995 resultados para Western North-atlantic


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Early Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts were reinvestigated from nine deep-sea sites of the North and Central Atlantic. In general the zonation scheme developed for the western Central Atlantic (Habib, 1977; Habib and Drugg, 1983 ) can also be applied to the eastern Central Atlantic. Comparison with the probabilistic zonation of Gradstein et al. (1992) show, however, that the first occurrences of the important marker species Druggidium apicopaucicure, Druggidium deflandrei, Druggidium rhabdoreticulatum and Odontochitina operculata appear to occur slightly later in the eastern Central Atlantic in respect to nannofossils and benthic foraminifers. Muderongia neocomica has a shorter stratigraphic range in the eastern Central Atlantic than in the western Central Atlantic.


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The coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi is characterized by a wide range of sizes, which can be easily distinguished in the light microscope. In this study we have quantified the abundance of large (coccoliths > 4 µm in maximum length) E. huxleyi specimens during the last 25 kyr in sedimentary records from eleven cores and drill sites in the NE Atlantic and W Mediterranean Sea, to prove its usefulness in the reconstruction of water mass dynamics and biostratigraphic potential. During the Last Glacial Maximum this large form, a cold-water indicator, was common in the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean, and its regional variation in abundance indicates a displacement of the climatic zones southwards in agreement with the development of ice sheets and sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere during this period. On the other hand, the gradient between northern and southern surface water masses in the Subtropical Gyre appears to have been more pronounced than at present, while the Portugal and Canary Currents were more intense. In the western Mediterranean basin temperatures were cooler than in the adjacent Atlantic, provoking a quasi-endemism of these specimens until the end of Heinrich Event 1. This may have been due to a restriction in the communication between the Atlantic and Mediterranean through the Strait of Gibraltar, the arrival of cold surface water and the amplification of cooling after the development of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. During the deglaciation, large E. huxleyi specimens decreased in abundance at medium and low latitudes, but were still numerous close to the Subarctic region during the Holocene. In transitional waters this decrease to present day abundances occurred after Termination Ib. The abrupt change in abundance of this large E. huxleyi form is proposed as a new biostratigraphic event to characterize the Holocene in mid- to low-latitude water masses in the North Atlantic, although this horizon seems to be diachronous by 5 kyr from tropical to subarctic regions, in agreement with the gradual onset of warm conditions.


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Here, we present results from sediments collected in the Argentine Basin, a non-steady state depositional marine system characterized by abundant oxidized iron within methane-rich layers due to sediment reworking followed by rapid deposition. Our comprehensive inorganic data set shows that iron reduction in these sulfate and sulfide-depleted sediments is best explained by a microbially mediated process-implicating anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to iron reduction (Fe-AOM) as the most likely major mechanism. Although important in many modern marine environments, iron-driven AOM may not consume similar amounts of methane compared with sulfate-dependent AOM. Nevertheless, it may have broad impact on the deep biosphere and dominate both iron and methane cycling in sulfate-lean marine settings. Fe-AOM might have been particularly relevant in the Archean ocean, >2.5 billion years ago, known for its production and accumulation of iron oxides (in iron formations) in a biosphere likely replete with methane but low in sulfate. Methane at that time was a critical greenhouse gas capable of sustaining a habitable climate under relatively low solar luminosity, and relationships to iron cycling may have impacted if not dominated methane loss from the biosphere.


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Vertical distribution of mesoplankton was studied over a single season in 2001 at two sites in the western and eastern parts of the northern margin of the North Atlantic gyre. Plankton was sampled both with use of BR 113/140 net and observed from the Mir deep-sea manned submersible. In near-slope waters southeast of Newfoundland (Titanic Polygon) there occurred intensive interaction between subtropical and sub-polar waters and plankton communities. The subtropical gyre community being more mature from the succession viewpoint created a ''net'' of carnivores and scavengers (shrimp and smaller animals) feeding plankton supplied from the north and thus increasing their own biomass. Due to features of hydrological conditions in 2001 in contrast to other years, the plankton supplied from the north was dominated by small copepods, while abundance of larger Calanus hyperboreus was small. Perhaps due to this fact, abundance of macroplanktonic shrimp decreased, while abundance of mesoplanktonic carnivores (Themisto, Sagitta, and Pareuchaeta) increased. In East Atlantic, within the Porcupine abyssal plain (Bismark Polygon) contrasts in frontal boundaries decreased and community interaction became less expressed. While vertical distribution of plankton at Titanic Polygon was characterized by a series of extraordinary features, distribution at Bismark Polygon was much more ordinary.


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Grain-size records of the terrigenous and calcareous silt fraction, preservation of planktic foraminifera, and benthic foraminiferal stable-isotope data (delta13C, delta18O values of C. wuellerstorfi) at ODP Site 927 on the Ceará Rise (5°27.7'N, 44°28.8'W), are used to reconstruct variations in the history of bottom current strength, ventilation, and carbonate corrosiveness of deep waters during the time interval from 0.8 to 0.3 Ma. Glacial periods are characterized by generally smaller mean sizes of the terrigenous sortable silt fraction (mean(SS)), lower delta13C values, and poorer preservation of planktic foraminifera compared to interglacials. This indicates lower bottom current speeds, larger nutrient contents and more corrosive deep water. By contrast, larger mean(SS) sizes, higher delta13C values, and well preserved planktic foraminifera indicate strong circulation and a well ventilated deep-water mass during interglacials. The observed changes are most likely related to the weakening and strengthening of circulation of Lower North Atlantic Deep Water (LNADW). Cross-spectral analysis between the mean(SS) and benthic delta18O records reveals that minima in mean(SS) occur about 7.6 k.y. after the maximum in ice volume. This indicates a considerable lag time between ice-shield induced changes in LNADW production and subsequent changes in the velocity of LNADW flow in the western equatorial Atlantic. Striking changes in bottom current speed occur regularly during glacial to interglacial transitions. Extremely fine mean(SS) minima point to an almost complete shutdown of bottom current vigor in response to a cessation of LNADW production caused by an enhanced melt water release during the initial phases of deglaciation. However, each of the fine minima extremes is followed by a rapid shift to very high mean(SS) values that indicate strong bottom currents, and hence, vigorous LNADW flow during the early interglacials. After the onset of glacial Stage 12, generally poorer carbonate preservation and higher variability is registered. This coincides with a global decrease in carbonate preservation during the mid-Brunhes (mid-Brunhes dissolution event). Detailed grain-size analysis of the calcareous fine fraction (<63 µm) revealed a considerable reduction of particles in the fraction from 7 to 63 µm during periods of enhanced dissolution. This indicates a preferential dissolution of larger planktic foraminiferal fragments which leads to an enrichment of coccoliths in the calcareous fine fraction.


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Studies from the subtropical western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, using the 231Pa/230Th ratio as a kinematic proxy for deep water circulation, provided compelling evidence for a strong link between climate and the rate of meridional overturning circulation (MOC) over the last deglaciation. In this study, we present a compilation of existing and new sedimentary 231Pa/230Th records from North Atlantic cores between 1710 and 4550 m water depth. Comparing sedimentary 231Pa/230Th from different depths provides new insights into the evolution of the geometry and rate of deep water formation in the North Atlantic during the last 20,000 years. The 231Pa/230Th ratio measured in upper Holocene sediments indicates slow water renewal above ?2500 m and rapid flushing below, consistent with our understanding of modern circulation. In contrast, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) drove a rapid overturning circulation to a depth of at least ?3000 m depth. Below ~4000 m, water renewal was much slower than today. At the onset of Heinrich event 1, transport by the overturning circulation declined at all depths. GNAIW shoaled above 3000 m and significantly weakened but did not totally shut down. During the Bølling-Allerød (BA) that followed, water renewal rates further decreased above 2000 m but increased below. Our results suggest for the first time that ocean circulation during that period was quite distinct from the modern circulation mode, with a comparatively higher renewal rate above 3000 m and a lower renewal rate below in a pattern similar to the LGM but less accentuated. MOC during the Younger Dryas appears very similar to BA down to 2000 m and slightly slower below.


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We examined the combined effects of light and pCO2 on growth, CO2-fixation and N2-fixation rates by strains of the unicellular marine N2-fixing cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii with small (WH0401) and large (WH0402) cells that were isolated from the western tropical Atlantic Ocean. In low-pCO2-acclimated cultures (190 ppm) of WH0401, growth, CO2-fixation and N2-fixation rates were significantly lower than those in cultures acclimated to higher (present-day 385 ppm, or future 750 ppm) pCO2 treatments. Growth rates were not significantly different, however, in low-pCO2-acclimated cultures of WH0402 in comparison with higher pCO2 treatments. Unlike previous reports for C. watsonii (strain WH8501), N2-fixation rates did not increase further in cultures of WH0401 or WH0402 when acclimated to 750 ppm relative to those maintained at present-day pCO2. Both light and pCO2 had a significant negative effect on gross : net N2-fixation rates in WH0402 and trends were similar in WH0401, implying that retention of fixed N was enhanced under elevated light and pCO2. These data, along with previously reported results, suggest that C. watsonii may have wide-ranging, strain-specific responses to changing light and pCO2, emphasizing the need for examining the effects of global change on a range of isolates within this biogeochemically important genus. In general, however, our data suggest that cellular N retention and CO2-fixation rates of C. watsonii may be positively affected by elevated light and pCO2 within the next 100 years, potentially increasing trophic transfer efficiency of C and N and thereby facilitating uptake of atmospheric carbon by the marine biota.


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Calcareous nannofossil assemblages recovered in four Islas Orcadas piston cores along the northern margin of the Maurice Ewing Bank on the eastern Falkland Plateau are correlated with lower Oligocene and middle Eocene sections at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 511 and 512, respectively. Results indicate that the Paleogene section near the piston core stations is generally more calcareous and complete than at the Leg 71 drill sites and could provide a valuable highlatitude biostratigraphic reference locality if drilled at some future date.