981 resultados para Virtual business


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As the backbone of e-business, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)system plays an important role in today's competitive business environment. Few publications discuss the application of ERP systems in a virtual enterprise (VE). A VE is defined as a dynamic partnership among enterprises that can bring together complementary core competencies needed to achieve a business task. Since VE strongly emphasises partner cooperation, specific issues exist relative to the implementation of ERP systems in a VE. This paper discusses the use of VE Performance Measurement System(VEPMS) to coordinate ERP systems of VE partners. It also defines the framework of a `Virtual Enterprise Resource Planning (VERP) system', and identifies research avenues in this field.


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In an attempt to answer the need of wider accessibility and popularization of the treasury of Bulgarian folklore, a team from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has planned to develop the Bulgarian folklore artery within the national project ―Knowledge Technologies for Creation of Digital Presentation and Significant Repositories of Folklore Heritage‖. This paper presents the process of business modeling of the application architecture of the Bulgarian folklore artery, which aids requirements analysis, application design and its software implementation. The folklore domain process model is made in the context of the target social applications—e-learning, virtual expositions of folklore artifacts, research, news, cultural/ethno-tourism, etc. The basic processes are analyzed and modeled and some inferences are made for the use cases and requirements specification of the Bulgarian folklore artery application. As a conclusion the application architecture of the Bulgarian folklore artery is presented.


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Recognising the importance of alliance decision making in a virtual enterprise (VE), this paper proposes an analysis template to facilitate this process. The existing transaction-cost and resource-based theories in the literature are first reviewed, showing some deficiencies in both type of theories, and the potential of the resource based explanations. The paper then goes on to propose a resource-based analysis template, integrating both the motives of using certain business forms and the factors why different forms help achieve different objectives, Resource-combination effectiveness, management complexity and flexibility are identified as the three factors providing fundamental explanations of an organization's alliance making decision process. The template provides a comprehensive and generic approach for analysing alliance decisions.


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In the global Internet economy, e-business as a driving force to redefine business models and operational processes is posing new challenges for traditional organizational structures and information system (IS) architectures. These are showing promises of a renewed period of innovative thinking in e-business strategies with new enterprise paradigms and different Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. In this chapter, the authors consider and investigate how dynamic e-business strategies, as the next evolutionary generation of e-business, can be realized through newly diverse enterprise structures supported by ERP, ERPII and so-called "ERPIII" solutions relying on the virtual value chain concept. Exploratory inductive multi-case studies in manufacturing and printing industries have been conducted. Additionally, it proposes a conceptual framework to discuss the adoption and governance of ERP systems within the context of three enterprise forms for enabling dynamic and collaborative e-business strategies, and particularly demonstrate how an enterprise can dynamically migrate from its current position to the patterns it desires to occupy in the future - a migration that must and will include dynamic e-business as a core competency, but that also relies heavily on ERP-based backbone and other robust technological platform and applications.


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A virtuális szociális világok, úgy mint a Second Life, egyre nagyobb népszerűségre téve szert, hamar az üzleti érdeklődés középpontjában találták magukat. A szerző célja, hogy feltérképezze a virtuális identitás és a fogyasztói magatartás közötti kapcsolat mibenlétét a Second Life világában. Ezért először bemutatja, hogy miként működik a Second Life és milyen jellemzőkkel rendelkezik. Másodszor ismerteti, hogy az on-line identitásalkotás miként befolyásolja üzleti szempontból az individuális viselkedést. A Second Life vizsgálata során a virtuális identitás fogalmát használja föl, mely összevethető az egyén valódi életbeli identitásával. Harmadszor: rátér a kutatási részre, amely során a Second Life világában kialakított identitás jellemzőit vizsgálta. Négy virtuális identitástípust azonosított, melyeknek más és más kapcsolata van a virtuális fogyasztás jelenségével. Végezetül: kiemeli azokat az eredményeket és megállapításokat, melyeket a vállalatoknak különösképpen figyelembe kell venniük a pszichológiai nézőpont szempontjából ahhoz, hogy eredményesen szerepeljenek a virtuális világokban. ________ Given their increasing popularity, virtual worlds, such as Second Life, attracted the attention of the business media. The aim of the present article is to explore the relationship between virtual identity and consumer behaviour in Second Life. First, the author reviews Second Life functions and particular characteristics. Second, he illustrates how online identity construction affects one’s behaviour in such environments from a business perspective. Third, the author demonstrates his findings associated with identity construction in Second Life. More specifically, four different types of virtual identities can be identified, each with slightly different implications toward virtual consumption. Finally, he highlights the major points to which companies should pay particular attention in their virtual social world activities, focusing on the psychological mechanisms that influence people’s online behaviour and thinking.


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Even though e-learning endeavors have significantly proliferated in recent years, current e-learning technologies provide poor support for group-oriented learning. The now popular virtual world's technologies offer a possible solution. Virtual worlds provide the users with a 3D - computer generated shared space in which they can meet and interact through their virtual representations. Virtual worlds are very successful in developing high levels of engagement, presence and group presence in the users. These elements are also desired in educational settings since they are expected to enhance performance. The goal of this research is to test the hypothesis that a virtual world learning environment provides better support for group-oriented collaborative e-learning than other learning environments, because it facilitates the emergence of group presence. To achieve this, a quasi-experimental study was conducted and data was gathered through the use of various survey instruments and a set of collaborative tasks assigned to the participants. Data was gathered on the dependent variables: Engagement, Group Presence, Individual Presence, Perceived Individual Presence, Perceived Group Presence and Performance. The data was analyzed using the statistical procedures of Factor Analysis, Path Analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). The study provides support for the hypothesis. The results also show that virtual world learning environments are better than other learning environments in supporting the development of all the dependent variables. It also shows that while only Individual Presence has a significant direct effect on Performance; it is highly correlated with both Engagement and Group Presence. This suggests that these are also important in regards to performance. Developers of e-learning endeavors and educators should incorporate virtual world technologies in their efforts in order to take advantage of the benefit they provide for e-learning group collaboration.


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The Information Technology (IT) is increasing his applicability to business, both private and public companies. It is necessary the adequate use of the new technologies and get cooperation and technology acceptance of the system. People tend to resist to the changes, contributing so that the technology is rejected or even it is not recognized as promoting of the changes. This study is relevant and aim to evaluate the impacts of new technologies, considering their users as fundamental factors in the change process. The survey analyzed the advantages and the barriers of the system use in three federal special judicial of Rio Grande do Norte, with data collected in May of 2007, through the application of questionnaires to thirty eight users of the virtual system CRETA. The users' perception was evaluated, under the optics of five variables: efficiency, image, agility, ease of use and quality. Starting from the obtained results, it was evidenced that the implementation of the system felt accordingly the expected and it reached the objectives intended that were: the velocity and efficiency in the path of the lawsuits, larger productivity, resulting in a better quality of the final work introduced to the citizen and proportionate an improvement in the organizational image of the judiciary power


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The roundtable offered an opportunity to share experiences and perceptions of virtual research environments. John Doove (SURFfoundation) presented his impressions from the VRE projects. Jim Farmer, Instructional Media + Magic led a 50 minute discussion on key developments and challenges. The discussion included issues like: An emerging issue is the sharp and continuous increase of data in an era of limited resources. These increases often reduce the effectiveness of search-additional time is required to find expected results. Would new methods of search may be useful? Should this be included as services in a VRE? The form of much new 'knowledge' is in informal 'publications' such as blogs, email, audio, and video which lack the precise metadata of books and journal articles. Could VRE services assist in using these resources as well? The programme continued with discussions on business models for sustainability led by Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, The Royal Library, and policy and funders' interventions led by Sigrun Eckelmann, DFG.


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The Information Technology (IT) is increasing his applicability to business, both private and public companies. It is necessary the adequate use of the new technologies and get cooperation and technology acceptance of the system. People tend to resist to the changes, contributing so that the technology is rejected or even it is not recognized as promoting of the changes. This study is relevant and aim to evaluate the impacts of new technologies, considering their users as fundamental factors in the change process. The survey analyzed the advantages and the barriers of the system use in three federal special judicial of Rio Grande do Norte, with data collected in May of 2007, through the application of questionnaires to thirty eight users of the virtual system CRETA. The users' perception was evaluated, under the optics of five variables: efficiency, image, agility, ease of use and quality. Starting from the obtained results, it was evidenced that the implementation of the system felt accordingly the expected and it reached the objectives intended that were: the velocity and efficiency in the path of the lawsuits, larger productivity, resulting in a better quality of the final work introduced to the citizen and proportionate an improvement in the organizational image of the judiciary power


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Part 17: Risk Analysis