960 resultados para Vein Extension


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Debugging electronic circuits is traditionally done with bench equipment directly connected to the circuit under debug. In the digital domain, the difficulties associated with the direct physical access to circuit nodes led to the inclusion of resources providing support to that activity, first at the printed circuit level, and then at the integrated circuit level. The experience acquired with those solutions led to the emergence of dedicated infrastructures for debugging cores at the system-on-chip level. However, all these developments had a small impact in the analog and mixed-signal domain, where debugging still depends, to a large extent, on direct physical access to circuit nodes. As a consequence, when analog and mixed-signal circuits are integrated as cores inside a system-on-chip, the difficulties associated with debugging increase, which cause the time-to-market and the prototype verification costs to also increase. The present work considers the IEEE1149.4 infrastructure as a means to support the debugging of mixed-signal circuits, namely to access the circuit nodes and also an embedded debug mechanism named mixed-signal condition detector, necessary for watch-/breakpoints and real-time analysis operations. One of the main advantages associated with the proposed solution is the seamless migration to the system-on-chip level, as the access is done through electronic means, thus easing debugging operations at different hierarchical levels.


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Thesis submitted to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Computer Science


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Portal vein aneurysm is a rare medical entity that can be caused by chronic hepatic diseases with portal hypertension. We describe a 45-year-old man with variceal bleeding from hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and an incidentally found intrahepatic aneurysm. Diagnosis was confirmed with non-invasive imaging exams, arteriography and liver biopsy. Following splenectomy, the aneurysm diameter decreased substantially.


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Many important questions regarding pathophysiology and treatment of cerebral sinovenous thrombosis need clarification and may depend on further knowledge on the etiology, site, extension and recanalization of the thrombosis. We studied these variables in a cohort of children and adolescents from seven Portuguese Centers. We conclude from our results that the deep venous system and the superior longitudinal sinus are less frequently affected with thrombosis but have a greater potential for serious neurologic disease and for major sequelae. Non-recanalization, at least in the long term, is not an adverse prognostic factor. Extensive propagation of the thrombus from the initial site of origin seems to be common. The early identification of risk factors and their treatment coupled with an aggressive attitude towards diagnosis and treatment for thrombosis involving the deep venous system would be warranted.


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This paper employs the Lyapunov direct method for the stability analysis of fractional order linear systems subject to input saturation. A new stability condition based on saturation function is adopted for estimating the domain of attraction via ellipsoid approach. To further improve this estimation, the auxiliary feedback is also supported by the concept of stability region. The advantages of the proposed method are twofold: (1) it is straightforward to handle the problem both in analysis and design because of using Lyapunov method, (2) the estimation leads to less conservative results. A numerical example illustrates the feasibility of the proposed method.


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Dissertation presented to obrain the Ph.D degree in Biology. Developmental Biology


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Pneumocystis jirovecii é conhecido por causar infecções específicas no aparelho respiratório de seus hospedeiros, principalmente em doentes imunocomprometidos, manifestando-se por uma pneumonia grave e por vezes fatal, normalmente designada por pneumonia por Pneumocystis. A caracterização da diversidade genética de P. jirovecii tem demonstrado que determinados polimorfismos de base única poderão ser reconhecidos como marcadores moleculares de eleição para o estudo da distribuição geográfica, vias de transmissão, resistência/susceptibilidade a fármacos, factores de virulência e genética populacional de subtipos genéticos. Este estudo teve como objectivo a caracterização de polimorfismos de P. jirovecii, através da metodologia PCR multiplex/Extensão de base única (do inglês single base extension), com a principal finalidade de constatar eventuais associações entre polimorfismos de base única, genótipos multilocus, e dados clínicos e demográficos da infecção. Sessenta e seis espécimes pulmonares, previamente considerados positivos para P. jirovecii, obtidos entre 2001 e 2012, a partir de doentes portugueses imunocomprometidos, foram seleccionados de forma aleatória para este estudo multilocus. PCR multiplex foi utilizada para a amplificação simultânea de três regiões genómicas: subunidade grande do rRNA mitocondrial, superóxido dismutase e dihidropteroato sintetase. Cinco polimorfismos de base única, previamente correlacionados com parâmetros da doença, foram genotipados por extensão de base única: mt85, SOD110, SOD215, DHPS165 e DHPS171. Um total de 330 polimorfismos de base única e 29 genótipos multilocus putativos de P. jirovecii foram identificados e caracterizados nos espécimes pulmonares analisados. Os padrões de distribuição dos polimorfismos foram analisados, sendo considerada a variação temporal e/ou geográfica das suas formas alélicas. Constatou-se grande diversidade genotípica entre os isolados de P. jirovecii que poderá ter influência a nível epidemiológico. Foram observadas associações estatísticas entre mt85/genótipos multilocus e parâmetros demográficos e clínicos. A correlação mais importante verificou-se entre mt85C e cargas parasitárias baixas a moderadas, enquanto mt85T foi associado com cargas parasitárias altas; MLG5, MLG9 e MLG13 foram associados com cargas parasitárias baixas, moderadas e altas, respectivamente. Tais associações demonstram que potenciais marcadores moleculares da infecção por P. jirovecii poderão existir e que polimorfismos/genótipos específicos poderão determinar perfis epidemiológicos da pneumonia por Pneumocystis. A análise genética cruzada permitiu verificar associações entre polimorfismos de base única. Os polimorfismos SOD110T e SOD215C, SOD110C e SOD215T, DHPS165A e DHPS171C, DHPS165G e DHPS171T foram associados estatisticamente. Os genótipos multilocus mais prevalentes foram considerados para o teste recombinatório d1. Dois genótipos multilocus (MLG7 e MLG9) foram observados com elevada frequência, e a análise genética indicou que estes se encontravam sobre-representados na população de P. jirovecii estudada. Estas evidências indicam que o fenómeno de desequilíbrio de ligação e a propagação clonal de subtipos genéticos é frequente, considerando que a espécie P. jirovecii poderá ser representada por uma população com estrutura epidémica. O presente trabalho confirmou a importância do estudo de polimorfismos em P. jirovecii, sugerindo que a caracterização multilocus poderá fornecer informação relevante para a compreensão dos padrões, causas e controlo da infecção, melhorando assim a investigação deste importante patogéneo.


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This Work Project is a case study on the credit lending process and loan pricing policy of Millennium bcp, one of the main Portuguese banks. The goal of the case study is to provide an opportunity to understand the above mentioned process and policy in a major bank and to explore the issues and interests at play when a relevant credit decision must be taken. I would like to thank Dr. José Miguel Pessanha without whom this project would not have been possible.


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Due to the progresses made in the branch of embedded technologies, manufacturers are becoming able to pack their shop floor level manufacturing resources with even more complex functionalities. This technological progression is radically changing the way production systems are designed and deployed, as well as, monitored and controlled. The dissemination of smart devices inside production processes confers new visibility on the production system while enabling for a more efficient and effective management of the operations. By turning the current manufacturing resources functionalities into services based on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), in order to expose them as a service to the user, the binomial manufacturing resource/service will push the entire manufacturing enterprise visibility to another level while enabling the global optimization of the operations and processes of a production system while, at the same time, supporting its accommodation to the operational spike easily and with reduced impact on production. The present work implements a Cloud Manufacturing infrastructure for achieving the resource/service value-added i.e. to facilitate the creation of services that are the composition of currently available atomic services. In this context, manufacturing resource virtualization (i.e. formalization of resources capabilities into services accessible inside and outside the enterprise) and semantic representation/description are the pillars for achieving resource service composition. In conclusion, the present work aims to act on the manufacturing resource layer where physical resources and shop floor capabilities are going to be provided to the user as a SaaS (Software as a Service) and/or IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).


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Abdominal tumors that can grow through vascular lumen and spread to the right heart are rare. Although these tumors have different histologic aspects, they may cause similar abdominal and cardiac symptoms and are a serious risk factor for pulmonary embolism and sudden death when they reach the right atrium and tricuspid valve. The best treatment is radical surgical resection of the entire tumor using cardiopulmonary bypass with or without deep hypothermia and total circulatory arrest. We report the cases of two patients, the first with leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava and the other with intravenous leiomyomatosis of the uterus that showed intravascular growth up to right atrium and ventricle, who underwent successful radical resection in a one-stage procedure with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass. We discuss the clinical and histologic aspects and imaging diagnosis and review the literature.


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The ligature of the left renal vein is an alternative whenever this vessel is injured. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capacity of the affluents of the left renal vein, proximal to the ligature, to maintain tissue vitality and function of the left kidney. Fifteen mongrel male dogs were divided in 3 groups of 5 dogs: Group I (control) - a laparotomy was performed, and the abdominal structures were only identified; Group II - the left renal vein was tied, close to vena cava; Group III - the same procedure as for Group II and a right nephrectomy. Blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels were measured before the procedure, and every 3 days during 4 weeks in the postoperative period. Renal arteriography and an excretory urogram were performed on the animals that survived 60 days. Thereafter, or immediately after precocious death, the kidneys were removed for histological examination. All the animals of Group III died before two months (mean = 10.5 +-3.2 days), while the animals of Group II survived during that period. There was a complete exclusion of the left kidney in all dogs that underwent renal vein ligature. In the animals of Group II, the renal cortico-medullary limits could not be identified. At microscopy, the aspect was suggestive of nephrosclerosis. In the animals of Group III, the left kidney was enlarged, and a great amount of intravascular and intrapelvic blood clots were observed. At microscopy, extensive areas of necrosis, inflammatory infiltration, and hemorrhage were identified. In conclusion, the tributaries of the renal vein were not sufficient to maintain the tissue vitality and function of the left kidney after ligature of its main vein.