946 resultados para Viral immunology
1. 1. Summaries 1.1. Preamble and extended abstract The present thesis dissertation addresses the question of antiviral immunity from the particular standpoint of the adaptive T cell-mediated immune response. The experimental work is presented in the form of three published articles (two experimental articles and one review article, see sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 on pages 73, 81 and 91, respectively), describing advances both in our understanding of viral control by CD8 T lymphocytes, and in vaccine development against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1). Because the articles focus on rather specialized areas of antiviral immunity, the article sections are preceded by a general introduction (section 3) on the immune system in general, and on four viruses that were addressed in the experimental work, namely HIV-1, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and Influenzavirus (Flu). This introduction section is aimed at providing a glimpse on viral molecular biology and immunity, to help the hypothetical non-expert reader proceeding into the experimental part. For this reason, each section is presented as individual entity and can be consulted separately. The four viruses described are of peculiar relevance to immunity because they induce an array of opposite host responses. Flu causes a self limiting disease after which the virus is eradicated. CMV and EBV cause pauci-symptomatic or asymptomatic diseases after which the viruses establish lifelong latency in the host cells, but are kept in check by immunity. Eventually, HIV-1 establishes both latency - by inserting its genome into the host cell chromosome - and proceeds in destroying the immune system in a poorly controlled fashion. Hence, understanding the fundamental differences between these kinds of viral host interactions might help develop new strategies to curb progressive diseases caused by viruses such as HIV-1. Publication #1: The first article (section 4.1, page 73) represents the main frame of my laboratory work. It analyses the ability of CD8 T lymphocytes recovered from viral-infected patients to secrete interferon γ (IFN-γ) alone or in conjunction with interleukin 2 (IL-2) when exposed in vitro to their cognate viral antigens. CD8 T cells are instrumental in controlling viral infection. They can identify infected cells by detecting viral antigens presented at the surface of the infected cells, and eliminate both the cell and its infecting virus by triggering apoptosis and/or lysis of the infected cell. Recognition of these antigens triggers the cognate CD8 cells to produce cytokines, including IFN-γ and IL-2, which in turn attract and activate other pro-inflammatory cells. IFN-γ triggers both intrinsic antiviral activity of the infected cells and distant activation of pro-inflammatory cells, which are important for the eradication of infection. IL-2 is essential for clonal expansion of the antigen (Ag)-specific CD8 T cell. Hence the existence of Ag-specific CD8 cells secreting both IFN-γand IL-2 should be beneficial for controlling infection. In this first work we determined the percentage of IFN-y/IL-2 double positive and single IFN-γsecreting CD8 T cells against antigens HIV-1, CMV, EBV and Flu in three groups of subjects: (i) HIV-1 infected patients progressing to disease (progressors), (ii) HIV-1-infected subjects not progressing to disease (long-term non progressors or LTNP), and (iii) HIV negative blood donors. The results disclosed a specific IFN-y/IL-2 double positive CD8 response in all subjects able to control infection. In other words, IFN-y/IL-2 double positive CD8 cells were present in virus-specific CD8 T cells against Flu, CMV and EBV as well against HIV-1 in LTNP. In contrast, progressors only had single IFN-γsecreting CD8 T cells. Hence, the ability to develop an IFN-y/IL-2 double positive response might be critical to control infection, independently of the nature of the virus. Additional experiments helped identify the developmental stage of the missing cells (using different markers such as CD45RA and CCR7) and showed a correlation between the absence of IL-2 secreting CD8 T cells and a failure in the proliferation capacity of virus-specific CD8 T cells. Addition of exogenous IL-2 could restore clonal expansion of HIV-1 specific CD8 T cells, at least in vitro. It could further been shown, that IL-2 secreting CD8 T cells are sufficient to support proliferation even in absence of CD4 help. However, the reason for the missing IFN-y/IL-2 double positive CD8 T cell response in HIV-1 progessors has yet to be determined. Publication #2: The second article (section 4.2, page 81) explores new strategies to trigger CD8 T cell immunity against specific HIV-1 proteins believed to be processed and exposed as "infection signal" at the surface of infected cells. Such signals consist of peptide fragments (8- 13 amino acids) originating from viral proteins and presented to CD8 T cells in the frame of particular cell surface molecules of the major histocompatibility complex class I* (MHC I). To mimic "natural" viral infection, the HIV-1 polyprotein Gagpolnef was inserted and expressed in either of two attenuated viruses i.e. vaccinia virus (MVA) or poxvirus (NYVAC). Mice were infected with these recombinant viruses and specific CD8 T cell response to Gagpolnef peptides was sought. Mice could indeed mount a CD8 T cell response against the HIV-1 antigens, indicating that the system worked, at least in this animal model. To further test whether peptides from Gagpolnef could also be presented in the frame of the human MHC class I proteins, a second round of experiments was performed in "humanized" transgenic mice expressing human MHC molecules. The transgenic mice were also able to load Gagpolnef peptides on their human MHC molecule, and these cells could be detected and destroyed by Ag-specific CD8 T cells isolated from HIV-1-infected patients. Therefore, expressing Gagpolnef on attenuated recombinant viruses might represent a valid strategy for anti-HIV-1 immunization in human. Publication #3: This is a review paper (section 4.3, page 91) describing the immune response to CMV and newly developed methods to detect this cellular immune response. Some of it focuses on the detection of T cells by using in vitro manufactured tetramers. These consist of four MHC class I molecules linked together and loaded with the appropriate antigenic peptide. The tetramer can be labeled with a fluorochrome and analyzed with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. Taken together, the work presented indicates that (i) an appropriate CD8 T cell response consisting of IFN-y/IL-2 double positive effectors, can potentially control viral infection, including HIV-1 infection, (ii) such a response might be triggered by recombinant viral vaccines, and (iii) CD8 T cell response can be monitored by a variety of techniques, including recently-developed MHC class I tetramers. 1. 2. Préambule et résumé élargi Le présent travail de thèse s'intéresse à l'immunité antivirale du point de vue particulier de la réponse adaptative des cellules T. Le travail expérimental est présenté sous la forme de trois articles publiés (2 articles expérimentaux et 1 article de revue, voir sections 4.1, 4.2 et 4.3, pages 58, 66 et 77, respectivement), décrivant des progrès dans la compréhension du contrôle de l'infection virale par les lymphocytes T CD8, ainsi que dans le développement de nouveaux vaccins contre le Virus d'Immunodéficience de Humaine de type 1 (VIH-1). En raison du caractère spécialisé de l'immunité antivirale de type cellulaire, les articles sont précédés par une introduction générale (section 3), dont le but est de pourvoir le lecteur non avisé avec des bases nécessaire à une meilleure appréhension du travail expérimental. Cette introduction présente les grandes lignes du système immunitaire, et décrit de façon générale les 4 virus utilisés dans le travail expérimental: à savoir le virus VIH-1, le Cytomégalovirus (CMV), le virus Epstein Barr (EBV) et le virus Influenza A (Flu). Toutes les sections sont présentées de façon individuelle et peuvent être consultées séparément. La description des 4 virus a une pertinence particulière quant à leur interaction avec le système immun. En effet, ils induisent une panoplie de réponses immunitaires s'étendant aux extrêmes de la réaction de l'hôte. Influenza A est à l'origine d'une maladie cytopathique aiguë, au décours de laquelle le virus est éradiqué par l'hôte. CMV et EBV sont classiquement à l'origine d'infections pauci-symptomatiques, voire asymptomatiques, après lesquelles les virus persistent de façon latente dans la cellule hôte. Cependant, ils restent sous le contrôle du système immun, qui peut prévenir une éventuelle réactivation. Enfin, VIH-1 s'établit à la fois en infection latente - par l'insertion de son génome dans le chromosome des cellules hôtes - et en infection productive et cytopathique, échappant au contrôle immunitaire et détruisant ses cellules cibles. La compréhension des différences fondamentales entre ces différents types d'interactions virus-hôte devraient faciliter le développement de nouvelles stratégies antivirales. Article 1: Le premier article (section 4.1 Page 58) représente l'objet principal de mon travail de laboratoire. Il analyse la capacité des lymphocytes T CD8 spécifiques de différent virus à sécréter de l'interféron gamma (IFN-y) et/ou de l'interleukine 2 (IL-2) après stimulation par leur antigène spécifique. Les cellules T CD8 jouent un rôle crucial dans le contrôle des infections virales. Elles identifient les cellules infectées en détectant des antigènes viraux présentés à la surface de ces mêmes cellules, et éliminent à la fois les cellules infectées et les virus qu'elles contiennent en induisant l'apoptose et/ou la lyse des cellules cibles. Parallèlement, l'identification de l'antigène par la cellule T CD8 la stimule à sécréter des cytokines. L'IFN-γen est un exemple. L'IFN-γ stimule les cellules infectées à développer une activé antivirale intrinsèque. De plus, il attire sur place d'autres cellules de l'inflammation, et active leur fonction d'éradication des pathogènes. L'IL-2 est un autre exemple. L'IL-2 est essentielle à l'expansion clonale des cellules T CD8 spécifiques à un virus donné. Elle est donc essentielle à augmenter le pool de lymphocytes antiviraux. En conséquence, la double capacité de sécréter de l'IFN-γ et de IL-2 pourrait être un avantage pour le contrôle antiviral par les cellules T CD8. Dans ce travail nous avons comparé les proportions de lymphocytes T CD8 doubles positifs (IFN-γ/IL-2) et simples positifs (IFN-γ) chez trois groupes de sujets: (i) des patients infectés par VIH-1 qui ne contrôlent pas l'infection (progresseurs), (ii) des patients infectés par VIH-1, mais contrôlant l'infection malgré l'absence de traitement ("long term non progressors" [LTNP]) et (iii) des donneurs de sang négatifs pour l'infection à VIH-1. Les résultats ont montré que les individus capables de contrôler une infection possédaient des cellules T CD8 doubles positifs (IFN-γ/IL-2), alors que les patients ne contrôlant pas l'infection procédaient prioritairement des CD8 simples positifs (IFN-γ). Spécifiquement, les lymphocytes T spécifiques pour Flu, CMV, EBV, et VII-1-1 chez les LTNP étaient tous IFN-γ/IL-2 doubles positifs. Au contraire, les lymphocytes T CD8 spécifique à VIH-1 étaient IFN-γ simples positifs chez les progresseurs. La capacité de développer une réponse IFN-γ/IL-2 pourraient être primordiale pour le contrôle de l'infection, indépendamment de la nature du virus. En effet, il a été montré que l'absence de sécrétion d'IL2 par les lymphocytes T CD8 corrélait avec leur incapacité de proliférer. Dans nos mains, cette prolifération a pu être restaurée in vitro par l'adjonction exogène d'IL-2. Toutefois, la faisabilité de ce type de complémentation in vivo n'est pas claire. Des expériences additionnelles ont permis de préciser de stade de développement des lymphocytes doubles positifs et simples positifs par le biais des marqueurs CD45RA et CCR7. Il reste maintenant à comprendre pourquoi certains lymphocytes T CD8 spécifiques sont incapables à sécréter de l'IL-2. Article 2: Le deuxième article explore des nouvelles stratégies pour induire une immunité T CD8 spécifique aux protéines du VIH-1, qui sont édités et exposés à la surface des cellules infectées. Ces signaux consistent en fragments de peptide de 8-13 acide aminés provenant de protéines virales, et exposées à la surface des cellules infectées dans le cadre des molécules spécialisées d'histocompatibilité de classe I (en anglais "major histocompatibility class I" ou MHC I). Pour mimer une infection virale, la polyprotéine Gagpolnef du VIH-1 a été insérée et exprimée dans deux vecteurs viraux atténués, soit MVA (provenant de vaccinia virus) ou NYVAC (provenant d'un poxvirus). Ensuite des souris ont été infectées avec ces virus recombinants et la réponse T CD8 aux peptides issus de Gagpolnef a été étudiée. Les souris ont été capables de développer une réponse de type CD8 T contre ces antigènes du VIH-1. Pour tester si ces antigènes pouvaient aussi être présentés par dans le cadre de molécules MHC humaines, des expériences supplémentaires ont été faites avec des souris exprimant un MHC humain. Les résultats de ces manipulations ont montré que des cellules T CD8 spécifique aux protéines du VIH pouvaient être détectées. Ce travail ouvre de nouvelles options quant à l'utilisation des virus recombinants exprimant Gagpolnef comme stratégie vaccinale contre le virus VIH-I chez l'homme. Article 3: Ces revues décrivent la réponse immunitaire à CMV ainsi que des nouvelles méthodes pouvant servir à sa détection. Une partie du manuscrit décrit la détection de cellule T à l'aide de tétramères. Il s'agit de protéines chimériques composées de 4 quatre molécules MHC liées entre elles. Elles sont ensuite "chargées" avec le peptide antigénique approprié, et utilisée pour détecter les cellules T CD8 spécifiques à ce montage. Elles sont aussi marquées par un fluorochrome, qui permet une analyse avec un cytomètre de flux, et l'isolement ultime des CD8 d'intérêt. En résumé, le travail présenté dans cette thèse indique que (i) une réponse T CD8 appropriée - définie par la présence des cellules effectrices doublement positives pour l'IFN-γ et l'IL-2 - semble indispensable pour le contrôle des infections virales, y compris par le VIH-1, (ii) une telle réponse peut être induite par des vaccin viral recombinant, et (iii) la réponse T CD8 peut être analysée et suivie grâce à plusieurs techniques, incluant celle des tétramères de MHC class I. 1.3. Résumé pour un large public Le système immunitaire humain est composé de différents éléments (cellules, tissus et organes) qui participent aux défenses de l'organisme contre les pathogènes (bactéries, virus). Parmi ces cellules, les lymphocytes T CD8, également appelés cellules tueuses, jouent un rôle important dans la réponse immunitaire et le contrôle des infections virales. Les cellules T CD8 reconnaissent de manière spécifique des fragments de protéines virales qui sont exposés à la surface des cellules infectées par le virus. Suite à cette reconnaissance, les cellules T CD8 sont capables de détruire et d'éliminer ces cellules infectées, ainsi que les virus qu'elles contiennent. Dans le contexte d'une infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH), le virus responsable du SIDA, il a pu être montré que la présence des cellules T CD8 est primordiale. En effet, en l'absence de ces cellules, les individus infectés par le VIH progressent plus rapidement vers le SIDA. Au cours de la vie, l'Homme est exposé à plusieurs virus. Mais à l'opposé du VIH, certains d'entre eux ne causent pas des maladies graves : par exemple le virus de la grippe (Influenza), le cytomégalovirus ou encore le virus d'Epstein-Barr. Certains de ces virus peuvent être contrôlés et éliminés de l'organisme (p. ex. le virus de la grippe), alors que d'autres ne sont que contrôlés par notre système immunitaire et restent présents en petite quantité dans le corps sans avoir d'effet sur notre santé. Le sujet de mon travail de thèse porte sur la compréhension du mécanisme de contrôle des infections virales par le système immunitaire : pourquoi certains virus peuvent être contrôlés ou même éliminés de l'organisme alors que d'autres, et notamment le VIH, ne le sont pas. Ce travail a permis de démontrer que les cellules T CD8 spécifiques du VIH ne sécrètent pas les mêmes substances, nécessaires au développement d'une réponse antivirale efficace, que les cellules T CD8 spécifiques des virus contrôlés (le virus de la grippe, le cytomégalovirus et le virus d'Epstein-Barr). Parallèlement nous avons également observé que les lymphocytes T CD8 spécifiques du VIH ne possèdent pas la capacité de se diviser. Ils sont ainsi incapables d'être présents en quantité suffisante pour assurer un combat efficace contre le virus du SIDA. La (les) différence(s) entre les cellules T CD8 spécifiques aux virus contrôlés (grippe, cytomégalovirus et Epstein-Barr) et au VIH pourront peut-être nous amener à comprendre comment restaurer une immunité efficace contre ce dernier.
When expressed as a transgene from the keratin 14 (K14) promoter in an MHC class II-deficient mouse, I-Ab expressed in thymic cortical epithelium promotes positive but not negative selection of I-Ab-restricted CD4(+) T cells (Laufer, T. M. et al., Nature 1996. 383:81-85). Transgenic mice expressing the E7 protein of human papilloma virus 16 from the K14 promoter were studied to determine the consequence of expression of a cytoplasmic/nuclear protein from the K14 promoter. K14E7-transgenic mice express E7 in the thymus and skin without evidence for autoimmunity to E7. Repeated immunization of FVB(H-2(q)) or F1(C57BV6JxFVB) mice with E7 elicited similar antibody responses to the defined B cell epitopes of E7 in K14E7-transgenic and non-transgenic animals. In contrast, for each genetic background, a single immunization with E7 elicited demonstrable T cell proliferative responses to the major promiscuous T helper epitope of E7 in the transgenic but not the non-transgenic animals. Further,E7-immunized non-transgenic F1 (FVBxC57BL/6J) animals developed strong E7-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses and were protected against challenge with E7(+) tumors, whereas similarly immunized K14E7-transgenic animals had a markedly reduced CTL response to E7 and no E7-specific tumor protection was observed, although the antibody and CTL response to ovalbumin was normal. Expression of E7 protein as a transgene from the K14 promoter in the skin and thymus thus induces E7-specific tolerance in the cytotoxic T effector repertoire, together with expansion of the E7-specific T helper repertoire. These findings demonstrate that limited tissue distribution of an autoantigen may result in split tolerance to that autoantigen.
The role of thymic versus peripheral epithelial cells in the negative selection of the peptide-specific CD8 T cell repertoire is still largely unresolved. We have generated TCRb chain transgenic mice in which 20–35% of peripheral CD8 T cells recognize an epitope from a viral, nuclear oncoprotein (human papillomavirus type 16 E7) in the context ofMHC class I, H-2Db. When T cells from these transgenic mice develop through the thymus of a second transgenic mouse expressing E7 from a keratin 14 promoter, no major perturbation to thymic T cell development is observed over a 7 month period. In contrast, peripheral CD8 T cell responses in these same mice (E7TCRxK14E7 double transgenic) become reduced over time. This data suggests that peripheral tolerance mechanisms predominate over thymic negative selection in controlling CD8 T cell responses to this epithelial, nuclear oncoprotein.
Background. Many resource-limited countries rely on clinical and immunological monitoring without routine virological monitoring for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). We assessed whether HIV load had independent predictive value in the presence of immunological and clinical data for the occurrence of new World Health Organization (WHO) stage 3 or 4 events (hereafter, WHO events) among HIV-infected children receiving HAART in Latin America. Methods. The NISDI (Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development International Site Development Initiative) Pediatric Protocol is an observational cohort study designed to describe HIV-related outcomes among infected children. Eligibility criteria for this analysis included perinatal infection, age ! 15 years, and continuous HAART for >= 6 months. Cox proportional hazards modeling was used to assess time to new WHO events as a function of immunological status, viral load, hemoglobin level, and potential confounding variables; laboratory tests repeated during the study were treated as time-varying predictors. Results. The mean duration of follow-up was 2.5 years; new WHO events occurred in 92 (15.8%) of 584 children. In proportional hazards modeling, most recent viral load 15000 copies/mL was associated with a nearly doubled risk of developing a WHO event (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.81; 95% confidence interval, 1.05-3.11; P = 033), even after adjustment for immunological status defined on the basis of CD4 T lymphocyte value, hemoglobin level, age, and body mass index. Conclusions. Routine virological monitoring using the WHO virological failure threshold of 5000 copies/mL adds independent predictive value to immunological and clinical assessments for identification of children receiving HAART who are at risk for significant HIV-related illness. To provide optimal care, periodic virological monitoring should be considered for all settings that provide HAART to children.
Background: Many clinical studies have suggested a beneficial effect of GB virus type C (GBV-C) on the course of HIV-1 infection, but the mechanisms involved in such amelioration are not clear. As recent evidence has implicated cellular activation in HIV-1 pathogenesis, we investigated the effect of GBV-C viremia on T-cell activation in early HIV-1 infection. Methods: Forty-eight recently infected HIV-1 patients (23 GBV-C viremic) were evaluated for T-cell counts, expanded immunophenotyping GBV-C RNA detection, and HIV-1 viral load. Nonparametric univariate and multivariate analyses were carried out to identify variables associated with cellular activation, including GBV-C status, HIV-1 viral load, T lymphocyte counts, and CD38 and chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 (CCR5) surface expression. Finding: We not only confirmed the positive correlation between HIV-1 viral load and the percentage of T cells positive for CD38(+)CD8(+) but also observed that GBV-C viremic patients had a lower percentage of T cells positive for CD38(+)CD4(+), CD38(+)CD8(+), CCR5(+)CD4(+), and CCR5(+)CD8(+) compared with HIV-1-infected patients who were not GBV-C viremic. In regression models, GBV-C RNA(+) status was associated with a reduction in the CD38 on CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells and CCR5(+) on CD8(+) T cells, independent of the HIV-1 viral load or CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell counts. These results were also supported by the lower expression of CD69 and CD25 in GBV-C viremic patients. Interpretation: The association between GBV-C replication and lower T-cell activation may be a key mechanism involved in the protection conferred by this virus against HIV-1 disease progression to immunodeficiency in HIV-1-infected patients. (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Epstein-Barr virus is a classic example of a persistent human virus that has caught the imagination of immunologists, virologists and oncologists because of the juxtaposition of a number of important properties. First, the ability of the virus to immortalize B lymphocytes in vitro has provided an antigen presenting cell in which all the latent antigens: of the virus are displayed and are available for systematic study. Second, the virus presents an ideal system for studying the immune parameters that maintain latency and the consequences of disturbing this cell-virus relationship. Third, this wealth of immunological background has provided a platform for elucidating the role of the immune system in protection from viral-associated malignancies of B cell and epithelial cell origin. Finally attention is now being directed towards the development of vaccine formulations which might have broad application in the control of human malignancies.
Primary infection with the human herpesvirus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), may result in subclinical seroconversion or may appear as infectious mononucleosis (IM), a lymphoproliferative disease of variable severity. Why primary infection manifests differently between patients is unknown, and, given the difficulties in identifying donors undergoing silent seroconversion, little information has been reported. However, a longstanding assumption has been held that IM represents an exaggerated form of the virologic and immunologic events of asymptomatic infection. T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoires of a unique cohort of subclinically infected patients undergoing silent infection were studied, and the results highlight a fundamental difference between the 2 forms of infection. In contrast to the massive T-cell expansions mobilized during the acute symptomatic phase of IM, asymptomatic donors largely maintain homeostatic T-cell control and peripheral blood repertoire diversity. This disparity cannot simply be linked to severity or spread of the infection because high levels of EBV DNA were found in the blood from both types of acute infection. The results suggest that large expansions of T cells within the blood during IM may not always be associated with the control of primary EBV infection and that they may represent an overreaction that exacerbates disease. (C) 2001 by The American Society of Hematology.
Multiple HLA class I alleles can bind peptides with common sequence motifs due to structural similarities in the peptide binding cleft, and these groups of alleles have been classified into supertypes. Nine major HLA supertypes have been proposed, including an A24 supertype that includes A*2301, A*2402, and A*3001. Evidence for this A24 supertype is limited to HLA sequence homology and/or similarity in peptide binding motifs for the alleles. To investigate the immunological relevance of this proposed supertype, we have examined two viral epitopes (from EBV and CMV) initially defined as HLA-A*2301-binding peptides. The data clearly demonstrate that each peptide could be recognized by CTL clones in the context of A*2301 or A*2402; thus validating the inclusion of these three alleles within an A24 supertype. Furthermore, CTL responses to the EBV epitope were detectable in both A*2301(+) and A*2402(+) individuals who had been previously exposed to this virus. These data substantiate the biological relevance of the A24 supertype, and the identification of viral epitopes with the capacity to bind promiscuously across this supertype could aid efforts to develop CTL-based vaccines or immunotherapy. The degeneracy in HLA restriction displayed by some T cells in this study also suggests that the dogma of self-MHC restriction needs some refinement to accommodate foreign peptide recognition in the context of multiple supertype alleles.
The ability of viral or mutated cellular oncogenes to initiate neoplastic events and their poor immunogenicity have considerably undermined their potential use as immunotherapeutic tools for the treatment of human cancers. Using an EpsteinBarr virus-encoded oncogene, latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), as a model, we report a novel strategy that both deactivates cellular signaling pathways associated with the oncogenic phenotype and reverses poor immunogenicity. We show that cotranslational ubiquitination combined with Wend rule targeting of LMP1 enhanced the intracellular degradation of LMP1 and total blockade of LMP1-mediated nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) activation in human cells. In addition, although murine cells expressing LMP1 were uniformly tumorigenic, this oncogenicity was completely abrogated by covalent linkage of LMP1 with ubiquitin, while an enhanced CD8(+) T cell response to a model epitope fused to the C-terminus of LMP1 was observed following immunization with ubiquitinated LMP1. These observations suggest that proteasomal targeting of tumor-associated oncogenes could be exploited therapeutically by either gene therapy or vaccination.
Priming to Ag can inhibit subsequent induction of an immune response to a new epitope incorporated into that Ag, a phenomenon referred to as original antigenic sin. In this study, we show that prior immunity to a virus capsid can inhibit subsequent induction of the IFN-gamma effector T cell response to a novel CD8-restricted antigenic epitope associated with the virus capsid. Inhibition does not involve Ab to the virus capsid, as it is observed in animals lacking B cells. CD8-restricted virus-specific T cell responses are not required, as printing to virus without CTL induction is associated with inhibition. However, IL-10(-/-) mice, in contrast to IL-10(+/+) mice, generate CD8 T cell and Ab responses to novel epitopes incorporated into a virus capsid, even when priming to the capsid has resulted in high titer Ab to the capsid. Furthermore, capsid-primed mice, unable to mount a response to a novel epitope in the capsid protein, are nevertheless able to respond to the same novel epitope delivered independently of the capsid. Thus, inhibition of responsiveness to a novel epitope in a virus-primed animal is a consequence of secretion of IL-10 in response to presented Ag, which inhibits local generation of new CD8 IFN-gamma-secreting effector T cells. Induction of virus- or tumor Ag-specific CD8 effector T cells in the partially Ag-primed host may thus be facilitated by local neutralization of IL-10.
Introduction: Epstein-Barr Virus(EBV) has been repeatedly associatedwith multiple sclerosis (MS). Wehave previously shown that there is ahigh peripheral as well as intrathecalactivation of EBV-, but not cytomegalovirus(CMV)-specific CD8+ Tcells, early in the course of MS,strengthening the link between EBVand MS. However, the trigger of thisincreased EBV-specific CD8+ T cellresponse remains obscure. It could resultfrom a higher EBV viral load. Alternatively,it could be due to an intrinsicallydeficient EBV-specificCTL response, cytotoxic granulesmediated.Thus, we performed anin-depth study of the phenotype of exvivo EBV- and CMV-specific CD8+T cells in MS patients and control patients,assessing their cytotoxic activity.Methods:We analyzed the profileof cytotoxic granules in EBV- andCMV-specific CD8+ T cells in a cohortof 13 early MS patients, 20 lateMS, 30 other neurological diseases(OND) patients and 7 healthy controlsubjects. Ex vivo analysis of EBV- orCMV-specific CD8+ T cells was performedusing HLA class I/tetramercomplexes coupled to CCR7 andCD57 markers in conjunction withperforin, granzymes A, BandKstaining.In a sub-cohort of MS patientsand controls, cytotoxic activity ofEBV- and CMV-specific CD8+ Tcells was investigated using a functionalCFSE CTL assay. Results: UsingHLA Class I tetramers for EBVand CMV, we found that the frequencyof EBV- or CMV-specificCD8+ T cells were similar in all studysubjects. Most of EBV- and CMVspecificCD8+Tcells were highly differentiated(CCR7-) and a variousproportion expressed the exhaustionmarker CD57. MS and OND patientshad increased perforin expression inEBV-specific CD8+ T cells. Most importantly,we found that MS patientswith longer disease duration tended tohave lower CTL cytotoxicity as comparedto earlyMSpatients or controls.Conclusions: Effector EBV-specificCD8+ T cells are increased in earlyMS, however their cytotoxic granuleprofile does not seem to be fully alteredand the cytotoxic activity ofthese cells is normal. However, thecytotoxic activity of CTL decreasedin late MS patients suggesting an exhaustionof EBV-specific CD8+ Tcells possibly due to EBV reactivation.This work was supported by theSwiss National Foundation PP00B3-124893, the Swiss Society for MS,and the Biaggi Foundation to RADP.
To combine the advantage of both the tumor targeting capacity of high affinity monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and the potent killing properties of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), we investigated the activity of conjugates made by coupling single Fab' fragments, from mAbs specific for tumor cell surface antigens, to monomeric HLA-A2 complexes containing the immunodominant influenza-matrix peptide 58-66. In solution, the monovalent 95 kDa Fab-HLA-A2/Flu conjugates did not activate influenza-specific CTL. However, when targeted to tumor cells expressing the relevant tumor-associated antigen, the conjugates induced CTL activation and efficient tumor cell lysis, as a result of MHC/peptide surface oligomerization. The highly specific and sensitive in vitro cytotoxicity results presented suggest that injection of Fab-MHC/peptide conjugates could represent a new form of immunotherapy, bridging antibody and T lymphocyte attack on cancer cells.
Mucosal surfaces have a fundamental participation in many aspects of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection pathogenesis. In Brazilian HIV-1 infected subjects, loss of weight and appetite are among the most debilitating symptoms. In this review we describe a defined mucosal immunogen that has profound but transient effects on HIV viral load, and we suggest that gut associated lymphoid tissue under constant immunostimulation is likely to provide a major contribution to the total levels of HIV. We also show that hypermetabolism appears to play a role in the wasting process in Brazilian patients coinfected with HIV and tuberculosis.
The prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), which naturally persists in rodents, represents a model for HIV, HBV, and HCV. Cleavage of the viral glycoprotein precursor by membrane-bound transcription factor peptidase, site 1 (Mbtps1 or site-1 protease), is crucial for the life cycle of arenaviruses and therefore represents a potential target for therapy. Recently, we reported a viable hypomorphic allele of Mbtps1 (woodrat) encoding a protease with diminished enzymatic activity. Using the woodrat allele, we examine the role of Mbtps1 during persistent LCMV infection. Surprisingly, Mbtps1 inhibition limits persistent but not acute viral infection and is associated with an organ/cell type-specific decrease in viral titers. Analysis of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells from woodrat mice supports their specific role in resolving persistent viral infection. These results support in vivo targeting of Mbtps1 in the treatment of arenavirus infections and demonstrate a critical role for dendritic cells in persistent viral infections.
BACKGROUND: This study compared the incidence of fatal and nonfatal AIDS and non-AIDS events in HIV-positive individuals with a CD4 cell count more than 350 cells/μl among viral load strata: low (<500 copies/ml), intermediate (500-9999.9 copies/ml) and high (≥ 10000 copies/ml). METHODS: Individuals contributed person-years at risk if their most recent CD4 cell count was more than 350 cells/μl. Follow-up was censored if their CD4 cell count dropped below 350 cells/μl. Poisson regression analysis investigated the relationship between viraemia and the incidence of AIDS and non-AIDS events. RESULTS: Three hundred and fifty-four AIDS events occurred during 51 732 person-years of follow-up (PYFU), crude incidence rate of AIDS across the three strata was 0.53, 0.90 and 2.12 per 100 PYFU, respectively. After adjustment, a higher rate of AIDS was observed in individuals with moderate [incidence rate ratio (IRR) 1.44, 1.02-2.05, P = 0.03] and high viraemia had a higher rate (IRR 3.91, 2.89-5.89, P < 0.0001) compared with low viraemia. Five hundred and seventy-two non-AIDS events occurred during 43 784 PYFU, the crude incidence rates were 1.28, 1.52, and 1.38 per 100 PYFU, respectively. After adjustment, particularly for age, region of Europe and starting combination antiretroviral therapy, there was a 61% (IRR 1.61, 1.21-2.14, P = 0.001) and 66% (IRR 1.66, 1.17-2.32, P = 0.004) higher rate of non-AIDS in individuals with intermediate and high viraemia compared with low viraemia. CONCLUSION: In individuals with a CD4 cell count more than 350 cells/μl, an increased incidence of AIDS and a slightly increased incidence of non-AIDS was found in those with uncontrolled viral replication. The association with AIDS was clear and consistent. However, the association with non-AIDS was only apparent after adjustment and no differences were observed between intermediate and high viraemia.