973 resultados para Xy Spin Chains


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Monte Carlo Simulations were carried out using a nearest neighbour ferromagnetic XYmodel, on both 2-D and 3-D quasi-periodic lattices. In the case of 2-D, both the unfrustrated and frustrated XV-model were studied. For the unfrustrated 2-D XV-model, we have examined the magnetization, specific heat, linear susceptibility, helicity modulus and the derivative of the helicity modulus with respect to inverse temperature. The behaviour of all these quatities point to a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition occuring in temperature range Te == (1.0 -1.05) JlkB and with critical exponents that are consistent with previous results (obtained for crystalline lattices) . However, in the frustrated case, analysis of the spin glass susceptibility and EdwardsAnderson order parameter, in addition to the magnetization, specific heat and linear susceptibility, support a spin glass transition. In the case where the 'thin' rhombus is fully frustrated, a freezing transition occurs at Tf == 0.137 JlkB , which contradicts previous work suggesting the critical dimension of spin glasses to be de > 2 . In the 3-D systems, examination of the magnetization, specific heat and linear susceptibility reveal a conventional second order phase transition. Through a cumulant analysis and finite size scaling, a critical temperature of Te == (2.292 ± 0.003) JI kB and critical exponents of 0:' == 0.03 ± 0.03, f3 == 0.30 ± 0.01 and I == 1.31 ± 0.02 have been obtained.


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A theoretical density-functional study has been carried out to analyze the exchange coupling in the chains of CuGeO3 using discrete models. The results show a good agreement with the experimental exchange coupling constant (J) together with a strong dependence of J with the Cu-O-Cu angle. The calculation of the J values for a distorted model indicates a larger degree of dimerization than those reported previously.


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The derivation of time evolution equations for slow collective variables starting from a micro- scopic model system is demonstrated for the tutorial example of the classical, two-dimensional XY model. Projection operator techniques are used within a nonequilibrium thermodynamics framework together with molecular simulations in order to establish the building blocks of the hydrodynamics equations: Poisson brackets that determine the deterministic drift, the driving forces from the macroscopic free energy and the friction matrix. The approach is rather general and can be applied for deriving the equations of slow variables for a broad variety of systems.


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One pair of reactants, Cu(hfac)(2) = M and the hinge-flexible radical ligand 5-(3-N-tert-butyl-N-aminoxylphenyl)pyrimidine (3PPN = L), yields a diverse set of five coordination complexes: a cyclic loop M(2)L(1) dimer; a 1:1 cocrystal between an M(2)L(2) loop and an ML(2) fragment; a ID chain of M(2)L(2) loops linked by M; two 2D M(3)L(2) networks of (M-L)(n) chains crosslinked by M with different repeat length pitches; a 3D M(3)L(2) network of M(2)L(2) loops cross-linking (M-L)(n)-type chains with connectivity different from those in the 2D networks. Most of the higher dimensional complexes exhibit reversible, temperature-dependent spin-state conversion of high-temperature paramagnetic states to lower magnetic moment states having antiferromagnetic exchange within Cu-ON bonds upon cooling, with accompanying bond contraction. The 3D complex also exhibited antiferromagnetic exchange between Cu(II) ions linked in chains through pyrimidine rings.


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We investigate the spin Hall conductivity sigma (xy) (z) of a clean 2D electron gas formed in a two-subband well. We determine sigma (xy) (z) as arising from the inter-subband induced spin-orbit (SO) coupling eta (Calsaverini et al., Phys. Rev. B 78:155313, 2008) via a linear-response approach due to Rashba. By self-consistently calculating eta for realistic wells, we find that sigma (xy) (z) presents a non-monotonic (and non-universal) behavior and a sign change as the Fermi energy varies between the subband edges. Although our sigma (xy) (z) is very small (i.e., a parts per thousand(a)`` e/4 pi aEuro(3)), it is non-zero as opposed to linear-in-k SO models.


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Ground-state energies for anti ferromagnetic Heisenberg models with exchange anisotropy are estimated by means of a local-spin approximation made in the context of the density functional theory. Correlation energy is obtained using the non-linear spin-wave theory for homogeneous systems from which the spin functional is built. Although applicable to chains of any size, the results are shown for small number of sites, to exhibit finite-size effects and allow comparison with exact-numerical data from direct diagonalization of small chains. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Measurements of H-1 and C-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) for the nano-composite materials formed by the intercalation of hexadecylamine (HDA) in metal oxides (TiO2, V2O5 and MoO3), are reported. The H-1 NMR spin-lattice relaxation in the rotating frame was described by using the spectral density due to Davidson and Cole, which incorporates a distribution of correlation times characterized by a width parameter epsilon. The fitting of the data was obtained for epsilon = 0.74, indicating that the correlation times are distributed over a narrow range in this system. High-resolution C-13 NMR techniques were used to resolve the NMR lines of middle-chain methylene groups in the spectra and variable contact time cross-polarization {H-1-}C-13 experiments were employed to analyze the reorientation dynamics of the CH3 and CH2 groups in the HDA chains.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The temperature dependencies of specific heat and spin susceptibility of a coupled dx2-y2 + idxy superconductor in the presence of a weak dxy component are investigated in the tight-binding model (1) on square lattice and (2) on a lattice with orthorhombic distortion. As the temperature is lowered past the critical temperature Tc, first a less ordered dx2-y2 superconductor is created, which changes to a more ordered dx2-y2 + idxy superconductor at Tcl(< Tc). This manifests in two second order phase transitions identified by two jumps in specific heat at Tc and Tc1. The temperature dependencies of the superconducting observables exhibit a change from power-law to exponential behavior as temperature is lowered below Tc1 and confirm the new phase transition. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study we systematically investigated how the solvent composition used for polymer dissolution affects the porous structures of spin-coated polymers films. Cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) and poly(methylmethacrylate) with low(PMMA-L) and high (PMMA-H) molecular weights were dissolved in mixtures of acetone (AC) and ethyl acetate (EA) at constant polymer concentration of 10 g/L The films were spin-coated at a relative air humidity of 55+/-5%, their thickness and index of refraction were determined by means of ellipsometry and their morphology was analyzed by atomic force microscopy. The dimensions and frequency of nanocavities on polymer films increased with the acetone content (phi(AC)) in the solvent mixture and decreased with increasing polymer molecular weight. Consequently, as the void content increased in the films, their apparent thicknesses increased and their indices of refraction decreased, creating low-cost anti-reflection surface. The void depth was larger for PMMA-L than for CAB. This effect was attributed to different activities of EA and AC in CAB or PMMA-L solution, the larger mobility of chains and the lower polarity of PMMA-L in comparison to CAB. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We study the charge dynamic structure factor of the one-dimensional Hubbard model with finite on-site repulsion U at half-filling. Numerical results from the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group are analyzed by comparison with the exact spectrum of the model. The evolution of the line shape as a function of U is explained in terms of a relative transfer of spectral weight between the two-holon continuum that dominates in the limit U -> infinity and a subset of the two-holon-two-spinon continuum that reconstructs the electron-hole continuum in the limit U -> 0. Power-law singularities along boundary lines of the spectrum are described by effective impurity models that are explicitly invariant under spin and eta-spin SU(2) rotations. The Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition is reflected in a discontinuous change of the exponents of edge singularities at U = 0. The sharp feature observed in the spectrum for momenta near the zone boundary is attributed to a van Hove singularity that persists as a consequence of integrability.


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Using the density matrix renormalization group, we calculated the finite-size corrections of the entanglement alpha-Renyi entropy of a single interval for several critical quantum chains. We considered models with U(1) symmetry such as the spin-1/2 XXZ and spin-1 Fateev-Zamolodchikov models, as well as models with discrete symmetries such as the Ising, the Blume-Capel, and the three-state Potts models. These corrections contain physically relevant information. Their amplitudes, which depend on the value of a, are related to the dimensions of operators in the conformal field theory governing the long-distance correlations of the critical quantum chains. The obtained results together with earlier exact and numerical ones allow us to formulate some general conjectures about the operator responsible for the leading finite-size correction of the alpha-Renyi entropies. We conjecture that the exponent of the leading finite-size correction of the alpha-Renyi entropies is p(alpha) = 2X(epsilon)/alpha for alpha > 1 and p(1) = nu, where X-epsilon denotes the dimensions of the energy operator of the model and nu = 2 for all the models.


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The spin-1 anisotropic antiferromagnet NiCl2-4SC(NH2)(2) exhibits a field-induced quantum phase transition that is formally analogous to Bose-Einstein condensation. Here we present results of systematic high-field electron spin resonance (ESR) experimental and theoretical studies of this compound with a special emphasis on single-ion two-magnon bound states. In order to clarify some remaining discrepancies between theory and experiment, the frequency-field dependence of magnetic excitations in this material is reanalyzed. In particular, a more comprehensive interpretation of the experimental signature of single-ion two-magnon bound states is shown to be fully consistent with theoretical results. We also clarify the structure of the ESR spectrum in the so-called intermediate phase.


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We consider the Shannon mutual information of subsystems of critical quantum chains in their ground states. Our results indicate a universal leading behavior for large subsystem sizes. Moreover, as happens with the entanglement entropy, its finite-size behavior yields the conformal anomaly c of the underlying conformal field theory governing the long-distance physics of the quantum chain. We study analytically a chain of coupled harmonic oscillators and numerically the Q-state Potts models (Q = 2, 3, and 4), the XXZ quantum chain, and the spin-1 Fateev-Zamolodchikov model. The Shannon mutual information is a quantity easily computed, and our results indicate that for relatively small lattice sizes, its finite-size behavior already detects the universality class of quantum critical behavior.


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We present the experimental phase diagram of LiHoxEr1-xF4, a dilution series of dipolar-coupled model magnets. The phase diagram was determined using a combination of ac susceptibility and neutron scattering. Three unique phases in addition to the Ising ferromagnet LiHoF4 and the XY antiferromagnet LiErF4 have been identified. Below x = 0.86, an embedded spin-glass phase is observed, where a spin glass exists within the ferromagnetic structure. Below x = 0.57, an Ising spin glass is observed consisting of frozen needlelike clusters. For x ∼ 0.3–0.1, an antiferromagnetically coupled spin glass occurs. A reduction of TC(x) for the ferromagnet is observed which disobeys the mean-field predictions that worked for LiHoxY1-xF4.