995 resultados para Vertical movement


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In this paper, natural frequencies were analyzed (axial, torsional and flexural) and frequency response of a vertical rotor with a hard disk at the edge through the classical modal and complex analysis. The equation that rules the movement was obtained through the Lagrangian formulation. The model considered the effects of bending, torsion and axial deformation of the shaft, besides the gravitational and gyroscopic effects. The finite element method was used to discretize the structure into hollow cylindrical elements with 12 degrees of freedom. Mass, stiffness and gyroscopic matrices were explained consistently. The classical modal analysis, usually applied to stationary structures, does not consider an important characteristic of rotating machinery which are the methods of forward and backward whirl. Initially, through the traditional modal analysis, axial and torsional natural frequencies were obtained in a static shaft, since they do not suffer the influence of gyroscopic effects. Later research was performed by complex modal analysis. This type of tool, based on the use of complex coordinates to describe the dynamic behavior of rotating shaft, allows the decomposition of the system in two submodes, backward and forward. Thus, it is possible to clearly visualize that the orbit and direction of the precessional motion around the line of the rotating shaft is not deformed. A finite element program was developed using MATLAB (TM) and numerical simulations were performed to validate this model. Natural frequencies and directional frequency forced response (dFRF) were obtained using the complex modal analysis for a simple vertical rotor and also for a typical drill string used in the construction of oil wells.


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Treatment of severe compromised tooth in the maxillary anterior area still poses great challenge to the clinicians. Several treatment modalities have been proposed to restore the function and aesthetics in teeth with advanced periodontal disease. The present study aims to report a case of traumatic injury of a left-maxillary central incisor with ridge preservation, orthodontic movement, and implant therapy. A 45-year-old woman underwent the proposed treatment for her left central incisor: basic periodontal therapy, xenogenous bone graft, and guided bone regeneration (GBR). Six months after the graft procedure, orthodontic movement by means of alignment and leveling was made and a coronal displacement of the gingival margin and vertical bone apposition could be observed after 13 months of active movement. Afterwards, a dental implant was placed followed by a connective tissue graft and immediate provisionalization of the crown. In conclusion, orthodontic movement was effective to improve the gingival tissue and alveolar bone prior to implant placement favoring the aesthetic results. Six years postoperatively, the results revealed height and width alveolar bone gain indicating that the treatment proposed was able to restore all the functional and aesthetic parameters.


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Change on vertical jump after competitive period in professionals soccer players. Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity, v. 4, n. 2, p. 140-147, 2010. Soccer is a sport that demands different intensities of run, with decisive actions of a match being held in maximum intensity. Vertical jump test is widely used in soccer players due to the strong relationship with speed and agility. Futhermore, there are little information about change on vertical jump after the competitive season in soccer players. The aim of this study was to analyze change on vertical jump after the competitive season in professional soccer players. Took part in this study 21 male athletes (20.82 ± 3.16 years, 72.28 ± 8.74 kg and 179.91 ± 6.14 cm) subscribers to the 4th division of the Paulista championship of 2009. The competitive season had a duration of 20 weeks, with a total of 20 official matchs done. The test used was the counter-movement vertical jump (VJ), that was performed in the first (PRE) and last (POS) training session of the competitive period. After confirmation of data normality by Kolmogorov-Smirnov, the inferential analysis of the results of VJ between PRE and POS was performed using the paired t-test, considering the significance level of 5%. There was a significant increase (p<0,05) on VJ after the competitive period (PRE=54,19±4,46 and POS=57,94±5,23). According to the results of this study, it is possible to increase the performance of VJ in professional soccer players after the competitive period of 20 weeks duration.


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Natural frequencies were analyzed (axial, torsional and flexural) and frequency response of a vertical rotor with a hard disk at the edge through the classical and complex modal analysis. The mathematical modeling was based on the theory of Euler-Bernoulli beam. The equation that rules the movement was obtained through the Lagrangian formulation. The model considered the effects of bending, torsion and axial deformation of the shaft, besides the gravitational and gyroscopic effects. The finite element method was used to discretize the structure into hollow cylindrical elements with 12 degrees of freedom. Mass, stiffness and gyroscopic matrices were explained consistently. This type of tool, based on the use of complex coordinates to describe the dynamic behavior of rotating shaft, allows the decomposition of the system in two submodes, backward and forward. Thus, it is possible to clearly visualize that the orbit and direction of the precessional motion around the line of the rotating shaft is not deformed. A finite element program was developed using Matlab ®, and numerical simulations were performed to validate this model.


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Effects of strength and power training on neuromuscular adaptations and jumping movement pattern and performance. J Strength Cond Res 26(12): 3335-3344, 2012-This study aimed at comparing the effects of strength and power training (ST and PT) regimens on neuromuscular adaptations and changes on vertical jump performance, kinetics, and kinematics parameters. Forty physically active men (178.2 +/- 7.0 cm; 75.1 +/- 8.6 kg; 23.6 +/- 3.5 years) with at least 2 years of ST experience were assigned to an ST (n = 14), a PT (n = 14), or a control group (C; n = 12). The training programs were performed during 8 weeks, 3 times per week. Dynamic and isometric maximum strength, cross-sectional area, and muscle activation were assessed before and after the experimental period. Squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) performance, kinetics, and kinematics parameters were also assessed. Dynamic maximum strength increased similarly (p < 0.05) for the ST (22.8%) and PT (16.6%) groups. The maximum voluntary isometric contraction increased for the ST and PT groups (p < 0.05) in the posttraining assessments. There was a main time effect for muscle fiber cross-sectional area (p < 0.05), but there were no changes in muscle activation. The SJ height increased, after ST and PT, because of a faster concentric phase and a higher rate of force development (p < 0.05). The CMJ height increased only after PT (p < 0.05), but there were no significant changes in its kinetics and kinematics parameters. In conclusion, neuromuscular adaptations were similar between the training groups. The PT seemed more effective than the ST in increasing jumping performance, but neither the ST nor the PT was able to affect the SJ and the CMJ movement pattern (e.g., timing and sequencing of joint extension initiation).


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When tilted sideways participants misperceive the visual vertical assessed by means of a luminous line in otherwise complete dark- ness. A recent modeling approach (De Vrijer et al., 2009) claimed that these typical patterns of errors (known as A- and E-effects) could be explained by as- suming that participants behave in a Bayes optimal manner. In this study, we experimentally manipulate participants’ prior information about body-in-space orientation and measure the effect of this manipulation on the subjective visual vertical (SVV). Specifically, we explore the effects of veridical and misleading instructions about body tilt orientations on the SVV. We used a psychophys- ical 2AFC SVV task at roll tilt angles of 0 degrees, 16 degrees and 4 degrees CW and CCW. Participants were tilted to 4 degrees under different instruction conditions: in one condition, participants received veridical instructions as to their tilt angle, whereas in another condition, participants received the mis- leading instruction that their body position was perfectly upright. Our results indicate systematic differences between the instruction conditions at 4 degrees CW and CCW. Participants did not simply use an ego-centric reference frame in the misleading condition; instead, participants’ estimates of the SVV seem to lie between their head’s Z-axis and the estimate of the SVV as measured in the veridical condition. All participants displayed A-effects at roll tilt an- gles of 16 degrees CW and CCW. We discuss our results in the context of the Bayesian model by De Vrijer et al. (2009), and claim that this pattern of re- sults is consistent with a manipulation of precision of a prior distribution over body-in-space orientations. Furthermore, we introduce a Bayesian Generalized Linear Model for estimating parameters of participants’ psychometric function, which allows us to jointly estimate group level and individual level parameters under all experimental conditions simultaneously, rather than relying on the traditional two-step approach to obtaining group level parameter estimates.


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Studies of memory-guided saccades in monkeys show an upward bias, while studies of antisaccades in humans show a diagonal effect, a deviation of endpoints toward the 45° diagonal. To determine if these two different spatial biases are specific to different types of saccades, we studied prosaccades, antisaccades and memory-guided saccades in humans. The diagonal effect occurred not with prosaccades but with antisaccades and memory-guided saccades with long intervals, consistent with hypotheses that it originates in computations of goal location under conditions of uncertainty. There was a small upward bias for memory-guided saccades but not prosaccades or antisaccades. Thus this bias is not a general effect of target uncertainty but a property specific to memory-guided saccades.


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Visual exploration of natural scenes imposes demands that differ between the upper and the lower visual hemifield. Yet little is known about how ocular motor performance is affected by the location of visual stimuli or the direction of a behavioural response. We compared saccadic latencies between upper and lower hemifield in a variety of conditions, including short-latency prosaccades, long-latency prosaccades, antisaccades, memory-guided sac- cades and saccades with increased attentional and selection demand. All saccade types, except memory guided saccades, had shorter latencies when saccades were directed to- wards the upper field as compared to downward saccades (p<0.05). This upper field reaction time advantage probably arises in ocular motor rather than visual processing. It may originate in structures involved in motor preparation rather than execution.


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Part of the geophysical work at the German Georg von Neumayer Station is the recording of the tidal movement of the Ekström Ice Shelf. Measurements are performed with an earthtide gravity meter for the vertical component of the movement and two simple tiltmeters for the horizontal components. Gravity measurements were done continuously during the 1984/85 winter season at the observatory of the Georg von Neumayer Station. Tilt measurements were carried out at the station and at three locations on an ice-rise at about 10 km distance from the station. Gravity measurements provide the tidal movements of the ice shelf, which amounts to about 1 m at spring tide. The most important result of the tiltmeter measurements lies in the fact that the amplitudes of tilt are substantially larger at the ice-rlse than at the observatory. Results of tide-correlated ice quake activities are also presented.


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La idea de aportar a la vivienda en altura las cualidades de la casa patio, se ha estudiado durante años. Podemos decir que el origen de este análisis se inició en 1922 cuando Le Corbusier empezó a investigar a cerca de los Inmuebles Villa; sin duda sabemos que ha llegado hasta la actualidad. Ayudado por la labor de búsqueda de diferentes arquitectos a lo largo de la historia, podemos afirmar que todos los casos conforman una idea única de proyecto. La idea de agrupar casas patio en altura manteniendo las características propias de este tipo de viviendas, privacidad, espacio libre, apertura cenital, comunicación interior‐exterior… Los Inmuebles‐Villa serán repetidamente aludidos, citados o retomados como un tipo paradigmático entre las propuestas de agrupaciones de casas patio en altura. Si pensamos en el concepto tradicional de patio, denominarlo como un espacio de viviendas apiladas en altura no parece una elección adecuada, no obstante la noción de patio permite una gran cantidad de asociaciones. Su valor radica en el traslado de una idea conocida a un nuevo contexto, produciendo así una reformulación del problema. Elegimos para este proceso, la vivienda colectiva, entendiendo la colectividad como agrupación, pues es esta agrupación de vivienda la encargada de crear ciudad; así no sólo vale la pena dar importancia a una célula con su independencia, sino en la relación que estas establecen con sus semejantes. De ahí la idea de que esa colectividad de casas patio, pueda darse también en vertical, buscando las condiciones antes mencionadas. Un deseo que apareció en el Movimiento Moderno y que desde ese momento ha sido algo anhelado por la arquitectura hasta nuestros días. El patio se presenta en la mayoría de las ocasiones como un espacio con múltiples afecciones, desde el patio que aporta a la vivienda una zona de esparcimiento hasta un espacio destinado a la ventilación, aunque en definitiva, podemos decir que consiste en un espacio capaz de contener un lugar. Quizás por eso aparece de diversas formas en nuestra arquitectura, sin importar su ubicación o forma. Simplemente un espacio que aporta al interior unas características que esas viviendas nunca alcanzarían sin él. Por eso lo que conocemos como casa patio es un tipo de arquitectura que se extiende hasta la antigüedad. Ese concepto de espacio exterior incorporado a la vivienda es una de las piezas fundamentales en nuestra arquitectura. Una idea ampliamente estudiada que deja a un lado los diferentes tipos de “patio” que fueron apareciendo, así como las múltiples funciones que dichos espacios fueron capaces de llevar a cabo, primando en definitiva la forma en la que cambiaron la idea de habitar. A lo largo de este análisis se han ido hallando evidencias de los múltiples mecanismos empleados en los casos estudiados. Como se ha visto, en ellos aparecen características que únicamente pueden aparecer en un espacio exterior cuando se trata de un patio. Los patios estudiados se consideran patios tradicionales, independientemente de la cota a la que se encuentren, aunque no cumplan alguna de las características a priori necesarias para la definición de patio. Para captar la esencia de esos espacios, no es necesario traspasar sus límites, ya que ésta se irradia al interior e invade la atmósfera de los espacios contiguos. Se plantea como objetivo principal rastrear las huellas de una investigación proyectual que Le Corbusier inaugura y deja abierta; se trata de descubrir qué ecos, qué rebotes, qué repercusiones tiene el concepto de patio en altura a lo largo de su historia. En esta búsqueda de identificación de las características de estos espacios, hemos seleccionado tres casos, partiendo de las experiencias tanto en patios tradicionales como en patios en altura de tres maestros como son Le Corbusier, José Luis Sert y Charles Correa. Los casos estudiados podrían haber sido muchos más. Este número supone solo un ejemplo de un universo mayor, que ha sido operativo para el desarrollo de este trabajo. Ellos nos guiarán por su arquitectura para intentar resolver la idea de los patios en altura. Hemos analizado las influencias proyectuales existentes entre algunos de los casos que forman parte de esta reflexión, entre los que existen unos vínculos claros, que pueden ser esas claves que estamos buscando para resolver la agrupación de casa patio en altura. A través de este trabajo se ha puesto de manifiesto que la aplicación del concepto de casas patio en altura depende tanto de su ubicación, del clima y la cultura local, como el tipo de patio del que se parte. De estos conceptos surgen soluciones diferentes entre ellas y por tanto no pueden extrapolarse una sola idea a todos los casos. Algunas ideas están presentes durante toda la investigación: fachadas como resultado de la repetición de células, sucesión de espacios, plantas de casas patio tradicional, dobles alturas…Otros casos destacan por su singularidad, por haber buscado la solución del problema mediante la originalidad. En definitiva buscamos casas patio en altura. Y si esta tesis contribuye, en alguna medida, a obtener las claves para que esta tipología edificatoria funcione, de sus características, sus necesidades, y su resultado, es decir, de su búsqueda de ese deseo moderno que presentábamos al principio, será entonces que esa tipología ilusoria, sea una arquitectura real, y por lo tanto también podrá llevarse a cabo y dejar de ser un deseo para convertirse en realidad. Sera que el deseo moderno se ha cumplido. ABSTRACT The idea of giving housing the height of the patio housing qualities, it has been studied for ages. It can be said that the origin of this analysis was started in 1922, when Le Cobustier began investigating about The Villa Building: obviously it is known nowadays due to different architect’s labor of searching through the history. It’s easy to say that all the cases shape a single project idea , the idea of gathering patio houses with the same height keeping the inner characteristics of traditional patio houses such privacy, free space, zenithal opening, inside –outside communication…etc. If we thought about the traditional concept of patio, to define it, in the case of gathering because of the height, it is not suitable to consider it like a pile of houses with the same height. Nevertheless the concept of patio allows a wide variety of settlements. Its worth is based on the transference of a renowned idea into a new context, producing thus a reformulation of the problem. The patio is frequently disposed like a zone with multiple utilities, from the leisure zone patio to an air circulating space, definitively it can be said that it consists on a space which is able to content a place. Maybe that is why it appears in various forms in our architecture, regardless of its placement or shape. It is simply a space which provides many features which are impossible to reach without it. That is what we know as patio house is a type of architecture which is spread till antiquity. This concept of outdoors space joined housing is one of the main pieces of our architecture. It is an idea wide analyses which lefts aside the different types of patios which were developed, focusing mainly the way they changed the idea of inhabiting. We have chosen for this analysis process, the collective housing, we understood collective like group, thus it is the group of housing responsible to built up a city, not just it is worth to give importance to an independent cell, in addition to the relation which those ones can stablish with their similar ones. Due to the idea of collectivity of patio houses, it can be also developed in vertical, looking for the previously mention condition. A wish which appeared with the modern movement and since then it has been something desired by architecture just nowadays. It is understood as the main target to follow the trail about a project investigation which was begun and left open by Le Cobustier: the task is discovering the resonances, the bounces and repercussions which belong to the patio concept in height through its history. In this quest to distinguish the characteristics of these spaces, we have chosen three cases, starting from the experiences as traditional patios as in the height of patios of the masters such as Le Cobustier, Jose Luis Sert and Charles Correa. The studied cases could be even more. This number is just an example of a huger universe, which has been operational for the developing of this work. We will be managed through their architecture trying to solve the idea of patios according to their height. Over this analysis evidences there are found multiple mechanics used in the studied cases. As we could see later, in these ones there are characteristics which are only found in an outdoors space when it is a patio. The studied patios are considered traditional patios, independently of the level they have, although they do not fit at first some of the necessary characteristics included in a patio definition. To catch the essence of those spaces, it is not necessary to go through its limits, since it is transmitted to the interior and pervades the adjoining spaces. It has been analyzed the project influences exiting among several cases which build up part of this consideration , among them there are some clear links, which may be these keys we are looking for to solve the joint of patio houses in height. With this work it has been highlighted that the application of the patios houses in height concept depends not only on its placement, the weather and the local culture, but also on the type of patio we are using. From these considerations different solutions were given by themselves as consequence they can be extrapolated into a single idea for all the cases. Some ideas are present along the complete investigation: facades resulting from cells repetition, series of spaces, traditional patio house floor, double height… Some other cases stand out due to it singularity, because they have searched for a solution to the problem by means of originality. To sum up, we look for patio houses in height. And if this thesis contributes, in some way, to get the clues to make work this type of building, about its characteristics, its necessities and its result, in other words, its searching of this modern desire that we showed at the beginning, then this imaginary typo will be a real architecture therefore it can also come truth and can abandon the form of wish to became into a reality. So the modern desire has been fulfilled.


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Differential clinical diagnosis of the parkinsonian syndromes, viz., Parkinson’s disease (PD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and multiple system atrophy (MSA) can be difficult. Eye movement problems, however, are a chronic complication of many of these disorders and may be a useful aid to diagnosis. Hence, the presence in PSP of vertical supranuclear gaze palsy, fixation instability, lid retraction, blepharospasm, and apraxia of eyelid opening and closing is useful in separating PD from PSP. Moreover, atypical features of PSP include slowing of upward saccades, moderate slowing of downward saccades, the presence of a full range of voluntary vertical eye movements, a curved trajectory of oblique saccades, and absence of square-wave jerks. Downgaze palsy is probably the most useful diagnostic clinical symptom of PSP. By contrast, DLB patients are specifically impaired in both reflexive and saccadic execution and in the performance of more complex saccadic eye movement tasks. Problems in convergence in DLB are also followed by akinesia and rigidity. Abnormal ocular fixation may occur in a significant proportion of MSA patients along with excessive square-wave jerks, a mild supranuclear gaze palsy, a gaze-evoked nystagmus, a positioning down-beat nystagmus, mild-moderate saccadic hypometria, impaired smooth pursuit movements, and reduced vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) suppression. There may be considerable overlap between the eye movement problems characteristic of the various parkinsonian disorders, but taken together with other signs and symptoms, can be a useful aid in differential diagnosis, especially in the separation of PD and PSP.


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Thirteen international netballers viewed static images of scenarios taken from netball open play. Two ‘team mates’, each marked by one opponent, could be seen in each image; each team mate-opponent pair was located on opposite sides of the vertical meridian, such that a binary response was required (‘left’ or ‘right’) from the participant, in order to select a team mate to whom they would pass the ball. For each trial, a spoken word (“left”/“right”) was presented monaurally at the onset of the visual image. Spatially invalid auditory cues (i.e., in the ear contralateral to the correct passing option), reduced performance accuracy relative to valid ones. Semantically invalid cues (e.g., a call of “left” when the target was right-located), increased response times relative to valid ones. However, there were no accompanying changes in visual attention to the team mates and their markers. The effects of auditory cues on covert attentional shifts and decision-making are discussed.


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The aims of the present study were to determine the effect of firefighter's boots on the vertical component of the ground reaction force (GRF) at heel strike, also known as heel strike transient and to analyze the effect of the viscoelastic insoles placed into the firefighter’s boots on this force during the gait. The magnitude of the impact force (FZI) from the vertical ground reaction force, the time to the production of this force (TZI) and the loading rate (GC) were registered. 39 firefighters without any pathology during 2 years before the study were recruited. Three different walking conditions were tested: 1) gait with firefighter's boots, 2) gait with firefighter's boots and viscoelastic insoles and 3) gait with sport shoes. The results showed a higher production and magnitude of the impact force during gait with firefighter's boots than during gait with sport shoes (13,1 vs. 2,6 % of occurrence of the impact force and 61,39 ± 35,18 %BW (body weight) vs. 49,38 ± 22,99 %BW, respectively). The gait with viscoelastic insoles placed into the firefighter's boots did not show significant differences in any of the parameters characterizing the impact force compared to the gait without insoles. The results of this study show a lower cushioning of the impact force during the gait with firefighter's boots in comparison to the gait with sport shoes and the inefficiency of the viscoelastic insoles placed inside the firefighter's boots to ameliorate the cushioning of the impact force at natural walking speed.