955 resultados para Waste footwear industry


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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Com este estudo procurou se identificar os resultados produzidos pela aprendizagem do tipo Bottom-Up (BU) em organizações, tendo-se em vista que as variáveis Cultura Organizacional de Aprendizagem (COA), Mecanismos de Coordenação e Integração (MCI) e Liderança (LID) podem interferir na relação entre o método de aprendizagem e os resultados obtidos pela organização. Para se compreender o fenômeno, após uma pesquisa bibliográfica, foi desenvolvido um estudo multicaso pela metodologia proposta por Yin (2009). Foram pesquisadas quatro organizações atuantes em segmentos distintos, nomeadas neste estudo como \"Empresa X\" (setor farmacêutico), \"Empresa Y\" (setor alimentício/franquia), \"Empresa Z\" (indústria e comércio de calçados) e \"Empresa W\" (setor farmacêutico). Nestas empresas foram inquiridos o Diretor, o Vendedor e os responsáveis pelo setor da inovação, produção, comercial, financeiro e RH. Os respondentes foram entrevistados e preencheram um questionário, além de ter existido coleta prévia de dados secundários para maior compreensão dos fatos relacionados às empresas. Como resultado, constatou-se que nos casos analisados, aparentemente existe uma combinação entre o fator MCI e os constructos LID e COA, que possibilita a existência da aprendizagem do tipo BU. Os resultados provenientes desta combinação tendem a se manifestar em termos financeiros, competitivos e mercadológicos. A combinação do fator e os constructos não necessariamente conduzem à inovatividade da organização.


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Customizing shoe manufacturing is one of the great challenges in the footwear industry. It is a production model change where design adopts not only the main role, but also the main bottleneck. It is therefore necessary to accelerate this process by improving the accuracy of current methods. Rapid prototyping techniques are based on the reuse of manufactured footwear lasts so that they can be modified with CAD systems leading rapidly to new shoe models. In this work, we present a shoe last fast reconstruction method that fits current design and manufacturing processes. The method is based on the scanning of shoe last obtaining sections and establishing a fixed number of landmarks onto those sections to reconstruct the shoe last 3D surface. Automated landmark extraction is accomplished through the use of the self-organizing network, the growing neural gas (GNG), which is able to topographically map the low dimensionality of the network to the high dimensionality of the contour manifold without requiring a priori knowledge of the input space structure. Moreover, our GNG landmark method is tolerant to noise and eliminates outliers. Our method accelerates up to 12 times the surface reconstruction and filtering processes used by the current shoe last design software. The proposed method offers higher accuracy compared with methods with similar efficiency as voxel grid.


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The footwear industry is a traditional craft sector, where technological advances are difficult to implement owing to the complexity of the processes being carried out, and the level of precision demanded by most of them. The shoe last joining operation is one clear example, where two halves from different lasts are put together, following a specifically traditional process, to create a new one. Existing surface joining techniques analysed in this paper are not well adapted to shoe last design and production processes, which makes their implementation in the industry difficult. This paper presents an alternative surface joining technique, inspired by the traditional work of lastmakers. This way, lastmakers will be able to easily adapt to the new tool and make the most out of their know-how. The technique is based on the use of curve networks that are created on the surfaces to be joined, instead of using discrete data. Finally, a series of joining tests are presented, in which real lasts were successfully joined using a commercial last design software. The method has shown to be valid, efficient, and feasible within the sector.


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L’histoire de la United Shoe Machinery Company (USMC) montre que la réalité ne s’adapte pas toujours aux simplifications de la théorie. Comme le signale l’économie de la fonctionnalité, la stratégie de l’entreprise de vendre l’usage plutôt que la machine fournit plusieurs avantages importants, mais elle a également contribué au fait que les usines de chaussures subissent une véritable dépendance technologique de cette compagnie et au fait que l’USMC soit parvenue à une domination monopolistique du marché. D’autre part, en remettant en cause les rudiments généraux de la théorie économique néoclassique, cette position de monopole n’a pas empêché que l’entreprise ait un fonctionnement efficace et ait facilité la modernisation technologique de l’industrie de la chaussure, aux États-Unis et dans d’autres pays.


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Fashion is a complex social and cultural phenomenon with strong economic implications. Historical analysis reveals that the mechanisms of creating and spreading fashion have not remained constant, but have varied according to social structures, forms of producing and distributing apparel and social media, while the level of influence of fashion on society has increased in line with economic development. This special issue of Investigaciones de Historia Económica-Economic History Research is dedicated to fashion as an economic phenomenon in the contemporary period. The four articles which make it up show the plurality of the subject areas, sources and methodological approaches in the current research on this topic.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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Relatório de estágio apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Sistemas de Informação Organizacionais


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.