130 resultados para Uveitis.
http://bjo.bmj.com/content/suppl/2001/06/20/85.7.DC1 Leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions play an important role in the pathogenesis of various types of retinal vascular diseases, including diabetes, uveitis, and ischemic lesions. Over the last few years, several methods have been devised in which the scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) is used to study leukocyte-endothelial interactions in vivo [1,2]. Previously we reported a noninvasive in vivo leukocyte tracking method using the SLO in rat. In this method, a nontoxic fluorescent agent (6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate, CFDA) was used to label leukocytes in vitro. Leukocyte velocities within the retinal and choroidal circulations were be quantified simultaneously [3]. None of the previous methods has been developed for imaging the murine fundus, mainly due to problems arising from the small size of the mouse eye. However, there are many advantages of using a murine model to study retinal vascular diseases such as enhanced genetic definition, increased range of reagents available for immunological studies and cost reduction. We have developed our SLO method such that we can track leukocytes in the mouse retinal and choroidal circulations.
Aim: To undertake a systematic review of the literature on the effect of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and eye disease. Methods: Medline (1950-January Week 2 2007), EMBASE (1980 to 2007 Week 07), SCOPUS and Science Direct were searched on ETS exposure and eye disease using various combinations of the following terms: passive smoking, environmental tobacco smoke, sidestream smoke, involuntary smoking, secondhand smoke; with eye, conjunctiva, sclera, episclera, cornea, lens, iris, retina, choroid, uvea, optic nerve, uveitis, iritis, blindness, visual loss, cataract, thyroid eye disease, conjunctivitis, age-related macular degeneration, dry eye, tears. The above terms were also used to search abstracts published on The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting abstracts, from 1995 to 2006, and the grey literature, including PhD and MSc theses/dissertations. A search was further conducted specifically on eye diseases where active smoking has been proposed to be a risk factor, including age-related macular degeneration, Graves ophthalmology, glaucoma, uveitis, refractive errors, strabismus, tobacco-alcohol amblyopia, non-arteritic ischaemic optic neuropathy, Leber optic neuropathy and diabetic retinopathy. Given the scarce number of studies found through the above search, all articles found on ETS and eye disease were included in this review. Results: Seven studies evaluated the possible relationship between ETS and an eye disease. These studies referred to refractive errors in children (n = 2), cataract (n = 1), age-related macular degeneration (n = 3) and Grave ophthalmopathy (n = 1). The data available were insufficient to establish conclusive relationships between ETS and these eye diseases. Conclusion: Very scarce data exist in the literature on the effect of ETS on diseases of the eye. It seems appropriate that ETS should be included in future studies addressing the effect of smoking on eye disease.
Purpose: To describe the outcome of a series of Acanthamoeba keratitis treated with a similar regimen. Methods: All cases diagnosed with Acanthamoeba keratitis in a referral centre from June 1994 through June 1997 were included. Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis was based in clinical presentation and laboratory results. Positive laboratory identification of Acanthamoeba from corneal scraping or contact lens was required, unless the patient had very characteristic symptoms (severe pain) and signs of the infection, including perineural infiltrates. Initial intensive treatment included topical polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) 0.02%, propamidine isothionate 0.1% and broad-spectrum antibiotics. The treatment was gradually tapered. After documented response to anti-acanthamoeba therapy, topical steroids were introduced; they were discontinued before cessation of the antiAcanthamoeba regimen. Results: Six males and four females, with a mean age of 30.0 ± 7.4 years were included in this study. All cases weared contact lenses. On presentation all cases had severe pain, and epitheliopathy was associated with stromal infiltrate in most (seven of ten) cases. Four patients had anterior uveitis. Perineural infiltrates were present in three cases and ring infiltrate in one patient. Anti-amoebic treatment was started 12.7 ± 7.2 days after beginning of symptoms. The clinical response to therapy was very satisfactory in all patients. Within two to three weeks all patients had remarkable lessening of pain and photophobia, and improvement of clinical signs. At two to three months, visual acuity had improved in all patients. Two patients required penetrating keratoplasty for visual rehabilitation. Conclusion: The use of PHMB and propamidine cured all cases of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Cautious introduction of steroids was associated with expedited resolution of inflammation and provided symptomatic relief.
Recent advances in corneal graft technology, including donor tissue retrieval, storage and surgical techniques, have greatly improved the clinical outcome of corneal grafts. Despite these advances, immune mediated corneal graft rejection remains the single most important cause of corneal graft failure. Several host factors have been identified as conferring a "high risk" status to the host. These include: more than two quadrant vascularisation, with associated lymphatics, which augment the afferent and efferent arc of the immune response; herpes simplex keratitis; uveitis; silicone oil keratopathy; previous failed (rejected) grafts; "hot eyes"; young recipient age; and multiple surgical procedures at the time of grafting. Large grafts, by virtue of being closer to the host limbus, with its complement of vessels and antigen-presenting Langerhans cells, also are more susceptible to rejection. The diagnosis of graft rejection is entirely clinical and in its early stages the clinical signs could be subtle. Graft rejection is largely mediated by the major histocompatibility antigens, minor antigens and perhaps blood group ABO antigens and some cornea-specific antigens. Just as rejection is mediated by active immune mediated events, the lack of rejection (tolerance) is also sustained by active immune regulatory mechanisms. The anterior chamber associated immune deviation (ACAID) and probably, conjunctiva associated lymphoid tissue (CALT) induced mucosal tolerance, besides others, play an important role. Although graft rejection can lead to graft failure, most rejections can be readily controlled if appropriate management is commenced at the proper time. Topical steroids are the mainstay of graft rejection management. In the high-risk situations however, systemic steroids, and other immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporin and tacrolimus (FK506) are of proven benefit, both for treatment and prevention of rejection.
O presente relatório pretende descrever as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo e apresentar a casuística relativa a este período. É apresentado também um estudo de casos sobre uveítes caninas e monografia sobre o tema. A uveíte é uma das afeções oculares mais frequentes nos cães, muitas vezes associada a outras afeções sistémicas. Foi realizado um estudo retrospetivo com 50 cães que se apresentaram neste Hospital nos anos de 2011 e 2012 com diagnóstico primário de uveíte, com o objetivo de caracterizar a distribuição das uveítes na população canina e avaliar as suas causas, em especial a relação com doenças sistémicas. O número de causas oculares identificadas foi igual ao número de causas sistémicas, o que reforça o importante papel de determinadas afeções sistémicas na etiologia da uveíte; ### Abstract Clinic in Small Animals Canine Uveitis: Retrospective Study of 50 cases The present report aims to describe the activities developed during the traineeship in Veterinary Hospital of Restelo and presents the casuistry relating to this period. It also presents a case study about canine uveitis and a monograph about it. Uveitis is one of the most common ocular diseases in dogs, often associated with others systemic diseases. We conducted a retrospective study in 50 dogs presented at the Hospital in 2011 and 2012 with a primary diagnosis of uveitis, with the purpose of characterizing the distribution of uveitis in the dog population and evaluate their causes, in particularly the relationship with systemic diseases. The number of identified ocular causes was equal to the number of systemic causes, which reinforces the important role of certain systemic conditions in the etiology of uveitis.
A uveíte é uma das afecções oculares mais frequente nos cães, muitas vezes associada a doença sistémica. O trabalho que se apresenta é um estudo retrospetivo de casos de uveítes caninas e foi realizado com o objetivo de fazer uma análise descritiva das uveítes nesta população e avaliar as suas causas, em especial a relação com doenças sistémicas.
RESUMO: Introdução: A espondilite anquilosante (EA) é uma doença inflamatória crónica caracterizada pela inflamação das articulações sacroilíacas e da coluna. A anquilose progressiva motiva uma deterioração gradual da função física e da qualidade de vida. O diagnóstico e o tratamento precoces podem contribuir para um melhor prognóstico. Neste contexto, a identificação de biomarcadores, assume-se como sendo muito útil para a prática clínica e representa hoje um grande desafio para a comunidade científica. Objetivos: Este estudo teve como objetivos: 1 - caracterizar a EA em Portugal; 2 - investigar possíveis associações entre genes, MHC e não-MHC, com a suscetibilidade e as características fenotípicas da EA; 3 - identificar genes candidatos associados a EA através da tecnologia de microarray. Material e Métodos: Foram recrutados doentes com EA, de acordo com os critérios modificados de Nova Iorque, nas consultas de Reumatologia dos diferentes hospitais participantes. Colecionaram-se dados demográficos, clínicos e radiológicos e colhidas amostras de sangue periférico. Selecionaram-se de forma aleatória, doentes HLA-B27 positivos, os quais foram tipados em termos de HLA classe I e II por PCR-rSSOP. Os haplótipos HLA estendidos foram estimados pelo algoritmo Expectation Maximization com recurso ao software Arlequin v3.11. As variantes alélicas dos genes IL23R, ERAP1 e ANKH foram estudadas através de ensaios de discriminação alélica TaqMan. A análise de associação foi realizada utilizando testes da Cochrane-Armitage e de regressão linear, tal como implementado pelo PLINK, para variáveis qualitativas e quantitativas, respetivamente. O estudo de expressão génica foi realizado por Illumina HT-12 Whole-Genome Expression BeadChips. Os genes candidatos foram validados usando qPCR-based TaqMan Low Density Arrays (TLDAs). Resultados: Foram incluídos 369 doentes (62,3% do sexo masculino, com idade média de 45,4 ± 13,2 anos, duração média da doença de 11,4 ± 10,5 anos). No momento da avaliação, 49,9% tinham doença axial, 2,4% periférica, 40,9% mista e 7,1% entesopática. A uveíte anterior aguda (33,6%) foi a manifestação extra-articular mais comum. Foram positivos para o HLA-B27, 80,3% dos doentes. Os haplótipo A*02/B*27/Cw*02/DRB1*01/DQB1*05 parece conferir suscetibilidade para a EA, e o A*02/B*27/Cw*01/DRB1*08/DQB1*04 parece conferir proteção em termos de atividade, repercussão funcional e radiológica da doença. Três variantes (2 para IL23R e 1 para ERAP1) mostraram significativa associação com a doença, confirmando a associação destes genes com a EA na população Portuguesa. O mesmo não se verificou com as variantes estudadas do ANKH. Não se verificou associação entre as variantes génicas não-MHC e as manifestações clínicas da EA. Foi identificado um perfil de expressão génica para a EA, tendo sido validados catorze genes - alguns têm um papel bem documentado em termos de inflamação, outros no metabolismo da cartilagem e do osso. Conclusões: Foi estabelecido um perfil demográfico e clínico dos doentes com EA em Portugal. A identificação de variantes génicas e de um perfil de expressão contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da sua fisiopatologia e podem ser úteis para estabelecer modelos com relevância em termos de diagnóstico, prognóstico e orientação terapêutica dos doentes. -----------ABSTRACT: Background: Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by inflammation in the spine and sacroiliac joints leading to progressive joint ankylosis and in progressive deterioration of physical function and quality of life. An early diagnosis and early therapy may contribute to a better prognosis. The identification of biomarkers would be helpful and represents a great challenge for the scientific community. Objectives: The present study had the following aims: 1- to characterize the pattern of AS in Portuguese patients; 2- to investigate MHC and non-MHC gene associations with susceptibility and phenotypic features of AS and; 3- to identify candidate genes associated with AS by means of whole-genome microarray. Material and Methods: AS was defined in accordance to the modified New York criteria and AS cases were recruited from hospital outcares patient clinics. Demographic and clinical data were recorded and blood samples collected. A random group of HLA-B27 positive patients and controls were selected and typed for HLA class I and II by PCR-rSSOP. The extended HLA haplotypes were estimated by Expectation Maximization Algorithm using Arlequin v3.11 software. Genotyping of IL23R, ERAP1 and ANKH allelic variants was carried out with TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. Association analysis was performed using the Cochrane-Armitage and linear regression tests as implemented in PLINK, for dichotomous and quantitative variables, respectively. Gene expression profile was carried out using Illumina HT-12 Whole-Genome Expression BeadChips and candidate genes were validated using qPCR-based TaqMan Low Density Arrays (TLDAs). Results: A total of 369 patients (62.3% male; mean age 45.4±13.2 years; mean disease duration 11.4±10.5 years), were included. Regarding clinical disease pattern, at the time of assessment, 49.9% had axial disease, 2.4% peripheral disease, 40.9% mixed disease and 7.1% isolated enthesopathic disease. Acute anterior uveitis (33.6%) was the most common extra-articular manifestation. 80.3% of AS patients were HLA-B27 positive. The haplotype A*02/B*27/Cw*02/DRB1*01/DQB1*05 seems to confer susceptibility to AS, whereas A*02/B*27/Cw*01/DRB1*08/DQB1*04 seems to provide protection in terms of disease activity, functional and radiological repercussion. Three markers (two for IL23R and one for ERAP1) showed significant single-locus disease associations. Association of these genes with AS in the Portuguese population was confirmed, whereas ANKH markers studied did not show an association with AS. No association was seen between non-MHC genes and clinical manifestations of AS. A gene expression signature for AS was established; among the fourteen validated genes, a number of them have a well-documented inflammatory role or in modulation of cartilage and bone metabolism. Conclusions: A demographic and clinical profile of patients with AS in Portugal was established. Identification of genetic variants of target genes as well as gene expression signatures could provide a better understanding of AS pathophysiology and could be useful to establish models with relevance in terms of susceptibility, prognosis, and potential therapeutic guidance.
PURPOSE: Glucocorticoids are used to treat macular edema, although the mechanisms underlying this effect remain largely unknown. The authors have evaluated in the normal and endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) rats, the effects of dexamethasone (dex) and triamcinolone acetonide (TA) on potassium channel Kir4.1 and aquaporin-4 (AQP4), the two main retinal Müller glial (RMG) channels controlling retinal fluid movement. METHODS: Clinical as well as relatively low doses of dex and TA were injected in the vitreous of normal rats to evaluate their influence on Kir4.1 and AQP4 expression 24 hours later. The dose-dependent effects of the two glucocorticoids were investigated using rat neuroretinal organotypic cultures. EIU was induced by footpad lipopolysaccharide injection, without or with 100 nM intraocular dex or TA. Glucocorticoid receptor and channel expression levels were measured by quantitative PCR, Western blot, and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The authors found that dex and TA exert distinct and specific channel regulations at 24 hours after intravitreous injection. Dex selectively upregulated Kir4.1 (not AQP4) in healthy and inflamed retinas, whereas TA induced AQP4 (not Kir4.1) downregulation in normal retina and upregulation in EIU. The lower concentration (100 nM) efficiently regulated the channels. Moreover, in EIU, an inflammatory condition, the glucocorticoid receptor was downregulated in the retina, which was prevented by intravitreous injections of the low concentration of dex or TA. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that dex and TA are far from being equivalent to modulate RMG channels. Furthermore, the authors suggest that low doses of glucocorticoids may have antiedematous effects on the retina with reduced toxicity.
Intravitreal administration has been widely used since 20 years and has been shown to improve the treatment of diseases of the posterior segment of the eye with infectious origin or in edematous maculopathies. This route of administration allows to achieve high concentration of drug in the vitreous and avoids the problems resulting from systemic administration. However, two basic problems limit the use of intravitreal therapy. Many drugs are rapidly cleared from the vitreous humor; therefore, to reach and to maintain effective therapy repeated injections are necessary. Repeated intravitreal injections increase the risk of endophthalmitis, damage to lens, retinal detachment. Moreover, some drugs provoke a local toxicity at their effective dose inducing side-effects and possible retinal lesions. In this context, the development and the use of new drug delivery systems for intravitreal administration are necessary to treat chronic ocular diseases. Among them, particulate systems such as liposomes have been widely studied. Liposomes are easily injectable and permit to reduce the toxicity and to increase the residence time of several drugs in the eye. They are also able to protect in vivo poorly-stable molecules from degradation such as peptides and nucleic acids. Some promising results have been obtained for the treatment of retinitis induced by cytomegalovirus in human and more recently for the treatment of uveitis in animal. Finally, the fate of liposomes in ocular tissues and fluids after their injection into the vitreous and their elimination routes begin to be more known.
Extraintestinal manifestations (EIM) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequent and may occur before or after IBD diagnosis. EIM may impact the quality of life for patients with IBD significantly requiring specific treatment depending on the affected organ(s). They most frequently affect joints, skin, or eyes, but can also less frequently involve other organs such as liver, lungs, or pancreas. Certain EIM, such as peripheral arthritis, oral aphthous ulcers, episcleritis, or erythema nodosum, are frequently associated with active intestinal inflammation and usually improve by treatment of the intestinal activity. Other EIM, such as uveitis or ankylosing spondylitis, usually occur independent of intestinal inflammatory activity. For other not so rare EIM, such as pyoderma gangrenosum and primary sclerosing cholangitis, the association with the activity of the underlying IBD is unclear. Successful therapy of EIM is essential for improving quality of life of patients with IBD. Besides other options, tumor necrosis factor antibody therapy is an important therapy for EIM in patients with IBD.
Resumen: •Antecedentes: La uveítis pediátrica no infecciosa tiene el potencial de desencadenar severas complicaciones visuales y su manejo farmacológico convencional está asociado a importantes efectos secundarios. 1 Infliximab (INF) y Adalimumab (ADA), son dos medicamentos biológicos disponibles para el manejo de la uveítis pediátrica refractaria. Se unen específicamente al TNFα y previenen la unión del mismo con los receptores celulares; interacción directamente implicada en el proceso inflamatorio y el subsecuente daño tisular. 2,3 •Métodos: Se realizó estudio de tipo cohorte retrospectiva mediante revisión de historias clínicas de 35 pacientes pediátricos diagnosticados con uveítis durante los años 2009-2015. Se comparó control de la inflamación ocular, tiempo de respuesta y eventos adversos en pacientes tratados con ADA o INF con dosis bajas de Metotrexate vs. Metotrexate (MTX) como única terapia. •Resultados: El 45.7% de la población estudiada correspondía al sexo femenino, cuya edad promedio de inicio de síntomas y de diagnósticos fue de 9 años. El 80% de los casos fueron uveítis idiopáticas, seguido por Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (8,5%) y AIJ (5,7%). El 91,4% presentó compromiso ocular bilateral y se documentaron 2 casos de ambliopía. El 12,9% de los pacientes que recibieron MTX como tratamiento de primera línea requirieron escalonamiento terapéutico por presentar eventos adversos (Elevación de enzimas hepáticas e intolerancia gastrointestinal (GI)). El tiempo promedio para alcanzar control de la inflamación con MTX fue 9 semanas, y para Adalimumab fue de 8,75 semanas (P: 0,90). Se comparó la capacidad de controlar la inflamación del MTX vs Anti-TNF, y no se observaron diferencias significativas (P: 0.88).
Introducción: La de uveítis pediátrica tiene una prevalencia mundial de aproximadamente 30 casos por 100.000 y constituye la segunda causa de ceguera en niños en Colombia. Sin embargo, no existen estudios que caractericen esta entidad en nuestro medio. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, descriptivo, mediante la revisión de historias clínicas de pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de uveítis en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional y en un centro privado de consulta oftalmológica en Bogotá entre enero de 2000 y julio de 2013. Resultados: Se describe un total de 311 pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de uveítis, 51.8% niñas. La edad promedio de presentación fue de 10.1 años. La uveítis posterior fue la más frecuente (57.8%), siendo más común de aparición insidiosa (87.5%) y crónica (78.1%). La etiología más frecuente fue infecciosa (58.2%) causada por toxoplasmosis (76.8%). Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la agudeza visual de la uveítis anterior (20/67) e intermedia (20/69), en comparación con la uveítis posterior (20/417) y panuveítis (20/209) (p <0,05). Discusión: Los datos de este estudio proporcionan el primer reporte de las características clínicas de la uveítis en pacientes pediátricos en Colombia, donde las uveítis infecciosas son la primera causa de esta entidad. Este estudio mejorará el conocimiento de la uveítis en nuestro medio, así como es un instrumento para el desarrollo de políticas públicas para la población pediátrica colombiana, con el fin de mejorar los resultados del tratamiento de estos pacientes.
La artritis idiopática juvenil (AIJ) es la enfermedad reumatológica crónica más común de la infancia con repercusiones importantes en la calidad de vida del paciente y su familia; las alteraciones físicas presentadas pueden ocasionar ausentismo escolar. Los tratamientos de uso crónico utilizados hacen que la adherencia al mismo en la población infantil y adolescente sea todo un reto. A esto se adiciona la refractariedad a DMARDs (Disease – Modifying – Antirheumatic – Drugs) que conlleva al inicio de terapia biológica y a cambios en el pronóstico de la enfermedad. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo mediante la revisión de las historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de artritis idiopática juvenil que consultaron a la Fundación Cardioinfantil desde enero del 2008 a septiembre de 2015. Se obtuvieron datos como edad, sexo, edad de diagnóstico, manejo actual, remisión, seguimiento, tratamiento, cambios realizados en el mismo y refractariedad a DMARD. Resultados: De 108 registros clínicos evaluados, 90 cumplieron los criterios de elegibilidad. Se diagnosticó con mayor frecuencia en el sexo femenino con un 57.8%, media de edad de 7.88 años. El subtipo poliarticular con Factor Reumatoideo negativo se presentó con una frecuencia con 31,1 %. El tiempo transcurrido entre el inicio de la sintomatología en meses, previo a realizar el diagnóstico, osciló entre 1 y 60 meses con una media de 10,6 meses. Se usaron con mayor frecuencia: AINES (61,1%), metotrexate (47,8%) y corticoides (42,2%). De los 90 pacientes, solo un 11.1% de la población presentó complicaciones, siendo la más frecuente la obesidad en un 3,3 % y la menos frecuente la uveítis con un 1,1%. Discusión: Es importante el entendimiento de la Artritis idiopática juvenil como una entidad de carácter sistémica, lo cual hace necesario el conocimiento de la epidemiología para establecer estrategias de manejo y seguimiento adecuadas. El género femenino continúa siendo afectado en mayor porcentaje. Se observaron leves cambios respecto al subtipo de mayor frecuencia comparado con estudios previos. Se necesitan más estudios de caracterización epidemiológica en la población Colombiana para realización de políticas de salud pública