903 resultados para Young-adult Suicide


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Sexual risk behavior among young adults is a serious public health concern; 50% will contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI) before the age of 25. The current study collected self-report personality and sexual history data, as well as neuroimaging, experimental behavioral (e.g., real-time hypothetical sexual decision making data), and self-report sexual arousal data from 120 heterosexual young adults ages 18-26. In addition, longitudinal changes in self-reported sexual behavior were collected from a subset (n = 70) of the participants. The primary aims of the study were (1) to predict differences in self-report sexual behavior and hypothetical sexual decision-making (in response to sexually explicit audio-visual cues) as a function of ventral striatum (VS) and amygdala activity, (2) test whether the association between sexual behavior/decision-making and brain function is moderated by gender, self-reported sexual arousal, and/or trait-level personality factors (i.e., self-control, impulsivity, and sensation seeking) and (3) to examine how the main effects of neural function and interaction effects predict sexual risk behavior over time. Our hypotheses were mostly supported across the sexual behavior and decision-making outcome variables, such that neural risk phenotypes (heightened reward-related ventral striatum activity coupled with decreased threat-related amygdala activity) were associated with greater lifetime sexual partners at baseline measured and over time (longitudinal analyses). Impulsivity moderated the relationship between neural function and self-reported number of sexual partners at baseline and follow up measures, as well as experimental condom use decision-making. Sexual arousal and sensation seeking moderated the relationship between neural function and baseline and follow up self-reports of number of sexual partners. Finally, unique gender differences were observed in the relationship between threat and reward-related neural reactivity and self-reported sexual risk behavior. The results of this study provide initial evidence for the potential role for neurobiological approaches to understanding sexual decision-making and risk behavior. With continued research, establishing biomarkers for sexual risk behavior could help inform the development of novel and more effective individually tailored sexual health prevention and intervention efforts.


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The present study examines how mothering and fathering impact child academic outcomes in divorced and intact families, and if there are unique influences of mothering and fathering variables for sons and daughters. An ethnically diverse sample of 1,714 university students from Florida International University (n=1371) and Florida State University (n=343) responded to measures on a questionnaire that included the Nurturant Fathering and Mothering Scales (Finley & Schwartz, 2004; Schwartz & Finley, 2005; Finley & Schwartz, 2006), the Mother and Father Involvement Scales (Finley, Mira, & Schwartz, 2008), demographic measures, and academic outcome measures. In intact families, mothering and fathering variables were significantly correlated with each other, and positively correlated with child academic outcomes including grades, GPA, academic satisfaction, and academic importance. In divorced families, mothering and fathering variables were not correlated with each other. Furthermore, when analyzing divorced families, significant effects were found for both parent and child gender. Mothering variables were found to have the greatest positive impact for sons’ academic outcomes. Maternal nurturance and maternal involvement were correlated positively with academic outcomes for sons from divorced families and accounted for 3-4% of the unique variance explained. Consistently, desired mother involvement, how much involvement the child wished they had received, was negatively correlated with academic outcomes for sons from divorced families and accounted for 10-15% of the unique variance explained. This means that when the amount of maternal involvement that sons in divorced families received matched or exceeded their desired level of involvement, sons had more positive academic outcomes including grades, GPA, satisfaction with academics and academic importance. This suggests that in intact family forms, nurturant and involved mothering and fathering have a positive effect on academic outcomes for sons and daughters. In divorced family forms, the effects of fathering on child academic outcomes were not significant. Therefore, in divorced families, the positive effects fathering on academic outcomes of sons and daughters drop out, and mothers are uniquely important for sons’ academic success.


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In his article ‘Narrative Matters’, Gordon Bates (Bates, 2016) discusses the relevance of the humanities, and in particular that of fiction, in helping us to understand the experiences and problems of adolescents suffering men- tal health problems. Notably, the number of novels pub- lished for children and adolescents that focus on mental health problems has risen considerably since the begin- ning of this century. The ‘Goodreads’ (Goodreads, 2016) website lists more than 1000 fiction titles on matters pertaining to mental illness published for the UK and US markets since 2000.


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A 31-year-old man with pontine infarction was referred to our hospital for further evaluation and treatment. At admission, his neurological examination was unremarkable. No lymphadenopathy or skin lesions were found. The Treponema pallidum haemagglutination test, rapid plasma regain test and fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test of immunoglobulin G were positive in both serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF analysis showed lymphocytic pleocytosis. The patient had male-to-male sexual contact and was found to be HIV positive. Physicians should be aware that acute ischaemic stroke may be the first manifestation of neurosyphilis in a young adult, especially with HIV infection.


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The goal of this final dissertation is to propose a partial translation of the Young Adult novel I Wish You All the Best by nonbinary author Mason Deaver, which was published in the United States by PUSH in 2019 and is currently still unpublished in Italy. The book follows the story of eighteen-year-old Ben De Backer. After coming out as nonbinary to their parents, they are kicked out of their home; thanks to the help of their older sister, they will manage to get back on their feet and start a new life, although their trauma will continue to pose a great obstacle to their growth and happiness. I Wish You All the Best is one of the first novels with a nonbinary protagonist in the Young Adult category and is particularly interesting from a linguistic standpoint. The first chapter serves as introduction to the author, Mason Deaver, their life and their relationship with gender identity and writing; and also as an introduction to the book itself and how its main characters and themes are developed in relation to the plot. The second chapter looks at the Young Adult genre as a whole; it explores its origins and development through the years and seeks to find a definition for this type of literature which has often been misrepresented both in the eyes of literary critics and the general public. Additionally, the chapter will describe some of the main characteristics of YA literature and analyze them in relation to I Wish You All the Best. The third chapter aims to examine the role of language, and how it can be inclusive to people outside of the gender binary. It will also touch upon the sociocultural contexts in which the speakers of different languages operate. The fourth and final chapter will present the translation of several passages taken from the novel I Wish You All the Best and offer an analysis of the most interesting and difficult aspects of this translation process.


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La tesi è dedicata a una riflessione sugli adattamenti, in particolare al rapporto tra letteratura e cinema e alla costruzione di narrazioni che si rivolgono a pubblici transnazionali, caratteristiche dell'età globale. Nello specifico si analizzano prodotti audiovisivi e letterari Young Adult contemporanei. Tali opere sono indicative dei processi tramite i quali i prodotti culturali rielaborano aspetti problematici del processo di crescita. Lo studio si concentrerà dunque sull'idea di narrazione Young Adult come esempio di collaborazione virtuosa fra testi letterari e adattamenti cinematografici. Nonostante i limiti e le accuse di ripetitività, questi prodotti hanno offerto rappresentazioni complesse dell'identità di genere nella vita di personaggi adolescenti femminili, offrendo riflessioni sulle dinamiche sociali che investono tale identità. Infine, si è cercato di riflettere su come i consumatori, in particolare i fan, possono appropriarsi di questi contenuti narrativi per espanderli in fan fiction, fanart, video, fan film, cosplay, e una serie di altre pratiche partecipative.


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I libri e la letteratura per ragazzi sono fondamentali per la formazione, lo sviluppo e l’arricchimento dell’immaginario dei giovani lettori, costituendo peraltro un mercato in crescita nell’editoria di paesi come l’Italia. In tale quadro, la traduzione svolge un ruolo cruciale nel permettere a bambini, ragazzi, adolescenti e giovani adulti di incontrare l’estraneo e stabilire un contatto con altre culture. Tuttavia, la letteratura giovanile, che nel corso della propria storia si è evoluta fino a divenire l’arte complessa e sofisticata che è oggi, pone chi traduce di fronte a una serie di questioni teoriche, meccanismi editoriali e sfide traduttive che la distinguono dalla letteratura per adulti e sembrano meritare un approfondimento. Inserita in questo contesto, la letteratura Young Adult si rivolge ai lettori che si collocano tra l’infanzia e l’età adulta, cercando di rispondere a necessità e aspettative di un pubblico esigente e di difficile definizione. Se la sua storia, iniziata negli Stati Uniti del dopoguerra, è stata descritta da numerosi studiosi, le specificità della letteratura Young Adult e soprattutto le loro ripercussioni sull’aspetto traduttivo sembrano rappresentare un campo d’indagine per certi versi inesplorato in ambito accademico. Nel presente elaborato si propone dunque la traduzione parziale dall’inglese all’italiano del romanzo storico per giovani adulti The House of One Thousand Eyes, dell’autrice canadese Michelle Barker, nel tentativo di gettare luce non solo sulle caratteristiche specifiche del testo in esame, ma anche sulle questioni traduttive relative alla categoria Young Adult. La proposta di traduzione è accompagnata da un commento che illustra strategie e scelte applicate nel processo traduttivo, ed è preceduta da due capitoli che approfondiscono la storia della letteratura per ragazzi e il ruolo del traduttore letterario che si confronta con essa.


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This study provides a retrospective review from the forensic files of the University Centre of Legal Medicine in Western Switzerland in Geneva, from January 1956 to December 2005. The studied homicide-suicide cases cover a period of half a century (50 years). As a rule, all police-ordered forensic examinations of violent death cases in the Canton of Geneva are conducted by the University Centre of Legal Medicine. All of the data necessary for an exhaustive retrospective study are thus readily available. During the period covered in this work, 228 homicides were perpetrated in Geneva. In 23 cases, the homicide was followed by the suicide of the aggressor. The 34 victims of these homicides (18 women, 1 man and 15 children) had either an intimate or filial relationship with the perpetrator. Most of the suicidal perpetrators were men that killed their spouses or intimate partners, with children as additional victims in some cases. Shooting was the most common means to kill, followed by stabbing. The majority of the victims and perpetrators were Swiss nationals. This retrospective study shows that in the last 50 years, homicide-suicide cases in the Canton of Geneva have been a rare and an episodic phenomena with a very variable frequency from 1 year to another.


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UNLABELLED: The aim of this study was to compare perceived barriers to and the most preferred age for successful transition to adult health care between young people with chronic disorders who had not yet transferred from pediatric to adult health care (pre-transfer) and those who had already transferred (post-transfer). In a cross-sectional study, we compared 283 pre-transfer with 89 post-transfer young people, using a 28-item questionnaire that focused on perceived barriers to transition and beliefs about the most preferred age to transfer. Feeling at ease with the pediatrician was the most important barrier to successful transition in both groups, but was rated significantly higher in the pre-transfer compared to the post-transfer group (OR = 2.03, 95 %CI 1.12-3.71). Anxiety and lack of information were the next most important barriers, rated equally highly by the two groups (OR = 0.67, 95 %CI 0.35-1.28 and OR = 0.71, 95 %CI 0.36-1.38, respectively). More than 80 % of the respondents in both groups reported that 16-19 years was the most preferred age to transfer; more than half of all the respondents reported 18-19 years and older as the most preferred age. CONCLUSION: Better transition planning through the provision of regular and more detailed information about adult health-care providers and the transition process could reduce anxiety and contribute to a more positive attitude to overcome perceived barriers to transition from young people's perspective. Young people's preferences about transferring to adult health care provide a challenge to those children's hospitals that transfer to adult health care at a younger age.


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Aging is known to have a degrading influence on many structures and functions of the human sensorimotor system. The present work assessed aging-related changes in postural sway using fractal and complexity measures of the center of pressure (COP) dynamics with the hypothesis that complexity and fractality decreases in the older individuals. Older subjects (68 +/- 4 years) and young adult subjects (28 +/- 7 years) performed a quiet stance task (60 s) and a prolonged standing task (30 min) where subjects were allowed to move freely. Long-range correlations (fractality) of the data were estimated by the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA); changes in entropy were estimated by the multi-scale entropy (MSE) measure. The DFA results showed that the fractal dimension was lower for the older subjects in comparison to the young adults but the fractal dimensions of both groups were not different from a 1/f noise, for time intervals between 10 and 600 s. The MSE analysis performed with the typically applied adjustment to the criterion distance showed a higher degree of complexity in the older subjects, which is inconsistent with the hypothesis that complexity in the human physiological system decreases with aging. The same MSE analysis performed without adjustment showed no differences between the groups. Taken all results together, the decrease in total postural sway and long-range correlations in older individuals are signs of an adaptation process reflecting the diminishing ability to generate adequate responses on a longer time scale.


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The present study examined the relative importance of outcome expectancies and self-efficacy [1] in the prediction of alcohol dependence [2] and alcohol consumption in a sample of young adult drinkers drawn from a milieu previously reported as supportive of risky drinking. In predicting alcohol dependence, outcome expectancies were found to mediate self-efficacy and the same pattern was found for both males and females. This suggests that male and female drinkers may become more similar as they progress along the drinking continuum from risky drinking to dependent drinking. However, in women, in comparison to men, a greater array of expectancies and self-efficacy scales were found to predict heavy drinking, as measured by quantity and frequency. These results suggest that heavy drinking women are particularly at risk of developing drinking related complications and that preventative education needs to take into account gender differences.


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Purpose: To examine age-related differences in the physical activity behaviors of young adults. Methods: We examined rates of participation in vigorous- and moderate-intensity leisure-time activity and walking, as well as an index of physical activity sufficient for health benefits in three Australian cross-sectional samples, for the age ranges of 18-19, 20-24, and 25-29 yr. Data were collected in 1991, 1996, and 1997/8. Results: There was at least a 15% difference in vigorous-intensity leisure-time physical activity from the 18-19 yr to the 25-29 yr age groups, and at least a 10% difference in moderate-intensity leisure-time physical activity. For the index of sufficient activity there was a difference between 9 and 21% across age groups. Differences in rates of walking were less than 8%. For all age groups, males had higher rates of participation for vigorous and moderate-intensity activity than did females, bur females had much higher rates of participation in walking than males. Age-associated differences in activity levels were more apparent for males. Conclusions: Promoting walking and various forms of moderate-intensity physical activities to young adult males, and encouraging young adult females to adopt other forms of moderate-intensity activity to complement walking may help to ameliorate decreases in physical activity over the adult lifespan.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of various attitude-behavior theories in explaining alcohol use among young adults. The theory of reasoned action (TRA), the theory of planned behavior and an extension of the TRA that incorporates past behavior were compared by the method of maximum-likelihood estimation, as implemented in LISREL for Windows 8.12. Method: Respondents consisted of 122 university students (82 female) who were questioned about their attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, past behavior and intentions relating to drinking behavior. Students received course credit for their participation in the research. Results: Overall, the results suggest that the extension of the theory of reasoned action which incorporates past behavior provides the best fit to the data. For these young adults, their intentions to drink alcohol were predicted by their past behavior as well as their perceptions of what important others think they should do (subjective norm). Conclusions: The main conclusions drawn from the research concern the importance of focusing on normative influences and past behavior in explaining young adult alcohol use. Issues regarding the relative merit of various alternative models and the need for greater clarity in the measure of attitudes are also discussed.