835 resultados para Violent Harm
A violência é considerada uma questão social, ou ainda, um fenômeno social e histórico, que ocorre nas diversas formas de relações humanas e que pode se manifestar em atos individuais ou institucionais, ou seja, realizados por pessoas, grupos, nações, com o objetivo de provocar algum dano físico ou psicológico em outrem. O termo violência, no presente trabalho, refere-se às mortes por causas externas, que incluem as mortes intencionais e as mortes não intencionais, ou seja, agressões, suicídios e acidentes em geral. O objetivo é analisar a evolução da carga de mortalidade no estado do Rio de Janeiro e propor a realocação dos óbitos cuja intenção é indeterminada através de uma nova metodologia. Os dados utilizados são provenientes do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade. Neste estudo, foi utilizado o indicador YLL (Years of Life Lost Anos de Vida Perdidos) na avaliação do comportamento das causas violentas ao longo do tempo, no período de 1996 a 2009, para as macrorregionais de saúde do estado do Rio de Janeiro, através de modelos de efeitos mistos. Foi aplicada a regressão logística multinomial nos óbitos com causa básica conhecida, utilizando as informações como lesões e características individuais das vítimas, para prever qual seria a causa básica de morte nos registros indeterminados com características semelhantes aos óbitos com causas conhecidas. Os resultados encontrados mostram que a violência aumentou em regiões do interior do estado, com destaque para a macrorregional Norte. Na capital e nas regiões metropolitanas, houve uma estabilização das taxas, com exceção para as mortes por agressão que sofreram queda, porém as taxas de YLL permaneceram elevadas. As duas metodologias de realocação, da Carga de Doença e desta nova proposta, aumentam todas as taxas de mortalidade por grupo de causas, porém o grupo que sofreu maior impacto foi o de quedas. Os resultados encontrados, apesar das limitações, apontam para uma proposta de combinação das duas metodologias. Para os óbitos com causa básica de Y10 (Envenenamento [intoxicação] por e exposição a analgésicos, antipiréticos e anti-reumáticos nãoopiáceos, intenção não determinada) a Y33 (Outros fatos ou eventos especificados, intenção não determinada), seria utilizada a metodologia da Carga de Doenças e, para os óbitos de Y34 (Fatos ou eventos não especificados e intenção não determinada), seria utilizado o método proposto.
Breen Smyth, M. (2007). Truth Recovery and Justice after Conflict: Managing Violent Pasts. Abingdon: Routledge. RAE2008
Background: Deliberate self-harm (DSH) is common among adolescents in Ireland and internationally. Psychological factors, negative life events and lifestyle factors have been found to be associated with self-harm in this group. However, large scale population-based studies of adolescent selfharm and its correlates have been lacking, and internationally a standardised methodology was needed to facilitate comparative studies. The focus on vulnerability which has been prevalent in this field has meant that research has failed to examine resilient adaptation among at-risk adolescents. Method: Data were obtained from a cross-sectional school-based study conducted in Ireland and in each of the six other centres which participated in the Child and Adolescent Self-harm in Europe (CASE) study. In Ireland, 3,881 adolescents in 39 schools in completing the anonymous questionnaire, while across all 7 centres, over 30,000 young people participated. Data were gathered on health and lifestyle, self-harm thoughts and behaviour, a wide range of life events, psychological characteristics (anxiety and depressive symptoms, self-esteem, impulsivity and coping style), and support available to young people. Results: This thesis reports the findings of the Irish CASE centre as well as one international study. The factors associated with DSH among Irish adolescents differed by gender, but among both genders drug use and knowing a friend who had engaged in self-harm were associated with DSH. Among Irish boys, strong associations were found between bullying and poor mental health and DSH. Among boys who had been bullied, psychological and school factors were associated with DSH, while family support was protective. Links between stressful life events, psychological characteristics and DSH within the international CASE sample were examined. Increased history of self-harm thoughts and acts was associated with greater depression, anxiety and impulsivity, lower self esteem and an increased prevalence of ten different negative life events, supporting the hypothesis of a “dose-response” relationship between these risk factors and the self-harm process. Associations between coping style, mental health factors (depressive symptoms, anxiety and self-esteem) and self-harm were examined among Irish adolescents. Emotion-oriented coping was strongly associated with poorer mental health and self-harm thoughts and acts. A mediating effect of emotion-oriented coping on associations between mental health factors and DSH was found for both genders and between problem-oriented coping and mental health factors for girls. Similar mediating effects of coping style were found when risk of self-harm thoughts was examined. Resilient adaptation among adolescents exposed to suicidal behaviour of others was examined. Self-harm thoughts were common in these adolescents. Among those exposed to suicidal behaviour of others, vulnerability factors were drug use and higher levels of anxiety among boys, while for girls drug use, bullying and abuse were vulnerability factors, while resilience was associated with higher self-esteem and use of problem-oriented coping. Conclusion: These findings can aid in the identification of young people at risk of self-harm in the school setting and highlight the importance of mental health, peer-related and lifestyle factors in the development of DSH. High-risk groups of young people such as bullying victims and those exposed to suicidal behaviour of others have distinctive profiles of risk factors which differ from those of their peers. Findings relating to the importance of positive coping skills can inform positive mental health programmes, many of which aim to enhance life skills and build resilience among young people. Knowledge of the factors associated with positive adaptation among at-risk adolescents can inform prevention efforts among this group.
The topic of this thesis is impulsivity. The meaning and measurement of impulse control is explored, with a particular focus on forensic settings. Impulsivity is central to many areas of psychology; it is one of the most common diagnostic criteria of mental disorders and is fundamental to the understanding of forensic personalities. Despite this widespread importance there is little agreement as to the definition or structure of impulsivity, and its measurement is fraught with difficulty owing to a reliance on self-report methods. This research aims to address this problem by investigating the viability of using simple computerised cognitive performance tasks as complementary components of a multi-method assessment strategy for impulse control. Ultimately, the usefulness of this measurement strategy for a forensic sample is assessed. Impulsivity is found to be a multifaceted construct comprised of a constellation of distinct sub-dimensions. Computerised cognitive performance tasks are valid and reliable measures that can assess impulsivity at a neuronal level. Self-report and performance task methods assess distinct components of impulse control and, for the optimal assessment of impulse control, a multi-method battery of self-report and performance task measures is advocated. Such a battery is shown to have demonstrated utility in a forensic sample, and recommendations for forensic assessment in the Irish context are discussed.
Accepted Version
There has been much investment in research on the ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI) associated with genetic and genomic research. This research should inform the development of the relevant policy. So far, much of the relevant policy - such as in the areas of patents, genetic testing and genetic discrimination - seems to be informed more by speculation of harm and anecdote than by available evidence. Although a quest for evidence cannot always be allowed to delay policy choice, it seems axiomatic to us that policy options are improved by the incorporation of evidence.
Through the examination of Camões's Os Lusíadas , Sena's Os Grão-Capitães and Saramago's A Jangada de Pedra , this article explores violence as a means of shaping Portuguese identity in different historical contexts, and how these works portray the continued recourse to violence as Portugal moves from colonizing to postcolonial nation.
The purpose of the present work was to investigate how members of the public perceived survivors of brain injury. A twenty-item list of attributes that could be used to describe characteristics of survivors of brain injury were given to three hundred and twenty-three participants. One hundred and sixty-nine psychology students and one hundred and fifty-four members of the public agreed to take part in the study. The effects of group (student and public), gender and socioeconomic status (low, moderate and high) on the attributes were assessed. Multivariate analysis of variance showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups with students holding more positive perceptions on 15 out of the 20 attributes. No effects of gender or socioeconomic status were found. The research suggests that members of the public hold less positive views on survivors of brain injury in respect to intellectual competency, ability to care and trustworthiness when compared to students.