957 resultados para YEAST-CELLS


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In higher eukaryotic cells, the spindle forms along with chromosome condensation in mitotic prophase. In metaphase, chromosomes are aligned on the spindle with sister kinetochores facing toward the opposite poles. In anaphase A, sister chromatids separate from each other without spindle extension, whereas spindle elongation takes place during anaphase B. We have critically examined whether such mitotic stages also occur in a lower eukaryote, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using the green fluorescent protein tagging technique, early mitotic to late anaphase events were observed in living fission yeast cells. S. pombe has three phases in spindle dynamics, spindle formation (phase 1), constant spindle length (phase 2), and spindle extension (phase 3). Sister centromere separation (anaphase A) rapidly occurred at the end of phase 2. The centromere showed dynamic movements throughout phase 2 as it moved back and forth and was transiently split in two before its separation, suggesting that the centromere was positioned in a bioriented manner toward the poles at metaphase. Microtubule-associating Dis1 was required for the occurrence of constant spindle length and centromere movement in phase 2. Normal transition from phase 2 to 3 needed DNA topoisomerase II and Cut1 but not Cut14. The duration of each phase was highly dependent on temperature.


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Severe heat stress causes protein denaturation in various cellular compartments. If Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells grown at 24°C are preconditioned at 37°C, proteins denatured by subsequent exposure to 48–50°C can be renatured when the cells are allowed to recover at 24°C. Conformational repair of vital proteins is essential for survival, because gene expression is transiently blocked after the thermal insult. Refolding of cytoplasmic proteins requires the Hsp104 chaperone, and refolding of lumenal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins requires the Hsp70 homologue Lhs1p. We show here that conformational repair of heat-damaged glycoproteins in the ER of living yeast cells required functional Hsp104. A heterologous enzyme and a number of natural yeast proteins, previously translocated and folded in the ER and thereafter denatured by severe heat stress, failed to be refolded to active and secretion-competent structures in the absence of Hsp104 or when an ATP-binding site of Hsp104 was mutated. During recovery at 24°C, the misfolded proteins persisted in the ER, although the secretory apparatus was fully functional. Hsp104 appears to control conformational repair of heat-damaged proteins even beyond the ER membrane.


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Sterols are major components of the plasma membrane, but their functions in this membrane are not well understood. We isolated a mutant defective in the internalization step of endocytosis in a gene (ERG2) encoding a C-8 sterol isomerase that acts in the late part of the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway. In the absence of Erg2p, yeast cells accumulate sterols structurally different from ergosterol, which is the major sterol in wild-type yeast. To investigate the structural requirements of ergosterol for endocytosis in more detail, several erg mutants (erg2Δ, erg6Δ, and erg2Δerg6Δ) were made. Analysis of fluid phase and receptor-mediated endocytosis indicates that changes in the sterol composition lead to a defect in the internalization step. Vesicle formation and fusion along the secretory pathway were not strongly affected in the ergΔ mutants. The severity of the endocytic defect correlates with changes in sterol structure and with the abundance of specific sterols in the ergΔ mutants. Desaturation of the B ring of the sterol molecules is important for the internalization step. A single desaturation at C-8,9 was not sufficient to support internalization at 37°C whereas two double bonds, either at C-5,6 and C-7,8 or at C-5,6 and C-8,9, allowed internalization.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by polyglutamine (polyQ) expansions in the huntingtin (Ht) protein. A hallmark of HD is the proteolytic production of an N-terminal fragment of Ht, containing the polyQ repeat, that forms aggregates in the nucleus and cytoplasm of affected neurons. Proteins with longer polyQ repeats aggregate more rapidly and cause disease at an earlier age, but the mechanism of aggregation and its relationship to disease remain unclear. To provide a new, genetically tractable model system for the study of Ht, we engineered yeast cells to express an N-terminal fragment of Ht with different polyQ repeat lengths of 25, 47, 72, or 103 residues, fused to green fluorescent protein. The extent of aggregation varied with the length of the polyQ repeat: at the two extremes, most HtQ103 protein coalesced into a single large cytoplasmic aggregate, whereas HtQ25 exhibited no sign of aggregation. Mutations that inhibit the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway at three different steps had no effect on the aggregation of Ht fragments in yeast, suggesting that the ubiquitination of Ht previously noted in mammalian cells may not inherently be required for polyQ length-dependent aggregation. Changing the expression levels of a wide variety of chaperone proteins in yeast neither increased nor decreased Ht aggregation. However, Sis1, Hsp70, and Hsp104 overexpression modulated aggregation of HtQ72 and HtQ103 fragments. More dramatically, the deletion of Hsp104 virtually eliminated it. These observations establish yeast as a system for studying the causes and consequences of polyQ-dependent Ht aggregation.


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The ATP-dependent Lon protease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria is required for selective proteolysis in the matrix, maintenance of mitochondrial DNA, and respiration-dependent growth. Lon may also possess a chaperone-like function that facilitates protein degradation and protein-complex assembly. To understand the influence of Lon’s ATPase and protease activities on these functions, we examined several Lon mutants for their ability to complement defects of Lon-deleted yeast cells. We also developed a rapid procedure for purifying yeast Lon to homogeneity to study the enzyme’s activities and oligomeric state. A point mutation in either the ATPase or the protease site strongly inhibited the corresponding activity of the pure protein but did not alter the protein’s oligomerization; when expressed at normal low levels neither of these mutant enzymes supported respiration-dependent growth of Lon-deleted cells. When the ATPase- or the protease-containing regions of Lon were expressed as separate truncated proteins, neither could support respiration-dependent growth of Lon-deleted cells; however, coexpression of these two separated regions sustained wild-type growth. These results suggest that yeast Lon contains two catalytic domains that can interact with one another even as separate proteins, and that both are essential for the different functions of Lon.


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In higher eukaryotes, translation of some mRNAs occurs by internal initiation. It is not known, however, whether this mechanism is used to initiate the translation of any yeast mRNAs. In this report, we identify naturally occurring nucleotide sequences that function as internal ribosome entry sites (IRESes) within the 5′ leader sequences of Saccharomyces cerevisiae YAP1 and p150 mRNAs. When tested in the 5′ untranslated regions of monocistronic reporter genes, both leader sequences enhanced translation efficiency in vegetatively growing yeast cells. Moreover, when tested in the intercistronic region of dicistronic mRNAs, both sequences were shown to contain IRESes that functioned in living cells. The activity of the p150 leader was much greater than that of the YAP1 leader. The second cistron was not expressed in control dicistronic constructs that lacked these sequences or contained the 5′ leader sequence of the CLN3 mRNA in the intercistronic region. Further analyses of the p150 IRES revealed that it contained several nonoverlapping segments that were able independently to mediate internal initiation. These results suggested a modular composition for the p150 IRES that resembled the composition of IRESes contained within some cellular mRNAs of higher eukaryotes. Both YAP1 and p150 leaders contain several complementary sequence matches to yeast 18S rRNA. The findings are discussed in terms of our understanding of internal initiation in higher eukaryotes.


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The Arp2/3 complex is implicated in actin polymerization-driven movement of Listeria monocytogenes. Here, we find that Arp2p and Arc15p, two subunits of this complex, show tight, actin-independent association with isolated yeast mitochondria. Arp2p colocalizes with mitochondria. Consistent with this result, we detect Arp2p-dependent formation of actin clouds around mitochondria in intact yeast. Cells bearing mutations in ARP2 or ARC15 genes show decreased velocities of mitochondrial movement, loss of all directed movement and defects in mitochondrial morphology. Finally, we observe a decrease in the velocity and extent of mitochondrial movement in yeast in which actin dynamics are reduced but actin cytoskeletal structure is intact. These results support the idea that the movement of mitochondria in yeast is actin polymerization driven and that this movement requires Arp2/3 complex.


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GSK3/shaggy-like genes encode kinases that are involved in a variety of biological processes. By functional complementation of the yeast calcineurin mutant strain DHT22-1a with a NaCl stress-sensitive phenotype, we isolated the Arabidopsis cDNA AtGSK1, which encodes a GSK3/shaggy-like protein kinase. AtGSK1 rescued the yeast calcineurin mutant cells from the effects of high NaCl. Also, the AtGSK1 gene turned on the transcription of the NaCl stress-inducible PMR2A gene in the calcineurin mutant cells under NaCl stress. To further define the role of AtGSK1 in the yeast cells we introduced a deletion mutation at the MCK1 gene, a yeast homolog of GSK3, and examined the phenotype of the mutant. The mck1 mutant exhibited a NaCl stress-sensitive phenotype that was rescued by AtGSK1. Also, constitutive expression of MCK1 complemented the NaCl-sensitive phenotype of the calcineurin mutants. Therefore, these results suggest that Mck1p is involved in the NaCl stress signaling in yeast and that AtGSK1 may functionally replace Mck1p in the NaCl stress response in the calcineurin mutant. To investigate the biological function of AtGSK1 in Arabidopsis we examined the expression of AtGSK1. Northern-blot analysis revealed that the expression is differentially regulated in various tissues with a high level expression in flower tissues. In addition, the AtGSK1 expression was induced by NaCl and exogenously applied ABA but not by KCl. Taken together, these results suggest that AtGSK1 is involved in the osmotic stress response in Arabidopsis.


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The proton-pumping ATPase (H+-ATPase) of the plant plasma membrane is encoded by two major gene subfamilies. To characterize individual H+-ATPases, PMA2, an H+-ATPase isoform of tobacco (Nicotiana plumbaginifolia), was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and found to functionally replace the yeast H+-ATPase if the external pH was kept above 5.0 (A. de Kerchove d'Exaerde, P. Supply, J.P. Dufour, P. Bogaerts, D. Thinès, A. Goffeau, M. Boutry [1995] J Biol Chem 270: 23828–23837). In the present study we replaced the yeast H+-ATPase with PMA4, an H+-ATPase isoform from the second subfamily. Yeast expressing PMA4 grew at a pH as low as 4.0. This was correlated with a higher acidification of the external medium and an approximately 50% increase of ATPase activity compared with PMA2. Although both PMA2 and PMA4 had a similar pH optimum (6.6–6.8), the profile was different on the alkaline side. At pH 7.2 PMA2 kept more than 80% of the maximal activity, whereas that of PMA4 decreased to less than 40%. Both enzymes were stimulated up to 3-fold by 100 μg/mL lysophosphatidylcholine, but this stimulation vanished at a higher concentration in PMA4. These data demonstrate functional differences between two plant H+-ATPases expressed in the same heterologous host. Characterization of two PMA4 mutants selected to allow yeast growth at pH 3.0 revealed that mutations within the carboxy-terminal region of PMA4 could still improve the enzyme, resulting in better growth of yeast cells.


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Yeast cells lacking a functional p24 complex accumulate a subset of secretory proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and increase the extracellular secretion of HDEL-containing ER residents such as Kar2p/BiP. We report that a loss of p24 function causes activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) and leads to increased KAR2 expression. The HDEL receptor (Erd2p) is functional and traffics in p24 deletion strains as in wild-type strains, however the capacity of the retrieval pathway is exceeded. Other conditions that activate the UPR and elevate KAR2 expression also lead to extracellular secretion of Kar2p. Using an in vitro assay that reconstitutes budding from the ER, we detect elevated levels of Kar2p in ER-derived vesicles from p24 deletion strains and from wild-type strains with an activated UPR. Silencing the UPR by IRE1 deletion diminished Kar2p secretion under these conditions. We suggest that activation of the UPR plays a major role in extracellular secretion of Kar2p.


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Gga proteins represent a newly recognized, evolutionarily conserved protein family with homology to the “ear” domain of the clathrin adaptor AP-1 γ subunit. Yeast cells contain two Gga proteins, Gga1p and Gga2p, that have been proposed to act in transport between the trans-Golgi network and endosomes. Here we provide genetic and physical evidence that yeast Gga proteins function in trans-Golgi network clathrin coats. Deletion of Gga2p (gga2Δ), the major Gga protein, accentuates growth and α-factor maturation defects in cells carrying a temperature-sensitive allele of the clathrin heavy chain gene. Cells carrying either gga2Δ or a deletion of the AP-1 β subunit gene (apl2Δ) alone are phenotypically normal, but cells carrying both gga2Δ and apl2Δ are defective in growth, α-factor maturation, and transport of carboxypeptidase S to the vacuole. Disruption of both GGA genes and APL2 results in cells so severely compromised in growth that they form only microcolonies. Gga proteins can bind clathrin in vitro and cofractionate with clathrin-coated vesicles. Our results indicate that yeast Gga proteins play an important role in cargo-selective clathrin-mediated protein traffic from the trans-Golgi network to endosomes.


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We expressed the 52-kDa integral membrane domain (B3mem) of the human erythrocyte anion transporter (band 3; AE1) in a protease-deficient strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the control of the inducible GAL10-CYC1 promoter. Immunoblots of total protein from transformed yeast cells confirmed that the B3mem polypeptide was overexpressed shortly after induction with galactose. Cell surface expression of the functional anion transporter was detected by using a simple transport assay to measure stilbene disulfonate-inhibitable chloride influx into intact yeast cells. The B3mem polypeptide was recycled and degraded by the cells with a half-life of approximately 1-3 hr, which led to a steady-state level of expression in exponentially growing cultures. Our data suggest that 5-10% of total B3mem is functionally active at the cell surface at any one time and that overexpression of this anion transport protein does not interfere with cell growth or survival. This is one of only a few reports of the functional expression of a plasma membrane transport protein in the plasma membrane of yeast cells and to our knowledge is the first report of red cell band 3-mediated anion transport at the plasma membrane of cDNA-transformed cells. The cell surface expression system we describe will provide a simple means for future study of the functional properties of band 3 by using site-directed mutagenesis.


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A Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain with a disrupted yeast cadmium resistance factor (YCF1) gene (DTY168) is hypersensitive to cadmium. YCF1 resembles the human multidrug resistance-associated protein MRP (63% amino acid similarity), which confers resistance to various cytotoxic drugs by lowering the intracellular drug concentration. Whereas the mechanism of action of YCF1 is not known, MRP was recently found to transport glutathione S-conjugates across membranes. Here we show that expression of the human MRP cDNA in yeast mutant DTY168 cells restores cadmium resistance to the wild-type level. Transport of S-(2,4-dinitrobenzene)-glutathione into isolated yeast microsomal vesicles is strongly reduced in the DTY168 mutant and this transport is restored to wild-type level in mutant cells expressing MRP cDNA. We find in cell fractionation experiments that YCF1 is mainly localized in the vacuolar membrane in yeast, whereas MRP is associated both with the vacuolar membrane and with other internal membranes in the transformed yeast cells. Our results indicate that yeast YCF1 is a glutathione S-conjugate pump, like MRP, and they raise the possibility that the cadmium resistance in yeast involves cotransport of cadmium with glutathione derivatives.


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The yeast two-hybrid system was used to isolate a clone from a 17-day-old mouse embryo cDNA library that codes for a novel 812-aa long protein fragment, glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1 (GRIP1), that can interact with the hormone binding domain (HBD) of the glucocorticoid receptor. In the yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro, GRIP1 interacted with the HBDs of the glucocorticoid, estrogen, and androgen receptors in a hormone-regulated manner. When fused to the DNA binding domain of a heterologous protein, the GRIP1 fragment activated a reporter gene containing a suitable enhancer site in yeast cells and in mammalian cells, indicating that GRIP1 contains a transcriptional activation domain. Overexpression of the GRIP1 fragment in mammalian cells interfered with hormone-regulated expression of mouse mammary tumor virus-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene and constitutive expression of cytomegalovirus-beta-galactosidase reporter gene, but not constitutive expression from a tRNA gene promoter. This selective squelching activity suggests that GRIM can interact with an essential component of the RNA polymerase II transcription machinery. Finally, while a steroid receptor HBD fused with a GAL4 DNA binding domain did not, by itself, activate transcription of a reporter gene in yeast, coexpression of this fusion protein with GRIP1 strongly activated the reporter gene. Thus, in yeast, GRIP1 can serve as a coactivator, potentiating the transactivation functions in steroid receptor HBDs, possibly by acting as a bridge between HBDs of the receptors and the basal transcription machinery.


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A novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant, unable to grow in the presence of 12.5 mM EGTA, was isolated by replica plating. The phenotype of the mutant is caused by a single amino acid change (Gly149 to Arg) in the essential yeast gene CDC1. The mutant could be suppressed by overexpression of the SMF1 gene, which was isolated as an extragenic high-copy suppressor. The SMF1 gene codes for a highly hydrophobic protein and its deletion renders the yeast cells sensitive to low manganese concentration. In accordance with this observation, the smf1 null mutant exhibits reduced Mn2+ uptake at micromolar concentrations. Using a specific antibody, we demonstrated that Smf1p is located in the yeast plasma membrane. These results suggest that Smf1p is involved in high-affinity Mn2+ uptake. This assumption was also tested by overexpressing the SMF1 gene in the temperature-sensitive mutant of the mitochondrial processing peptidase (MAS1). SMF1 overexpression as well as addition of 1 mM Mn2+ to the growth medium complemented this mutation. This also suggests that in vivo Mas1p is a manganese-dependent peptidase. The yeast Smf1p resembles a protein from Drosophila and mammalian macrophages. The latter was implicated in conferring resistance to mycobacteria. A connection between Mn2+ transport and resistance or sensitivity to mycobacteria is discussed.