797 resultados para VIDEO STREAMING


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Nowadays, HTTP adaptive streaming (HAS) has become a reliable distribution technology offering significant advantages in terms of both user perceived Quality of Experience (QoE) and resource utilization for content and network service providers. By trading-off the video quality, HAS is able to adapt to the available bandwidth and display requirements so that it can deliver the video content to a variety of devices over the Internet. However, until now there is not enough knowledge of how the adaptation techniques affect the end user's visual experience. Therefore, this paper presents a comparative analysis of different bitrate adaptation strategies in adaptive streaming of monoscopic and stereoscopic video. This has been done through a subjective experiment of testing the end-user response to the video quality variations, considering the visual comfort issue. The experimental outcomes have made a good insight into the factors that can influence on the QoE of different adaptation strategies.


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2016 is the outbreak year of the virtual reality industry. In the field of virtual reality, 3D surveying plays an important role. Nowadays, 3D surveying technology has received increasing attention. This project aims to establish and optimize a WebGL three-dimensional broadcast platform combined with streaming media technology. It takes streaming media server and panoramic video broadcast in browser as the application background. Simultaneously, it discusses about the architecture from streaming media server to panoramic media player and analyzing relevant theory problem. This paper focuses on the debugging of streaming media platform, the structure of WebGL player environment, different types of ball model analysis, and the 3D mapping technology. The main work contains the following points: Initially, relay on Easy Darwin open source streaming media server, built a streaming service platform. It can realize the transmission from RTSP stream to streaming media server, and forwards HLS slice video to clients; Then, wrote a WebGL panoramic video player based on Three.js lib with JQuery browser playback controls. Set up a HTML5 panoramic video player; Next, analyzed the latitude and longitude sphere model which from Three.js library according to WebGL rendering method. Pointed out the drawbacks of this model and the breakthrough point of improvement; After that, on the basis of Schneider transform principle, established the Schneider sphere projection model, and converted the output OBJ file to JS file for media player reading. Finally implemented real time panoramic video high precision playing without plugin; At last, I summarized the whole project. Put forward the direction of future optimization and extensible market.


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Video adaptation is an extensively explored content providing technique aimed at appropriately suiting several usage scenarios featured by different network requirements and constraints, user`s terminal and preferences. However, its usage in high-demand video distribution systems, such as CNDs, has been badly approached, ignoring several aspects of optimization of network use. To address such deficiencies, this paper presents an approach for implementing the adaptation service by exploring the concept of overlay services networks. As a result of demonstrate the benefits of this proposal, it is made a comparison of this proposed adaptation service with other strategies of video adaptation.


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Presentació de les dues noves plataformes desenvolupades per la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: ACCEDA (documentació científica de la ULPGC en accés obert) i BUSTREAMING (documentació multimèdia). Aquestes són dues noves iniciatives de la Biblioteca Universitària emmarcades dins del moviment Open Access, que se sumen a la ja existent Memòria Digital de Canàries, que es va iniciar l'any 2003 amb molt d'èxit. Tot i que el programari utilitzat per al desenvolupament d'ACCEDA és DSpace, la Biblioteca Universitària ha implementat serveis als usuaris i administradors, com per exemple, la possibilitat de dipositar documents sense haver d'utilitzar l'autoarxivament i la incorporació de l'eina BUStreaming desenvolupada per la pròpia Biblioteca.


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This PhD thesis addresses the issue of scalable media streaming in large-scale networking environments. Multimedia streaming is one of the largest sink of network resources and this trend is still growing as testified by the success of services like Skype, Netflix, Spotify and Popcorn Time (BitTorrent-based). In traditional client-server solutions, when the number of consumers increases, the server becomes the bottleneck. To overcome this problem, the Content-Delivery Network (CDN) model was invented. In CDN model, the server copies the media content to some CDN servers, which are located in different strategic locations on the network. However, they require heavy infrastructure investment around the world, which is too expensive. Peer-to-peer (P2P) solutions are another way to achieve the same result. These solutions are naturally scalable, since each peer can act as both a receiver and a forwarder. Most of the proposed streaming solutions in P2P networks focus on routing scenarios to achieve scalability. However, these solutions cannot work properly in video-on-demand (VoD) streaming, when resources of the media server are not sufficient. Replication is a solution that can be used in these situations. This thesis specifically provides a family of replication-based media streaming protocols, which are scalable, efficient and reliable in P2P networks. First, it provides SCALESTREAM, a replication-based streaming protocol that adaptively replicates media content in different peers to increase the number of consumers that can be served in parallel. The adaptiveness aspect of this solution relies on the fact that it takes into account different constraints like bandwidth capacity of peers to decide when to add or remove replicas. SCALESTREAM routes media blocks to consumers over a tree topology, assuming a reliable network composed of homogenous peers in terms of bandwidth. Second, this thesis proposes RESTREAM, an extended version of SCALESTREAM that addresses the issues raised by unreliable networks composed of heterogeneous peers. Third, this thesis proposes EAGLEMACAW, a multiple-tree replication streaming protocol in which two distinct trees, named EAGLETREE and MACAWTREE, are built in a decentralized manner on top of an underlying mesh network. These two trees collaborate to serve consumers in an efficient and reliable manner. The EAGLETREE is in charge of improving efficiency, while the MACAWTREE guarantees reliability. Finally, this thesis provides TURBOSTREAM, a hybrid replication-based streaming protocol in which a tree overlay is built on top of a mesh overlay network. Both these overlays cover all peers of the system and collaborate to improve efficiency and low-latency in streaming media to consumers. This protocol is implemented and tested in a real networking environment using PlanetLab Europe testbed composed of peers distributed in different places in Europe.


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Vintage video (1986) on laser safety, presented by Dr. Gillian Rice. This is a 37 minute video, explaining the hazards which are likely to be encountered and ways to reduce those hazards in teaching and research laboratories in higher education. Presented in 5 parts: Part 1 (1:49) Laser radiation and the body Part 2 (8:49) Classes of laser Part 3 (13:32) Safety measures Part 4 (21:32) Other risks: precautions Part 5 (31:49) Summary


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This video is for students with specific learning differences that mean that they are entitled to use a computer to type written examinations rather than writing them longhand. It show them how to use the special AER workstations that provide a cut-down version of Microsoft Word and absolutely no access to the Internet.


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Redes em Malha sem Fio ( do inglês Wireless Mesh Networks - WMNs) são previstas serem uma das mais importantes tecnologias sem fio no que se refere ao fornecimento do acesso de última milha em redes multimídia futuras. Elas vão permitir que milhares de usuários fixos e móveis acessem, produzam e compartilhem conteúdo multimídia de forma onipresente. Neste contexto, vídeo 3D está previsto atrair mais e mais o mercado multimídia com a perspectiva de reforçar as aplicações (vídeos de vigilância, controle demissões críticas, entretenimento, etc). No entanto, o desafio de lidar com a largura de banda optante, escassez de recursos e taxas de erros variantes com o tempo destas redes, ilustra a necessidade da transmissão de vídeos 3D mais resistentes a erros. Dessa forma, alternativas como abordagens de Correção Antecipada de Erros (FEC) se tornam necessárias para fornecer a distribuição de aplicações de vídeo para usuários sem fio com garantia de melhor qualidade de serviço (QoS) e Qualidade de Experiência (QoE). Esta dissertação apresenta um mecanismo baseado em FEC com Proteção Desigual de Erros (UEP) para melhorar a transmissão de vídeo 3D em WMNs, aumentando a satisfação do usuário e permitindo uma melhoria do uso dos recursos sem fio. Os benefícios e impactos do mecanismo proposto serão demonstrados usando simulação e a avaliação será realizada através de métricas de QoE objetivas e subjetivas.


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[EN]Parliamentary websites have become one of the most important windows for citizens and media to follow the activities of their legislatures and to hold parliaments to account. Therefore, most parliamentary institutions aim to provide new multimedia solutions capable of displaying video fragments on demand on plenary activities. This paper presents a multimedia system for parliamentary institutions to produce video fragments on demand through a website with linked information and public feedback that helps to explain the content shown in these fragments. A prototype implementation has been developed for the Canary Islands Parliament (Spain) and shows how traditional parliamentary streaming systems can be enhanced by the use of semantics and computer vision for video analytics...


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This thesis is focused on the study of techniques that allow to have reliable transmission of multimedia content in streaming and broadcasting applications, targeting in particular video content. The design of efficient error-control mechanisms, to enhance video transmission systems reliability, has been addressed considering cross-layer and multi-layer/multi-dimensional channel coding techniques to cope with bit errors as well as packet erasures. Mechanisms for unequal time interleaving have been designed as a viable solution to reduce the impact of errors and erasures by acting on the time diversity of the data flow, thus enhancing robustness against correlated channel impairments. In order to account for the nature of the factors which affect the physical layer channel in the evaluation of FEC schemes performances, an ad-hoc error-event modeling has been devised. In addition, the impact of error correction/protection techniques on the quality perceived by the consumers of video services applications and techniques for objective/subjective quality evaluation have been studied. The applicability and value of the proposed techniques have been tested by considering practical constraints and requirements of real system implementations.


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Il lavoro svolto in questa tesi consiste nell'implementare un'applicazione Android per lo streaming video, conforme allo standard MPEG-DASH. L'obiettivo è quello di fornire un valido strumento al fine di eseguire delle analisi sperimentali su algoritmi particolari, detti di rate adaptation. MPEG-Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over Http è uno standard emergente ed è considerato da molti il futuro dello streaming multimediale. Questa tecnologia consente di auto-regolare la qualità del video in base alle condizioni della rete, la capacità del dispositivo o le preferenze dell'utente. Inoltre, essendo uno standard, permette di rendere interoperabili i server e i device dei vari fornitori di contenuti multimediali. Nei primi capitoli introduttivi verrà presentato lo standard e i lavori correlati, successivamente verrà descritta la mia proposta applicativa: DashPlayer. In conclusione, verrà compiuta una valutazione sperimentali sugli algoritmi sopracitati che costituiscono la parte logico-funzionale dell'applicazione.


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Panoramica di MPEG-DASH e TVWS, descrizione dell'implementazione di un middleware multi-interfaccia per lo streaming video adattivo e test di valutazione del lavoro svolto


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Lo streaming è una tecnica per trasferire contenuti multimediali sulla rete globale, utilizzato per esempio da servizi come YouTube e Netflix; dopo una breve attesa, durante la quale un buffer di sicurezza viene riempito, l'utente può usufruire del contenuto richiesto. Cisco e Sandvine, che con cadenza regolare pubblicano bollettini sullo stato di Internet, affermano che lo streaming video ha, e avrà sempre di più, un grande impatto sulla rete globale. Il buon design delle applicazioni di streaming riveste quindi un ruolo importante, sia per la soddisfazione degli utenti che per la stabilità dell'infrastruttura. HTTP Adaptive Streaming indica una famiglia di implementazioni volta a offrire la migliore qualità video possibile (in termini di bit rate) in funzione della bontà della connessione Internet dell'utente finale: il riproduttore multimediale può cambiare in ogni momento il bit rate, scegliendolo in un insieme predefinito, adattandosi alle condizioni della rete. Per ricavare informazioni sullo stato della connettività, due famiglie di metodi sono possibili: misurare la velocità di scaricamento dei precedenti trasferimenti (approccio rate-based), oppure, come recentemente proposto da Netflix, utilizzare l'occupazione del buffer come dato principale (buffer-based). In questo lavoro analizziamo algoritmi di adattamento delle due famiglie, con l'obiettivo di confrontarli su metriche riguardanti la soddisfazione degli utenti, l'utilizzo della rete e la competizione su un collo di bottiglia. I risultati dei nostri test non definiscono un chiaro vincitore, riconoscendo comunque la bontà della nuova proposta, ma evidenziando al contrario che gli algoritmi buffer-based non sempre riescono ad allocare in modo imparziale le risorse di rete.


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Internet è la rete globale a cui si può avere accesso in modo estremamente facile, consentendo praticamente a chiunque di inserire i propri contenuti in tempi rapidi, a costi quasi nulli e senza limitazioni geografiche. Il progresso tecnologico e la maggiore disponibilità della banda larga, uniti alle nuove modalità di fruizione ed ai nuovi format, hanno portato ben il 70% degli web users a vedere video online regolarmente. La popolarità dei servizi di streaming video è cresciuta rapidamente, tanto da registrare dei dati di traffico impressionanti negli ultimi due anni. Il campo applicativo della tesi è Twitch, il più celebre servizio di streaming che è riuscito ad imporsi come quarto sito negli Stati Uniti per traffico Internet: un dato sorprendente se pensiamo che si occupa solo di videogiochi. Il fenomeno Twitch è destinato a durare, lo dimostrano i 970 milioni di dollari investiti da Amazon nel 2014 per acquistare la piattaforma, diventata così una sussidiaria di Amazon. L'obiettivo della tesi è stato lo studio di mercato della piattaforma, attraverso il recupero e l'analisi delle informazioni reperibili in letteratura, nonché attraverso estrapolazione di dati originari mediante le API del sito. Si è proceduto all’analisi delle caratteristiche del mercato servito, in termini di segmentazione effettiva, rivolta alla messa in evidenza della possibile dipendenza dai comportamenti dei player, con particolare attenzione alla possibile vulnerabilità.


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We study state-based video communication where a client simultaneously informs the server about the presence status of various packets in its buffer. In sender-driven transmission, the client periodically sends to the server a single acknowledgement packet that provides information about all packets that have arrived at the client by the time the acknowledgment is sent. In receiver-driven streaming, the client periodically sends to the server a single request packet that comprises a transmission schedule for sending missing data to the client over a horizon of time. We develop a comprehensive optimization framework that enables computing packet transmission decisions that maximize the end-to-end video quality for the given bandwidth resources, in both prospective scenarios. The core step of the optimization comprises computing the probability that a single packet will be communicated in error as a function of the expected transmission redundancy (or cost) used to communicate the packet. Through comprehensive simulation experiments, we carefully examine the performance advances that our framework enables relative to state-of-the-art scheduling systems that employ regular acknowledgement or request packets. Consistent gains in video quality of up to 2B are demonstrated across a variety of content types. We show that there is a direct analogy between the error-cost efficiency of streaming a single packet and the overall rate-distortion performance of streaming the whole content. In the case of sender-driven transmission, we develop an effective modeling approach that accurately characterizes the end-to-end performance as a function of the packet loss rate on the backward channel and the source encoding characteristics.