831 resultados para Video games - Aspectos psicológicos


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El objeto fundamental de estudio del trabajo que presentamos se basa en mostrar los principales aspectos psicológicos que afectan al rendimiento de los triatletas en entrenamientos y competiciones, así como reconocer de qué manera influye cada uno en los deportistas. Realizando una revisión bibliográfica respecto a deportes de ultra-resistencia y, de forma específica, en triatlón, centrados en la faceta mental de estas disciplinas encontramos los factores que influyen en la competición, ya que consideramos que el campo mental en estos deportes no está suficientemente explotado y es un factor importante a tener en cuenta en el resultado final. Tratamos de aclarar de la mejor manera cada factor psicológico para posteriores estudios de ampliación de la investigación de la materia que nos trata en el presente trabajo.


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Playing video games is an activity that takes up an increasing amount of children’s and adolescent’s spare time. While some previous studies have highlighted the negative aspects of video games, little research has been carried out on the linguistic learning opportunities that video games present. This study primarily investigates if Swedish second language learners of English can increase their vocabulary proficiency in English with the use of video games. In order to answer the research questions, two quantitative data elicitation methods are used: a questionnaire which aims to gather attitudinal and behavioral data, and a Vocabulary Levels Test which elicits data about the participants’ receptive vocabulary proficiency. The participants consist of 25 students at an upper secondary school in Stockholm. The results show that participants who played video games scored higher on the Vocabulary Levels Test, indicating a higher receptive vocabulary proficiency. Furthermore, the results show that participants who played moderate to frequent amounts of time performed better in the Vocabulary Levels Test than infrequent players. The results also show that video games emphasizing co-operation and communication are preferable to use for vocabulary acquisition. Additionally, the study discusses if video games could be integrated into the Swedish upper secondary school system.


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A epidemia da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (aids) é, atualmente, um fenômeno de grande magnitude e extensão na saúde mundial. A síndrome de lipodistrofia é uma alteração que afeta a autoimagem corporal e a sexualidade, aumentando o estigma da doença e ocasionando dificuldades na adesão ao tratamento e nas relações sociais. OBJETIVOS: a) descrever aspectos da psicodinâmica de pacientes HIV/aids acometidos e não acometidos pela lipodistrofia, dando enfoque aos mecanismos de defesa utilizados ; b) investigar a percepção de imagem corporal em pacientes HIV/aids acometidos e não acometidos pela síndrome de lipodistrofia; c) identificar semelhanças e diferenças de percepção de imagem corporal em pacientes HIV/aids acometidos pela lipodistrofia com aqueles não acometidos. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados oito pacientes por critério de conveniência do ambulatório da Clínica de Infectologia do Hospital Heliópolis. Foram utilizados um Roteiro de Entrevista e o Desenho da Figura Humana DFH teste projetivo gráfico de personalidade; a análise dos dados foram submetidos à análise qualitativa conforme indicação do instrumental, auxiliados pela leitura do conteúdo clinico-diagnóstico psicológico. RESULTADOS: Nos dois grupos os dados apontaram para características em comum quanto à psicodinâmica interna e à percepção de imagem corporal. Recursos defensivos primitivos foram os mais utilizados caracterizando a presença de disfunção da imagem corporal e um controle egóico rígido, embora frágil. Percebeu-se o quanto é angustiante, para estas pacientes, lidar não somente com a autoimagem como também com a sexualidade. CONCLUSÕES: Os programas de acompanhamento ao HIV/aids devem considerar o quanto essas pacientes necessitam de ser acompanhadas em psicoterapia. A promoção de saúde deve levar em conta não somente a melhora da qualidade de vida, mas também buscar compreender como estas mulheres se relacionam e de que forma exercem a sua sexualidade.


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Tämä diplomityö tarkastelee pelaajatyyppien ja pelaajamotivaatioiden tunnistamista videopeleissä. Aiempi tutkimus tuntee monia pelaajatyyppien malleja, mutta niitä ei ole liiemmin sovellettu käytäntöön peleissä. Tässä työssä suoritetaan systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus erilaisista pelaajatyyppien malleista, jonka pohjalta esitetään useita pelaajien luokittelutapoja. Lisäksi toteutetaan tapaustutkimus, jossa kirjallisuuden pohjalta valitaan pelaajien luokittelumalli ja testataan mallia käytännössä tunnistamalla pelaajatyyppejä data-analytiikan avulla reaaliaikaisessa strategiapelissä.


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A video game is a very influential tool that inspires much passion within very different sectors of society. Literature is beginning to assert the use of video games in education, and it is apparent that just the subject of 'video games' can engage the interest of students of all ages. Video games are not only asserting themselves as a permanent and influential cultural icon, they are also the new phenomenon in education. Video games can be used as a learning tool where the students learn 'in game', or the topic of video games can be used as a vehicle for student engagement. This paper explores the somewhat less contentious issue of how to best educate tertiary students studying Games Design and Development at an Australian Regional University. Determining how to best educate tertiary students on how to develop games at a tertiary level is not just based on good curriculum design, but is reliant on a triumvirate of factors: Industry relevance, student learning needs, and educational design. In this paper each of these three factors and their inherent problems will be discussed, all situated within the Australian Tertiary Education sector. Based on results gathered from the three factors, some directions for the Australia Tertiary Video Game Education sector will be asserted..


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Video games have asserted themselves as a prevalent part of society; however video games are still often seen as 'boys toys'. However, popular culture is becoming accepting that video games are played by females, with 'all female' video games teams such as the 'Frag Dolls' winning many international competitions [4]. The gender issue in video games is not a new topic, with texts such as 'From Barbie to Mortal Combat' edited by Cassell and Jenkins being publishing in 1998. However, the question of 'do females actually play video games' is still apparent, and with the rapid changes in technological development in gaming (with the introduction of consoles such as the Nintendo Wii) the subject of females game playing habits is in need of constant dialogue. This paper explores the results from a survey of 33 Australian females who play video games and looks at the game playing habits and choices made when they play video games. In addition, this study will attempt to address what components of video games make females want to play. It is hoped that the results can enlighten our knowledge of why females play video games, and hopefully assert the need for video games as an important pastime for females and not just 'for the boys'.


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Active video games (AVGs) may be useful for movement skill practice. This study examined children's skill execution while playing Xbox Kinect™ and during movement skill assessment. Nineteen children (10 boys, 9 girls; M age = 7.9 yr., SD = 1.4) had their skills assessed before AVG play and then were observed once a week for 6 wk. while playing AVGs for 50 min. While AVG play showed evidence of correct skill performance (at least 30-50% of the time when playing table tennis, tennis, and baseball), nearly all skills were more correctly performed during skill assessment (generally more than 50% of the time). This study may help researchers to better understand the role AVGs could play in enhancing real life movement skills.


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BACKGROUND: The prevention and treatment of childhood obesity is a key public health challenge. However, certain groups within populations have markedly different risk profiles for obesity and related health behaviours. Well-designed subgroup analysis can identify potential differential effects of obesity interventions, which may be important for reducing health inequalities. The study aim was to evaluate the consistency of the effects of active video games across important subgroups in a randomised controlled trial (RCT).

FINDINGS: A two-arm, parallel RCT was conducted in overweight or obese children (n=322; aged 10-14 years) to determine the effect of active video games on body composition. Statistically significant overall treatment effects favouring the intervention group were found for body mass index, body mass index z-score and percentage body fat at 24 weeks. For these outcomes, pre-specified subgroup analyses were conducted among important baseline demographic (ethnicity, sex) and prognostic (cardiovascular fitness) groups. No statistically significant interaction effects were found between the treatment and subgroup terms in the main regression model (p=0.36 to 0.93), indicating a consistent treatment effect across these groups.

CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary evidence suggests an active video games intervention had a consistent positive effect on body composition among important subgroups. This may support the use of these games as a pragmatic public health intervention to displace sedentary behaviour with physical activity in young people.


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The effect of active video games (AVGs) on acute energy expenditure has previously been reported; however, the influence of AVGs on other health-related lifestyle indicators remains unclear. To address this knowledge gap, Active Healthy Kids Canada (AHKC) convened an international group of researchers to conduct a systematic review to understand whether AVGs should be promoted to increase physical activity and improve health indicators in children and youth (zero to 17 years of age). The present article outlines the process and outcomes of the development of the AHKC's position on active video games for children and youth. In light of the available evidence, AHKC does not recommend AVGs as a strategy to help children be more physically active. However, AVGs may exchange some sedentary time for light- to moderate-intensity physical activity, and there may be specific situations in which AVGs provide benefit (eg, motor skill development in special populations and rehabilitation).