862 resultados para White grubs
This study evaluated the influence of addition of 10% calcium chloride (CaCl(2)) on the setting time, solubility, disintegration, and pH of white MTA (WMTA) and white Portland cement (WPC). A test of the setting time was performed following the #57 ADA specifications and a test of the final setting time according to the ASTM. For the solubility tests disintegration and pH, Teflon rings were filled with the cements and weighed after setting. After 24 h in a desiccator, they were once again weighed. Thereafter, they were immersed in MiliQ water for 24 and 72 h and 7, 14, and 28 days, with maintenance in the desiccator and weighing between periods. The pH of water in which the rings were immersed was measured immediately after contact with them and in the other periods. The addition of CaCl(2) provided a significant reduction (50%) in the initial setting time of cements. The final setting time of WMTA was reduced in 35.5% and the final setting time of WPC in 68.5%. The WMTA with CaCl(2) absorbed water and gained weight with time, except for in the 24-h period. The addition of CaCl(2) to the WPC reduced its solubility. The addition of CaCl(2) increased the pH of WMTA in the immediate period and at 24 and 72 h and for WPC in the immediate period and at 24 h. The addition of CaCl(2) to WMTA and WPC reduced the setting times and solubility of both and increased the pH of cements in the initial periods. (J Endod 2009;35:550-554)
Objective. The presence of arsenic in various types of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cements were evaluated to verify if they comply with the ISO-recommended limit for water-based cements of 2 mg arsenic/kg material. Study design. An amount of 5 mL of hydrochloric acid was added to 2 g each of MTA and Portland cement to be analyzed. After 15 minutes, the material was filtered and the volume of supernatant was diluted with reagent-grade water up to 40 mL. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry readings were performed in triplicate. Results. The following mean values were obtained: CPM (Egeo, Buenos Aires, Argentina) 11.06 mg/kg; CPM sealer (Egeo) 10.30 mg/kg; MTA- Obtura (Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brazil) 0.39 mg/kg; Experimental MTA: 10.30 mg/kg; White MTA- Angelus (Angelus) 1.03 mg/kg; Gray MTA- Angelus (Angelus) 5.91 mg/kg; ProRoot-MTA (Dentsply/Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa, OK) 5.25 mg/kg; Gray Portland cement (Votorantim Cimentos, Cubatao, SP, Brazil): 34.27 mg/kg; and White Portland cement (Cimento Rio Branco, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) 0.52 mg/kg. Conclusion. All tested materials presented arsenic in their composition. The form of arsenic was not analyzed nor the toxicity of the arsenic found. Only MTA- Obtura, White MTA- Angelus, and White Portland cement presented arsenic levels below the limit set in the ISO 9917-1 standard. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008; 106: 909-913)
Enamel white spot lesions in anterior teeth that compromise esthetics are common. Microabrasion is indicated, since it affects enamel superficially. An acid-abrasive slurry with 37% phosphoric acid with pumice was used on the enamel for a controlled time period. Home bleaching with hydrogen peroxide was then used, further improving the final result. The method is safe, easy, and conservative and provides good esthetic results. (Quintessence Int 2011;42:423-426)
The effect of destabilisation and subcritical heat treatment on the impact toughness, hardness, and the amount and mechanical stability of retained austenite in a low carbon white cast iron have been investigated. The experimental results show that the impact energy constantly increases when the destabilisation temperature is raised from 950 degreesC to 1200 degreesC. Although the hardness decreases, the heat-treated hardness is still greater than the as-cast state. After destabilisation treatment at 1130 degreesC, tempering at 200 to 250 degreesC for 3 hours leads to the highest impact toughness, and secondary hardening was observed when tempering over 400 degreesC. The amount of retained austenite increased with the increase in the destabilisation temperature, and the treatment significantly improves the mechanical stability of the retained austenite compared with the as-cast state. Tempering below 400 degreesC does not affect the amount of retained austenite and its mechanical stability. But the amount of retained austenite is dramatically reduced when tempered above 400 degreesC. The relationship between the mechanical properties and the microstructure changes was discussed. (C) 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Forty-five Large White gilts were used to study the effect of energy intake from 28 to 176 d of age on body composition and reproductive development. From 28 to 60 d, the gilts were fed ad libitum a 16.6 MJ DE/kg, 24% crude protein and 1.3% total lysine diet. From 61 d of age three dietary treatments were used; 1) ad libitum access to feed (15.6 MJ DE/kg, 21% crude protein and 1.07% total lysine) (H), 2) feed offered at 75% (M) of the previous days intake of H, and 3) feed offered at 60% (L) of the previous days intake of H. ADG from 61 to 176 d of age was (p <0.05) affected by treatment. Although live weight at 176 d of age did not differ (p >0.1) the H gilts had higher (p <0.08) carcass weights than the M or L gilts. Back fat depths were similar (p >0.1) for all treatments at 115 d of age, however by 176 d of age M and H gilts were fatter (p <0.1) than L gilts. The mean lipid deposition (LD) from 115 to 176 d of age for L gilts (78.9 g/d) was less (p <0.05) than for M gilts (143.6 g/d) and H gilts (135.6 g/d). There were no differences between treatments for protein deposition (PD) over the same period. More (p <0.05) H gilts (n=8) attained puberty (first observed estrus) than either M gilts or L gilts (n=4 for both). Follicle numbers were similar (p >0.1) across treatments. For gilts that attained puberty, H gilts had fewer (p <0.05) follicles (13.5) than M gilts (19.7) and L gilts (21.3). For gilts with follicular development, H gilts had the heaviest (458.7 g) reproductive tract weight (RTW). However, for those that attained puberty, L gilts had the heaviest RTW. RTW were lowest for those with no follicular development. Energy restriction had a negative impact on puberty attainment, i.e. it took longer to reach puberty. However, for gilts that attained puberty, the number of follicles was greater for those on lower feed intakes. It would appear that rate of fat deposition, but not necessarily the total amount of fat, plays an important role in puberty attainment.
A study was performed at an abattoir in Australia, in an attempt to correlate focal chronic interstitial nephritis (FCIN) producing the so-called white spotted kidney, with Leptospira spp. and other pathogens in cattle. Samples of kidneys, urine and blood were collected immediately after slaughter from 46 two-year-old heifers, and 72 cows and bulls with gross lesions consistent with FCIN. The same samples were also collected from nine heifers and 12 cows with no gross kidney lesions. Aqueous humour was also collected from the eye of 17 of the adult animals. The sera were processed by a microscopic agglutination test for leptospira antibodies, while all the other samples were cultured for Leptospira spp. and also processed for routine aerobic and anaerobic culture for other pathogens. Sub-samples from all the kidneys were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and processed histologically. Antibody titers of 1:400 or higher for Lepstospira borgpeterseni serovar hardjo were found in six adult animals with FCIN and in one adult animal with no gross kidney changes, while antibody titers of 1:400 to L borgpeterseni serovar tarassovi were found in only one animal with FCIN. L. borgpeterseni serovar hardjo was isolated from the urine and kidney of one adult animal and from the urine of another adult animal, both with FCIN. No pathogens were isolated from any of the other samples. The histological lesions were consistent in most cases with FCIN. The results suggest that neither Leptospira spp. nor active infection by other bacteria are associated with c the so-called white spotted kidneys. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This study examined the relationship of race and rural/urban setting to physical, behavioral, psychosocial, and environmental factors associated with physical activity. Subjects included 1,668 eighth-grade girls from 31 middle schools: 933 from urban settings, and 735 from rural settings. Forty-six percent of urban girls and 59% of rural girls were Black. One-way and two-way ANOVAs with school as a covariate were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that most differences were associated with race rather than setting. Black girls were less active than White girls, reporting significantly fewer 30-minute blocks of both vigorous and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Black girls also spent more time watching television, and had higher BMIs and greater prevalence of overweight than White girls. However, enjoyment of physical education and family involvement in physical activity were greater among Black girls titan White girls. Rural White girls and urban Black girls had more favorable attitudes toward physical activity. Access to sports equipment, perceived safety of neighborhood, and physical activity self-efficacy were higher in White girls than Black girls.