986 resultados para Wolff, Charlotta
Rezension von: Max Hodann (1894-1946). Sozialist und Sexualreformer. Hamburg: von Bökel 1993, 279 S.
A ablação por cateter de radiofrequência tornou-se o tratamento de escolha para os pacientes com síndrome de Wolff-Parkinson-White, sintomáticos. A localização da via acessória a partir da morfologia do QRS no eletrocardiograma basal, torna-se útil para o planeamento do procedimento de ablação, por permitir um conjunto de informações que ajudam na escolha da melhor abordagem terapêutica, em particular no que respeita ao intervalo para a ablação, a necessidade de punção transeptal e o risco de bloqueio aurículo-ventricular, se a via acessória estiver próxima do nódulo aurículo-ventricular ou do feixe de His. Estão descritos vários algoritmos para prever a localização da via acessória a partir da análise da morfologia do QRS basal. Os seus autores relatam elevados índices de acerto, todavia, estudos subsequentes obtiveram resultados distintos, com índices de acerto menores. O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal a avaliação da capacidade diagnóstica do eletrocardiograma de doze derivações na localização da via acessória no padrão de Wolff- Parkinson-White. Os dados clínicos necessários a este estudo foram recolhidos no Serviço de Cardiologia do Centro Hospitalar S. João – EPE, através da consulta dos exames eletrocardiograma e estudo eletrofisiológico, nos indivíduos com diagnóstico prévio de síndrome de Wolff-Parkinson- White. Numa amostra formada por 111 indivíduos de ambos os géneros e com idade média de 36,54 (± 15,27) anos (idade mínima de 7 anos e idade máxima de 75 anos), procedeu-se à comparação da localização da via acessória no estudo eletrofisiológico, com a obtida pela aplicação dos algoritmos de Arruda et al., Boersma et al., Chiang et al., Ávila et al., Fitzpatrick et al., Iturralde et al. e Xie et al. (harmonizadas para todos os algoritmos, as localizações possíveis das vias acessórias). Em volta do anel mitral, encontravam-se distribuídas 59 vias acessórias (53,15%), sendo 52 as vias acessorias distribuídas em torno do anel tricúspide (46,85%). Nesta distribuição não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas de acordo com o género. O acerto global em todos os algoritmos variou entre 27,00% a 47,00%, aumentando para 40,00% a 76,00%, incluindo as localizações adjacentes. A concordância entre os investigadores variou entre 40,00% a 80,00%, observando-se que em relação ao valor médio de concordância, os algoritmos com menores localizações possíveis para as vias acessórias, obtiveram melhor resultado (64,00%). O acerto para as vias acessórias septais (51 no total) variou entre 2,00% a 52,20% (aumentando para 5,90% a 90,20%, incluindo as localizações adjacentes). As vias acessórias direitas, 13 no total, obtiveram acerto entre 7,70% a 69,20% (aumentando para 42,90% a 100%, incluindo as vias acessórias adjacentes). Por último, as vias acessórios esquerdas, 47 no total, obtiveram acerto entre 21,70% a 54,50% (aumentando para 50,00% a 87,00%, incluindo as vias acessórias adjacentes). Para esta distribuição das vias acessórias (localização septal, direita e esquerda), não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas, de acordo com o género. Os resultados obtidos revelam que todos os algoritmos obtiveram valores de acerto inferiores aos enunciados pelos seus autores, permitindo concluir que embora o eletrocardiograma constitua um método muito importante no diagnóstico da pré-excitação ventricular do tipo Wolff-Parkinson-White, este não é sensível, nem específico para a deteção da localização da via acessória.
Em 1930, Louis Wolff, John Parkinson e Paul Dudley White publicaram uma série de casos de pacientes com paroxismos de taquicardia cujo ECG basal mostrava um intervalo PR curto e um padrão de bloqueio de ramo. A síndrome de Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) acontece quando existem vias acessórias que promovem uma pré-excitação ventricular: fibras anormais, congênitas, conectam o átrio ou a junção AV ao ventrículo, fora do sistema His-Purkinje. O impulso elétrico será transmitido sem o retardo do NAV, e haverá um by-pass com ativação elétrica prematura do ventrículo. A pré-excitação ventricular determina três principais alterações no ECG: 1. Intervalo PR curto, menor do que 120 ms nos adultos ou 90 ms nas crianças; 2. QRS alargado (duração maior do que 120 ms), com um empastamento em sua porção inicial (onda delta) e porção final normal; tal padrão acontece por uma fusão entre a ativação inicial causada pela pré-excitação (com condução intraventricular lenta fibra a fibra) e a ativação final, pelo sistema especializado His-Purkinje. 3. Alterações secundárias do ST-T, geralmente opostas à polaridade da onda delta. Padrão de WPW vs. Síndrome de WPW: é importante diferenciar o padrão eletrocardiográfico de pré-excitação que acontece em indivíduos assintomáticos do diagnóstico da síndrome de WPW: a síndrome só existe quando, além do padrão descrito, há taquiarritmias sintomáticas. O padrão de WPW é raro, e a síndrome mais rara ainda, com uma prevalência em torno de 1,5/100. Embora o prognóstico seja usualmente excelente, a morte súbita pode acontecer em cerca de 0,1% dos pacientes, e geralmente está associada a fibrilação atrial com resposta ventricular muito rápida, que se degenera em taquicardia ventricular. Pacientes com padrão de pré-excitação ao ECG e aqueles com a síndrome de WPW devem ser referendados ao cardiologista. A indicação de Holter, teste ergométrico e, sobretudo do estudo eletrofisiológico (diagnóstico e para ablação das vias acessórias) será definida conforme as diretrizes e a avaliação cuidadosa do paciente em questão.
A Intervenção tem como foco a saúde do idoso e foi motivada pelo elevado índice de envelhecimento existente no município, o que exige uma maior qualificação por parte dos profissionais para a atenção aos idosos, embasada nos protocolos do Ministério de Saúde bem como, uma mudança na percepção dos profissionais da saúde e da população sobre o envelhecimento. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo principal a qualificação da atenção à saúde do idoso na UBS Wolff do município Tapes/RS. A intervenção foi realizada no período de dezesseis semanas, utilizando como instrumentos a ficha espelho para cada usuário e uma planilha de coleta de dados mensal. Foi realizada uma análise dos dados coletados, e os resultados revelaram que apenas 37% dos usuários eram acompanhados, assim, foram incorporados ao programa 249 idosos, com 62.3% de cobertura da atenção. Destaca-se que 99.6% dos idosos tiveram avaliação multidimensional rápida, 94% exame clínico apropriado em dia, 100% com solicitação de exames complementares periódicos em dia para os hipertensos e/ou diabéticos. Vale destacar que 100% dos idosos cadastrados receberam prescrição de medicamentos da Farmácia Popular. Identificamos também que 100% dos idosos tiveram verificação da pressão arterial na última consulta e todos os idosos hipertensos foram rastreados para diabetes. Quanto à necessidade de atendimento odontológico e com primeira consulta odontológica programática alcançamos 100% dos usuários avaliados. Todos os usuários estudados estão com avaliação para fragilização na velhice e de rede social em dia. Quanto às atividades de promoção da saúde, 100% dos idosos receberam orientação nutricional para hábitos alimentares saudáveis, sobre a prática regular de atividade física, e 98.8% sobre higiene bucal. Com a implementação da ação programática garantimos uma abordagem integral e multifatorial aos idosos baseados em ações de promoção e prevenção da saúde, o que possibilitou a avaliação funcional destes usuários, garantindo e melhorando sua qualidade de vida, assim como um envelhecimento ativo e mais saudável nesta faixa etária.
The 2005 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Conference proposed new criteria for diagnosing and scoring the severity of chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The 2014 NIH consensus maintains the framework of the prior consensus with further refinement based on new evidence. Revisions have been made to address areas of controversy or confusion, such as the overlap chronic GVHD subcategory and the distinction between active disease and past tissue damage. Diagnostic criteria for involvement of mouth, eyes, genitalia, and lungs have been revised. Categories of chronic GVHD should be defined in ways that indicate prognosis, guide treatment, and define eligibility for clinical trials. Revisions have been made to focus attention on the causes of organ-specific abnormalities. Attribution of organ-specific abnormalities to chronic GVHD has been addressed. This paradigm shift provides greater specificity and more accurately measures the global burden of disease attributed to GVHD, and it will facilitate biomarker association studies.
Ooforectomia profilática na histerectomia por agravo uterino benigno: evidências atuais [Comentário]
Background: Antigens for Hantavirus serological tests have been produced using DNA recombinant technology for more than twenty years. Several different strategies have been used for that purpose. All of them avoid the risks and difficulties involved in multiplying Hantavirus in the laboratory. In Brazil, the Araraquara virus is one of the main causes of Hantavirus Cardio-Pulmonary Syndrome (HCPS). Methods: In this investigation, we report the expression of the N protein of the Araraquara Hantavirus in a Baculovirus Expression System, the use of this protein in IgM and IgG ELISA and comparison with the same antigen generated in E. coli. Results: The protein obtained, and purified in a nickel column, was effectively recognized by antibodies from confirmed HCPS patients. Comparison of the baculovirus generated antigen with the N protein produced in E. coli showed that both were equally effective in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Conclusions: Our results therefore indicate that either of these proteins can be used in serological tests in Brazil.
Metal-organic materials constitute a new field in which to search for ferroelectricity and coupling between electricity and magnetism. We observe a magnetic field-induced change in the electric polarization, Delta P(H), that reaches 50 mu C/m(2) in single crystals of NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2) (DTN). DTN forms a tetragonal structure that breaks inversion symmetry with the electrically polar thiourea molecules [SC(NH(2))] all tilted in the same direction along the c axis. The field H induces canted antiferromagnetism of the Ni S = 1 spins between 2 and 12 T and our measurements show that the electric polarization increases monotonically in this range, saturating above 12 T. By modeling the microscopic origin of this magnetoelectric effect, we find that the leading contribution to Delta P comes from the change in the crystal electric field, with a smaller contribution from magnetic exchange striction. The finite value of Delta P induced by magnetostriction results from the polar nature of the thiourea molecules bonded to the Ni atoms, and it is amplified by the softness of these organic molecules.
We introduce an analytical approximation scheme to diagonalize parabolically confined two-dimensional (2D) electron systems with both the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions. The starting point of our perturbative expansion is a zeroth-order Hamiltonian for an electron confined in a quantum wire with an effective spin-orbit induced magnetic field along the wire, obtained by properly rotating the usual spin-orbit Hamiltonian. We find that the spin-orbit-related transverse coupling terms can be recast into two parts W and V, which couple crossing and noncrossing adjacent transverse modes, respectively. Interestingly, the zeroth-order Hamiltonian together with W can be solved exactly, as it maps onto the Jaynes-Cummings model of quantum optics. We treat the V coupling by performing a Schrieffer-Wolff transformation. This allows us to obtain an effective Hamiltonian to third order in the coupling strength k(R)l of V, which can be straightforwardly diagonalized via an additional unitary transformation. We also apply our approach to other types of effective parabolic confinement, e. g., 2D electrons in a perpendicular magnetic field. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approximate eigensolutions, we obtain analytical expressions for the nth Landau-level g(n) factors in the presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus couplings. For small values of the bulk g factors, we find that spin-orbit effects cancel out entirely for particular values of the spin-orbit couplings. By solving simple transcendental equations we also obtain the band minima of a Rashba-coupled quantum wire as a function of an external magnetic field. These can be used to describe Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. This procedure makes it easier to extract the strength of the spin-orbit interaction in these systems via proper fitting of the data.
A simple theoretical framework is presented for bioassay studies using three component in vitro systems. An equilibrium model is used to derive equations useful for predicting changes in biological response after addition of hormone-binding-protein or as a consequence of increased hormone affinity. Sets of possible solutions for receptor occupancy and binding protein occupancy are found for typical values of receptor and binding protein affinity constants. Unique equilibrium solutions are dictated by the initial condition of total hormone concentration. According to the occupancy theory of drug action, increasing the affinity of a hormone for its receptor will result in a proportional increase in biological potency. However, the three component model predicts that the magnitude of increase in biological potency will be a small fraction of the proportional increase in affinity. With typical initial conditions a two-fold increase in hormone affinity for its receptor is predicted to result in only a 33% increase in biological response. Under the same conditions an Ii-fold increase in hormone affinity for receptor would be needed to produce a two-fold increase in biological potency. Some currently used bioassay systems may be unrecognized three component systems and gross errors in biopotency estimates will result if the effect of binding protein is not calculated. An algorithm derived from the three component model is used to predict changes in biological response after addition of binding protein to in vitro systems. The algorithm is tested by application to a published data set from an experimental study in an in vitro system (Lim et al., 1990, Endocrinology 127, 1287-1291). Predicted changes show good agreement (within 8%) with experimental observations. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.
Background. The incidence of unexplained sudden death (SD) and the factors involved in its occurrence in patients with chronic kidney disease are not well known. Methods. We investigated the incidence and the role of co-morbidities in unexplained SD in 1139 haemodialysis patients on the renal transplant waiting list. Results. Forty-four patients died from SD of undetermined causes (20% of all deaths; 3.9 deaths/1000 patients per year), while 178 died from other causes and 917 survived. SD patients were older and likely to have diabetes, hypertension, past/present cardiovascular disease, higher left ventricular mass index, and lower ejection fraction. Multivariate analysis showed that cardiovascular disease of any type was the only independent predictor of SD (P = 0.0001, HR = 2.13, 95% CI 1.46-3.22). Alterations closely associated with ischaemic heart disease like angina, previous myocardial infarction and altered myocardial scan were not independent predictors of SD. The incidence of unexplained SD in these haemodialysis patients is high and probably a consequence of pre-existing cardiovascular disease. Conclusions. Factors influencing SD in dialysis patients are not substantially different from factors in the general population. The role played by ischaemic heart disease in this context needs further evaluation.
Incomplete revascularization is associated with worse long-term outcomes. Autologous bone marrow cells (BMC) have recently been tested in patients with severe coronary artery disease. We tested the hypothesis that intramyocardial injection of autologous BMC increases myocardial perfusion in patients undergoing incomplete coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Twenty-one patients (19 men), 59 +/- 7 years old, with limiting angina and multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD), not amenable to complete CABG were enrolled. BMC were obtained prior to surgery, and the lymphomonocytic fraction separated by density gradient centrifugation. During surgery, 5 mL containing 2.1 +/- 1.3 x 10(8) BMC (CD34+ = 0.8 +/- 0.3%) were injected in the ischemic non-revascularized myocardium. Myocardial perfusion was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at baseline and 1 month after surgery. The increase in myocardial perfusion was compared between patients with < 50% (group A, n = 11) with that of patients with > 50% (group B, n = 10) of target vessels (stenosis a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 70%) successfully bypassed. Injected myocardial segments included the inferior (n = 12), anterior (n = 7), and lateral (n = 2) walls. The number of treated vessels (2.3 +/- 0.8) was significantly smaller than the number of target vessels (4.2 +/- 1.0; P < 0.0001). One month after surgery, cardiac MRI showed a similar reduction (%) in the ischemic score of patients in group A (72.5 +/- 3.2), compared to patients in group B (78.1 +/- 3.2; P = .80). Intramyocardial injection of autologous BMC may help increase myocardial perfusion in patients undergoing incomplete CABG, even in those with fewer target vessels successfully treated. This strategy may be an adjunctive therapy for patients suffering from a more advanced (diffuse) CAD not amenable for complete direct revascularization.
Background We validated a strategy for diagnosis of coronary artery disease ( CAD) and prediction of cardiac events in high-risk renal transplant candidates ( at least one of the following: age >= 50 years, diabetes, cardiovascular disease). Methods A diagnosis and risk assessment strategy was used in 228 renal transplant candidates to validate an algorithm. Patients underwent dipyridamole myocardial stress testing and coronary angiography and were followed up until death, renal transplantation, or cardiac events. Results The prevalence of CAD was 47%. Stress testing did not detect significant CAD in 1/3 of patients. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the stress test for detecting CAD were 70, 74, 69, and 71%, respectively. CAD, defined by angiography, was associated with increased probability of cardiac events [log-rank: 0.001; hazard ratio: 1.90, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.29-2.92]. Diabetes (P=0.03; hazard ratio: 1.58, 95% CI: 1.06-2.45) and angiographically defined CAD (P=0.03; hazard ratio: 1.69, 95% CI: 1.08-2.78) were the independent predictors of events. Conclusion The results validate our observations in a smaller number of high-risk transplant candidates and indicate that stress testing is not appropriate for the diagnosis of CAD or prediction of cardiac events in this group of patients. Coronary angiography was correlated with events but, because less than 50% of patients had significant disease, it seems premature to recommend the test to all high-risk renal transplant candidates. The results suggest that angiography is necessary in many high-risk renal transplant candidates and that better noninvasive methods are still lacking to identify with precision patients who will benefit from invasive procedures. Coron Artery Dis 21: 164-167 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.