963 resultados para Viking Mining Company
The purpose of this investigation was to ascertain if advantage could be taken of the copper in the precipitates as a collecting agent of the precious metals in the direct smelting furnace.The products produced to be low grade anode bullion and a slag low in precious metals, high in zinc and lead.
In this issue...School of Mines Smoker, Handball Tournament, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Thornton Hotel, President Coolidge, Clark Park, Butte, Montana, Professor Simons
In this issue...School of Mines Year Book, Junior Promenade, Clark Park, Archie McPhail, Anderson Carlisle Banquet, Butte, Montana, East Butte Copper Mining Company
In this issue...General Electric Company, Butte, Montana, Belmont Mine, Mountain Con Mine, Mines Debate Team," M" Annual, Montana Power Company
In this issue...Silver Crisis, Thanksgiving, Christmas, fraternity, Coach McAuliffe, Butte Electric Railway, North Butte Mining Company, Clark Park
In this issue...Mrs. Horace Vaughn Winchell, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, United Engineering Societies library, Geological Engineering, Columbia Gardens
In this issue...Mr. W. B. Daly, Wise River Dam, Montana State Fair, Butte Electric Railway Company, Mines Smoker, St. Lawrence Mine, American Legion
In this issue...Francis A. Thomson, registration, Chequamegon Cafe, Butte, Montana, M club, Mines Tennis Club, Sigma RHO, Chester H. Steele, Diamond Mine
In this issue...M Club Dance, Rabbi Emanuel Sternheim, Women's Athletic Association, Men's Smoker, Gamer's Café, Anaconda Copper Mining Company
In this issue...Rocky Mountain Garden Club, Big Butte, M Days, Butte Montana, Salt Mine, Walker's Café, Tex Rickard, State Oratory Contest, Frank Moran
in this issue...Annie Anderson, Hecla MIne, F. A. Thomson, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Sigma RHO, Mines football, Montana State University
The wartime demand for fluorspar has caused renewed interest in fluorite deposits. Near Silver Bow, Montana, a deposit of massive, coarsely crystalline fluorspar, which has not been described in the literature, has attracted the attention of the United States Geological Survey.
In this issue...Montana Power, Debate Team, Anderson Carlisle Society, Carroll College, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Copper Guards, Moonshiners Ball
The purchase and continued operation of the Mike Horse mine in the Heddleston district, by the American Smelting and Refining Company, gives the Blackfoot Valley a renewed promise of a prosperous future in its role as a mining district. In the past, large amounts of placer gold were recovered from the gulches of the area, however, because of the transportation facilities, only the upper portions of a few lodes were exploited by the early miners.
The largest known deposits of tungsten ores occur in the continuation of the Indo-Malayan Mountains, which extends through Burma, Malaya, China, Japan, and Chosen. Production of tungsten concentrates was started in 1910 in Burma, and in 1911 this country was the world's largest producer. China produced but little until 1916, but has since supplied over fifty per cent of the world's requirements.