994 resultados para WS-BPEL
Nowadays, Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs) and, more generally, Process Management Systems (PMPs) are process-aware Information Systems (PAISs), are widely used to support many human organizational activities, ranging from well-understood, relatively stable and structures processes (supply chain management, postal delivery tracking, etc.) to processes that are more complicated, less structured and may exhibit a high degree of variation (health-care, emergency management, etc.). Every aspect of a business process involves a certain amount of knowledge which may be complex depending on the domain of interest. The adequate representation of this knowledge is determined by the modeling language used. Some processes behave in a way that is well understood, predictable and repeatable: the tasks are clearly delineated and the control flow is straightforward. Recent discussions, however, illustrate the increasing demand for solutions for knowledge-intensive processes, where these characteristics are less applicable. The actors involved in the conduct of a knowledge-intensive process have to deal with a high degree of uncertainty. Tasks may be hard to perform and the order in which they need to be performed may be highly variable. Modeling knowledge-intensive processes can be complex as it may be hard to capture at design-time what knowledge is available at run-time. In realistic environments, for example, actors lack important knowledge at execution time or this knowledge can become obsolete as the process progresses. Even if each actor (at some point) has perfect knowledge of the world, it may not be certain of its beliefs at later points in time, since tasks by other actors may change the world without those changes being perceived. Typically, a knowledge-intensive process cannot be adequately modeled by classical, state of the art process/workflow modeling approaches. In some respect there is a lack of maturity when it comes to capturing the semantic aspects involved, both in terms of reasoning about them. The main focus of the 1st International Workshop on Knowledge-intensive Business processes (KiBP 2012) was investigating how techniques from different fields, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Knowledge Representation (KR), Business Process Management (BPM), Service Oriented Computing (SOC), etc., can be combined with the aim of improving the modeling and the enactment phases of a knowledge-intensive process. The 1st International Workshop on Knowledge-intensive Business process (KiBP 2012) was held as part of the program of the 2012 Knowledge Representation & Reasoning International Conference (KR 2012) in Rome, Italy, in June 2012. The workshop was hosted by the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale Antonio Ruberti of Sapienza Universita di Roma, with financial support of the University, through grant 2010-C26A107CN9 TESTMED, and the EU Commission through the projects FP7-25888 Greener Buildings and FP7-257899 Smart Vortex. This volume contains the 5 papers accepted and presented at the workshop. Each paper was reviewed by three members of the internationally renowned Program Committee. In addition, a further paper was invted for inclusion in the workshop proceedings and for presentation at the workshop. There were two keynote talks, one by Marlon Dumas (Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia) on "Integrated Data and Process Management: Finally?" and the other by Yves Lesperance (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, York University, Canada) on "A Logic-Based Approach to Business Processes Customization" completed the scientific program. We would like to thank all the Program Committee members for the valuable work in selecting the papers, Andrea Marrella for his valuable work as publication and publicity chair of the workshop, and Carola Aiello and the consulting agency Consulta Umbria for the organization of this successful event.
Words and Silences is the official on-line journal of the International Oral History Association. It is an internationally peer reviewed, high quality forum for oral historians from a wide range of disciplines and a means for the professional community to share projects and current trends of oral history from around the world. We are extremely pleased to release the first online issue of Word &Silences. This e-journal is the result of long standing discussion and debate about the best way to publish a quality bilingual oral history journal (including a blind peer reviewed section) as a viable solution to mounting difficulties associated with publishing in print. We have discovered that an online version is also not without its challenges and requires tremendous labor intensive dedication. We strongly encourage members to assist us with small review process tasks in the future, so that we can ensure the sustainability of an annual W&S publication for our members and beyond.
Product rating systems are very popular on the web, and users are increasingly depending on the overall product ratings provided by websites to make purchase decisions or to compare various products. Currently most of these systems directly depend on users’ ratings and aggregate the ratings using simple aggregating methods such as mean or median [1]. In fact, many websites also allow users to express their opinions in the form of textual product reviews. In this paper, we propose a new product reputation model that uses opinion mining techniques in order to extract sentiments about product’s features, and then provide a method to generate a more realistic reputation value for every feature of the product and the product itself. We considered the strength of the opinion rather than its orientation only. We do not treat all product features equally when we calculate the overall product reputation, as some features are more important to customers than others, and consequently have more impact on customers buying decisions. Our method provides helpful details about the product features for customers rather than only representing reputation as a number only.
This paper presents the idea of a compendium of process technologies, i.e., a concise but comprehensive collection of techniques for process model analysis that support research on the design, execution, and evaluation of processes. The idea originated from observations on the evolution of process-related research disciplines. Based on these observations, we derive design goals for a compendium. Then, we present the jBPT library, which addresses these goals by means of an implementation of common analysis techniques in an open source codebase.
This article describes the architecture of a monitoring component for the YAWL system. The architecture proposed is based on sensors and it is realized as a YAWL service to have perfect integration with the YAWL systems. The architecture proposed is generic and applicable in different contexts of business process monitoring. Finally, it was tested and evaluated in the context of risk monitoring for business processes.
The Yet Another Workflow Language (YAWL) language and environment has been used to prototype, verify, execute and analyse business processes in a wide variety of industrial domains, such as telephony, construction, supply chain, insurance services, medical environments, personnel management and the creative arts. These engagements offer the YAWL researcher community a great opportunity to validate our research findings within an industry setting, as well as discovery of possible enhancements from the end user perspective. This paper describes three such industry projects, discusses why YAWL was chosen and how it was used in each, and reacts on the insights gained along the way.
The YAWL Worklet Service is an effective approach to facilitating dynamic flexibility and exception handling in workflow processes. Recent additions to the Service extend its capabilities through a programming interface that provides easier access to rules storage and evaluation, and an event server that notifies listening servers and applications when exceptions are detected, which together serve enhance the functionality and accessibility of the Service's features and expand its usability to new potential domains.
It has long been a concern that the wider uptake of the YAWL environment may have been hindered by the usability issues identified in the current Process Editor. As a consequence, it was decided that the Editor be completely rewritten to address those usability limitations. The result has been the implementation of a new YAWL Process Editor architecture that creates a clear separation between the User Interface component layer and the core processing back end, facilitating the redesign of the default user interface. This new architecture also supports the development of multiple User Interface front ends for specific contexts that take advantage of the core capabilities the new Editor architecture has to offer.
Speaker attribution is the task of annotating a spoken audio archive based on speaker identities. This can be achieved using speaker diarization and speaker linking. In our previous work, we proposed an efficient attribution system, using complete-linkage clustering, for conducting attribution of large sets of two-speaker telephone data. In this paper, we build on our proposed approach to achieve a robust system, applicable to multiple recording domains. To do this, we first extend the diarization module of our system to accommodate multi-speaker (>2) recordings. We achieve this through using a robust cross-likelihood ratio (CLR) threshold stopping criterion for clustering, as opposed to the original stopping criterion of two speakers used for telephone data. We evaluate this baseline diarization module across a dataset of Australian broadcast news recordings, showing a significant lack of diarization accuracy without previous knowledge of the true number of speakers within a recording. We thus propose applying an additional pass of complete-linkage clustering to the diarization module, demonstrating an absolute improvement of 20% in diarization error rate (DER). We then evaluate our proposed multi-domain attribution system across the broadcast news data, demonstrating achievable attribution error rates (AER) as low as 17%.
This paper elaborates the approach used by the Applied Data Mining Research Group (ADMRG) for the Social Event Detection (SED) Tasks of the 2013 MediaEval Benchmark. We extended the constrained clustering algorithm to apply to the first semi-supervised clustering task, and we compared several classifiers with Latent Dirichlet Allocation as feature selector in the second event classification task. The proposed approach focuses on scalability and efficient memory allocation when applied to a high dimensional data with large clusters. Results of the first task show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Results from task 2 indicate that attention on the imbalance categories distributions is needed.
In this paper, we provide an overview of the Social Event Detection (SED) task that is part of the MediaEval Bench mark for Multimedia Evaluation 2013. This task requires participants to discover social events and organize the re- lated media items in event-specific clusters within a collection of Web multimedia. Social events are events that are planned by people, attended by people and for which the social multimedia are also captured by people. We describe the challenges, datasets, and the evaluation methodology.
The aim of this research is to report initial experimental results and evaluation of a clinician-driven automated method that can address the issue of misdiagnosis from unstructured radiology reports. Timely diagnosis and reporting of patient symptoms in hospital emergency departments (ED) is a critical component of health services delivery. However, due to disperse information resources and vast amounts of manual processing of unstructured information, a point-of-care accurate diagnosis is often difficult. A rule-based method that considers the occurrence of clinician specified keywords related to radiological findings was developed to identify limb abnormalities, such as fractures. A dataset containing 99 narrative reports of radiological findings was sourced from a tertiary hospital. The rule-based method achieved an F-measure of 0.80 and an accuracy of 0.80. While our method achieves promising performance, a number of avenues for improvement were identified using advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques.
This paper presents the prototype of an information retrieval system for medical records that utilises visualisation techniques, namely word clouds and timelines. The system simplifies and assists information seeking tasks within the medical domain. Access to patient medical information can be time consuming as it requires practitioners to review a large number of electronic medical records to find relevant information. Presenting a summary of the content of a medical document by means of a word cloud may permit information seekers to decide upon the relevance of a document to their information need in a simple and time effective manner. We extend this intuition, by mapping word clouds of electronic medical records onto a timeline, to provide temporal information to the user. This allows exploring word clouds in the context of a patient’s medical history. To enhance the presentation of word clouds, we also provide the means for calculating aggregations and differences between patient’s word clouds.
This paper makes a formal security analysis of the current Australian e-passport implementation using model checking tools CASPER/CSP/FDR. We highlight security issues in the current implementation and identify new threats when an e-passport system is integrated with an automated processing system like SmartGate. The paper also provides a security analysis of the European Union (EU) proposal for Extended Access Control (EAC) that is intended to provide improved security in protecting biometric information of the e-passport bearer. The current e-passport specification fails to provide a list of adequate security goals that could be used for security evaluation. We fill this gap; we present a collection of security goals for evaluation of e-passport protocols. Our analysis confirms existing security weaknesses that were previously identified and shows that both the Australian e-passport implementation and the EU proposal fail to address many security and privacy aspects that are paramount in implementing a secure border control mechanism. ACM Classification C.2.2 (Communication/Networking and Information Technology – Network Protocols – Model Checking), D.2.4 (Software Engineering – Software/Program Verification – Formal Methods), D.4.6 (Operating Systems – Security and Privacy Protection – Authentication)