940 resultados para Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli
Visando detectar Clavibacter michiganense subsp. michiganense (Cm) e Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) em sementes de tomate, duas técnicas foram comparadas: meio semi-seletivo e planta indicadora. Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados: soluções extratoras de Cm e Xcv de sementes inteiras e moídas, especificidade e sensibilidade. Os resultados mostraram que os meios semi-seletivos MB1M (MB1 + telurito de potássio, ácido borico e benomil) e TAM (peptona, brometo de potássio, cloreto de cálcio, agar + Tween 80, cefalexina e clorotalonil), foram mais eficientes para detecção de Cm e Xcv, a partir de sementes moídas em tampão fosfato do que os meios disponíveis e, apresentaram maior especificidade e sensibilidade, detectando 10(2) - 10(3) ufc/ml de Cme Xcv em comparacao a 10(3) - 10(4) ufc/ml da inoculação em plântulas de tomateiro (cvs. Angela Gigante e Santa Cruz).
El presente trabajo es el resultado de un diagnóstico realizado en el municipio de Nueva Guinea, Zelaya Central, en la época de apante (1994-1995). El estudio fue dirigido a los factores biológicos que afectan la producción de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) principalmente plagas, enfermedades y malezas. El estudio abarcó nueve colonias y 14 productores del municipio de Nueva Guinea. Los resultados muestran que el principal problema de plagas es la babosa Vaginulus plebeius Fisher. Las medias de control contra las plagas están enfocadas al manejo de la especie en mención. Referente a las malezas se observó predominancia de malezas de hoja fina tales como retumbo Rottboellia cochinchinenesís (Lour) Clayton, zacate guinea Panicum maximun Jacq., retana Ischaemun ciliari Salisb y el zacate gallina Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Las malezas de hoja ancha se presentaron en menor proporción, sobresaliendo la especie batatilla o campanila lpomoea tilliaceae (Wild) Choisy. La diversidad de las malezas es mayor en labranza convencional. la menor cantidad de especies de malezas se encontró en la labranza mínima. Las enfermedades de mayor relevancia son la antracnosis Colletotríchum lindemutianum ( Sacc & Magnus ) BCMV (virus del mosaíco común del frijol) y bacteriosis común del frijol Xanthomonas campestris pv phaseoli ( Smith ) Dye. La escasa precipitación durante el período del estudio probablemente influyó en que las enfermedades fungosas no se manifestaran en los lotes muestreados. El análisis económico muestra que la producción de frijol común en Nueva Guinea no fue rentable en el ciclo estudiado.
En la Estación Experimental La Compañía, Carazo, en el ciclo de primera de 1997, se realizó un estudio de caracterización y ensayo de rendimiento de 19 genotipos de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L) de variedades comerciales, líneas promisorias y élites seleccionadas por el Sub Programa Nacional de Frijol. La caracterización se en marcó en un ensayo de rendimiento con parcelas distribuidas en un arreglo de B.C.A. con 4 repeticiones de 6 surcos y 5 m de longitud donde se seleccionaron 10 plantas por repetición. Para la caracterización se tomaron datos de 33 caracteres cualitativos y cuantitativos utilizando la metodología descrita por el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) con algunas modificaciones, y otras variables fenológicas (vegetativa y reproductiva) y evaluación de enfermedades. Para los caracteres cuantitativos se reportan la media, valores mínimo, máximo y desviación estándar, coeficiente de variación, para rendimiento y variables relacionadas correlaciones de pearson y para caracteres cualitativos la moda estadística. El ensayo de rendimiento indica que hay diferencia significativa entre tratamientos Pr= O.0001 y un CV = 11.37 porciento. Se presentaron 6 categorías estadísticas según Tukey al 95 por ciento, el mayor rendimiento promedio fue obtenido por la línea Dor 576 con 1906.2 kg/ha y el menor por el testigo Estelí 150 con 1036.5 kg/ha. El testigo Dor 364 con rendimiento de 1635.4 kg/ha no fue superado estadísticamente por ninguno de los genotipos evaluados; de forma numérica es superado por 4 genotipos, 16 tratamientos presentaron un comportamiento estadísticamente similar a este testigo. El testigo Estelí 90A fue superado estadísticamente por los genotipos Dor 576 y Dor 531 y numéricamente por 15 líneas. El testigo Estelí 150 es superado estadísticamente por 11 tratamientos y numéricamente por 18 líneas. Se elaboró un catálogo descriptivo para los 19 genotipos estudiados, siguiendo los procedimientos internacionales de ordenamiento y codificación propuestas por el Consejo Internacional de Recursos Fito genéticos (IBPGR 1982) ver anexos. En la evaluación de enfermedades la línea Eap-4 presentó la menor severidad a la enfermedad presente, bacteriosis (Xanthomonas campestri pv phaseoli)(Smith)Dye.
Doenças causadas por fungos: Antracnose (Colletotrichum truncatum), Cancro da haste (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. meridionalis e D. phaseolorum var. caulivora), Crestamento foliar de cercóspora e mancha púrpura (Cercospora kikuchii), Ferrugem (Phakopsora pachyrhizi e P. meibomiae), Mancha alvo e podridão radicular de corinéspora (Corynespora cassiicola), Mancha foliar de ascoquita (Ascochyta sojae), Mancha foliar de mirotécio (Myrothecium roridum), Mancha olho-de-rã (Cercospora sojina), Mancha parda (Septoria glycines), Mela ou requeima (Rhizoctonia solani AG1), Míldio (Peronospora manshurica), Tombamento e morte em reboleira de rizoctonia (Rhizoctonia solani), Tombamento e murcha de esclerócio (Sclerotium rolfsii), Oídio (Erysiphe diffusa), Podridão branca da haste (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), Podridão de carvão da raiz (Macrophomina phaseolina), Podridão parda da haste (Cadophora gregata), Podridão radicular de roselínia (Rosellinia necatrix), Seca da haste e da vagem (Phomopsis spp.), Podridão radicular de fitóftora (Phytophthora sojae), Podridão vermelha da raiz (Fusarium spp.). Doenças causadas por bactérias: Crestamento bacteriano (Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. glycinea), Fogo Selvagem (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci), Pústula bacteriana (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines). Doenças causadas por vírus: Mosaico cálico (Alfalfa Mosaic Virus - AMV), Mosqueado do feijão (Bean Pod Mottle Virus - BPMV), Mosaico comum da soja (Soybean Mosaic Virus - SMV), Necrose da haste (Cowpea Mild Mottle Virus - CPMMV), Queima do broto (Tobacco Streak Virus - TSV). Doenças causadas por nematóides: Nematóide de cisto (Heterodera glycines), Nematóides de galhas (Meloidogyne incognita e M. javanica), Nematóide das lesões (Pratylenchus spp.), Nematóide reniforme (Rotylenchulus reniformis). Estádios de desenvolvimento da soja.
Lateral gene transfer (LGT) is considered as one of the drivers in bacterial genome evolution, usually associated with increased fitness and/or changes in behavior, especially if one considers pathogenic vs. non-pathogenic bacterial groups. The genomes of two phytopathogens, Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, were previously inspected for genome islands originating from LGT events, and, in this work, potentially early and late LGT events were identified according to their altered nucleotide composition. The biological role of the islands was also assessed, and pathogenicity, virulence and secondary metabolism pathways were functions highly represented, especially in islands that were found to be recently transferred. However, old islands are composed of a high proportion of genes related to cell primary metabolic functions. These old islands, normally undetected by traditional atypical composition analysis, but confirmed as product of LGT by atypical phylogenetic reconstruction, reveal the role of LGT events by replacing core metabolic genes normally inherited by vertical processes.
The PilZ protein was originally identified as necessary for type IV pilus (T4P) biogenesis. Since then, a large and diverse family of bacterial PilZ homology domains have been identified, some of which have been implicated in signaling pathways that control important processes, including motility, virulence and biofilm formation. Furthermore, many PilZ homology domains, though not PilZ itself, have been shown to bind the important bacterial second messenger bis(3`-> 5`)cyclic diGMP (c-diGMP). The crystal structures of the PilZ orthologs from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv Citri (PilZ(XAC1133), this work) and from Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris (XC1028) present significant structural differences to other PilZ homologs that explain its failure to bind c-diGMP. NMR analysis of PilZ(XAC1133) shows that these structural differences are maintained in solution. In spite of their emerging importance in bacterial signaling, the means by which NZ proteins regulate specific processes is not clear. In this study, we show that PilZ(XAC1133) binds to PilB, an ATPase required for TV polymerization, and to the EAL domain of FiMX(XAC2398), which regulates TV biogenesis and localization in other bacterial species. These interactions were confirmed in NMR, two-hybrid and far-Western blot assays and are the first interactions observed between any PilZ domain and a target protein. While we were unable to detect phosphodiesterase activity for FimXX(AC2398) in vitro, we show that it binds c-diGMP both in the presence and in the absence of PilZ(XAC1133). Site-directed mutagenesis studies for conserved and exposed residues suggest that PilZ(XAC1133) interactions with FimX(XAC2398) and PilB(XAC3239) are mediated through a hydrophobic surface and an unstructured C-terminal extension conserved only in PilZ orthologs. The FimX-PilZ-PilB interactions involve a full set of ""degenerate"" GGDEF, EAL and PilZ domains and provide the first evidence of the means by which PilZ orthologs and FimX interact directly with the TP4 machinery. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar o desenvolvimento de portaenxertos de citros Poncirus trifoliata, índices de ataque de cancro cítrico causado por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri e controle dessa doença com pulverizações cúpricas em dois viveiros, um convencional e outro orgânico, artificialmente inoculados, no Centro de Formação da EMATER, situado no município de Montenegro/RS, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para controle do cancro cítrico foram testadas pulverizações cúpricas em diferentes concentrações e freqüências utilizando-se calda bordalesa no viveiro orgânico e oxicloreto de cobre no viveiro convencional. Foram avaliados: o crescimento do diâmetro do caule dos portaenxertos; a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e a contagem do número de lesões de cancro cítrico presentes em folhas e ramos. Com os dados obtidos foi possível verificar que os tratamentos cúpricos não controlaram o cancro cítrico; ambos os viveiros, convencional e orgânico proporcionaram desenvolvimento semelhante aos porta-enxertos; e, com pequenas variações, o cancro cítrico se desenvolveu com igual intensidade nos dois viveiros.
Bothrops jararacussu myotoxin I (BthTx-I; Lys 49) and II (BthTX-II; Asp 49) were purified by ion-exchange chromatography and reverse phase HPLC. In this work we used the isolated perfused rat kidney method to evaluate the renal effects of B. jararacussu myotoxins I (Lys49 PLA(2)) and II (Asp49 PLA(2)) and their possible blockage by indomethacin. BthTX-1 (5 mu g/ml) and BthTX-II (5 mu g/ml) increased perfusion pressure (PP; ct(120) = 110.28+/-3.70 mmHg; BthTX I = 171.28+/-6.30* mmHg; BthTX II = 175.50+/-7.20* mmHg), renal vascular resistance (RVR; ct(120) = 5.49+/-0.54 mmHg/ml.g(-1) min(-1); BthTX I = 8.62+/-0.37* mmHg/ml g(-1) min(-1); BthTX II=8.9+/-0.36* mmHg/ml g(-1) min(-1)), urinary flow (UF; ct(120)= 0.14+/-0.01 ml g(-1) min(-1); BthTX I=0.32+/-0.05* ml g(-1) min(-1); BthTX II=0.37+/-0.01* ml g(-1) min(-1)) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR; ct(120)=0.72+/-0.10 ml g(-1) min(-1); BthTX I=0.85+/-0.13* ml g(-1) min(-1); BthTX II=1.22+/-0.28* ml g(-1) min(-1)). In contrast decreased the percent of sodium tubular transport (%TNa+; ct(120)=79,76+/-0.56; BthTX I=62.23+/-4.12*; BthTX II=70.96+/-2.93*) and percent of potassium tubular transport (%TK+;ct(120)=66.80+/-3.69; BthTX I=55.76+/-5.57*; BthTX II=50.86+/-6.16*). Indomethacin antagonized the vascular, glomerular and tubular effects promoted by BthTX I and it's partially blocked the effects of BthTX II. In this work also evaluated the antibacterial effects of BthTx-I and BthTx-II against Xanthomonas axonopodis. pv. passiflorae (Gram-negative bacteria) and we observed that both PLA2 showed antibacterial activity. Also we observed that proteins Also we observed that proteins chemically modified with 4-bromophenacyl bromide (rho-BPB) decrease significantly the antibacterial effect of both PLA(2). In conclusion, BthTx I and BthTX II caused renal alteration and presented activity antimicrobial. The indomethacin was able to antagonize totally the renal effects induced by BthTx I and partially the effects promoted by BthTx II, suggesting involvement of inflammatory mediators in the renal effects caused by myotoxins. In the other hand, other effects could be independently of the enzymatic activity of the BthTX II and the C-terminal domain could be involved in both effects promoted for PLA(2). (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O cancro cítrico, causado pela bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri Valterin et alii 1995, é uma doença conhecida mundialmente e sempre constituiu séria ameaça para a citricultura brasileira. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar as condições climáticas do Estado de São Paulo e desenvolver mapas de zonas de maior risco de epidemias de cancro cítrico. Foram utilizados dados meteorológicos referentes aos anos de 2002 a 2005, os quais foram baseados no modelo de previsão desenvolvido por Campbell & Madden (4) e Hau & Kranz (10). A freqüência dos dados foi horária e quando alguma estação apresentava falha, esses eram extrapolados da estação mais próxima. Foram contabilizados os índices de favorabilidade e posteriormente calculadas as porcentagens de dias favoráveis à ocorrência da doença no período de um ano. A partir destas informações, foram gerados os mapas temáticos do Estado de São Paulo, com a distribuição espacial da porcentagem de dias favoráveis à ocorrência de cancro cítrico. A região Noroeste do Estado foi a que apresentou a maior porcentagem de dias favoráveis à ocorrência de cancro cítrico.
Xylella fastidiosa 9a5c (XF-9a5c) and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (XAC) are bacteria that infect citrus plants. Sequencing of the genomes of these strains is complete and comparative analyses are now under way with the genomes of other bacteria of the same genera. In this review, we present an overview of this comparative genomic work. We also present a detailed genomic comparison between XF-9a5a and XAC. Based on this analysis, genes and operons were identified that might be relevant for adaptation to citrus. XAC has two copies of a type II secretion system, a large number of cell wall-degrading enzymes and sugar transporters, a complete energy metabolism, a whole set of avirulence genes associated with a type III secretion system, and a complete flagellar and chemotatic system. By contrast, XF-9a5c possesses more genes involved with type IV pili biosynthesis than does XAC, contains genes encoding for production of colicins, and has 4 copies of Type I restriction/modification system while XAC has only one.
This review deals with a comparative analysis of seven genome sequences from plant-associated bacteria. These are the genomes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Mesorhizobium loti, Sinorhizobium meliloti, Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv citri, Xylella fastidiosa, and Ralstonia solanacearum. Genome structure and the metabolism pathways available highlight the compromise between the genome size and lifestyle. Despite the recognized importance of the type III secretion system in controlling host compatibility, its presence is not universal in all necrogenic pathogens. Hemolysins, hemagglutinins, and some adhesins, previously reported only for mammalian pathogens, are present in most organisms discussed. Different numbers and combinations of cell wall degrading enzymes and genes to overcome the oxidative burst generally induced by the plant host are characterized in these genomes. A total of 19 genes not involved in housekeeping functions were found common to all these bacteria.
A novel L-amino acid oxidase (LAO) (Casca LAO) from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom was purified to a high degree of molecular homogeneity using a combination of molecular exclusion and ion-exchange chromatography system. The purified monomer of LAO presented a molecular mass of 68 kDa and pI estimated in 5.43, which were determined by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The 71st N-terminal amino acid sequence of the LAO from Crotalus durissus cascavella presented a high amino acid sequence similarities with other LAOs from Colloselasma rhosostoma, Crotalus adamanteus, Agkistrodon h. blomhoffi, Agkistrodon h. halys and Trimeresurus stejnegeri. LAO displayed a Michaelis-Menten behavior with a kilometer of 46.7 mu M and an optimum pH for enzymatic activity of 6.5. Casca LAO induced a dose-dependent platelet aggregation, which was abolished by catalase and inhibited by indomethacin and aspirin. These results suggest that the production of H2O2 is involved in subsequent activation of inflammatory enzymes, such as thromboxane. Casca LAO also inhibited the bacterial Growth of Gram-negative (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv passiflorae) and Gram-positive (S. mutans) strains. Electron microscopy assessments of both bacterial strains suggest that the hydrogen peroxide produced by LAO induce bacterial membrane rupture and consequently loss of cytoplasmatic content. This LAO exhibited a high antileishmanic activity against the promastigote of Leishmania amazonensis in vitro, its activity was dependent on the production of hydrogen peroxide, and the 50% inhibitory concentration was estimated in 2.39 mu g/ml. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Asiatic citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas smithii ssp. citri, formerly X. axonopodis pv. citri, is one of the most serious phytosanitary problems in Brazilian citrus crops. Experiments were conducted under controlled conditions to assess the influence of temperature and leaf wetness duration on infection and subsequent symptom development of citrus canker in sweet orange cvs Hamlin, Natal, Pera and Valencia. The quantified variables were incubation period, disease incidence, disease severity, mean lesion density and mean lesion size at temperatures of 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 42 degrees C, and leaf wetness durations of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 h. Symptoms did not develop at 42 degrees C. A generalized beta function showed a good fit to the temperature data, severity being highest in the range 30-35 degrees C. The relationship between citrus canker severity and leaf wetness duration was explained by a monomolecular model, with the greatest severity occurring at 24 h of leaf wetness, with 4 h of wetness being the minimum duration sufficient to cause 100% incidence at optimal temperatures of 25-35 degrees C. Mean lesion density behaved similarly to disease severity in relation to temperature variation and leaf wetness duration. A combined monomolecular-beta generalized model fitted disease severity, mean lesion density or lesion size as a function of both temperature and duration of leaf wetness. The estimated minimum and maximum temperatures for the occurrence of disease were 12 degrees C and 40 degrees C, respectively.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)