907 resultados para Urachal cyst
O cisto nasolabial é classificado como um cisto fissural, localizado externamente ao tecido ósseo, na região correspondente ao sulco nasolabial e asa do nariz. Estes cistos são freqüentemente assintomáticos e geralmente promovem a elevação da asa do nariz. Apesar da sua difícil ocorrência, é importante reconhecermos as características desta lesão. O objetivo deste artigo é o de revisar a literatura e de discutir aspectos histológicos e etiológicos desta condição, bem como o tratamento por meio da excisão cirúrgica.
Relata-se o caso de um cisto de inclusão epitelial em um cão macho, boxer, com 7 anos de idade. O cisto havia sido observado por trinta dias, era único, não congênito e apenas um olho estava acometido. Sete meses antes da consulta, o cão apresentou ulceração corneana indolente, tratada com ceratectomia e recobrimento de terceira pálpebra. O cisto foi removido através de ceratectomia superficial, seguida de enxerto conjuntival pediculado. A recuperação foi descomplicada e não houve recidiva após sete meses de pós-operatório.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: the paradentat cyst is an odontogenic lesion of inflammatory origin that has few clinical signs and symptoms apart from recurring acute episodes. A well-defined radiolucency associated with the roots or distal to the crown may be seen radiographically. The purpose of this article is to report on different aspects of two cases involving paradental cysts. In the first case, the patient complained about recurring pericoronitis. A semilunar-shaped radiolucency on the distal aspect of the mandibular third molar was noted on the periapical radiograph. In the second case, the patient's main complaint was chronic trauma of the overlying mucosa. Radiographs revealed an enlarged pericoronal space.Methods: In both cases, the mandibular third molar was extracted due to a lack of space. Lesional samples were sent for histopathologic analysis.Results: In the first case, the drainage of cystic fluid and a regular concavity were found during tooth removal. In the second case, a nodular lesion was found adhering to the disto-buccal surface of the tooth arising from the distal wall of a periodontal pocket. The histopathologic analysis revealed a hyperplastic stratified squamous epithelium with arcading lining a fibrous capsule with inflammatory infiltrate, resulting in a final diagnosis of a paradental cyst.Conclusions: the presence of a paradental cyst should be considered when recurrent inflammatory periodontal processes are associated with partially erupted vital teeth, even when characteristic radiographic findings are absent. Definitive diagnosis requires a clinicopathologic correlation incorporating surgical, radiographic, and histologic findings.
We report a rare heterotopic gastrointestinal cyst located in the right submandibular/submental area with histopathologic features that included portions resembling a dermoid cyst. Some theories of pathogenesis are discussed, and an origin of this lesion in entrapped undifferentiated endodermal cells is suggested.
Cytogenetic analysis of a unicameral bone cyst surgically resected in an 11-year-old boy revealed a highly complex clonal structural rearrangement involving chromosomes 4, 6, 8, 16, 21, and both 12. These findings reinforce the need for further studies on unicameral bone cysts to verify the frequency and to understand the significance of chromosome anomalies in this type of lesion.
Described is a case of squamous-cell carcinoma arising in a residual cyst in a 60-year-old edentulous woman. The clinical and radiographic diagnosis was residual cyst, and the treatment employed was conservative surgical enucleation. The cause of these changes is unknown. Theoretically, the inflammatory reaction may have been a predisposing factor.
A case of choledochal cyst associated with traumatic hemobilia is presented. The symptomatology appeared only because of bleeding into the biliary tract following an automobile accident. The cyst was resected and a choledochal cystoduodenum anastomosis performed. The early result (12 mth) was very good.
A case of a glandular odontogenic cyst is reported. All clinical, radiographic, and histopathologic features are discussed and compared with the descriptions in the literature already published about this new lesion.
The present report describes the management of a radicular cyst in a 5-year-old child. The treatment comprised extraction of the primary teeth involved followed by marsupialization. A removable appliance with a resin extension penetrating into the cystic cavity was used to help decompress the lesion. This treatment allowed rapid healing of the lesion and eruption of the permanent incisors without the need for orthodontic treatment.
Introduction. The lateral periodontal cyst, as the name implies, occurs on a lateral periodontal location and is of developmental origin, arising from cystic degeneration of clear cells of the dental lamina. A botryoid odontogenic cyst is considered to be a rare multilocular variant of a lateral periodontal cyst. Case presentation. We report the clinical and histopathologic features of a rare case of botryoid odontogenic cyst found in an edentulous area corresponding to the right lower canine of a 64-year-old African-American woman. A multilocular radiolucency was observed, and surgical removal of the lesion revealed a nodule of rubber-like consistency measuring about 1.5 cm in diameter. Cross-sectioning of the nodule showed that it consisted of various cystic compartments. Histologically, various voluminous periodic acid-Schiff-negative clear cells randomly distributed throughout the cystic epithelium were observed, as well as cell layers showing thickenings generally formed by oval, sometimes entangled plaques. The capsule consisted of fibrous connective tissue and showed rare and discrete foci of a perivascular mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate and reactive bone-tissue fragments. The final diagnosis was botryoid odontogenic cyst. Conclusion: We provide data that allow the reader to establish the differences between botryoid odontogenic cyst, glandular odontogenic cyst, and lateral periodontal cyst, helping with the differential diagnosis. The reader will have the opportunity to review botryoid odontogenic cyst clinical and histopathologic features, including treatment. © 2010 Farina et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Biomaterials such as membrane barriers and/or bone grafts are often used to enhance periapical new bone formation. A combination of apical surgery and these biomaterials is one of the latest treatment options for avoiding tooth extraction. In case of periapical lesions, guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is attempted to improve the self-regenerative healing process by excluding undesired proliferation of the gingival connective tissue or migration of the oral epithelial cells into osseous defects. In many cases, GTR is necessary for achieving periodontal tissue healing. This report describes the healing process after surgery in a challenging case with a long-term followup. In this case report, endodontic surgery was followed by retrograde sealing with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in the maxillary right central incisor and left lateral incisor. Apicectomy was performed in the maxillary left central incisor and a 1-mm filling was removed. The bone defect was filled with an anorganic bone graft and covered with a decalcified cortical osseous membrane. No intraoperative or postoperative complications were observed. After 13 years of follow-up, the patient showed no clinical signs or symptoms associated with the lesion and radiographic examination showed progressive resolution of radiolucency. In conclusion, the combination of apical surgery and regenerative techniques can successfully help the treatment of periapical lesions of endodontic origin and is suitable for the management of challenging cases.
Epidermoid cysts are rare benign tumors that are derived from the development of abnormally situated ectodermal tissue and are often an incidental finding. They are usually diagnosed between 15 and 50 years of age, with both sexes equally affected. In epidermoid cyst management, complete excision is the therapy of choice. The authors reported a case of a 24-year-old man with an epidermoid cyst located on the left side of the face, on the region of mandibular body, which was treated by complete surgical excision. The patient has been followed up for 2 years without signs of recurrence. Copyright © 2013 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.