784 resultados para Young and adult education
Chapter in Merrill, Barbara (ed.) (2009) Learning to Change? The Role of Identity and Learning Careers in Adult Education. Hamburg: Peter Lang Publishers. URL: http://www.peterlang.com/ index.cfm?vID=58279&vLang=E&vHR=1&vUR=2&vUUR=1
This doctoral study was an exploration of the qualitatively different ways in which undereducated adults (at or below a high school level of formal education) reported their experiences of participation in adult education and training (AET) programmes offered by publicly funded school boards or their arms-length affiliate in the province of Ontario. In light of a low participation rate in the Canadian AET system by undereducated adults, the rationale was to examine whether or not AET programmes are meeting the needs of undereducated adults beyond a narrow focus on an instrumental approach associated with human capital development. This study was located in a theoretical framework consisting of (a) learning theory, (b) motivations for participation, (c) general barriers to participation, (d) structural barriers to participation, and (e) transformative learning. The purposive sample consisted of 11 participants between the ages of 18-58 who were drawn from service providers in 4 geographic regions of Ontario. Data collection consisted of (a) demographics, (b) voice recordings from face-to-face participant interviews, (c) participant weekly critical incident reports, and (d) researcher reflexive journal notes. Data were analyzed in accordance with a phenomenographic approach within a constructivist/interpretivist research paradigm. Findings revealed 4 qualitatively different ways in which undereducated adult learners reported their experiences of participation in AET and were reported as the voice of (a) security, (b) engagement, (c) relationship, and (d) competency. Implications to theory and practice and to further inquiry were outlined.
Es una lectura esencial para los profesionales del aprendizaje de adultos, estudiantes y profesionales de los recursos humanos, pues proporciona un marco teórico para la comprensión de los problemas del aprendizaje de adultos, tanto en los entornos docentes como en los lugares de trabajo. Se divide en tres partes: la primera parte estudia 'Las raíces de la andragogía', se traza el desarrollo de esta teoría y las características de los estudiantes adultos; en la segunda parte 'Los avances en el aprendizaje de adultos', se explican sus perspectivas de futuro en la investigación y la práctica y, en la última parte, 'Practica en el aprendizaje de adultos', se presentan lecturas seleccionadas que desarrollan los aspectos específicos de la andragogía en la práctica y que incluye estrategias para implementar los supuestos básicos, para adaptar el aprendizaje a las diferencias individuales, y para implementar la educación de adultos en las organizaciones. De especial interés son dos instrumentos de autoevaluación, 'the Core Competency Diagnostic and Planning Guide' y 'the Personal Adult Learning Style Inventory' que permiten al lector ponerse en camino del desarrollo personal en el aprendizaje de adultos.
Esta edición revisada y actualizada con material adicional incorpora muchos de los cambios ocurridos en el campo de la educación de adultos en los últimos años. Entre sus novedades se destacan: material sobre las implicaciones éticas y políticas del aprendizaje permanente; repercusión de la globalización y de los cambios sociales; información sobre cómo las tecnologías están afectando al aprendizaje de la gente; también se incluyen diversos enfoques sobre el conocimiento y la adquisición y evaluación de conocimientos.
Es un recurso para los profesionales que puede utilizarse como un texto de master y para cursos de nivel de doctorado en educación de adultos y educación continua. Ofrece amplios debates en las áreas de justicia social, tecnología y dimensiones globales de la educación de adultos y continua. También, establece la relación entre esta modalidad de enseñanza y cuestiones de sexo y sexualidad, raza, envejecimiento de la sociedad, clase y lugar, y discapacidad.
Clinical and experimental evidence suggest that estrogens have a major impact on cognition, presenting neurotrophic and neuroprotective actions in regions involved in such function. In opposite, some studies indicate that certain hormone therapy regimens may provoke detrimental effects over female cognitive and neurological function. Therefore, we decided to investigate how estrogen treatment would influence cognition and depression in different ages. For that matter, this study assessed the effects of chronic 17 beta-estradiol treatment over cognition and depressive-like behaviors of young (3 months old), adult (7 months old) and middle-aged (12 months old) reproductive female Wistar rats. These functions were also correlated with alterations in the serotonergic system, as well as hippocampal BDNF. 17 beta-Estradiol treatment did not influence animals' locomotor activity and exploratory behavior, but it was able to improve the performance of adult and middle-aged rats in the Morris water maze, the latter being more responsive to the treatment. Young and adult rats displayed decreased immobility time in the forced swimming test, suggesting an effect of 17 beta-estradiol also over such depressive-like behavior. This same test revealed increased swimming behavior, triggered by serotonergic pathway, in adult rats. Neurochemical evaluations indicated that 17 beta-estradiol treatment was able to increase serotonin turnover rate in the hippocampus of adult rats. Interestingly, estrogen treatment increased BDNF levels from animals of all ages. These findings support the notion that the beneficial effects of 17 beta-estradiol over spatial reference memory and depressive-like behavior are evident only when hormone therapy occurs at early ages and early stages of hormonal decline. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Because of the impact that mathematical beliefs have on an individual’s behaviour, they are generally well researched. However, little mathematical belief research has taken place in the field of adult education. This paper presents preliminary results from a study conducted in this field in Switzerland. It is based on Ernest’s (1989) description of mathematics as an instrumental, Platonist or problem solving construct. The analysis uses pictures drawn by the participants and interviews conducted with them as data. Using a categorising scheme developed by Rolka and Halverscheid (2011), the author argues that adults’ mathematical beliefs are complex and especially personal aspects are difficult to capture with said scheme. Particularly the analysis of visual data requires a more refined method of analysis.
"References" at end of each of the chapters. "Book list": p. [203]-204.
"Cooperative Research Project no. 1017."
Cover title.
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