932 resultados para User interfaces (Computer systems) -- Evaluation


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Diplomityössä käsitellään Nokia Mobile Phonesin matkapuhelimien käyttöliittymäohjelmistojen suunnittelu-ja testausympäristön kehitystä. Ympäristöön lisättiin kaksi ohjelmistomodulia avustamaan simulointia ja versionhallintaa. Visualisointityökalulla matkapuhelimen toiminta voidaan jäljittää suunnittelu- kaavioihin tilasiirtyminä, kun taas vertailusovelluksella kaavioiden väliset erot nähdään graafisesti. Kehitetyt sovellukset parantavat käyttöliittymien suunnitteluprosessia tehostaen virheiden etsintää, optimointia ja versionhallintaa. Visualisointityökalun edut ovat merkittävät, koska käyttöliittymäsovellusten toiminta on havaittavissa suunnittelu- kaavioista reaaliaikaisen simuloinnin yhteydessä. Näin virheet ovat välittömästi paikannettavissa. Lisäksi työkalua voidaan hyödyntää kaavioita optimoitaessa, jolloin sovellusten kokoja muistintarve pienenee. Graafinen vertailutyökalu tuo edun rinnakkaiseen ohjelmistosuunnitteluun. Eri versioisten suunnittelukaavioiden erot ovat nähtävissä suoraan kaaviosta manuaalisen vertailun sijaan. Molemmat työkalut otettiin onnistuneesti käyttöön NMP:llä vuoden 2001 alussa.


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Heli Kautonen's presentation in the LIBER Conference 27 June, 2013 in Munich, Germany.


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This thesis reports investigations on applying the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach in the engineering of multi-platform and multi-devices user interfaces. This study has three goals: (1) analyze the present frameworks for developing multi-platform and multi-devices applications, (2) extend the principles of SOA for implementing a multi-platform and multi-devices architectural framework (SOA-MDUI), (3) applying and validating the proposed framework in the context of a specific application. One of the problems addressed in this ongoing research is the large amount of combinations for possible implementations of applications on different types of devices. Usually it is necessary to take into account the operating system (OS), user interface (UI) including the appearance, programming language (PL) and architectural style (AS). Our proposed approach extended the principles of SOA using patterns-oriented design and model-driven engineering approaches. Synthesizing the present work done in these domains, this research built and tested an engineering framework linking Model-driven Architecture (MDA) and SOA approaches to developing of UI. This study advances general understanding of engineering, deploying and managing multi-platform and multi-devices user interfaces as a service.


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Un résumé en français est également disponible.


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Dans un contexte où les virus informatiques présentent un risque sérieux pour les réseaux à travers le globe, il est impératif de retenir la responsabilité des compagnies qui n’y maintiennent pas une sécurité adéquate. À ce jour, les tribunaux québécois n’ont pas encore été saisis d’affaires en responsabilité pour des virus informatiques. Cet article brosse un portrait général de la responsabilité entourant les virus informatiques en fonction des principes généraux de responsabilité civile en vigueur au Québec. L’auteur propose des solutions pour interpréter les trois critères traditionnels ­ la faute, le dommage et le lien causal ­ en mettant l’accent sur l’obligation de précaution qui repose sur les épaules de l’administrateur de réseau. Ce joueur clé pourrait bénéficier de l’adoption de dispositions générales afin de limiter sa responsabilité. De plus, les manufacturiers et les distributeurs peuvent également partager une partie de la responsabilité en proportion de la gravité de leur faute. Les entreprises ont un devoir légal de s’assurer que leurs systèmes sont sécuritaires afin de protéger les intérêts de leurs clients et des tiers.


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La tribune de l'éditeur / Editor's Soapbox


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The term human factor is used by professionals of various fields meant for understanding the behavior of human beings at work. The human being, while developing a cooperative activity with a computer system, is subject to cause an undesirable situation in his/her task. This paper starts from the principle that human errors may be considered as a cause or factor contributing to a series of accidents and incidents in many diversified fields in which human beings interact with automated systems. We propose a simulator of performance in error with potentiality to assist the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) project manager in the construction of the critical systems. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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The Brazilian National Electricity Conservation Program - PROCEL - runs regular surveys in the electric-energy-consumption market. These studies are used as valuable data to better plan the actions of this program. These data also evaluate the program's performance by identifying the level of penetration of the most efficient electric equipment within the residential sector. PROCEL's main lines of action is to promote and make available the most efficient technologies. Based on the results from the latest survey, it is estimated that 24% of the electric-energy consumption of the residential sector is used by electric shower devices, which instantaneously heat the water that flows through them, normally using an electric resistance of 5 kW. These are an important factor in a country where electric-heating devices are present in about 73% of Brazilian households. Keeping that in mind, the purpose of this work is to present the main results of the Brazilian Solar-Water-Heating-Systems Evaluation, finished in 2010, where 535 installations were visited and more than 50 researchers from different universities participated in the project. Moreover, seven Brazilian cities were selected to be studied. The information was collected from field research and statistically treated. The collected information focused on the adequacy of the project to the household, installation, operation and life cycle of the systems, as well as the users' satisfaction level. Technical questionnaires were developed to summarize all the required information, such as a Web site designed to organize and manage the data collected and a Matlab application that performed the dimensioning and F-chart systems evaluation. Quality indicators were created through a full system monitoring, with thermographic analysis and evaluation of shading influence at the system's efficiency, using the Ecotect software.


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This paper presents a performance analysis of a baseband multiple-input single-output ultra-wideband system over scenarios CM1 and CM3 of the IEEE 802.15.3a channel model, incorporating four different schemes of pre-distortion: time reversal, zero-forcing pre-equaliser, constrained least squares pre-equaliser, and minimum mean square error pre-equaliser. For the third case, a simple solution based on the steepest-descent (gradient) algorithm is adopted and compared with theoretical results. The channel estimations at the transmitter are assumed to be truncated and noisy. Results show that the constrained least squares algorithm has a good trade-off between intersymbol interference reduction and signal-to-noise ratio preservation, providing a performance comparable to the minimum mean square error method but with lower computational complexity. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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[EN] This work makes a theoretical–experimental contribution to the study of ester and alkane solutions. Experimental data of isobaric vapor–liquid equilibria (VLE) are presented at 101.3 kPa for binary systems of methyl ethanoate with six alkanes (from C5 to C10), and of volumes and mixing enthalpies, vE and hE.


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This Phd thesis was entirely developed at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG, Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma Canary Islands) with the aim of designing, developing and implementing a new Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Near Infrared Camera Spectrometer (NICS) installed on the Nasmyth A of the telescope. The idea of a new GUI for NICS has risen for optimizing the astronomers work through a set of powerful tools not present in the existing GUI, such as the possibility to move automatically, an object on the slit or do a very preliminary images analysis and spectra extraction. The new GUI also provides a wide and versatile image display, an automatic procedure to find out the astronomical objects and a facility for the automatic image crosstalk correction. In order to test the overall correct functioning of the new GUI for NICS, and providing some information on the atmospheric extinction at the TNG site, two telluric standard stars have been spectroscopically observed within some engineering time, namely Hip031303 and Hip031567. The used NICS set-up is as follows: Large Field (0.25'' /pixel) mode, 0.5'' slit and spectral dispersion through the AMICI prism (R~100), and the higher resolution (R~1000) JH and HK grisms.


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This paper describes a novel architecture to introduce automatic annotation and processing of semantic sensor data within context-aware applications. Based on the well-known state-charts technologies, and represented using W3C SCXML language combined with Semantic Web technologies, our architecture is able to provide enriched higher-level semantic representations of user’s context. This capability to detect and model relevant user situations allows a seamless modeling of the actual interaction situation, which can be integrated during the design of multimodal user interfaces (also based on SCXML) for them to be adequately adapted. Therefore, the final result of this contribution can be described as a flexible context-aware SCXML-based architecture, suitable for both designing a wide range of multimodal context-aware user interfaces, and implementing the automatic enrichment of sensor data, making it available to the entire Semantic Sensor Web


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Abstract Web 2.0 applications enabled users to classify information resources using their own vocabularies. The bottom-up nature of these user-generated classification systems have turned them into interesting knowledge sources, since they provide a rich terminology generated by potentially large user communities. Previous research has shown that it is possible to elicit some emergent semantics from the aggregation of individual classifications in these systems. However the generation of ontologies from them is still an open research problem. In this thesis we address the problem of how to tap into user-generated classification systems for building domain ontologies. Our objective is to design a method to develop domain ontologies from user-generated classifications systems. To do so, we rely on ontologies in the Web of Data to formalize the semantics of the knowledge collected from the classification system. Current ontology development methodologies have recognized the importance of reusing knowledge from existing resources. Thus, our work is framed within the NeOn methodology scenario for building ontologies by reusing and reengineering non-ontological resources. The main contributions of this work are: An integrated method to develop ontologies from user-generated classification systems. With this method we extract a domain terminology from the classification system and then we formalize the semantics of this terminology by reusing ontologies in the Web of Data. Identification and adaptation of existing techniques for implementing the activities in the method so that they can fulfill the requirements of each activity. A novel study about emerging semantics in user-generated lists. Resumen La web 2.0 permitió a los usuarios clasificar recursos de información usando su propio vocabulario. Estos sistemas de clasificación generados por usuarios son recursos interesantes para la extracción de conocimiento debido principalmente a que proveen una extensa terminología generada por grandes comunidades de usuarios. Se ha demostrado en investigaciones previas que es posible obtener una semántica emergente de estos sistemas. Sin embargo la generación de ontologías a partir de ellos es todavía un problema de investigación abierto. Esta tesis trata el problema de cómo aprovechar los sistemas de clasificación generados por usuarios en la construcción de ontologías de dominio. Así el objetivo de la tesis es diseñar un método para desarrollar ontologías de dominio a partir de sistemas de clasificación generados por usuarios. El método propuesto reutiliza conceptualizaciones existentes en ontologías publicadas en la Web de Datos para formalizar la semántica del conocimiento que se extrae del sistema de clasificación. Por tanto, este trabajo está enmarcado dentro del escenario para desarrollar ontologías mediante la reutilización y reingeniería de recursos no ontológicos que se ha definido en la Metodología NeOn. Las principales contribuciones de este trabajo son: Un método integrado para desarrollar una ontología de dominio a partir de sistemas de clasificación generados por usuarios. En este método se extrae una terminología de dominio del sistema de clasificación y posteriormente se formaliza su semántica reutilizando ontologías en la Web de Datos. La identificación y adaptación de un conjunto de técnicas para implementar las actividades propuestas en el método de tal manera que puedan cumplir automáticamente los requerimientos de cada actividad. Un novedoso estudio acerca de la semántica emergente en las listas generadas por usuarios en la Web.


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This paper discusses some of the aspects of task requirements, user expectations, and technological capabilities that influence the design of a voice interface and then identifies several components of user interfaces that are particularly critical in successful voice applications. Examples from several applications are provided to demonstrate how these components are used to produce effective voice interfaces.