985 resultados para Yugoslav War, 1991-1995.


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[ES] Erbanense es el nombre de los depósitos marinos canarios posteriores a la glaciación última europea y proviene de Erbania antiguo nombre de Fuerteventura. En La Jaqueta, al sur de la isla, aparecen los restos pedregosos de dos pulsaciones del mar. La última de ellas ocurrió hacia el año 600 de nuestra era según dataciones radiocarbónicas. La isla por entonces ya estaba habitada por sus primeros pobladores de probable origen paleobereber y hay un antiguo poblado en las proximidades de la playa. El antiguo cordón litoral está cuatro metros más alto que el nivel medio del mar actual y en él se han colectado más de dos mil conchas que muestran que la fauna marina era semejante a la que vive actualmente en el litoral canario.


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[ES] Más de mil fósiles marinos colectados en el antiguo cordón litoral en la localidad de Las Playitas muestran que una cuarta parte de las conchas pertene­cen a caracolas que no viven en la actualidad en las Islas Canarias y sin embargo viven en las costas atlánticas de África ecuatorial, en el Golfo de Guinea. Ello es prueba de la existencia de un cambio climático durante el cual desapareció el invierno en las latitudes de Canarias y del Mediterráneo y se fundieron los hielos polares causando una elevación del nivel de la mar próxima a los cinco metros de altura. Todo ello a causa de la trayectoria astronómica de la Tierra.


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[EN] During the archaeological excavations carried out in the Villaverde Cave sorne bone remains (left mandible fragment, proximal fragment of scapula and two left humerus) of two specimes of monk seals (Monachus cf. monachus) were found. Toe cave, which is a vokanic tunnel, was occupied during the firts Centuries of our Era by the former inhabitants of the Fuerteventura Island. Toe monk seals,named in the past in Canaries "Lobos marinos", were very numerous according to the Chronicles of the Conquerers (1404-1408) and for that reason the small island situated between Lanzarote and Fuerteventura lslands was named '"Isla de Lobos". These seals became extinct at the end of the XV Century and the remains found at Villaverde are the only ones known.


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[ES] Entre los materiales extraidos en las excavaciones arqueológicas de la Cueva de Villa verde en Fuerteventura han aparecido restos óseos fragmentados pertenecientes a oveja. La Cueva fue habitada por antiguos pobladores de la isla entre el año 200 y el año 1.000 de nuestra era (HERNANDEZ et. al., 1988).


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[EN] Osseous remains of numerous shearwaters and of eggshells of the only egg laid and often undamaged appear in the sand dunes of Jandía Península and more specifically in "Hueso del Caballo" which was one of their breeding si tes. Toe bones also visible in the sandy walls of a quarry were uncovered by the present aeolian erosion and are found in a layerwith Hymmenoptera nests and terrestrial mollusc shells in a dune dated by radiocarbon as being more than 30.000 years old. This fact proves there was a halt in the aeolian processes during a humid interval, probably related to the African aterían pluvial in Upper Pleistocene and a fixation of the dunes by vegetation.


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Fifty-six acres of central Iowa corn land were seeded to bromegrass and divided with high-tensile wire into eight seven-acre plots. This bromegrass was fertilized with 70 pounds of nitrogen each spring and fall, 1987-1990. In 1991 – 1995, the nitrogen was increased to 80 pounds both spring and fall. The plots were stocked with 1.3 cow/calf pairs per acre in 1987-1991 and 1993–1995, but in 1992 the plots were stocked with 1.55 cow/calf pairs per acre. The pairs were rotated using two distinct schemes among four cells for about 150 days. The plots averaged 607 pounds of net calf weight per acre per year over nine years. Rainfall was quite variable during the grazing seasons and was reflected in calf performance as well as summer feed costs. This intensive rotational grazing system has greatly reduced both weed population and the need for mechanical clipping.


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BACKGROUND  Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is increasingly used in molecular-epidemiological investigations of bacterial pathogens, despite cost- and time-intensive analyses. We combined strain-specific single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-typing and targeted WGS to investigate a tuberculosis cluster spanning 21 years in Bern, Switzerland. METHODS  Based on genome sequences of three historical outbreak Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates, we developed a strain-specific SNP-typing assay to identify further cases. We screened 1,642 patient isolates, and performed WGS on all identified cluster isolates. We extracted SNPs to construct genomic networks. Clinical and social data were retrospectively collected. RESULTS  We identified 68 patients associated with the outbreak strain. Most were diagnosed in 1991-1995, but cases were observed until 2011. Two thirds belonged to the homeless and substance abuser milieu. Targeted WGS revealed 133 variable SNP positions among outbreak isolates. Genomic network analyses suggested a single origin of the outbreak, with subsequent division into three sub-clusters. Isolates from patients with confirmed epidemiological links differed by 0-11 SNPs. CONCLUSIONS  Strain-specific SNP-genotyping allowed rapid and inexpensive identification of M. tuberculosis outbreak isolates in a population-based strain collection. Subsequent targeted WGS provided detailed insights into transmission dynamics. This combined approach could be applied to track bacterial pathogens in real-time and at high resolution.


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The dataset is based on a long-term study (38 years) at the Galata transect and covers the spring-summer periods from 1967 till 2005. The whole dataset is composed of 360 data of total zooplankton biomass and abundance . Samples were collected in discrete layers 0-10m, 10-20m, 10-25m, 25-50m, 50-70m, 50-100m, 100-150. Mesozooplankton abundance: the collected material was analysed using the method of Domov (1959). Samples were brought to volume of 25-30 ml depending upon zooplankton density and mixed intensively until all organisms were distributed randomly in the sample volume. After that 5 ml of sample was taken and poured in the counting chamber for taxomomic identification and count. Large (> 1 mm body length) and not abundant species were calculated in whole sample. Counting and measuring of organisms were made in the Dimov chamber under the stereomicroscope to the lowest taxon possible. Taxonomic identification was done at the Institute of Fishery Resource by Prof. Asen Konsulov and Institute of Oceanology by Prof. Asen Konsulov, Lyudmila Kamburska and Kremena Stefanova using the relevant taxonomic literature (Mordukhay-Boltovskoy, F.D. (Ed.). 1968, 1969,1972). Taxon-specific mesozooplankton abundance: The collected material was analysed using the method of Domov (1959). Samples were brought to volume of 25-30 ml depending upon zooplankton density and mixed intensively until all organisms were distributed randomly in the sample volume. After that 5 ml of sample was taken and poured in the counting chamber for taxomomic identification and count. Copepods and Cladoceras were identified and enumerated; the other mesozooplankters were identified and enumerated at higher taxonomic level (commonly named as mesozooplankton groups). Large (> 1 mm body length) and not abundant species were calculated in whole sample. Counting and measuring of organisms were made in the Dimov chamber under the stereomicroscope to the lowest taxon possible. Taxonomic identification was done at the Institute of Fishery Resource by prof. Asen Konsulov and Institute of Oceanology by Prof. Asen Konsulov, Lyudmila Kamburska and Kremena Stefanova using the relevant taxonomic literature (Mordukhay-Boltovskoy, F.D. (Ed.). 1968, 1969,1972).


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Inclui notas explicativas, bibliográficas e bibliografia


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A documentary examination of the causes of and responses to the civil war in Sierra Leone, as well as whether future conflict can be avoided in an environment of poverty and corruption.


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There is international consensus among scholars that democratic transitions are multicausal processes in which both internal and international variables are involved (Pridham 1991, 1995; Whitehead 1996; Schmitter 1996; Linz and Stepan 1996; Carothers 1999; Morlino and Magen 2008; Grilli di Cortona 2009). This chapter is limited, on the one hand, to the dependent variable consisting solely of the crisis/breakdown/transformation of non-democratic regimes in the Third Wave of democratization, and, on the other hand, to an independent variable identified solely with the international dimension of democratic transition. This factor, which can be termed the Proactive International Dimension (PID), specifically concerns that combination of actions or processes, produced by one or more international actors, that, intentionally or not, cause or contribute to the crisis/breakdown/transformation of a non-democratic regime.