935 resultados para Volunteered Geographic Information
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
In the last years, volunteers have been contributing massively to what we know nowadays as Volunteered Geographic Information. This huge amount of data might be hiding a vast geographical richness and therefore research needs to be conducted to explore their potential and use it in the solution of real world problems. In this study we conduct an exploratory analysis of data from the OpenStreetMap initiative. Using the Corine Land Cover database as reference and continental Portugal as the study area, we establish a possible correspondence between both classification nomenclatures, evaluate the quality of OpenStreetMap polygon features classification against Corine Land Cover classes from level 1 nomenclature, and analyze the spatial distribution of OpenStreetMap classes over continental Portugal. A global classification accuracy around 76% and interesting coverage areas’ values are remarkable and promising results that encourages us for future research on this topic.
The amateur birding community has a long and proud tradition of contributing to bird surveys and bird atlases. Coordinated activities such as Breeding Bird Atlases and the Christmas Bird Count are examples of "citizen science" projects. With the advent of technology, Web 2.0 sites such as eBird have been developed to facilitate online sharing of data and thus increase the potential for real-time monitoring. However, as recently articulated in an editorial in this journal and elsewhere, monitoring is best served when based on a priori hypotheses. Harnessing citizen scientists to collect data following a hypothetico-deductive approach carries challenges. Moreover, the use of citizen science in scientific and monitoring studies has raised issues of data accuracy and quality. These issues are compounded when data collection moves into the Web 2.0 world. An examination of the literature from social geography on the concept of "citizen sensors" and volunteered geographic information (VGI) yields thoughtful reflections on the challenges of data quality/data accuracy when applying information from citizen sensors to research and management questions. VGI has been harnessed in a number of contexts, including for environmental and ecological monitoring activities. Here, I argue that conceptualizing a monitoring project as an experiment following the scientific method can further contribute to the use of VGI. I show how principles of experimental design can be applied to monitoring projects to better control for data quality of VGI. This includes suggestions for how citizen sensors can be harnessed to address issues of experimental controls and how to design monitoring projects to increase randomization and replication of sampled data, hence increasing scientific reliability and statistical power.
Enriquecer el conocimiento sobre la Radiación Solar (RS) a nivel del suelo es de gran interés para diferentes aplicaciones meteorológicas entre ellas el área de las energías renovables como la energía solar. La interpolación de observaciones de RS por estaciones en tierra, los sensores remotos y la ejecución de distintos modelos son algunas de las formas que existen para obtener valores de RS con continuidad espacial en el terreno. Aunque se sabe que los mejores valores de RS en la superficie son los observados por estaciones terrestres, este tipo de observaciones presentan como desventaja una baja distribución geográfica. En este trabajo se propone el uso de estaciones meteorológicas de voluntarios no oficiales (Meteoclimatic, Weather, Underground, Weather, Link, CWOP) las cuales son fuentes de Información Geográfica por Voluntarios (Volunteered Geographic Information - VGI) que proporcionan sus observaciones RS en tiempo real a través de Internet como una alternativa para densificar la disponibilidad y distribución espacial de las observaciones por RS a nivel superficial. En este trabajo se desarrolla una metodología que contempla tanto la recolección de las observaciones, como su alineación temporal para finalizar con el análisis de los datos indicando sus valores de incertidumbre a medida que se integra en una Base de Datos que integra las distintas fuentes de datos utilizadas. Los resultados indican que el error RS relativo entre las estimaciones por satélite y las observaciones en superficie no es constante a lo largo del día y por tanto debe analizarse mediante agrupaciones. También se ha observado que dicho error puede verse afectado por la localización de la estación meteorológica, en concreto se ha apreciado una relación directa entre el error relativo y la diferencia entre las longitudes de la ubicación de las estaciones superficiales en tierra y el satélite. Ésta misma comparación siguiere que es correcto considerar el uso de Meteoclimatic (la red Voluntaria tomada como piloto) como una fuente de observaciones de la RS importante al presentar un error esperado y aportar aproximadamente 10 veces más estaciones meteorológicas RS que la red oficial en España aportando un buen precedente para la integración de más redes voluntarias en la densificación de observaciones de la RS con estaciones en tierra.
Resumen Ushahidi es el programa africano de mayor difusión mundial, que permite mapear información vital, desde el punto de vista social, en zonas de catástrofe o de conflicto. Originalmente concebida para reunir las múltiples denuncias de fraude en relación a las elecciones kenianas, ha sido utilizada posteriormente en todo el mundo en centenares de situaciones diversas, generalmente relacionadas con situaciones de amenazas, crisis, ayuda humanitaria, etc. Este artículo presenta el fenómeno Ushahidi y sus aplicaciones, a fin de entender su alcance y sus posibles repercusiones. También se introducen temas de gran interés para el desarrollo humano como el Crowdsourcing, la GeoWeb, la Neogeografía y la Información Geográfica Voluntaria, dada su estrecha relación con el objeto del trabajo. Abstract Ushahidi is the African program of global outreach greater, which allows to map vital information from the social point of view, in areas of disaster or conflict. Originally designed to meet the multiple allegations of fraud in relation to the Kenyan elections, has since been used worldwide in hundreds of different situations, usually related to situations of threat, crisis, humanitarian aid, etc. This paper presents the Ushahidi phenomenon and its applications, in order to understand its scope and possible implications. Topics of great interest to human development, as Crowdsourcing, the GeoWeb, the Neogeography and Volunteered Geographic Information, given its close relationship with the object of labor are also introduced.
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) represents a growing source of potentially valuable data for many applications, including land cover map validation. It is still an emerging field and many different approaches can be used to take value from VGI, but also many pros and cons are related to its use. Therefore, since it is timely to get an overview of the subject, the aim of this article is to review the use of VGI as reference data for land cover map validation. The main platforms and types of VGI that are used and that are potentially useful are analysed. Since quality is a fundamental issue in map validation, the quality procedures used by the platforms that collect VGI to increase and control data quality are reviewed and a framework for addressing VGI quality assessment is proposed. A review of cases where VGI was used as an additional data source to assist in map validation is made, as well as cases where only VGI was used, indicating the procedures used to assess VGI quality and fitness for use. A discussion and some conclusions are drawn on best practices, future potential and the challenges of the use of VGI for land cover map validation.
This paper presents a framework for considering quality control of volunteered geographic information (VGI). Different issues need to be considered during the conception, acquisition and post-acquisition phases of VGI creation. This includes items such as collecting metadata on the volunteer, providing suitable training, giving corrective feedback during the mapping process and use of control data, among others. Two examples of VGI data collection are then considered with respect to this quality control framework, i.e. VGI data collection by National Mapping Agencies and by the most recent Geo-Wiki tool, a game called Cropland Capture. Although good practices are beginning to emerge, there is still the need for the development and sharing of best practice, especially if VGI is to be integrated with authoritative map products or used for calibration and/or validation of land cover in the future.
Within ecological research and environmental management, there is currently a focus on demonstrating the links between human well-being and wildlife conservation. Within this framework, there is a clear interest in better understanding how and why people value certain places over others. We introduce a new method that measures cultural preferences by exploring the potential of multiple online georeferenced digital photograph collections. Using ecological and social considerations, our study contributes to the detection of places that provide cultural ecosystem services. The degree of appreciation of a specific place is derived from the number of people taking and sharing pictures of it. The sequence of decisions and actions taken to share a digital picture of a given place includes the effort to travel to the place, the willingness to take a picture, the decision to geolocate the picture, and the action of sharing it through the Internet. Hence, the social activity of sharing pictures leaves digital proxies of spatial preferences, with people sharing specific photos considering the depicted place not only “worth visiting” but also “worth sharing visually.” Using South Wales as a case study, we demonstrate how the proposed methodology can help identify key geographic features of high cultural value. These results highlight how the inclusion of geographical user-generated content, also known as volunteered geographic information, can be very effective in addressing some of the current priorities in conservation. Indeed, the detection of the most appreciated nonurban areas could be used for better prioritization, planning, and management.
"This one-year project was designed to assess the feasibility of using the information contained in the Illinois Stream Information System (ISIS), in conjunction with the Illinois Geographic Information System (IGIS), to evaluate the riparian habitat for wildlife in the Vermilion River Basin." -- pg. 4.
The spatial and temporal variations of Ross River virus infections reported in Queensland, Australia, between 1985 and 1996 were studied by using the Geographic Information System. The notified cases of Ross River virus infection came from 489 localities between 1985 and 1988, 805 between 1989 and 1992, and 1,157 between 1993 and 1996 (X (2)((df = 2)) = 680.9; P < 0.001). There was a marked increase in the number of localities where the cases were reported by 65 percent for the period of 1989-1992 and 137 percent for 1993-1996, compared with that for 1985-1988. The geographic distribution of the notified Ross River virus cases has expanded in Queensland over recent years. As Ross River virus disease has impacted considerably on tourism and industry, as well as on residents of affected areas, more research is required to explore the causes of the geographic expansion of the notified Ross River virus infections.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Thesis submitted to the Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Management – Geographic Information Systems
The processes of mobilization of land for infrastructures of public and private domain are developed according to proper legal frameworks and systematically confronted with the impoverished national situation as regards the cadastral identification and regularization, which leads to big inefficiencies, sometimes with very negative impact to the overall effectiveness. This project report describes Ferbritas Cadastre Information System (FBSIC) project and tools, which in conjunction with other applications, allow managing the entire life-cycle of Land Acquisition and Cadastre, including support to field activities with the integration of information collected in the field, the development of multi-criteria analysis information, monitoring all information in the exploration stage, and the automated generation of outputs. The benefits are evident at the level of operational efficiency, including tools that enable process integration and standardization of procedures, facilitate analysis and quality control and maximize performance in the acquisition, maintenance and management of registration information and expropriation (expropriation projects). Therefore, the implemented system achieves levels of robustness, comprehensiveness, openness, scalability and reliability suitable for a structural platform. The resultant solution, FBSIC, is a fit-for-purpose cadastre information system rooted in the field of railway infrastructures. FBSIC integrating nature of allows: to accomplish present needs and scale to meet future services; to collect, maintain, manage and share all information in one common platform, and transform it into knowledge; to relate with other platforms; to increase accuracy and productivity of business processes related with land property management.