928 resultados para Weiyn He, Agnes: Talking and testing
Natural stones have been widely used in the construction field since antiquity. Building materials undergo decay processes due to mechanical,chemical, physical and biological causes that can act together. Therefore an interdisciplinary approach is required in order to understand the interaction between the stone and the surrounding environment. Utilization of buildings, inadequate restoration activities and in general anthropogenic weathering factors may contribute to this degradation process. For this reasons, in the last few decades new technologies and techniques have been developed and introduced in the restoration field. Consolidants are largely used in restoration and conservation of cultural heritage in order to improve the internal cohesion and to reduce the weathering rate of building materials. It is important to define the penetration depth of a consolidant for determining its efficacy. Impregnation mainly depends on the microstructure of the stone (i.e. porosity) and on the properties of the product itself. Throughout this study, tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) applied on globigerina limestone samples has been chosen as object of investigation. After hydrolysis and condensation, TEOS deposits silica gel inside the pores, improving the cohesion of the grains. X-ray computed tomography has been used to characterize the internal structure of the limestone samples,treated and untreated with a TEOS-based consolidant. The aim of this work is to investigate the penetration depth and the distribution of the TEOS inside the porosity, using both traditional approaches and advanced X-ray tomographic techniques, the latter allowing the internal visualization in three dimensions of the materials. Fluid transport properties and porosity have been studied both at macroscopic scale, by means of capillary uptake tests and radiography, and at microscopic scale,investigated with X-ray Tomographic Microscopy (XTM). This allows identifying changes in the porosity, by comparison of the images before and after the treatment, and locating the consolidant inside the stone. Tests were initially run at University of Bologna, where characterization of the stone was carried out. Then the research continued in Switzerland: X-ray tomography and radiography were performed at Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, while XTM measurements with synchrotron radiation were run at Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen.
EUMETSAT (www.eumetsat.int) e’ l’agenzia europea per operazioni su satelliti per monitorare clima, meteo e ambiente terrestre. Dal centro operativo situato a Darmstadt (Germania), si controllano satelliti meteorologici su orbite geostazionarie e polari che raccolgono dati per l’osservazione dell’atmosfera, degli oceani e della superficie terrestre per un servizio continuo di 24/7. Un sistema di monitoraggio centralizzato per programmi diversi all’interno dell’ambiente operazionale di EUMETSAT, e’ dato da GEMS (Generic Event Monitoring System). Il software garantisce il controllo di diverse piattaforme, cross-monitoring di diverse sezioni operative, ed ha le caratteristiche per potere essere esteso a future missioni. L’attuale versione della GEMS MMI (Multi Media Interface), v. 3.6, utilizza standard Java Server Pages (JSP) e fa uso pesante di codici Java; utilizza inoltre files ASCII per filtri e display dei dati. Conseguenza diretta e’ ad esempio, il fatto che le informazioni non sono automaticamente aggiornate, ma hanno bisogno di ricaricare la pagina. Ulteriori inputs per una nuova versione della GEMS MMI vengono da diversi comportamenti anomali riportati durante l’uso quotidiano del software. La tesi si concentra sulla definizione di nuovi requisiti per una nuova versione della GEMS MMI (v. 4.4) da parte della divisione ingegneristica e di manutenzione di operazioni di EUMETSAT. Per le attivita’ di supporto, i test sono stati condotti presso Solenix. Il nuovo software permettera’ una migliore applicazione web, con tempi di risposta piu’ rapidi, aggiornamento delle informazioni automatico, utilizzo totale del database di GEMS e le capacita’ di filtri, insieme ad applicazioni per telefoni cellulari per il supporto delle attivita’ di reperibilita’. La nuova versione di GEMS avra’ una nuova Graphical User Interface (GUI) che utilizza tecnologie moderne. Per un ambiente di operazioni come e’ quello di EUMETSAT, dove l’affidabilita’ delle tecnologie e la longevita’ dell’approccio scelto sono di vitale importanza, non tutti gli attuali strumenti a disposizione sono adatti e hanno bisogno di essere migliorati. Allo stesso tempo, un’ interfaccia moderna, in termini di visual design, interattivita’ e funzionalita’, e’ importante per la nuova GEMS MMI.
Il lavoro di questa tesi riguarda principalmente l'upgrade, la simulazione e il test di schede VME chiamate ReadOut Driver (ROD), che sono parte della catena di elaborazione ed acquisizione dati di IBL (Insertable B-Layer). IBL è il nuovo componente del Pixel Detector dell'esperimento ATLAS al Cern che è stato inserito nel detector durante lo shut down di LHC; fino al 2012 infatti il Pixel Detector era costituito da tre layer, chiamati (partendo dal più interno): Barrel Layer 0, Layer 1 e Layer 2. Tuttavia, l'aumento di luminosità di LHC, l'invecchiamento dei pixel e la richiesta di avere misure sempre più precise, portarono alla necessità di migliorare il rivelatore. Così, a partire dall'inizio del 2013, IBL (che fino a quel momento era stato un progetto sviluppato e finanziato separatamente dal Pixel Detector) è diventato parte del Pixel Detector di ATLAS ed è stato installato tra la beam-pipe e il layer B0. Questa tesi fornirà innanzitutto una panoramica generale dell'esperimento ATLAS al CERN, includendo aspetti sia fisici sia tecnici, poi tratterà in dettaglio le varie parti del rivelatore, con particolare attenzione su Insertable B-Layer. Su quest'ultimo punto la tesi si focalizzerà sui motivi che ne hanno portato alla costruzione, sugli aspetti di design, sulle tecnologie utilizzate (volte a rendere nel miglior modo possibile compatibili IBL e il resto del Pixel Detector) e sulle scelte di sviluppo e fabbricazione. La tesi tratterà poi la catena di read-out dei dati, descrivendo le tecniche di interfacciamento con i chip di front-end, ed in particolare si concentrerà sul lavoro svolto per l'upgrade e lo sviluppo delle schede ReadOut Drivers (ROD) introducendo le migliorie da me apportate, volte a eliminare eventuali difetti, migliorare le prestazioni ed a predisporre il sistema ad una analisi prestazionale del rivelatore. Allo stato attuale le schede sono state prodotte e montate e sono già parte del sistema di acquisizione dati del Pixel Detector di ATLAS, ma il firmware è in continuo aggiornamento. Il mio lavoro si è principalmente focalizzato sul debugging e il miglioramento delle schede ROD; in particolare ho aggiunto due features: - programmazione parallela delle FPGA} delle ROD via VME. IBL richiede l'utilizzo di 15 schede ROD e programmandole tutte insieme (invece che una alla volta) porta ad un sensibile guadagno nei tempi di programmazione. Questo è utile soprattutto in fase di test; - reset del Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)} tramite VME. Il PLL è un chip presente nelle ROD che distribuisce il clock a tutte le componenti della scheda. Avere la possibilità di resettare questo chip da remoto permette di risolvere problemi di sincronizzazione. Le ReadOut Driver saranno inoltre utilizzate da più layer del Pixel Detector. Infatti oltre ad IBL anche i dati provenienti dai layer 1 e 2 dei sensori a pixel dell’esperimento ATLAS verranno acquisiti sfruttando la catena hardware progettata, realizzata e testata a Bologna.
To evaluate the impact of a national HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) campaign on presentation to HIV care in a rural population in Tanzania.
Biomarkers are currently best used as mechanistic "signposts" rather than as "traffic lights" in the environmental risk assessment of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). In field studies, biomarkers of exposure [e.g., vitellogenin (VTG) induction in male fish] are powerful tools for tracking single substances and mixtures of concern. Biomarkers also provide linkage between field and laboratory data, thereby playing an important role in directing the need for and design of fish chronic tests for EDCs. It is the adverse effect end points (e.g., altered development, growth, and/or reproduction) from such tests that are most valuable for calculating adverseNOEC (no observed effect concentration) or adverseEC10 (effective concentration for a 10% response) and subsequently deriving predicted no effect concentrations (PNECs). With current uncertainties, biomarkerNOEC or biomarkerEC10 data should not be used in isolation to derive PNECs. In the future, however, there may be scope to increasingly use biomarker data in environmental decision making, if plausible linkages can be made across levels of organization such that adverse outcomes might be envisaged relative to biomarker responses. For biomarkers to fulfil their potential, they should be mechanistically relevant and reproducible (as measured by interlaboratory comparisons of the same protocol). VTG is a good example of such a biomarker in that it provides an insight to the mode of action (estrogenicity) that is vital to fish reproductive health. Interlaboratory reproducibility data for VTG are also encouraging; recent comparisons (using the same immunoassay protocol) have provided coefficients of variation (CVs) of 38-55% (comparable to published CVs of 19-58% for fish survival and growth end points used in regulatory test guidelines). While concern over environmental xenoestrogens has led to the evaluation of reproductive biomarkers in fish, it must be remembered that many substances act via diverse mechanisms of action such that the environmental risk assessment for EDCs is a broad and complex issue. Also, biomarkers such as secondary sexual characteristics, gonadosomatic indices, plasma steroids, and gonadal histology have significant potential for guiding interspecies assessments of EDCs and designing fish chronic tests. To strengthen the utility of EDC biomarkers in fish, we need to establish a historical control database (also considering natural variability) to help differentiate between statistically detectable versus biologically significant responses. In conclusion, as research continues to develop a range of useful EDC biomarkers, environmental decision-making needs to move forward, and it is proposed that the "biomarkers as signposts" approach is a pragmatic way forward in the current risk assessment of EDCs.
Electrochemical capacitors (ECs), also known as supercapacitors or ultracapacitors, are energy storage devices with properties between batteries and conventional capacitors. EC have evolved through several generations. The trend in EC is to combine a double-layer electrode with a battery-type electrode in an asymmetric capacitor configuration. The double-layer electrode is usually an activated carbon (AC) since it has high surface area, good conductivity, and relatively low cost. The battery-type electrode usually consists of PbO2 or Ni(OH)2. In this research, a graphitic carbon foam was impregnated with Co-substituted Ni(OH)2 using electrochemical deposition to serve as the positive electrode in the asymmetric capacitor. The purpose was to reduce the cost and weight of the ECs while maintaining or increasing capacitance and gravimetric energy storage density. The XRD result indicated that the nickel-carbon foam electrode was a typical α-Ni(OH)2. The specific capacitance of the nickel-carbon foam electrode was 2641 F/g at 5 mA/cm2, higher than the previously reported value of 2080 F/g for a 7.5% Al-substituted α-Ni(OH)2 electrode. Three different ACs (RP-20, YP-50F, and Ketjenblack EC-600JD) were evaluated through their morphology and electrochemical performance to determine their suitability for use in ECs. The study indicated that YP-50F demonstrated the better overall performance because of the combination of micropore and mesopore structures. Therefore, YP-50F was chosen to combine with the nickel-carbon foam electrode for further evaluation. Six cells with different mass ratios of negative to positive active mass were fabricated to study the electrochemical performance. Among the different mass ratios, the asymmetric capacitor with the mass ratio of 3.71 gave the highest specific energy and specific power, 24.5 W.h/kg and 498 W/kg, respectively.
With energy demands and costs growing every day, the need for improving energy efficiency in electrical devices has become very important. Research into various methods of improving efficiency for all electrical components will be a key to meet future energy needs. This report documents the design, construction, and testing of a research quality electric machine dynamometer and test bed. This test cell system can be used for research in several areas including: electric drives systems, electric vehicle propulsion systems, power electronic converters, load/source element in an AC Microgrid, as well as many others. The test cell design criteria, and decisions, will be discussed in reference to user functionality and flexibility. The individual power components will be discussed in detail to how they relate to the project, highlighting any feature used in operation of the test cell. A project timeline will be discussed, clearly stating the work done by the different individuals involved in the project. In addition, the system will be parameterized and benchmark data will be used to provide the functional operation of the system. With energy demands and costs growing every day, the need for improving energy efficiency in electrical devices has become very important. Research into various methods of improving efficiency for all electrical components will be a key to meet future energy needs. This report documents the design, construction, and testing of a research quality electric machine dynamometer and test bed. This test cell system can be used for research in several areas including: electric drives systems, electric vehicle propulsion systems, power electronic converters, load/source element in an AC Microgrid, as well as many others. The test cell design criteria, and decisions, will be discussed in reference to user functionality and flexibility. The individual power components will be discussed in detail to how they relate to the project, highlighting any feature used in operation of the test cell. A project timeline will be discussed, clearly stating the work done by the different individuals involved in the project. In addition, the system will be parameterized and benchmark data will be used to provide the functional operation of the system.
One of the biggest challenges facing researchers trying to empirically test structural or institutional anomie theories is the operationalization of the key concept of anomie. This challenge is heightened by the data constraints involved in cross-national research. As a result, researchers have been forced to rely on surrogate or proxy measures of anomie and indirect tests of the theories. The purpose of this study is to examine an innovative and more theoretically sound measure of anomie and to test its ability to make cross-national predictions of serious crime. Our results are supportive of the efficacy of this construct to explain cross-national variations in crime rates. Nations with the highest rates of structural anomie also have the highest predicted rates of homicide.
A graphing method was developed and tested to estimate gestational ages pre-and postnatally in a consistent manner for epidemiological research and clinical purposes on feti/infants of women with few consistent prenatal estimators of gestational age. Each patient's available data was plotted on a single page graph to give a comprehensive overview of that patient. A hierarchical classification of gestational age determination was then applied in a systematic manner, and reasonable gestational age estimates were produced. The method was tested for validity and reliability on 50 women who had known dates for their last menstrual period or dates of conception, and multiple ultrasound examinations and other gestational age estimating measures. The feasibility of the procedure was then tested on 1223 low income women with few gestational age estimators. The graphing method proved to have high inter- and intrarater reliability. It was quick, easy to use, inexpensive, and did not require special equipment. The graphing method estimate of gestational age for each infant was tested against the last menstrual period gestational age estimate using paired t-Tests, F tests and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of similar populations, producing a 98 percent probability or better that the means and data populations were the same. Less than 5 percent of the infants' gestational ages were misclassified using the graphing method, much lower than the amount of misclassification produced by ultrasound or neonatal examination estimates. ^