926 resultados para Up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors


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An anaerobic consortium, capable of efficiently converting into methane the organic fraction of mechanically sorted municipal solid waste (MS-OFMSW), was obtained through a dedicated enrichment procedure in a 0.36 L up-flow anaerobic recirculated reactor. This result was obtained after several micro-reactor fed-batch procedures that allowed to obtain only a few methanization of the MS-OFMSW.


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Para la realización de este artículo, se evaluó el rendimiento del reactor UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) utilizando vinazas de alcohol de caña como sustrato.


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The degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was investigated under fermentativemethanogenic conditions for up to 60 days in the presence of anaerobic biomass from a full-scale UASB reactor. The low methane yields in the PCBs-spiked batch reactors suggested that the biomass had an inhibitory effect on the methanogenic community. Reactors containing PCBs and co-substrates (ethanol/ sodium formate) exhibited substantial PCB reductions from 0.7 to 0.2 mg mL-1 . For the Bacteria domain, the PCBs-spiked reactors were grouped with the PCB-free reactors with a similarity of 55 %, which suggested the selection of a specific population in the presence of PCBs. Three genera of bacteria were found exclusively in the PCB-spiked reactors and were identified using pyrosequencing analysis, Sedimentibacter, Tissierela and Fusibacter. Interestingly, the Sedimentibacter, which was previously correlated with the reductive dechlorination of PCBs, had the highest relative abundance in the RCS-PCB (7.4 %) and RCS-PCB-PF (12.4 %) reactors. Thus, the anaerobic sludge from the UASB reactor contains bacteria from the Firmicutes phylum that are capable of degrading PCBs.


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Avaliou-se o desempenho de um sistema combinado anaeróbio-aeróbio para o tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura, com concentrações médias de sólidos suspensos totais (SST) de 18.624 e 11.395 mg L-1. Foram utilizados quatro reatores anaeróbios horizontais com volume total de 49,5 L cada, um com manta de lodo (RAHML) e três de leito fixo (RAHLF), instalados em série e seguidos de um reator aeróbio operado em batelada sequencial (RBS) com volume total de 339 L e com alimentação contínua. Nos RAHLF, foram utilizados como meios suporte de anéis de bambu, anéis plásticos de eletroduto corrugado e anéis de bucha (Luffa cillyndrica), respectivamente. Os tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) e as cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV) aplicadas no RAHML foram de 12 e 10 h e 53 e 61 g DQO (L d)-1, respectivamente. O RBS foi operado com ciclo de 24 h e COV de 0,34 e 0,50 g DQO (L d)-1. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQOtotal e SST para o conjunto de reatores anaeróbios horizontais, em série, foram de 96 e 99%, e de 96 e 95%, respectivamente. As maiores produções volumétricas de metano ocorreram nos RAHLF, com valores médios de até 0,744 m³ CH4 (m³ reator d)-1. A inclusão do RBS permitiu melhorar a qualidade do efluente e a estabilidade do sistema de tratamento, atingindo eficiências de remoção de DQOtotal e SST de 99 e 99%, e de 98 e 99%, respectivamente. No RBS, ocorreu nitrificação e desnitrificação, com remoções de N-amoniacal de até 65%.


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This paper reports on results obtained from experiments carried out in an acidogenic anaerobic reactor aiming at the optimization of hydrogen production by altering the degree of back-mixing. It was hypothesized that there is an optimum operating point that maximizes the hydrogen yield. Experiments were performed in a packed-bed bioreactor by covering a broad range of recycle ratios (R) and the optimum point was obtained for an R value of 0.6. In this operating condition the reactor behaved as 8 continuous stirred-tank reactors in series and the maximum yield was 4.22 mol H-2 mol sucrose(-1). Such optimum point was estimated by deriving a polynomial function fitted to experimental data and it was obtained as the conjugation of three factors related to the various degrees of back-mixing applied to the reactor: mass transfer from the bulk liquid to the biocatalyst, liquid-to-gas mass transfer and the kinetic behavior of irreversible reactions in series. Copyright (C) 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work presents the preliminary study of new carbonaceous materials (CMs) obtained from exhausted sludge, their use in the heterogeneous anaerobic process of biodecolorization of azo dyes and the comparison of their performance with one commercial active carbon. The preparation of carbonaceous materials was conducted through chemical activation and carbonization. Chemical activation was carried out through impregnation of sludge-exhausted materials with ZnCl2 and the activation by means of carbonization at different temperatures (400, 600 and 800°C). Their physicochemical and surface characteristics were also investigated. Sludge based carbonaceous (SBC) materials SBC400, SBC600 and SBC800 present values of 13.0, 111.3 and 202.0m(2)/g of surface area. Biodecolorization levels of 76% were achieved for SBC600 and 86% for SBC800 at space time (τ) of 1.0min, similar to that obtained with commercial activated carbons in the continuous anaerobic up-flow packed bed reactor (UPBR). The experimental data fit well to the first order kinetic model and equilibrium data are well represented by the Langmuir isotherm model. Carbonaceous materials show high level of biodecolorization even at very short space times. Results indicate that carbonaceous materials prepared from sludge-exhausted materials have outstanding textural properties and significant degradation capacity for treating textile effluents.


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Despite recent developments in fixed-film combined biological nutrients removal (BNR) technology; fixed-film systems (i.e., biofilters), are still at the early stages of development and their application has been limited to a few laboratory-scale experiments. Achieving enhanced biological phosphorus removal in fixed-film systems requires exposing the micro-organisms and the waste stream to alternating anaerobic/aerobic or anaerobic/anoxic conditions in cycles. The concept of cycle duration (CD) as a process control parameter is unique to fixed-film BNR systems, has not been previously investigated, and can be used to optimise the performance of such systems. The CD refers to the elapsed time before the biomass is re-exposed to the same environmental conditions in cycles. Fixed-film systems offer many advantages over suspended growth systems such as reduced operating costs, simplicity of operation, absence of sludge recycling problems, and compactness. The control of nutrient discharges to water bodies, improves water quality, fish production, and allow water reuse. The main objective of this study was to develop a fundamental understanding of the effect of CD on the transformations of nutrients in fixed-film biofilter systems subjected to alternating aeration I no-aeration cycles A fixed-film biofilter system consisting of three up-flow biofilters connected in series was developed and tested. The first and third biofilters were operated in a cyclic mode in which the biomass was subjected to aeration/no-aeration cycles. The influent wastewater was simulated aquaculture whose composition was based on actual water quality parameters of aquacuture wastewater from a prawn grow-out facility. The influent contained 8.5 - 9:3 mg!L a111monia-N, 8.5- 8.7 mg/L phosphate-P, and 45- 50 mg!L acetate. Two independent studies were conducted at two biofiltration rates to evaluate and confirm the effect of CD on nutrient transformations in the biofilter system for application in aquaculture: A third study was conducted to enhance denitrification in the system using an external carbon- source at a rate varying from 0-24 ml/min. The CD was varied in the range of0.25- 120 hours for the first two studies and fixed at 12 hours for the third study. This study identified the CD as an important process control parameter that can be used to optimise the performance of full-scale fixed-film systems for BNR which represents a novel contribution in this field of research. The CD resulted in environmental conditions that inhibited or enhanced nutrient transformations. The effect of CD on BNR in fixed-film systems in terms of phosphorus biomass saturation and depletion has been established. Short CDs did not permit the establishment of anaerobic activity in the un-aerated biofilter and, thus, inhibited phosphorus release. Long CDs resulted in extended anaerobic activity and, thus, resulted in active phosphorus release. Long CDs, however, resulted in depleting the biomass phosphorus reservoir in the releasing biofilter and saturating the biomass phosphorus reservoir in the up-taking biofilter in the cycle. This phosphorus biomass saturation/depletion phenomenon imposes a practical limit on how short or long the CD can be. The length of the CD should be somewhere just before saturation or depletion occur and for the system tested, the optimal CD was 12 hours for the biofiltration rates tested. The system achieved limited net phosphorus removal due to the limited sludge wasting and lack of external carbon supply during phosphorus uptake. The phosphorus saturation and depletion reflected the need to extract phosphorus from the phosphorus-rich micro-organisms, for example, through back-washing. The major challenges of achieving phosphorus removal in the system included: (I) overcoming the deterioration in the performance of the system during the transition period following the start of each new cycle; and (2) wasting excess phosphorus-saturated biomass following the aeration cycle. Denitrification occurred in poorly aerated sections of the third biofilter and generally declined as the CD increased and as the time progressed in the individual cycle. Denitrification and phosphorus uptake were supplied by an internal organic carbon source, and the addition of an external carbon source (acetate) to the third biofilter resulted in improved denitrification efficiency in the system from 18.4 without supplemental carbon to 88.7% when the carbon dose reached 24 mL/min The removal of TOC and nitrification improved as the CD increased, as a result of the reduction in the frequency of transition periods between the cycles. A conceptual design of an effective fixed-film BNR biofilter system for the treatment of the influent simulated aquaculture wastewater was proposed based on the findings of the study.


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Avaliou-se o efeito das águas residuárias de suinocultura com concentrações de sólidos suspensos totais em torno de 6.000 mg L-1 (DQOtotal variando de 7.557 a 11.640 mg L-1) no desempenho de processo anaeróbio em dois estágios compostos por reator compartimentado (ABR) e reator de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB), instalados em série, em escala-piloto (volumes de 530 e 120 L, respectivamente), submetidos a tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 56 a 18 h no primeiro reator e de 13 a 4 h no segundo reator. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQOtotal variaram de 71,1 a 87,5% no reator ABR e de 41,5 a 50,1% no reator UASB, resultando em valores médios de 86,8 a 94,9% para o sistema de tratamento anaeróbio em dois estágios com carga orgânica volumétrica (COV), na faixa de 5,05 a 10,12 kg DQOtotal (m³ d)-1, no reator ABR, e de 2,83 a 9,63 kg DQOtotal (m³ d)-1, no reator UASB. As eficiências de remoção de SST e SSV foram da ordem de 95,6%. O teor de metano no biogás manteve-se acima de 70% para os dois reatores. A produção volumétrica de metano máxima de 0,755 m³ CH4 (m³ d)-1 ocorreu no reator 1, com COV de 10,12 kg DQOtotal (m³ d)-1 e TDH de 18 h. Os valores médios de pH variaram na faixa de 7,2 a 8,0 para os efluentes dos reatores 1 e 2. Os ácidos voláteis totais mantiveram-se estáveis com concentrações abaixo de 200 mg L-1. Com variações abruptas e acentuadas de concentrações de SST e DQOtotal do afluente, os reatores mantiveram as eficiências de remoção de DQO e sólidos suspensos, em torno de 70%, e a qualidade do biogás, com 80% de CH4.


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The effects of anaerobic digestion and initial pH on the bioleaching of metals from sewage sludge were investigated in shake flask experiments. A strain of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans was employed in the assays using secondary and anaerobic sludges, which resulted in similar solubilization yields of the metals chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc for both the sludges investigated. The effect of initial pH (7.0 and 4.0) on metal bioleaching was assayed by using the anaerobic sludge inoculated with indigenous sulfur-oxidizing thiobacilli. Although the time required to reach the end of the experiment (final pH close to 1.0) was shortened at initial pH of 4.0, final metal solubilization was not significantly different for both initial pH values, resulting in higher solubilization yields for copper, nickel, and zinc (higher than 80%). Chromium and lead presented solubilization yields close to 50%. The results obtained in this work showed that the metal bioleaching process can be applied to sewage sludge regardless of the type of sludge and without the requirement of pH adjustment.


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The effects of metal bioleaching on nutrient solubilization, especially nitrogen and phosphorous, from anaerobically-digested sewage sludge were investigated in this work. The assessment of the sanitary quality of the anaerobic sludge after bioleaching was also carried out by enumerating indicator (total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci) and total heterotrophic bacteria. The experiments of bioleaching were performed using indigenous sulphur-oxidizing bacteria (Thiobacillus spp.) as inoculum and samples of anaerobically-digested sludge. Nitrogen and phosphorous solubilization from sewage sludge was assessed by measuring, respectively, the concentration of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, and soluble and total phosphorous before and after the bioleaching assays. At the end of the experiment, after 4 days of incubation (final pH of 1.4), the following metal solubilization yields were obtained: zinc, 91%; nickel, 87%; copper, 79%; lead, 52%; and chromium, 42%. As a result of sludge acidification, the viable counts of selected indicator bacteria were decreased to below the detection limit (4 × 103 cfu 100 ml-1), followed by an increase in the mineral fraction of nitrogen (from 6 to 10%) and in the soluble fraction of phosphorous (from 15 to 30%). Although some loss of sludge nutrients can occur during solid-liquid separation following bioleaching, its beneficial effects as metal removal and reduction of pathogenic bacteria are sufficient to consider the potential of this treatment before sludge disposal onto agricultural fields.


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