health risk of non priority PAHs.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of the androgenic endocrine disruptor 17β-trenbolone on the sexual development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) with special emphasis on the question of whether adverse outcomes of developmental exposure are reversible or persistent. An exposure scenario including a recovery phase was chosen to assess the potential reversibility of androgenic effects. Zebrafish were exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of 17β-trenbolone (1 ng/L-30 ng/L) from fertilization until completion of gonad sexual differentiation (60 d posthatch). Thereafter, exposure was either followed by 40 d of recovery in clean water or continued until 100 d posthatch, the age when zebrafish start being able to reproduce. Fish exposed for 100 d to 10 ng/L or 30 ng/L 17β-trenbolone were masculinized at different biological effect levels, as evidenced from a concentration-dependent shift of the sex ratio toward males as well as a significantly increased maturity of testes. Gonad morphological masculinization occurred in parallel with decreased vitellogenin concentrations in both sexes. Changes of brain aromatase (cyp19b) mRNA expression showed no consistent trend with respect to either exposure duration or concentration. Gonad morphological masculinization as well as the decrease of vitellogenin persisted after depuration over 40 d in clean water. This lack of recovery suggests that androgenic effects on sexual development of zebrafish are irreversible.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the persistence of the feminizing effects of discontinued 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) exposure on zebrafish (Danio rerio). An exposure scenario covering the sensitive phase of sexual differentiation, as well as final gonad maturation was chosen to examine the estrogenic effects on sexual development of zebrafish. Two exposure scenarios were compared: continuous exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations (0.1-10 ng/L EE2) up to 100 days post-hatch (dph) and developmental exposure up to 60 dph, followed by 40 days of depuration in clean water. The persistence of effects was investigated at different biological organization levels from mRNA to population-relevant endpoints to cover a broad range of important parameters. EE2 had a strong feminizing and inhibiting effect on the sexual development of zebrafish. Brain aromatase (cyp19b) mRNA expression showed no clear response, but vitellogenin levels were significantly elevated, gonad maturation and body growth were inhibited in both genders, and sex ratios were skewed towards females and undifferentiated individuals. To a large extent, all of these effects were reversed after 40 days of recovery, leading to the conclusion that exposure to the estrogen EE2 results in very strong, but reversible underdevelopment and feminization of zebrafish. The present study is the first to show this reversibility at different levels of organization, which gives better insight into the mechanistic basis of estrogenic effects in zebrafish.
The potential and adaptive flexibility of population dynamic P-systems (PDP) to study population dynamics suggests that they may be suitable for modelling complex fluvial ecosystems, characterized by a composition of dynamic habitats with many variables that interact simultaneously. Using as a model a reservoir occupied by the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha, we designed a computational model based on P systems to study the population dynamics of larvae, in order to evaluate management actions to control or eradicate this invasive species. The population dynamics of this species was simulated under different scenarios ranging from the absence of water flow change to a weekly variation with different flow rates, to the actual hydrodynamic situation of an intermediate flow rate. Our results show that PDP models can be very useful tools to model complex, partially desynchronized, processes that work in parallel. This allows the study of complex hydroecological processes such as the one presented, where reproductive cycles, temperature and water dynamics are involved in the desynchronization of the population dynamics both, within areas and among them. The results obtained may be useful in the management of other reservoirs with similar hydrodynamic situations in which the presence of this invasive species has been documented.
PRINCIPALS Over a million people worldwide die each year from road traffic injuries and more than 10 million sustain permanent disabilities. Many of these victims are pedestrians. The present retrospective study analyzes the severity and mortality of injuries suffered by adult pedestrians, depending on whether they used a zebra crosswalk. METHODS Our retrospective data analysis covered adult patients admitted to our emergency department (ED) between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2012 after being hit by a vehicle while crossing the road as a pedestrian. Patients were identified by using a string term. Medical, police and ambulance records were reviewed for data extraction. RESULTS A total of 347 patients were eligible for study inclusion. Two hundred and three (203; 58.5%) patients were on a zebra crosswalk and 144 (41.5%) were not. The mean ISS (injury Severity Score) was 12.1 (SD 14.7, range 1-75). The vehicles were faster in non-zebra crosswalk accidents (47.7 km/n, versus 41.4 km/h, p<0.027). The mean ISS score was higher in patients with non-zebra crosswalk accidents; 14.4 (SD 16.5, range 1-75) versus 10.5 (SD13.14, range 1-75) (p<0.019). Zebra crosswalk accidents were associated with less risk of severe injury (OR 0.61, 95% CI 0.38-0.98, p<0.042). Accidents involving a truck were associated with increased risk of severe injury (OR 3.53, 95%CI 1.21-10.26, p<0.02). CONCLUSION Accidents on zebra crosswalks are more common than those not on zebra crosswalks. The injury severity of non-zebra crosswalk accidents is significantly higher than in patients with zebra crosswalk accidents. Accidents involving large vehicles are associated with increased risk of severe injury. Further prospective studies are needed, with detailed assessment of motor vehicle types and speed.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the persistence of endocrine effects by prochloraz, a fungicide known to have multiple effects on the endocrine system of vertebrates. Since discontinuous exposure is particularly relevant in aquatic ecosystems, an exposure scenario with an exposure phase and a subsequent recovery period was chosen to assess the potential for reversibility of effects by prochloraz on the sexual development of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Zebrafish were exposed to different concentrations of prochloraz (10-300 μg/L) until 60 days post hatch (dph), which includes the period of sexual differentiation. For the subsequent 40 days, fish were either held in clean water for depuration or under further continuous exposure. Histological investigations of the gonads revealed persistent effects on sexual differentiation. The sex ratio was skewed towards males and significantly more intersex individuals were found after exposure to prochloraz at 60 dph. No intersex fish, but masculinized sex ratios were still present after the depuration period, documenting that prochloraz irreversibly affects the sexual development of zebrafish.
The vertebrate thyroid system is important for multiple developmental processes, including eye development. Thus, its environmentally induced disruption may impact important fitness-related parameters like visual capacities and behaviour. The present study investigated the relation between molecular effects of thyroid disruption and morphological and physiological changes of eye development in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Two test compounds representing different molecular modes of thyroid disruption were used: propylthiouracil (PTU), which is an enzyme-inhibitor of thyroid hormone synthesis, and tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), which interacts with the thyroid hormone receptors. Both chemicals significantly altered transcript levels of thyroid system-related genes (TRα, TRβ, TPO, TSH, DIO1, DIO2 and DIO3) in a compound-specific way. Despite these different molecular response patterns, both treatments resulted in similar pathological alterations of the eyes such as reduced size, RPE cell diameter and pigmentation, which were concentration-dependent. The morphological changes translated into impaired visual performance of the larvae: the optokinetic response was significantly and concentration-dependently decreased in both treatments, together with a significant increase of light preference of PTU-treated larvae. In addition, swimming activity was impacted. This study provides first evidence that different modes of molecular action of the thyroid disruptors can be associated with uniform apical responses. Furthermore, this study is the first to show that pathological eye development, as it can be induced by exposure to thyroid disruptors, indeed translates into impaired visual capacities of zebrafish early life stages.