851 resultados para Wireless technologies
Animal tracking has been addressed by different initiatives over the last two decades. Most of them rely on satellite connectivity on every single node and lack of energy-saving strategies. This paper presents several new contributions on the tracking of dynamic heterogeneous asynchronous networks (primary nodes with GPS and secondary nodes with a kinetic generator) motivated by the animal tracking paradigm with random transmissions. A simple approach based on connectivity and coverage intersection is compared with more sophisticated algorithms based on ad-hoc implementations of distributed Kalman-based filters that integrate measurement information using Consensus principles in order to provide enhanced accuracy. Several simulations varying the coverage range, the random behavior of the kinetic generator (modeled as a Poisson Process) and the periodic activation of GPS are included. In addition, this study is enhanced with HW developments and implementations on commercial off-the-shelf equipment which show the feasibility for performing these proposals on real hardware.
This paper describes an automatic-dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) implementation for air-to-air and ground-based experimental surveillance within a prototype of a fully automated air traffic management (ATM) system, under a trajectory-based-operations paradigm. The system is built using an air-inclusive implementation of system wide information management (SWIM). This work describes the relations between airborne and ground surveillance (SURGND), the prototype surveillance systems, and their algorithms. System's performance is analyzed with simulated and real data. Results show that the proposed ADS-B implementation can fulfill the most demanding surveillance accuracy requirements.
Las redes inalámbricas están experimentando un gran crecimiento en el campo de la instrumentación electrónica. En concreto las redes de sensores inalámbricas (WSN de Wireless Sensor Network) suponen la opción más ventajosa para su empleo en la instrumentación electrónica ya que sus principales características se acoplan perfectamente a las necesidades. Las WSN permiten la utilización de un número relativamente alto de nodos, están orientadas a sistemas de bajo consumo y funcionamiento con baterías y poseen un ancho de banda adecuado para las necesidades de la instrumentación electrónica. En este proyecto fin de carrera se ha realizado un estudio de las tecnologías inalámbricas disponibles, se han comparado y se ha elegido la tecnología ZigBeeTM por considerarse la más adecuada y la que más se ajusta a las necesidades descritas. En el desarrollo de mi vida profesional se han conectado dos campos teóricamente distantes como son la instrumentación electrónica y la ingeniería civil. En este proyecto se hace una descripción de la instrumentación que se utiliza para controlar estructuras como presas, túneles y puentes y se proponen casos prácticos en los que las redes WSN aportan valor añadido a instrumentación actual y a los sistemas de comunicaciones utilizados. Se definen tanto los sistemas de comunicaciones utilizados actualmente como una serie de sensores utilizados para medir los principales parámetros a controlar en una obra civil. Por último se ha desarrollado una aplicación de prueba de una red ZigBeeTM basada en equipos comerciales del fabricante Digi. consiste en una aplicación desarrollada en entorno web que maneja de forma remota, a través de Internet, las entradas y salidas digitales y analógicas de los nodos que forman la red. Se forma una red ZigBeeTM con un coordinador, un router y un dispositivo final. El Coordinador está integrado en un Gateway que permite acceder a la red ZigBeeTM a través de internet y conocer el estado de los nodos que forman la red. Con los comandos adecuados se puede leer el estado de las entradas y salidas analógicas y digitales y cambiar el estado de una salida digital. ABSTRACT. Wireless networks are experiencing tremendous growth in the field of electronic instrumentation. In particular wireless sensor networks represent the most advantageous for use in electronic instrumentation since its main characteristics fit perfectly to the needs. The WSN allow the use of a relatively large number of nodes, are aimed at low-power systems and battery operation and have an adequate bandwidth for the needs of electronic instrumentation. In this project has made a study of available wireless technologies have been compared and chosen ZigBeeTM technology was considered the most appropriate to the needs described. In the course of my professional life have connected two fields are theoretically distant as electronic instrumentation and civil engineering. In this project, there is a description of the instrumentation used to control structures such as dams, tunnels and bridges and proposes practical cases in which WSN networks add value to current instrumentation and communications systems used. There are defined as communications systems now being used as a set of sensors used to measure the main parameters to be controlled in a civil structure. Finally, I have developed a test application based ZigBeeTM networking equipment maker Digi trading. It consists of a Web-based application developed to manage remotely, via the Internet, the digital and analog inputs and outputs nodes forming the network. ZigBeeTM It forms a network with a coordinator, router and end device. The Coordinator is built into a gateway that allows access to the ZigBeeTM network through internet and know the status of the nodes forming the network. With the appropriate command can read the status of the digital inputs and outputs and change the state of a digital output.
En la actualidad existen cada vez más dispositivos móviles que utilizamos diariamente. Estos dispositivos usan las nuevas tecnologías inalámbricas, ya sean redes de telefonía, Wifi o Bluetooth, lo que conlleva un consumo de energía elevado. Estos dispositivos además tienen una limitación que es la capacidad de la batería. Un ejemplo claro son los smartphones, los usamos a diario y la batería dura un día o poco más. Dada esta problemática del alto consumo de energía el mundo de la electrónica de consumo se ve obligado a desarrollar aplicaciones y sistemas operativos que realicen un consumo de potencia más eficientes, baterías de otro tipo de composiciones, etc. Para lo que es necesario que exista una forma eficaz de medir el consumo de energía. En la actualidad, en el laboratorio del GDEM (Grupo de Diseño Electrónico y Microeletrónico) existen varias corrientes de acción a la hora de resolver o paliar esta problemática. Aquí podemos dividirlo en dos grupos: trabajos que se dediquen a conseguir que el sistema realice un consumo más eficiente de la energía y trabajos dedicados a realizar medidas más precisas de este consumo para que, a su vez, sean utilizadas por el propio sistema para decidir formas de actuar. Con estas motivaciones se ha diseñado una tarjeta capaz de medir la potencia consumida por la BeagleBoard usando un método de medida novedoso. Los resultados obtenidos validan el diseño y el presupuesto total de la fabricación ha sido inferior a diez euros. Por lo tanto, los objetivos se han cumplido fabricando una tarjeta caracterizada por su sencillez y su bajo coste, además de abrir la puerta a que, junto con un trabajo futuro, se consiga que la BeagleBoard sea capaz de conocer el consumo de potencia en tiempo real. ABSTRACT. At present, the number of mobile devices that we use normally are increasing. These devices use the new wireless technologies, whether telephone network, wireless or Bluetooth, which carries a large power consumption. These devices also have a limitation which is the battery capacity. One clear example is the smartphones, we use them daily and the battery is spent in a day. With this problem of high energy consumption the world of consumer electronics is forced to develop applications and operating systems with more efficient power consumption or a battery of other compositions. For that purposese it is necessary to have an effective way to measure energy consumption. In the GDEM (Microelectronic and Electronic Design Group) lab there are several streams action for solving or alleviating this problem. Here we can divide into two groups: jobs that are dedicated to getting the system that perform more efficient consumption of energy and works dedicated to doing more precise measures of this consumption. With these motivations we designed a board which was able to measure the power consumed by the BeagleBoard using a innovative measurement method. The results validate the design and the price of the board is less than 10 euros. Therefore, the goals have been accomplished by making a board which is characterized by its simplicity and low cost. It has also opened the door to, in a future work, the BeagleBoard be able to know the power consumption in real time by adding the necessary software.
Pervasive computing offers new scenarios where users are surrounded by invisible and proactive technology making smart spaces. Although the utility and power of solutions developed using this computer paradigm are proved, there are unresolved problems that hinder their acceptance and inclusion in our private life. Users have problems understanding the operations of a pervasive computing solution, and therefore they should trust that the solution works properly and according to their expectations. Nevertheless, the concept of trust is already framed in a specific use within the ecosystem of applications that can populate a smart space. To take this concept of trust to the whole space, we propose to study and define the concept of confidence. In contrast to the concept of trust, confidence has deeper psychological implications.
In recent years, there has been a great increase in the development of wireless technologies and location services. For this reason, numerous projects in the location field, have arisen. In addition, with the appearance of the open Android operating system, wireless technologies are being developed faster than ever. This Project approaches the design and development of a system that combines the technologies of wireless, location and Android with the implementation of an indoor positioning system. As a result, an Android application has been obtained, which detects the position of a phone in a simple and useful way. The application is based on the WIFI manager API of Android. It combines the data stored in a SQL database with the wifi data received at any given time. Afterwards the position of the user is determined with the algorithm that has been implemented. This application is able to obtain the position of any person who is inside a building with Wi-Fi coverage, and display it on the screen of any device with the Android operating system. Besides the estimation of the position, this system displays a map that helps you see in which quadrant of the room are positioned in real time. This system has been designed with a simple interface to allow people without technology knowledge. Finally, several tests and simulations of the system have been carried out to see its operation and accuracy. The performance of the system has been verified in two different places and changes have been made in the Java code to improve its precision and effectiveness. As a result of the several tests, it has been noticed that the placement of the access point (AP) and the configuration of the Wireless network is an important point that should be taken into account to avoid interferences and errors as much as possible, in the estimation of the position. RESUMEN. En los últimos años, se ha producido un incremento en el desarrollo de tecnologías inalámbricas y en servicios de localización y posicionamiento. Por esta razón, han surgido numerosos proyectos relacionados con estas tecnologías. Por otra parte, un punto importante en el desarrollo de estas tecnologías ha sido la aparición del lenguaje Android que ha hecho que estas nuevas tecnologías se implementaran con una mayor rapidez. Este proyecto, se acerca al diseño y desarrollo de un sistema que combina tecnologías inalámbricas, de ubicación y uso de lenguaje Android para el desarrollo de una aplicación de un sistema de posicionamiento en interiores. Como consecuencia de esto se ha obtenido una aplicación Android que detecta la posición de un dispositivo móvil de una manera sencilla e intuititva. La aplicación se basa en la API WIFI de Android, que combina los datos almacenados en una base de datos SQL con los datos recibidos vía Wi-Fi en cualquier momento. A continuación, la posición del usuario se determina con el algoritmo que se ha implementado a lo largo de todo el proyecto utilizando código Android. Esta aplicación es capaz de obtener la posición de cualquier persona que se encuentra dentro de un edificio con cobertura Wi-Fi, mostrando por pantalla la ubicación del usuario en cualquier dispositivo que disponga de sistema operativo Android. Además de la estimación de la posición, este sistema muestra un mapa que le ayuda a ver en qué cuadrante de la sala está situado el usuario. Este sistema ha sido diseñado con una interfaz sencilla para permitir que usuarios sin conocimiento tecnológico o no acostumbrados al uso de los nuevos dispositivos de hoy en día puedan usarlo de una manera sencilla y de forma intuitiva. Por último, se han llevado a cabo varias pruebas y simulaciones del sistema para verificar su funcionamiento y precisión. El rendimiento del sistema se ha comprobado en dos puntos diferentes de la sala (lugar donde se han hecho todas las pruebas y desarrollado la aplicación) realizando cambios en el código Java para mejorar aún más la precisión y eficacia del posicionamiento. Como resultado de todo esto, se ha comprobado que la ubicación del punto de acceso (AP) y la configuración de la red inalámbrica es importante, y por ello se debe de tener en cuenta para evitar interferencias y tantos errores como sea posible en la estimación de la posición.
Determinar con buena precisión la posición en la que se encuentra un terminal móvil, cuando éste se halla inmerso en un entorno de interior (centros comerciales, edificios de oficinas, aeropuertos, estaciones, túneles, etc), es el pilar básico sobre el que se sustentan un gran número de aplicaciones y servicios. Muchos de esos servicios se encuentran ya disponibles en entornos de exterior, aunque los entornos de interior se prestan a otros servicios específicos para ellos. Ese número, sin embargo, podría ser significativamente mayor de lo que actualmente es, si no fuera necesaria una costosa infraestructura para llevar a cabo el posicionamiento con la precisión adecuada a cada uno de los hipotéticos servicios. O, igualmente, si la citada infraestructura pudiera tener otros usos distintos, además del relacionado con el posicionamiento. La usabilidad de la misma infraestructura para otros fines distintos ofrecería la oportunidad de que la misma estuviera ya presente en las diferentes localizaciones, porque ha sido previamente desplegada para esos otros usos; o bien facilitaría su despliegue, porque el coste de esa operación ofreciera un mayor retorno de usabilidad para quien lo realiza. Las tecnologías inalámbricas de comunicaciones basadas en radiofrecuencia, ya en uso para las comunicaciones de voz y datos (móviles, WLAN, etc), cumplen el requisito anteriormente indicado y, por tanto, facilitarían el crecimiento de las aplicaciones y servicios basados en el posicionamiento, en el caso de poderse emplear para ello. Sin embargo, determinar la posición con el nivel de precisión adecuado mediante el uso de estas tecnologías, es un importante reto hoy en día. El presente trabajo pretende aportar avances significativos en este campo. A lo largo del mismo se llevará a cabo, en primer lugar, un estudio de los principales algoritmos y técnicas auxiliares de posicionamiento aplicables en entornos de interior. La revisión se centrará en aquellos que sean aptos tanto para tecnologías móviles de última generación como para entornos WLAN. Con ello, se pretende poner de relieve las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada uno de estos algoritmos, teniendo como motivación final su aplicabilidad tanto al mundo de las redes móviles 3G y 4G (en especial a las femtoceldas y small-cells LTE) como al indicado entorno WLAN; y teniendo siempre presente que el objetivo último es que vayan a ser usados en interiores. La principal conclusión de esa revisión es que las técnicas de triangulación, comúnmente empleadas para realizar la localización en entornos de exterior, se muestran inútiles en los entornos de interior, debido a efectos adversos propios de este tipo de entornos como la pérdida de visión directa o los caminos múltiples en el recorrido de la señal. Los métodos de huella radioeléctrica, más conocidos bajo el término inglés “fingerprinting”, que se basan en la comparación de los valores de potencia de señal que se están recibiendo en el momento de llevar a cabo el posicionamiento por un terminal móvil, frente a los valores registrados en un mapa radio de potencias, elaborado durante una fase inicial de calibración, aparecen como los mejores de entre los posibles para los escenarios de interior. Sin embargo, estos sistemas se ven también afectados por otros problemas, como por ejemplo los importantes trabajos a realizar para ponerlos en marcha, y la variabilidad del canal. Frente a ellos, en el presente trabajo se presentan dos contribuciones originales para mejorar los sistemas basados en los métodos fingerprinting. La primera de esas contribuciones describe un método para determinar, de manera sencilla, las características básicas del sistema a nivel del número de muestras necesarias para crear el mapa radio de la huella radioeléctrica de referencia, junto al número mínimo de emisores de radiofrecuencia que habrá que desplegar; todo ello, a partir de unos requerimientos iniciales relacionados con el error y la precisión buscados en el posicionamiento a realizar, a los que uniremos los datos correspondientes a las dimensiones y realidad física del entorno. De esa forma, se establecen unas pautas iniciales a la hora de dimensionar el sistema, y se combaten los efectos negativos que, sobre el coste o el rendimiento del sistema en su conjunto, son debidos a un despliegue ineficiente de los emisores de radiofrecuencia y de los puntos de captura de su huella. La segunda contribución incrementa la precisión resultante del sistema en tiempo real, gracias a una técnica de recalibración automática del mapa radio de potencias. Esta técnica tiene en cuenta las medidas reportadas continuamente por unos pocos puntos de referencia estáticos, estratégicamente distribuidos en el entorno, para recalcular y actualizar las potencias registradas en el mapa radio. Un beneficio adicional a nivel operativo de la citada técnica, es la prolongación del tiempo de usabilidad fiable del sistema, bajando la frecuencia en la que se requiere volver a capturar el mapa radio de potencias completo. Las mejoras anteriormente citadas serán de aplicación directa en la mejora de los mecanismos de posicionamiento en interiores basados en la infraestructura inalámbrica de comunicaciones de voz y datos. A partir de ahí, esa mejora será extensible y de aplicabilidad sobre los servicios de localización (conocimiento personal del lugar donde uno mismo se encuentra), monitorización (conocimiento por terceros del citado lugar) y seguimiento (monitorización prolongada en el tiempo), ya que todos ellas toman como base un correcto posicionamiento para un adecuado desempeño. ABSTRACT To find the position where a mobile is located with good accuracy, when it is immersed in an indoor environment (shopping centers, office buildings, airports, stations, tunnels, etc.), is the cornerstone on which a large number of applications and services are supported. Many of these services are already available in outdoor environments, although the indoor environments are suitable for other services that are specific for it. That number, however, could be significantly higher than now, if an expensive infrastructure were not required to perform the positioning service with adequate precision, for each one of the hypothetical services. Or, equally, whether that infrastructure may have other different uses beyond the ones associated with positioning. The usability of the same infrastructure for purposes other than positioning could give the opportunity of having it already available in the different locations, because it was previously deployed for these other uses; or facilitate its deployment, because the cost of that operation would offer a higher return on usability for the deployer. Wireless technologies based on radio communications, already in use for voice and data communications (mobile, WLAN, etc), meet the requirement of additional usability and, therefore, could facilitate the growth of applications and services based on positioning, in the case of being able to use it. However, determining the position with the appropriate degree of accuracy using these technologies is a major challenge today. This paper provides significant advances in this field. Along this work, a study about the main algorithms and auxiliar techniques related with indoor positioning will be initially carried out. The review will be focused in those that are suitable to be used with both last generation mobile technologies and WLAN environments. By doing this, it is tried to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each one of these algorithms, having as final motivation their applicability both in the world of 3G and 4G mobile networks (especially in femtocells and small-cells of LTE) and in the WLAN world; and having always in mind that the final aim is to use it in indoor environments. The main conclusion of that review is that triangulation techniques, commonly used for localization in outdoor environments, are useless in indoor environments due to adverse effects of such environments as loss of sight or multipaths. Triangulation techniques used for external locations are useless due to adverse effects like the lack of line of sight or multipath. Fingerprinting methods, based on the comparison of Received Signal Strength values measured by the mobile phone with a radio map of RSSI Recorded during the calibration phase, arise as the best methods for indoor scenarios. However, these systems are also affected by other problems, for example the important load of tasks to be done to have the system ready to work, and the variability of the channel. In front of them, in this paper we present two original contributions to improve the fingerprinting methods based systems. The first one of these contributions describes a method for find, in a simple way, the basic characteristics of the system at the level of the number of samples needed to create the radio map inside the referenced fingerprint, and also by the minimum number of radio frequency emitters that are needed to be deployed; and both of them coming from some initial requirements for the system related to the error and accuracy in positioning wanted to have, which it will be joined the data corresponding to the dimensions and physical reality of the environment. Thus, some initial guidelines when dimensioning the system will be in place, and the negative effects into the cost or into the performance of the whole system, due to an inefficient deployment of the radio frequency emitters and of the radio map capture points, will be minimized. The second contribution increases the resulting accuracy of the system when working in real time, thanks to a technique of automatic recalibration of the power measurements stored in the radio map. This technique takes into account the continuous measures reported by a few static reference points, strategically distributed in the environment, to recalculate and update the measurements stored into the map radio. An additional benefit at operational level of such technique, is the extension of the reliable time of the system, decreasing the periodicity required to recapture the radio map within full measurements. The above mentioned improvements are directly applicable to improve indoor positioning mechanisms based on voice and data wireless communications infrastructure. From there, that improvement will be also extensible and applicable to location services (personal knowledge of the location where oneself is), monitoring (knowledge by other people of your location) and monitoring (prolonged monitoring over time) as all of them are based in a correct positioning for proper performance.
The Internet has become an integral part of our nation’s critical socio-economic infrastructure. With its heightened use and growing complexity however, organizations are at greater risk of cyber crimes. To aid in the investigation of crimes committed on or via the Internet, a network forensics analysis tool pulls together needed digital evidence. It provides a platform for performing deep network analysis by capturing, recording and analyzing network events to find out the source of a security attack or other information security incidents. Existing network forensics work has been mostly focused on the Internet and fixed networks. But the exponential growth and use of wireless technologies, coupled with their unprecedented characteristics, necessitates the development of new network forensic analysis tools. This dissertation fostered the emergence of a new research field in cellular and ad-hoc network forensics. It was one of the first works to identify this problem and offer fundamental techniques and tools that laid the groundwork for future research. In particular, it introduced novel methods to record network incidents and report logged incidents. For recording incidents, location is considered essential to documenting network incidents. However, in network topology spaces, location cannot be measured due to absence of a ‘distance metric’. Therefore, a novel solution was proposed to label locations of nodes within network topology spaces, and then to authenticate the identity of nodes in ad hoc environments. For reporting logged incidents, a novel technique based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) was adopted. Although the direct use of DHTs for reporting logged incidents would result in an uncontrollably recursive traffic, a new mechanism was introduced that overcome this recursive process. These logging and reporting techniques aided forensics over cellular and ad-hoc networks, which in turn increased their ability to track and trace attacks to their source. These techniques were a starting point for further research and development that would result in equipping future ad hoc networks with forensic components to complement existing security mechanisms.
Computer networks produce tremendous amounts of event-based data that can be collected and managed to support an increasing number of new classes of pervasive applications. Examples of such applications are network monitoring and crisis management. Although the problem of distributed event-based management has been addressed in the non-pervasive settings such as the Internet, the domain of pervasive networks has its own characteristics that make these results non-applicable. Many of these applications are based on time-series data that possess the form of time-ordered series of events. Such applications also embody the need to handle large volumes of unexpected events, often modified on-the-fly, containing conflicting information, and dealing with rapidly changing contexts while producing results with low-latency. Correlating events across contextual dimensions holds the key to expanding the capabilities and improving the performance of these applications. This dissertation addresses this critical challenge. It establishes an effective scheme for complex-event semantic correlation. The scheme examines epistemic uncertainty in computer networks by fusing event synchronization concepts with belief theory. Because of the distributed nature of the event detection, time-delays are considered. Events are no longer instantaneous, but duration is associated with them. Existing algorithms for synchronizing time are split into two classes, one of which is asserted to provide a faster means for converging time and hence better suited for pervasive network management. Besides the temporal dimension, the scheme considers imprecision and uncertainty when an event is detected. A belief value is therefore associated with the semantics and the detection of composite events. This belief value is generated by a consensus among participating entities in a computer network. The scheme taps into in-network processing capabilities of pervasive computer networks and can withstand missing or conflicting information gathered from multiple participating entities. Thus, this dissertation advances knowledge in the field of network management by facilitating the full utilization of characteristics offered by pervasive, distributed and wireless technologies in contemporary and future computer networks.
The Internet has become an integral part of our nation's critical socio-economic infrastructure. With its heightened use and growing complexity however, organizations are at greater risk of cyber crimes. To aid in the investigation of crimes committed on or via the Internet, a network forensics analysis tool pulls together needed digital evidence. It provides a platform for performing deep network analysis by capturing, recording and analyzing network events to find out the source of a security attack or other information security incidents. Existing network forensics work has been mostly focused on the Internet and fixed networks. But the exponential growth and use of wireless technologies, coupled with their unprecedented characteristics, necessitates the development of new network forensic analysis tools. This dissertation fostered the emergence of a new research field in cellular and ad-hoc network forensics. It was one of the first works to identify this problem and offer fundamental techniques and tools that laid the groundwork for future research. In particular, it introduced novel methods to record network incidents and report logged incidents. For recording incidents, location is considered essential to documenting network incidents. However, in network topology spaces, location cannot be measured due to absence of a 'distance metric'. Therefore, a novel solution was proposed to label locations of nodes within network topology spaces, and then to authenticate the identity of nodes in ad hoc environments. For reporting logged incidents, a novel technique based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) was adopted. Although the direct use of DHTs for reporting logged incidents would result in an uncontrollably recursive traffic, a new mechanism was introduced that overcome this recursive process. These logging and reporting techniques aided forensics over cellular and ad-hoc networks, which in turn increased their ability to track and trace attacks to their source. These techniques were a starting point for further research and development that would result in equipping future ad hoc networks with forensic components to complement existing security mechanisms.
Nowadays wireless communication has emerged as a tendency in industry environments. In part this interest is due to the ease of deployment and maintenance, which dispenses sophisticated designs and wired infrastructure (which in industrial environment often prohibitively expensive) besides enabling the addition of new applications when compared to their wired counterparts. Despite its high degree of applicability, an industrial wireless sensor network faces some challenges. One of the most challenging problems are its reliability, energy consumption and the environment interference. In this dissertation will discuss the problem of asset analysis in wireless industrial networks for the WirelessHART standard by implementing a monitoring system. The system allows to carry out various activities of independent asset management manufacturers, such as prediction of battery life, maintenance, reliability data, topology, and the possibility of creating new metrics from open and standardized development libraries. Through the implementation of this tool is intended to contribute to integration of wireless technologies in industrial environments.
Computer networks produce tremendous amounts of event-based data that can be collected and managed to support an increasing number of new classes of pervasive applications. Examples of such applications are network monitoring and crisis management. Although the problem of distributed event-based management has been addressed in the non-pervasive settings such as the Internet, the domain of pervasive networks has its own characteristics that make these results non-applicable. Many of these applications are based on time-series data that possess the form of time-ordered series of events. Such applications also embody the need to handle large volumes of unexpected events, often modified on-the-fly, containing conflicting information, and dealing with rapidly changing contexts while producing results with low-latency. Correlating events across contextual dimensions holds the key to expanding the capabilities and improving the performance of these applications. This dissertation addresses this critical challenge. It establishes an effective scheme for complex-event semantic correlation. The scheme examines epistemic uncertainty in computer networks by fusing event synchronization concepts with belief theory. Because of the distributed nature of the event detection, time-delays are considered. Events are no longer instantaneous, but duration is associated with them. Existing algorithms for synchronizing time are split into two classes, one of which is asserted to provide a faster means for converging time and hence better suited for pervasive network management. Besides the temporal dimension, the scheme considers imprecision and uncertainty when an event is detected. A belief value is therefore associated with the semantics and the detection of composite events. This belief value is generated by a consensus among participating entities in a computer network. The scheme taps into in-network processing capabilities of pervasive computer networks and can withstand missing or conflicting information gathered from multiple participating entities. Thus, this dissertation advances knowledge in the field of network management by facilitating the full utilization of characteristics offered by pervasive, distributed and wireless technologies in contemporary and future computer networks.
Over the past few years, the number of wireless networks users has been increasing. Until now, Radio-Frequency (RF) used to be the dominant technology. However, the electromagnetic spectrum in these region is being saturated, demanding for alternative wireless technologies. Recently, with the growing market of LED lighting, the Visible Light Communications has been drawing attentions from the research community. First, it is an eficient device for illumination. Second, because of its easy modulation and high bandwidth. Finally, it can combine illumination and communication in the same device, in other words, it allows to implement highly eficient wireless communication systems. One of the most important aspects in a communication system is its reliability when working in noisy channels. In these scenarios, the received data can be afected by errors. In order to proper system working, it is usually employed a Channel Encoder in the system. Its function is to code the data to be transmitted in order to increase system performance. It commonly uses ECC, which appends redundant information to the original data. At the receiver side, the redundant information is used to recover the erroneous data. This dissertation presents the implementation steps of a Channel Encoder for VLC. It was consider several techniques such as Reed-Solomon and Convolutional codes, Block and Convolutional Interleaving, CRC and Puncturing. A detailed analysis of each technique characteristics was made in order to choose the most appropriate ones. Simulink models were created in order to simulate how diferent codes behave in diferent scenarios. Later, the models were implemented in a FPGA and simulations were performed. Hardware co-simulations were also implemented to faster simulation results. At the end, diferent techniques were combined to create a complete Channel Encoder capable of detect and correct random and burst errors, due to the usage of a RS(255,213) code with a Block Interleaver. Furthermore, after the decoding process, the proposed system can identify uncorrectable errors in the decoded data due to the CRC-32 algorithm.
Dyscalculia stands for a brain-based condition that makes it hard to make sense of numbers and mathematical concepts. Some adolescents with dyscalculia cannot grasp basic number concepts. They work hard to learn and memorize basic number facts. They may know what to do in mathematical classes but do not understand why they are doing it. In other words, they miss the logic behind it. However, it may be worked out in order to decrease its degree of severity. For example, disMAT, an app developed for android may help children to apply mathematical concepts, without much effort, that is turning in itself, a promising tool to dyscalculia treatment. Thus, this work focuses on the development of an Intelligent System to estimate children evidences of dyscalculia, based on data obtained on-the-fly with disMAT. The computational framework is built on top of a Logic Programming framework to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, complemented with a Case-Based problem solving approach to computing, that allows for the handling of incomplete, unknown, or even contradictory information.
Tämä tutkimus oli osa sähköistä liiketoimintaa ja langattomia sovelluksia tutkivaa projektia ja tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää ennustamisen rooli päätöksenteko- ja suunnitteluprosessissa ja määrittää parhaiten soveltuvat ja useimmin käytetyt teknologian ennustusmenetelmät. Ennustusmenetelmiä tarkasteltiin erityisesti uuden teknologian ja pitkän aikavälin ennustamisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimus perustui teknologista ennustamista, pitkän aikavälin suunnittelua ja innovaatioprosesseja käsittelevän kirjallisuuden analysointiin. Materiaalin perusteella kuvataan teknologian ennustamista informaation hankkimisvälineenä organisaatioiden suunnitteluprosessin apuna. Työssä arvioidaan myös seuraavat teknologisen ennustamisen menetelmät: trendianalyysi-, Delfoi-, cross-impact analyysi-, morfologinen analyysi- ja skenaario analyysimenetelmä. Työ tuo esille jokaisen ennustusmenetelmä ominaispiirteet, rajoitukset ja sovellusmahdollisuudet. Käyttäen esiteltyjä menetelmiä, saadaan kerättyä hyödyllistä informaatiota tulevaisuuden näkymistä, joita sitten voidaan käyttää hyväksi organisaatioiden suunnitteluprosesseissa.